An Analysis Of The Five Language Styles Found In The Movie “The Pursuit Of Happyness







Reg. Student No: 050705068







First of all, I would like to thank to Allah SWT who has given me all of the blessing, mercy, talent and time, so that I can finish my thesis entitled An Analysis of Five Language Styles found in the Movie “The Pursuit of Happyness”.

I would like to thank to the dean of Faculty of Letters, Prof. Drs. Syaifuddin, M.A. Ph.D , also to Dra. Swesana Mardia Lubis, M.Hum and Drs. Parlindungan Purba, M.Hum as the chairman and secretary of English Department, and to Bang Syamsul for all of opportunities and facilities that has given to me and for all their attentions in all academic affairs.

I would also like to express my best and sincere thanks to my supervisor, Drs. H. Muhizar Muchtar, M.S. and my co-supervisor, Dra. Roma Ayuni Loebis, M.A for having shared their valuable ideas, times, guidance and patience.

Next, I would like to thank Mahmud Arief Albar, S.S, M.A as my academic advisor. My gratitude is also expressed to all my lecturers in English Department who taught me much and contributed the knowledge during the academic years.

My lovely thanks are due to my beloved parents, H. Iswan Lubis and Hj. Ratna Balqis Nasution, brother and sister. To all my friends that had been giving me the support and friendship for all this time, thank you for all your kindness.



Dalam skripsi yang berjudul AN ANALYSIS OF THE FIVE LANGUAGE STYLES FOUND IN THE MOVIE “THE PURSUIT OF HAPPYNESS”, penulis menganalisis lima jenis ragam bahasa yang dibedakan menurut teori Martin Joos (1967). Ragam bahasa ini dapat diidentifikasi melalui situasi disaat pembicara berbicara, apakah itu resmi atau santai, umum atau rahasia, siapakah yang mendengarkan kita sewaktu berbicara, apakah itu teman kita, orangtua ataupun orang yang belum kita kenal. Penulis menggunakan 30 data dari percakapan di film tersebut yang dirasa cukup untuk menggambarkan satiap ragam bahasa. Penulis menggunakan Ragam Santai (Casual Style),dan Ragam Akrab (Intimate Style). Dan setelah dilakukan penelitian maka hasilnya dapat disimpulkan bahwa jenis ragam bahasa yang paling banyak digunakan adalah Ragam Akrab (Intimate Style) sebanyak (47%) lalu diikuti dengan Ragam Santai (Casual Style) sebanyak (23%), Ragam Usaha (Consultative Style) sebanyak (20), Ragam Resmi (Formal Style) sebanyak (10%) dan Ragam Beku (Frozen Style) (0%).







1.1. Background of the Analysis ... 1

1.2. Problems of the Analysis ... 3

1.3. Objectives of the Analysis... 3

1.4. Significances of the Analysis ... 3

1.5. Scope of the Analysis... 4

1.6. Method of the Analysis ... 4

1.7. Review of Related Literature ... 5


2.1. Language and Society ... 10

2.1.1. The Relation Between Language and Society ... 10

2.2. Styles of Language ... 11

2.2.1. Description of Five Language Styles ... 11 Frozen Style ... 12 Formal Style ... 13 Consultative Style ... 14 Casual Style ... 14 Intimate Style ... 15


3.1. Research Method ... 17

3.2. Data Collecting Method ... 17




4.1. Frozen Style ... 19

4.2. Formal Style ... 19

4.3. Consultative Style ... 21

4.4. Casual Style ... 25

4.5. Intimate Style... 31


5.1. Conclusions ... 42

5.2. Suggestions ... 43




Dalam skripsi yang berjudul AN ANALYSIS OF THE FIVE LANGUAGE STYLES FOUND IN THE MOVIE “THE PURSUIT OF HAPPYNESS”, penulis menganalisis lima jenis ragam bahasa yang dibedakan menurut teori Martin Joos (1967). Ragam bahasa ini dapat diidentifikasi melalui situasi disaat pembicara berbicara, apakah itu resmi atau santai, umum atau rahasia, siapakah yang mendengarkan kita sewaktu berbicara, apakah itu teman kita, orangtua ataupun orang yang belum kita kenal. Penulis menggunakan 30 data dari percakapan di film tersebut yang dirasa cukup untuk menggambarkan satiap ragam bahasa. Penulis menggunakan Ragam Santai (Casual Style),dan Ragam Akrab (Intimate Style). Dan setelah dilakukan penelitian maka hasilnya dapat disimpulkan bahwa jenis ragam bahasa yang paling banyak digunakan adalah Ragam Akrab (Intimate Style) sebanyak (47%) lalu diikuti dengan Ragam Santai (Casual Style) sebanyak (23%), Ragam Usaha (Consultative Style) sebanyak (20), Ragam Resmi (Formal Style) sebanyak (10%) dan Ragam Beku (Frozen Style) (0%).




