388 344 728 489 3.387 773 3.867 SMGR CORP PRESENTATION_Nov 2011_Final. (6.39 mb)

10 10 10 10 9.601 12.210 14. 388 14.344 4.001 5. 355 6.774 6.810 1.779 2.234

8. 728

3.328 4.343

4. 489 3.387

2.397 4.970

4. 773 3.867

2.849 3. 633 3.326 2.524 1.775 1.296 2.000 4.000 6.000 8.000 10.000 12.000 14.000 16.000 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Re ve nue Gross Profit Ope rating Profit Ebitda Ne t Profit Rp billions CAGR 2006 – 2010 Revenue 13 Cost of Revenue 9 Gross Profit 20 Operating Income 26 EBITDA 22 Net Income 29 Total assets 20 Total Equity 22 SGG HAS EXPERIENCED ROBUST FINANCIAL GROWTH 2010 11 11 STRONG BALANCE SHEET AND RETURNS Cash balance IDR bn Total debt IDR bn 3. 836 3. 902 5. 283 1. 929 2. 939 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 660 224 159 180 151 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Include short t erm invest ment Debt EBITDA Return on Assets 20,8 17,3 23,4 23,8 25,7 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 0,10x 0,03x 0,06x 0,05x 0.13x 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 3, 0x The proj ect ed adj ust ed debt EBITDA of 3. 0x and EBITDA Int er est of 3-4x t o mai nt ai n rat i ng l evel f rom Moody’ s Invest ors Servi ce. 12 12 3. 0 2. 7 5. 2 4. 1 3. 2 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Average: 3, 6 2.0 1.6 3.2 1. 0 JSX Top-20 I NTP SMCB SMGR SMGR DIVIDEND YIELD IN THE LAST 5 YEARS 1 SMGR DIVIDEND YIELD IN THE LAST 5 YEARS 1 : Based on medi an of Top- 20 Bi ggest Market Capi t al i zat i on JSX l i st ed compani es i n di vi dend yi el d, excl udi ng Semen Gresi k f or FY2010 2010 DIVIDEND YIELD 1 2010 DIVIDEND YIELD 1 REGULAR DIVIDENDS REGULAR DIVIDENDS  Key determinants of dividend policy: • Historical dividend payout trends • Comparison with peers • Proj ected cash-flows available for dividends after taking into account potential expansionary capex etc • Analyst and investor expectations • Shareholder profile REGULAR DIVIDEND PAYMENTS WITH ATTRACTIVE YIELD 1 shares pri ce based on cl osi ng pri ce at t he end of year Shares st ock split 1:10 Shares st ock split 1:10 US Sub-prime mort gage crisis US Sub-prime mort gage crisis Shares buy back Shares buy back Blue Valley’s divest ment Blue Valley’s divest ment High inflat ion fear High inflat ion fear No cart el conclusion by KPPU No cart el conclusion by KPPU M arket Cap: Rp21.5T M arket Cap: Rp56.3T 3980 51605300 5600 5000 4000 3425 4175 3725 4900 6300 7550 7300 8750 9250 8700 9.9009.800 9.200 9.450 7.750 8.400 8.750 9.500 9.450 9.100 8300 9.500 18 05 ,52 18 30 ,9 2 21 39 ,2 8 23 59 ,21 27 45 ,83 24 47 ,3 23 49 ,1 18 32 ,5 135 5,4 14 34 ,07 20 20 ,7 8 24 67 ,59 25 34 ,3 5 27 77 ,3 29 13 ,6 8 3.0 69 ,2 8 3.0 81 ,88 3.5 01 ,30 3.6 35 ,32 3.5 31 ,21 3.7 03 ,5 1 3.4 09 ,1 7 3.4 16 ,7 6 3.5 24 ,48 3.7 41 ,81 3.8 13 ,8 6 3.8 88 ,5 6 4.1 30 ,8 3.8 41 ,7 3 35 49 ,0 3 3.7 90 ,8 4 9.600 9.700 3630 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 28 -D es -0 6 30 -M ar -0 7 29 -J un -0 7 28 -S ep -0 7 28 -D es -0 7 31 -M ar -0 8 30 -Ju n- 08 29 -S ep -0 8 30 -D es -0 8 31 -M ar -0 9 30 -J un -0 9 30 -S ep -0 9 30 -D es -0 9 31 -M ar -1 30 -Ju n- 10 30 -Ju l-1 31 -A gu st -1 30 -S ep -1 29 -O kt -1 30 -N op -1 30 -D es -1 31 -Ja n- 11 14 -F eb -1 1 15 -M ar -1 1 08 -A pr -1 1 03 5 20 11 30 6 20 11 29 7 20 11 26 8 20 11 30 9 20 11 31 1 20 11 SMGR JCI SMGR STOCK PRICE HAS CONTINUED TO GROW…. Euro M arket Crisis Euro M arket Crisis 14 MARKET UPDATE SMGR Corporat e Present at ion November 2011 MARKET UPDATE Cement Sales FY2010 and 10M2011 DESCRIPTION 2010 2009 CHANGE DOMESTIC 17, 64 17, 82 1. 0 EXPORT 0. 29 0, 60 52. 9 GRAND TOTAL 17, 93

18, 43 2. 8