Teachers’ L1 use facilitates students’ better understanding.

16 impact is that too much depend on the L1 will give result fossilization of an interlanguage Selinker 2009 as cited in Kim Petraki 1992. Moreover, if the teachers too much use L1 in the L2‟s classroom, it avoids students‟ opportunity to learn English. So, the real impact such as the students will have difficulties to pronounce some words clearly in English if they use L1 too much. L2 also should be existed during the IC learning process because IC is part of English.

3. Teachers’ L1 use facilitates students’ better understanding.

Discussing about IC‟s teachers could use first language to help students‟ understanding, 18 participants 90 perceive that teachers‟ L1 use facilitates them with better understanding. Teachers‟ explanation is the central part of teaching and learning pro cess. The students‟ understanding and achievement depend on how the teachers deliver the materials. Because teaching is not only about teachers should know many things, but they should know how to share their knowledge to the students. Participant G expressed, “Karena materi yang disampaikan dosen akan lebih mudah dicerna saat dosen menggunakan bahasa Indonesia. Karena materi IC adalah materi yang cukup sulit bagi kami. ” It will gain better understanding when teachers explain using Indonesian because IC is quite hard for us. On the same perception participant H added, “Setuju. Karena bahasa Indonesia kan bahasa yang sering kita gunakan sehari- hari, jadi kalau kita pakai bahasa itu kita pasti lebih mudah memahami dan enak juga untuk komunikasi dengan dosen. Kalau semua-semua pakai bahasa Inggris langsung panik duluan. ” I agree. Because Indonesian is our first language, so it will be easy to understand and communicate if the teacher uses Indonesian. I worried I cannot get their point if the teachers use English all the time. 17 The responses above reveal that teachers‟ L1 can help the students to have deeper understanding toward the lesson. The participants mentioned that IC is quite hard lesson. Their teachers‟ L1 could be a helper in following IC‟s lesson. Then, the students get depper understanding toward the teachers‟ explanation. This result indicates that L1 serves the function of facilitating tools to increase st udents‟ comprehension and minimize their confusion. From the interview, participant I ever experienced that she was hard to understand the material when the teachers use L2. She mentioned, “Saya setuju karena saya pernah kurang memahami materi IC saat dosen menjelaskan dengan bahasa Inggris dan karena dosen terlalu cepat jadi kita menangkapnya kesulitan. ” I ever experinced that it was difficult to understand the lesson when teachers use English in explaining. Sometimes, the teachers quite fast in speaking English, so it becomes harder to understand. Based on the interview with participant I, she was worried that she cannot understand well through the teacher‟s explanation if the teachers use English. If this case happens, the teachers‟ explanation will be hard to understand by the students. Since L1 can serve the facilitation to the students in IC learning process, L1 could be used by the teachers to facilitate students‟ better comprehension.

4. Teachers should use L1 to give clearer explanation.