1.1 Background of The Analysis

Language is an important part in human life. Language is one of the vital factors that differentiate human from other creatures. As a human being, we need language to express our emotions, ideas, feelings, and thoughts to people by using sounds, gestures and signals that have pattern. The use of language allows one to maintain relationship with other people in an interaction. So, language is a communication device using sounds, signs, and symbols which have meaning.

In communication, people use language in a practical way. We use it virtually in everything we do. Language is so automatic and natural that people pay less attention to it, but sometimes emphasized by the fact that they do not speak quite good as others do. Many people need to have professionals to learn about language, although to simply being able to use it.

Sapir (1965:78) states that “Language is a purely human and non instinctive method of communicating ideas, emotions, and desires by means of a system of voluntarily produced symbols”. From the quotation above, it is known that language plays a crucial role and a vital role in human life and also has many advantages of many various aspects of human life. By language, people are able to interact and communicate one another for whatever they do. Moreover, Lado (1957:18) says that language is the system of speech sound by which human beings, communicate with one another. The study of language that is related to society is called Sociolinguistics which consists of two words:

Socio means social or related to society • Linguistics means the science of language


Fishman in Chaer (1995:4) states that sosiolinguistik adalah kajian tentang ciri khas variasi bahasa, fungsi-fungsi variasi bahasa, dan pemakaian bahasa karena ketiga unsur ini selalu berinteraksi, berubah, dan saling mengubah satu sama lain dalam satu masyarakat. (Sociolinguistics is the study of the characteristics of language varieties, the characteristics of their function, and the characteristics of their speakers as these three constantly interact, change and change one another within a speech community).

However, language is a complex. In other words, it is not enough just to know the meaning of the sentences uttered, but the context of situation and the context of the culture must be understood, such as it is public or private, formal or informal, who is being addressed, and who might be hear the sentences.

Salzman (1998:167) states that the way individuals speak varies not only according to their original and social dialects but also according to the context. The distinctive manner in which people express themselves in a particular situation is referred to as style.

The Pursuit of Happyness movie is based on true story about on-and-off-homeless salesman-turned-stockbroker .The story is filmed with Gabriele Muccino as the director, and Will Smith and Will Smith’s son, Jaden Smith as the actors. The Pursuit of Happyness was released by Columbia Pictures in 2006.

In this thesis, I will analyze the five language styles, i.e. frozen, formal, consultative, casual, and intimate style found in The Pursuit of Happyness movie. We have known the styles of language are parts of language variation that are used for specific purpose.

An illustration of intimate style found in The Pursuit of Happyness is the dialogue between Chris Gardner and Linda (00:05:59 - 00:06:03)


Linda : - What happened?

The conversation is intimate style, because Chris Gardner used “baby” in his dialogue.

1.2 Problems of The Analysis

There are two questions raised as the problems of this analysis:

a. What are the five language styles that occurs in the The Pursuit of Happyness movie?

b. Which style dominantly occurs in the movie?

1.3 Objectives of The Analysis

Concerning with the problems above, this analysis is intended to achieve some objectives:

a. To find out the five language styles that occurs in the movie. b. To find out which styles occurs dominantly in the movie.

1.4 Significances of The Analysis

In this thesis the writer also expects to achieve some significances for the readers:

a. Theoretically, to enrich or add knowledge about the five language styles, especially which are found in the movie.

b. Practically, this analysis can be advantageous and useful to the readers, especially to the students of English Department who are interested in Sociolinguistics and its aspects.


1.5 Scope of The Analysis

In this analysis I use Sociolinguistics theory by Martin Joos which discusses the five language styles, encompassing: Frozen style (Oratorical style), Formal style (Deliberative style), Consultative style, Casual style, Intimate style.

The scope of this analysis deals with the five language styles found in The Pursuit of Happyness movie. The movie consists of 57 scenes, the duration is 116 minutes, so it is about 58 minutes, I take the dialogue or conversations in the movie as the samples (30 scenes).

1.6 Method of The Analysis

This analysis will be done by using descriptive qualitative approach. A qualitative approach is defined as a description of observation which is not expressed in quantitative terms. Nazir (1998:64) says that descriptive method is a method of research that makes the description of the situation of event or occurrence. The writer also uses library research to select the books, journals, and other written sources in the library to support the research.

