Teachers’ use of L1 creates students’ confidence to join the lesson.

13 From the data of the study, each of the participants has their own perceptions on the use of L1 by the teachers in the IC‟s classroom. The finding shows that the highest number of responses stated o n the “agree” part, that means most of the participants perceive the use of L1 by their teachers i n IC‟s class is useful. Then, the lowest number of responses stated o n the “strongly disagree” part.

C. Perceptions

1. Teachers’ use of L1 creates students’ confidence to join the lesson.

There are some perceptions toward the teachers use of L1 in L2 classroom. 10 participants 50 perceive that their teachers‟ use of first language has boosted their confidence in joining the lesson. In the interview, the participants stated that they feel more comfortable when their teachers use L1 in IC classroom. Participant C stated that, “Di sini saya sangat setuju karena materi IC sangat susah, jadi kalau menggunakan bahasa Inggris akan lebih susah lagi dimengerti. Saya juga merasa lebih nyaman saat dosen menjelaskan menggunakan bahasa Indonesia. Nyamannya karena tidak ada rasa takut, misal nanti kalau pakai bahasa Inggris terus tidak mudeng jadi tidak bisa mengerjakan latihan-latihan dengan benar. ” Here I strongly agree because IC is a hard subject, so when teachers use English, it will be harder to understand. I also feel more comfortable when teacher explains in Indonesian. I am not worried to gain better understand, because if the teachers use English maybe it will influence me to do the exercises. In the same line with participant C, participant D added, “Saya setuju. Di samping saya juga bahasa Inggris saya juga kurang, jadi saya merasa nyaman. Karena lebih bisa berkomunikasi, kalau misalnya pakai bahasa Inggris dan kita mau coba ngomong bahasa Inggris rasanya berkecil hati dan malu untuk mengungkapkan. Jadi saya lebih nyaman kalau dosennya pakai bahasa Indonesia. Seperti untuk mengungkapkan ide saya atau tanya-tanya yang belum jelas. “ I agree because I have not mastered English well, so I feel comfortable when the teacher uses Indonesian. I could participate or communicate in the classroom, but if the teacher uses English I am not confident enough to participate in IC class. Such as to speak up the thought and ask about unclear material. 14 The students perceive their teachers‟ L1 use creates students‟ confidence to join the IC‟s class because it reduces students anxiety, in Harbord 1992 also report the similar finding. Sometimes the students are worried to teachers‟ L2 and they will have difficulties to understand their teachers‟ explanation during the lesson. Participant C and D similarly stated that their teachers‟ use of L1 can avoid their anxiety during the learning process. Sometimes the teachers‟ use English most of the time, triggers students‟ anxiety as they face difficulty in understanding teachers‟ explanation. As the result, the students could not work on the exercise well because they have limited information regarding what the teacher wants them to do. The use of L1 can facilitate the learning process by creating the less-anxiety classroom. It also creates students‟ confidence that can lead the students to actively participate and communicate such as discuss the material, to speak up their thought and ask about unclear material to the teachers in the learning process.

2. Teachers should not use L1 all the time.