Teachers’ Language In Classrooms Question 1 Overall Result of Questionnaires Question 2-8

11 made lists based on the data interviews. Then, it showed the students‟ perceptions and their reasons whether they agree or disagree. From those data, the writer was able to know the students‟ perceptions toward the teacher‟s use of L1. FINDING AND DISCUSSION This part discusses the finding of the study. The finding was about Faculty of Health Sciences students‟ perceptions towards their teachers‟ use of first language in the IC classrooms resulted from the questionnaires and interviews. It also would discuss about the parti cipants‟ perceptions whether L1 should be used or not by their teachers.

A. Teachers’ Language In Classrooms Question 1

Regarding teachers‟ use of L1 in the classroom, the result from questionnaire shows that most of the participants of this study 13 participants 65 mentioned that their teachers use both languages that are Indonesian and English during the teaching and learning process. Based on the interview, participant A mentioned that, “Saya tidak setuju, karena dia tidak selalu memakai bahasa Indonesia. Kadang- kadang pakai bahasa Inggris terus dicampur lagi dengan bahasa Indonesia .” I disagree because the teacher does not always use Indonesian. Sometimes, the teacher uses English and then switch to Indonesian. In addition, participant B also mentioned, “Saya tidak setuju. Karena kalau di kelas saya dulu tidak pakai bahasa Indonesia atau Inggris terus, karena campuran mahasiswa dari latar belakang pengetahuan yang beda-beda, tingkat pemahaman bahasa Inggris kita juga berbeda-beda. Jadi dikombinasi juga antara bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris. ” I disagree. Because the teacher does not always use Indonesian or English only. They combined between Indonesian and English, since the students come from different background knowledge, that is means the students have different level in understanding English. So that is why IC‟s teachers use both languages. 12 The finding above shows that IC‟s teachers use both languages. The teachers mix the languages between Indonesian and English to help the students‟ better understanding. As participant B mentioned that the students come from different background knowledge, that is means the students have different level in understanding English. The result shows that students‟ background knowledge was a reason for teachers‟ using both languages.

B. Overall Result of Questionnaires Question 2-8

Based on the questionnaires, the result about Faculty of Health Sciences stu dents‟ perceptions towards teachers‟ use of first language in the IC‟s class are presented in the chart below. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree 13 From the data of the study, each of the participants has their own perceptions on the use of L1 by the teachers in the IC‟s classroom. The finding shows that the highest number of responses stated o n the “agree” part, that means most of the participants perceive the use of L1 by their teachers i n IC‟s class is useful. Then, the lowest number of responses stated o n the “strongly disagree” part.

C. Perceptions