The population of this research is the whole durations of the movie. Arikunto (1992: 102) says that, “Population is the whole number of the subjects or people under observation in a research”. Then, as the sample of this analysis, I will take a half (00:58:00) of the whole durations (01:56:00) by applying purposive sample method, as proposed by Hadi, (2004:91) who says:

“ Dalam purposive sampling, pemilihan sekelompok subjek didasarkan pada ciri-ciri atau sifat-sifat populasi yang sudah diketahui sebelumnya. Purposive sampling didasarkan atas informasi yang mendahului tentang populasi dan informasi ini tidak dapat diragukan lagi.”


And the theory used is Martin Joos’ which discusses the five language styles, encompassing: frozen style (oratorical style), formal style (deliberative style), consultative style, casual style, and also intimate style.

In order to find out which types of language styles occur the most in that movie, Bungin’s formula ( 2005 : 171-172 ) is used:

n =

N Fx

x 100%

n = percentage of types

Fx = total types frequency of the sub-category N = total types of all categories

In analyzing the data, the procedures are conducted as follows:

• The data are collected from the movie by gaining the transcript of the conversation occurred in the movie.

• The data are selected and grouped into the five language styles. • The data transcript are classified and identified based on their styles. • The data are analyzed

• The results of the analysis are concluded 1.7 Review of Related Literature

In supporting the idea of the analysis, some relevant related literatures which give large contribution are chosen to be the references:

Bolinger (1969) states that, “Style involves a choice of form without a change of message. It includes the motives for choice and its effects.” This statement clarifies that the style used will influence the meaning and it is used for certain reason due to


Lakoff (1975) found that there is a stereotype gender language styles in his research. Those are “feminine style” and “masculine style”. He did the research by interviewing some college students (77 women and 74 men). He also found that gender did not contribute significantly to speaker evaluations. The result suggests a need to examine more individual social patterns in order to move toward descriptions of effective communication combining competent and supportive impressions.

Oubre (1997) found one new example of language style that occurs in America. That is Black English Vernacular (Ebonics). In her study, she concluded that culture, class, gender, and all of social statue can influence how an individual uses language to communicate. She also concluded that Ebonics as a dialect because it is like Standard English which are mutually intelligible.

Gultom (2007) in his thesis “An Analysis of the Five Language Styles Found in the Movie Brokeback Mountain”. The analysis is focused on the context of situation, subject matter, the audience and the mode of discourse in dialogue that can be found in the movie. And the data are classified based on their types. The film showed that language styles and vocabulary have a string and good relationship. I use the same Sociolinguistics theory purposed by Martin Joos (1967:153-155) which is discusses the five language styles.

Joos (1967:153-155) concludes five style of language as follows : 1. Frozen (Oratorical Style)

Frozen style is a style which is used in a very formal setting such as in palace, church, speech of state ceremony, and some other occasions. This style is more elaborated than the other styles. The sequences of sentence are complicatedly related this style requires high skill and almost used exclusively by specialist, professional orators, lawyers and preachers.


Example :

(1) stated in the Introduction Fundamental constitution 1945.

sesungguhnya kemerdekaan itu adalah hak segala bangsa. Dan oleh sebab itu maka penjajahan di atas dunia harus dihapuskan karena tidak sesuai dengan prikemanusiaan dan prikeadilan” (actually an independence is the right for every nation, and because of that the colonization in the earth has to be abolished because it doesn’t conform with the humanity and justice).

(2) In another example : Visitors should make their way at once to the Upper floor by way of the staircase.

2. Formal (Deliberative Style)

Formal style is defined as the style of language that used for important or serious situation. It is also used in addressing audience, usually audience is too large ro permit effective interchange between speaker and hearers, through the forms are normally not as polished as those in those an oratorical style. The formal style labels are : yes, sir… okay,sir.. and a very few others.

Example :

(3) Mr. : And you want to learn this business? Chris : Yes, sir, I wanna learn.

Mr. : Have you already started learning on your own? Chris : Absolutely.

Mr. : Jay?

Mr.Twistle : Yes, sir. (From the movie)


3. Consultative Style

Consultative style is a style that which used in semiformal communication situation. It is one type of language which is required from everyday speaker. It is usual form of speech in a small group. Both participants are active in case when one is speaking, the other will give a short response. The consultative labels are: yes, no, uhhuu, huh.., that’s right, I think so and a very few others. Examples:

(5) Chris : Man, I got two questions for you: What do you do? And how do you do it?

