Skripsi, Tesis dan Disertasi

7. Menentukan dan menyusun instrumen; apa jenis data, dari mana diperoleh? Observasi, interview, kuesioner? 8. Mengumpulkan data; dari mana, dengan cara apa? 9. Analisis data; memerlukan ketekunan dan pengertian terhadap data. Apa jenis data akan menentukan teknis analisisnya 10.Menarik kesimpulan; memerlukan kejujuran, apakah hipotesis terbukti? 11.Menyusun laporan; memerlukan penguasaan bahasa yang baik dan benar. 12.Menyusun publikasi ilmiah hasil penelitian.

2.2. Skripsi, Tesis dan Disertasi

Skripsi, Tesis, dan Disertasi merupakah karya ilmiah yang menjadi salah satu persyaratan untuk lulus pendidikan jenjang S-1, S-2 dan S-3. Pada dasarnya cara penulisan Skripsi, Tesis, dan Disertasi adalah sama, bedanya semakin tinggi tingkatannya, maka semakin banyak fakta-fakta dan teori- teori yang harus dirujuk sebagai landasan-dasar penelitian, dan juga cara penyajiannya mulai dari hanya mendeskripsikan suatu obyek penelitian sampai dengan menghasilkan suatu teori berdasarkan fakta-fakta empiris. Banyak mahasiswa yang sedang menyusun Tesis, dan Disertasi memilih untuk menunda-nunda proses penyusunan proposal penelitiannya atau bahkan tidak menyelesaikan Tesis, dan Disertasinya karena tidak tahu harus mulainya darimana atau sudah jenuh dengan revisi yang tak kunjung selesai atau tidak mempunyai waktu; misalnya karena sambil bekerja. Sebenarnya yang menjadi kendala dalam penyusunan suatu proposal penelitian adalah : 1 Komitmen yang kurang kuat pada diri mahasiswa untuk mau memulai menyusun proposal penelitian. Jangan takut salah Orang yang SUKSES adalah orang yang pernah membuat KESALAHAN; Tidak ada orang yang SUKSES tanpa mengalami suatu KESALAHAN 2 Kesulitan dalam menentukan masalah penelitian yang ingin diketahui lebih lanjut, sebagai titik awal untuk menyusun suatu proposal penelitian 3 Tidak mempunyai referensi yang cukup terkait dengan topik penelitiannya, dan 4 Kurang pengalaman dalam menulis karya ilmiah sehingga sulit untuk menguraikan pendapatnya dalam bentuk tulisan. Definition of Thesis: A lot of definitions of a thesis can be given. And it is only up to you to decide what definition of a thesis you choose and what definition will be a basis of your work. 9 The thesis is the main idea of ones research. The thesis or dissertation is normally the culmination of a candidates research; submission of the thesis represents the completion of the final requirement for the degree being sought. In certain faculties such as fine or performance arts, the thesis may be a form of an artistic performance, a written work of music, or of fiction, for example, or a painting or other artistic production. The length of the thesis will vary depending on the specific degree. Thesis submitted as part of the requirements for an undergraduate degree are usually much shorter than those submitted as part of a Ph.D. or other research- oriented doctorate . Length may be calculated in number of words, number of pages, or, when the thesis is written in a character-based language, number of characters. Definition of a thesis, variant 1: According to this definition, a thesis is an academic writing prepared by a student and based on his\her own research in order to get a degree. When talking about this variant of thesis definition, we assume that the purpose of a thesis is to check student’s abilities and skills. This variant of thesis definition is considered to be more academic. Definition of a thesis, variant 2: This thesis definition is based on students’ points of view. Some of them find thesis writing to be an interesting and thrilling assignment, which helps demonstrate their knowledge and skills. But some students consider such task as thesis writing to be a real challenge for them. They should do a lot. They spend their time and become nervous when they start writing a thesis. So, this definition of a thesis seems rather pessimistic, don’t you think so? Definition of a thesis, variant 3: Thesis writing requires a lot of practice and researches. In order to prove your ideas, you are to make an investigation to gather needed information for your thesis. You should use different sources and analyze information you have found. This definition of a thesis is more practical. Definition of thesis, variant 4: One of the most optimistic definitions of a thesis is the next one. Imagine that you have a right to create your own research, give birth to your ideas and develop them. Everything is in your hands. And you can be a creator of your ideas and dreams. Definition of thesis, variant 5: Thesis : A position or proposition which a person advances and offers to maintain, or which is actually maintained by argument. Hence, an essay or dissertation written upon specific or definite theme; especially, an essay presented by a candidate for a diploma or degree. An affirmation, or distinction from a supposition or hypothesis. The accented part of the measure, expressed by the downward beat; -- the opposite of arsis. The depression of the voice in pronouncing the syllables of a word. 10 The part of the foot upon which such a depression falls. Definition of thesis, variant 6: What is a thesis: 1.A thesis is a proposition that is maintained by argument. 