Man I : I'm a stockbroker.

Chris : Stockbroker. Oh, goodness.

Had to go to college to be a stockbroker, huh? Man I : You don't have to. ( From the movie )

(6) Chris : It looks like it works around a swivel, so the center pieces never move. So if it's yellow in the center, that's the yellow side. If it's red in the center, that's the red side.

Mr.Twistle : Okay. ( From the movie )

(7) In another example : Would you mind going upstairs right away, please?

4. Casual Style

Casual style is a style that is used for the conversation in our relaxed or normal situation that is appropriate to the conversations with our friends or sometimes members of a family, such as outside the classroom, when the student have a chat.



(8) Linda : Since when do you not like macaroni and cheese? Christopher : Since birth?

Linda : What's that? Chris : What? Linda : What is this?

Chris : It's a gift for Christopher. ( From the movie )

(9) Wayne : Chris.

Chris : Hey. Did you.? Have you seen Linda and Christopher?

Wayne : No. You catch the game last night? Chris : No, no. ( From the movie )

(10) In another example: Time you all went upstairs now.

5. Intimate Style

Intimate style is a completely private language developed within families, lovers, and the closest friends. The intimate labels are : dear, darling, honey, and even mom, dad or other nicknames might be used in this situation.


(11) Linda : Hey, baby. What happened?

Chris : No, nothing. Look, I can't get Christopher today. (From the movie)

(12) Christopher : Bye, Mom.

Linda : Bye, baby. Come back without that, please. (From the movie)





2.1.1 The Relation Between Language and Society

Language is not simply a means of communicating information about a subject, but it is also a very important means of establishing and maintaining relationships with other people. Sapir (1965:78) states that “Language is a purely human and non instinctive method of communicating ideas, emotions, and desires by means of a system of voluntarily produced symbols”. From the quotation above, it is known that language plays a crucial role and a vital role in human life and also has many advantages of many various aspects of human life. In a social reflection like conversation, we indicate a language behavior in which the function of language in establishing social relationships is reflected.

The importance of these relationships has led to the growth of a relatively new sub-discipline within linguistics; Sociolinguistics. It is a broad but fair generalization to say that much of linguistics has in the past completely ignored the relationship between language and society-language is very much social phenomenon.

The relationship of language and society puts forward a field of study called sociolinguistics. It is the study of relationships between language and society with the goal being a better understanding of the structure of language and how languages function in communication. Sociolinguistics is part of linguistics which is concerned with language as a social and cultural phenomenon. Sociolinguistics will be concerned with sociolinguistic properly. This cover studies of language in its social context which are mainly concerned with answering questions of interest to linguistics, such as how we can improve our theories about the nature of language and


how and why does language change, when and why people in different communities use language varieties and with social, political and educational aspects of the relationship between language and society.

It is obvious that the relationship between language and society can be seen in relation of certain language form, such as variation, style of language, or dialect, in its application in society. By using the language, therefore the people create their environment for themselves, custom ritual, and so on.


Language has a potentiality for making communication successful and establishing social togetherness if it is used well. If not, it will be a handicap for successful communication and interaction. It is important to pay attention on certain aspect of language variation of styles of language to achieve successful and fluent communication.

Keraf (1991:113) says that language style is a way to express the idea with special language show the writer’s soul, spirit and concern (the use of vocabulary). Good language must have 3 elements, thus are: honesty, respect, good manners, and the last is interest.

2.2.1 Description of Five Language Styles

Martin Joos differentiated five levels of formality in language use. They are described as follows:

(18) style or Oratorical style

Frozen style (Oratorical style) is defined as the most formal style and elegant variety that reserved for very important or symbolic moments. It is usually used in the situation which is celebrated with respect and legitimate or formal ceremonies.

Joos in his book “Five Clocks” (1967:153-155) states that an oratorical style is used in public speaking before a large audience; wording is carefully planned in advance, intonation is somewhat exaggerated, and numerous rhetorical devices are appropriate.

Many of linguistics units fixed and there is no variation in it. Certain fixed expressions are required, for example; “Yes Your Honor”, “Yes my Lord”, “I object…”, and so on. Not only the sentences are carefully constructed individually, but also sequences of sentences are intricately related. Obviously, it must be very carefully planned and to do well by requiring high skill. That is why this style is called Frozen style or Oratorical style.

The people who attend on that occasion are often the person of high level or important figures. The occasion itself is not an ordinary occasion. It means that the occasion seems to give precedence and respect over the hearers and the speakers. Thus, almost exclusively specially-professional orators, lawyers, and preachers use this style.

In spite of the fact, ordinary citizens who attend in the court, religious services may demand frozen language because it is not an ordinary occasion and it may be recognized for achievement in their employment. Furthermore, a story or proverbial message used this style. Constitute that languages are immutable, and signal a linguistic event in the culture that is outside ordinary language use. It must not be altered in anyway.


Frozen style usually tends to be monolog, but there are some expressions for this case. It also can be involved in conversation if each member of the interaction has certain of fix verbal role to be played. For example, in court, there are judges, witnesses, juries, and so on. The example of this style is: “Participants should remain seated throughout the ceremony.” style or Deliberative style

Joos in his book “Five Clocks” (1967) states that a deliberative style is also used in addressing audiences, usually audiences too large to permit effectively interchange between speakers and hearers, though the forms are normally not as polished as those in an oratorical style such in a typical university classroom lecture is often carried out in a deliberative style.

Formal style is defined as the style of language that be used for important or serious situation. At that level, there is no symbolic or lasting value in this situation. It is also used in addressing audience, usually audiences too large to permit effective interchange between speakers and hearers, though the forms are normally not as polished as those in an oratorical style.

Formal style is usually a single topic oriented and it is related to the fact that formal writing is technical. Thus, most scholar or technical reports use this style. Formal style may also be used in speaking to a single hearer. To do so, however, indicates that the speaker fells little mutually with the hearer. When used in a situation where casual is expected, it indicates trained relationship. The example for this style is: “Those taking part should sit during the proceedings.”

(20) style

Joos in his book “Five Clocks” states that a consultative style is typically a dialogue, though formal enough that words are chosen with some care. Business transaction, doctor-patient conversation, and the like are usually consultative in nature.

Consultative style used in the most orally conducted everyday business transactions, particularly between chance acquaintances. It is the usual form of speech in small groups except among close friends.

The typical occurrence of consultative speech is between two persons. While one is speaking, at intervals the others give short responses, mostly drawn from a small inventory of standard signals. There are basic parts of the system, essential to its operation. Among them are: “Yes”, “No”, “Uhhuh”, “Mmm”, “Huh”, “That’s right”, “I think so”. A number of them are aberrant enough in phonology that they can not be represented well in spelling.

Consultative is the style most open to give and take of everyday conversation discussed so far. That is why it is typically a dialogue, at the level where the words still have to be chosen with some care. We make routine request. For information where provide answers to such request in consultative, for example, seller-buyer conversation, doctor-patient conversation, and so on. The example is: Would you please stay in your seats?” style

Joos in his book “Five Clocks” states that a casual conversation are between friends or colleagues or sometimes members of a family; in this context words need to be guarded and social barriers are moderately low.


Casual style is also simply defined as a style that is used for the conversation in our relaxed or normal situation that appropriate to the conversation with our friends, the background information so freely inserted into casual conversation.

Positively, casual style is characterized by the use of the first name or even nickname rather than a little name and last name in addressing one another. The pronunciation is rapid and often slurred, besides that the use of slang. This is a prime indication of in-group relationship. It is used only with insiders, and only members of the group assume it to known, for example, to teenagers or to some clique among adolescents.

Another characteristic feature of casual speech is the omissions of unstressed words, particularly at the beginning of sentences. There most involved are articles, pronouns, auxiliaries, and be. “Anybody home?”, “Car broke down”. “Got a match?”, “Need help?”. Such expressions are a highly diagnostic feature of the casual style; they will generally be interpreted as signaling informality. However, most speakers are not aware either of the phenomenon or of its significances. That is, they do not know what is about an utterance that gives them the impression of informality. The example for this style is: “Don’t get up!” style

Joos in his book “Five Clocks” states that an intimate style is one characterized by complete absence of social inhibitions. Talk with family, beloved ones, and very close friends, where you tend to reveal your inner self, it is usually in an intimate style.


Intimate style is also a completely private language developed within families, lovers, and the closest of friends. It might embarrass some for non-group members to hear them in-group intimate language.

The word that generally signal intimacy such as, “dear”, “darling”, and even “honey” or “hon” might be used in this situation. On the other names, nicknames might regularly prove embarrassing to hearer as well as speakers outside of intimate situations.

Furthermore, intimate language is also characterized by ellipsis, deletion, rapid, slurred, pronunciation, non-verbal communication, and private code characteristics. It is often unintelligible outside the smallest social units. The example for this style is: “Hey darling, how are you?”