2.A good thesis statement declares what you believe and what you intend to prove. 3.A thesis is a statement or theory that is put forward as a premise to be maintained or proved. 4.A thesis is a proposition stated or put forward for consideration, esp. one to be discussed and proved or to be maintained. Definition of thesis, variant 7: A thesis from Greek θέσις position is an intellectual proposition . A thesis statement is the statement that begins a formal essay or argument, or that describes the central argument of an academic paper or proposition. In academia , a thesis or dissertation is a document that presents the authors research and findings and is submitted in support of candidature for a degree or professional qualification. [ Definition of dissertation A dissertation also called thesis or disquisition is a document that presents the authors research and findings and is submitted in support of candidature for a degree or professional qualification. The word thesis comes from the Greek θέσις, meaning position, and refers to an intellectual proposition . Dissertation comes from the Latin dissertātiō, meaning discourse. In some countriesuniversities, the word thesis is used as part of a Bachelors or Masters course, while dissertation is normally applied to a Doctorate . Electronic versions of theses or dissertations are often called ETDs Dissertation definition as explained in a dictionary stands for “an extended treatise, especially one written for a doctoral degree” Pg. 254; Random House Dictionary. But it requires a far more detailed and varied approach because of the numerous technicalities involved in the presentation of the thesis. A dissertation is where the scholar collates all the information and rationale of his research work, his acknowledgements to those who have contributed toward his effort and citations of work he used in his paper among others. Definition of a dissertation, variant 1: A lengthy, formal treatise, especially one written by a candidate for the doctoral degree at a university; a thesis. A formal and lengthy discourse or treatise on some subject, esp. one based on original research and written in partial fulfillment of requirements for a doctorate. 11 Definition of a dissertation, variant 2: Dissertation - a treatise advancing a new point of view resulting from research; usually a requirement for an advanced academic degree thesis treatise - a formal exposition. Definition of a dissertation, variant 3: 1.A formal, lengthy exposition of a topic: discourse , disquisition , treatise . 2.A thorough, written presentation of an original point of view: thesis . 3. A long piece of writing on a particular subject, especially one written for a university degree. Definition of a dissertation, variant 4: A dissertation is a document that is presented by scholars pursuing their doctoral degrees but it can also mean a research project at the post-graduate or under-graduate level. The differences lie in scale insofar as a doctoral dissertation could be as long as 500 pages while those of the post-graduate or under-graduate levels could be around 250 pages and 60 pages respectively. It really has been a question of culture about what a university or universities in particular regions call a research paper. The terms theses and document appear to have been used in a flexible manner almost everywhere and both convey the same meaning. Definition of a dissertation, variant 5: What is dissertation? What is dissertation and what are their impacts in creating an era for good writing techniques which one would follow for long is always a question for all beings. The very meaning contemplates the organization of deep thoughts and its classification of the dynamic ideas and finally its presentation into meaningful form. The topic, subject involved and other secondary thoughts are quite a degree less for the paper. The primary purpose is the meaningful representation of thoughts. The primary factors make the dissertation defined and professional in nature. An outstanding piece of writing accounts for greater integration of thoughts and supporting factors which includes the references and thus makes the paper strong and provocative. The beginning of the paper must include the various components which make it stand and allow it to speak by itself. The article must include a title page which would include the topics statement and the purpose for which they have been taken up. 12

2.2. Proposal Penelitian