3.1. Research Method

In completing the analysis, library research is applied by reffering to relevant the theories to support this analysis from written sources, such as text books, thesis, and dictionaries.

3.2. Data Collecting Method

The primary source of the analysis is a half of conversation in the movie entitled The Pursuit of Happyness. The data are collected by applying purposive sample method, as proposed by Hadi, (2004:91) who says :

“ Dalam purposive sampling, pemilihan sekelompok subjek didasarkan pada ciri-ciri atau sifat-sifat populasi yang sudah diketahui sebelumnya. Purposive sampling didasarkan atas informasi yang mendahului tentang populasi dan informasi ini tidak dapat diragukan lagi.”

Because of the limited of time so it is only selecting the data that can be the representatives of the whole data here, that can give an approve and to achieve an answers about five language styles that occurs in the movie. According to me it is more than enough.

The movie consists of 57 scenes and the duration is 116 minutes. I use a sample only a half of that, approximately about 58 minutes at the beginning, and there are 30 scenes as the sample. I collected the data by watching and have a dialogue transcript from the movie.

And the theory used is Martin Joos’s which discusses the five language styles, encompassing: frozen style (oratorical style), formal style (deliberative style), consultative style, casual style, and also intimate style.


3.3. Data Analysis Method

It is a descriptive qualitative method. As Nazir (1998:64) says that descriptive method is a method of research that makes the description of the situation of event or occurrence. And it will be used in analyzing the data by giving a description about five language styles. Even I use the percentage too, but at the conclusion it will give an explanation.

In order to find out which types of language styles occur the most in that movie, Bungin’s formula ( 2005 : 171-172 ) is used :

n =

N Fx

x 100%

n = percentage of types

Fx = total types frequency of the sub-category N = total types of all categories

In analyzing the data, the procedures are conducted as follows :

• The data are collected from the movie by gaining the transcript of the conversation occurred in the movie.

• The data are selected and grouped into the five language styles. • The data transcript are classified and identified based on their styles. • The data are analyzed.





The analysis of five language styles are focused on the context of situation, subject matter, the audience and the mode of discourse in dialogue that can be found in the movie.

These data are classified into formal style because the dialogue was in serious condition that occurred in the office building where the applicant must wore formal suit in an interview. Formal style also used in speaking to a single hearer. In this CLASSIFIED BASED ON THEIR TYPES


There is no frozen style found in the data of this research.

4.2 FORMAL STYLE 7. In interview room

Tim : “Chris? Tim Brophy, Resources.” Chris : “Yes. How are you?”

Tim : “Come with me.” Chris : “Yes, sir.”

Tim : “Let me see if I can find you an application for our

internship. I'm afraid that's all we can do for you. See, this is a satellite office. Jay Twistle in the main office, he oversees Witter Resources. I mean, I'm.. You know, I'm just this office. As you can see, we got a hell of lot of applications here, so.. Normally I have a resume sheet, but I can't seem to find it anyway…We....”

Chris : “Thank you very much. I need to go. I'll bring this back. Thank you.”


situation it occurred between Tim as interviewer and Chris as interviewee, when Tim explained about the job that was offered Chris only answered with some short responses, such as; “Yes” and “Yes, sir.”.

11. In the office

Chris : “Mr. Twistle, Chris Gardner.” Mr. Twistle : “Hi.”

Chris : “I wanted to drop this off personally and make your acquaintance.

I thought I'd catch you on the way in. I'd love the opportunity to discuss...

what may seem like weaknesses on my application.” Mr. Twistle : “We'll start with this, and we'll call you if we wanna sit


( see on appendices )

These data are classified into formal style because the dialogue was in serious condition that occurred in the office, when Chris gave his application letter to his acquaintance in that office. The word “Yes, sir” indicated a different social class, statues, or higher position.

24. In interview room

Chris : “Chris Gardner.”

Mr. Twistle : “How are you? Good morning.” Chris : “Chris Gardner. Chris Gardner.” Mr. Twistle : “Good to see you again.”

Mr. Fromkin : “Chris Gardner. Pleasure.

I've been sitting there for the last half-hour..

trying to come up with a story..that would explain my being here dressed like this.”


that would demonstrate qualities... that I'm sure you all admire here, like earnestness or diligence. Team-playing, something. And I couldn't think of anything.

So the truth is... I was arrested for failure to pay parking tickets.”

( see on appendices )

These data are classified into formal style because the dialogue was in serious condition that occurred in the office building where the applicant must wore formal suit in an interview. Formal style also used in speaking to a single hearer. In this situation it occurred between Mr. Fromkin as interviewer and Chris as Interviewee. The words, such as; “Yes” and “Yes, sir” Indicated a different social class, statues, or higher position.


Chris : “It's a portable bone-density scanner. A medical device I sell for a living.

Thank you for the opportunity to discuss it with you. I appreciate it.”

Doctor : “We just don't need it, Chris. It's unnecessary and expensive.”

Chris : “Well, maybe next-- Thank you.”

These data are classified into consultative style because the dialogue was in semiformal condition that occurred between Chris and The Doctor in the hospital. The dialogue though formal enough which discussed about one topic, offering a portable bone-density scanner.


5. In front of buildings

Chris : “Man, I got two questions for you: What do you do? And how do you do it?”

Man I : “I'm a stockbroker.”

Chris : “Stockbroker. Oh, goodness.

Had to go to college to be a stockbroker, huh?” Man I : “You don't have to.

Have to be good with numbers and good with people. That’s it.”

( see on appendices )

These data are classified into consultative style although the dialogue happened in informal situation which is in front of buildings that occurred between Chris and someone he just met. When Chris was speaking, the other one gave the short responses, such as; “I’m stockbroker”, and “You don’t have to” indicated the consultative style itself.

10. At daycare

Chris : “He says he's been watching TV.” Mrs. Chu : “Oh, little TV for history.”

Chris : “Love Boat?” Mrs. Chu : “For history. Navy.” Chris : “That's not the Navy.

I mean, he could watch television at home.

We're paying you $1 50 a month. If he's gonna be sitting around...watching TV all day, we're taking him out of here.”

( see on appendices )

These data are classified into consultative style because the dialogue was in semiformal situation that happened at the daycare between Chris and Mrs. Chu, the


owner of the daycare. The dialogue though formal enough which discussed about one topic, the daycare activity.

15. In taxi

Chris : “So when I was in the Navy, I worked for a doctor.. who loved to play golf, hours every day..

and I would actually perform medical procedures... when he'd leave me in the office.

So I'm used to being in a position where I have to make decisions

and..Mr. Twistle, listen. This is a very important.” Mr. Twistle : “I'm sorry. I'm sorry. This thing's impossible.” Chris : “I can do it.”

Mr. Twistle : “No, you can't. No one can.” Chris : “No, I'm pretty sure I can do it.” Mr. Twistle : “No, you can't.”

Chris : “Let me see it. Give it here. Oh, yeah. Oh, wow, you really messed it up.”

Mr. Twistle : “Sorry.”

Chris : “It looks like it works around a swivel, so the centerpieces never move. So if it's yellow in the center, that's the yellow side. If it's red in the center, that's the red side.”

Mr. Twistle : “Okay.”

Chris : “So... You can slow down. Listen, we can drive around all day.”

Mr. Twistle : “I don't believe you can do this.” Chris : “Yeah, I can.”

Mr. Twistle : “No, you can't.”

( see on appendices )

These data are classified into consultative style although the dialogue happened in informal situation which was inside of the taxi that occurred between Chris and Mr. Twistle. When Chris was speaking, Mr. Twistle gave short responses,


such as; “No, I can’t”, “Sorry”, “Okay” and few others that indicated the consultative style itself.

22. In Police Station

Police : “Payable to the City of San Francisco.” Chris : “Does it have to be the full amount?”

Police : “You gotta pay each parking ticket, otherwise, you're staying.”

Chris : “This is all I got.”

Police : “You verify at 9:30 tomorrow morning.” Chris : “What?”

Police : “You gotta stay until this thing clears.” Chris : “No.

No, I can't spend the night here. I have to pick up my son.” Police : “You verify at 9:30 tomorrow.”

Chris : “Sir, I have a job interview at Dean Witter at 1 0:1 5 tomorrow morning.

I cannot stay..”

( see on appendices )

These data are classified into consultative style because there was a semiformal situation that happened in the police station. The dialogue though formal enough which discussed about one topic, begged for tolerance while Policeman is speaking, Chris gave some short responses, such as; “Yeah”, “No”, and “Alright” that indicated the consultative style itself.

27. On the Phone

Chris : “Dean Witter.” Janice : “Yes, hi.”

Chris : “Yes, I'd like to leave a message for Mr. Jay Twistle.” Janice : “Your name?”


The message is: Thank you very much for inviting me into the program.

I really appreciate it and I'd be very pleased to accept your invitation.”

Janice : “Is that all?” Chris : “Yes, that's it.”

( see on appendices )

These data are classified into consultative style because the dialogue though formal enough that occurred between Chris and Mr. Twistle’s secretary, Janice. When Chris is speaking, Janice gave short responses, such as; “Yes”, “Yeah”, and “Okay” that indicated the consultative style itself.

4.4 CASUAL STYLE 4. In dining room

Linda : “Since when do you not like macaroni and cheese?” Christopher : “Since birth?”

Linda : “What's that?” Chris : “What?” Linda : “What is this?”

Chris : “It's a gift for Christopher.” Linda : “From who?”

Chris : “Cynthia from work.”

Linda : “It's for adults. Chris can't use it.” Chris : “She didn't know.”

Linda : “What are you supposed to do with it?” Chris : “Make every side the same color.” Linda : “Did you pay the taxes?”

Chris : “No, I'm gonna have to file an extension.” Linda : “You already filed an extension.”

Chris : “Yeah, well, I gotta file another one.” Linda : “That's.. It's $650.”

Chris : “I'll have it in the next month. That means interest, right?” Linda : “And a penalty?”


( see on appendices )

These data are classified into casual style because the dialogue occurred among members of a family; Chris as father, Linda as mother, and Christopher as their five years old son, also the used of the first name in addressing one another, such as; “Christopher” and “Chris” that indicated the casual style itself.

16. In the middle of the road

Taxi driver : “Hey! Stop it! Hey! Where are you going? Come here! No! No, no, no!

You asshole, give me my money! Give me my money. Please stop. Please, please, please!

Son of a bitch.”

Chris : “Please! He should've paid you!” Taxi driver : “Come here!”

Chris : “I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.” Taxi driver : “I'll kick your ass!” Chris : “I'm sorry!”

( see on appendices )

These data are classified into casual style because the background of the dialogue occurred in informal situation, which happened in the middle of the road, and there were rude words used in the dialogue, such as; “You asshole”, “Son of a bitch”, “I’ll kick your as” and few others, because Chris can’t pay the bills, so the taxi driver chased him into the middle of the road.

18. On the phone

Chris : “Hello?” Mr. Twistle : “Chris.” Chris : “Who is this?”


Chris : “Hey.”

Mr. Twistle : “Dean Witter.”

Chris : “Yeah, of course. How are you?”

Mr. Twistle : “I'm fine. Listen, do you still wanna come in and talk?” Chris : “Yes, sir. Absolutely.”

Mr. Twistle : “I'll tell you what. Come on by day after tomorrow, in the morning. We're interviewing for the internships. You got a pen and paper?”

Chris : “Yes. Yes, I do. Hold on one second.” Mr. Twistle : “All right. Hello? Chris?”

Chris : “Go ahead. I have one.”

Mr. Twistle : “Write this number down so you can call my secretary, Janice. She can give you all the specifics.”

Chris : “Yep.” Mr. Twistle : “Okay, 41 5.” Chris : “415.”

Mr. Twistle : “864.” Chris : “864.” Mr. Twistle : “0256.” Chris : “0256.”

Mr. Twistle : “Yeah, extension 4796.” Chris : “4796.”

Mr. Twistle : “Right. Call her tomorrow.” Chris : “Yes, sir. 41 5-864-0256.” Mr. Twistle : “Okay, buddy.”

( see on appendices )

These data can be categorized as casual style because the dialogue occurred in normal situation between Chris and Mr. Twistle on the phone. The word “buddy” in the dialogue indicated that Chris as Mr. Twistle’s friend.


19. Walking to the market

Wayne : “Chris.”

Chris : “Hey. Did you..? Have you seen Linda and Christopher?” Wayne : “No. You catch the game last night?”

Chris : “No, no.”

Wayne : “You didn't see that, 1 1 8, 1 .. ?”

Chris : “Excuse me, did Linda and Christopher come in here?” Man : “No, I haven't see them.”

Wayne : “1 1 9-1 20. Double overtime.”

“Moons hits a three-pointer at 1 7 seconds left.” Chris : “Wayne, Wayne, Wayne.

Can't talk to you about numbers right now.” Wayne : “What's your problem with numbers?” Chris : “864-2.... And you owe me money.” Wayne : “Yeah.”

Chris : “You owe me $1 4.”

( see on appendices )

These data are classified into casual style because the dialogue occurred between friends. We can see that Wayne keeps on talking about the game score while Chris was panic looking for his wife last night.

21. In front of apartment

Charlie : “Hey, listen. I need the rent. I can’t wait anymore.” Chris : “Yeah, I'm good for that, Charlie. I'm gonna get it.” Charlie : “Why don't you go two blocks over

at the Mission lnn motel? It's half what you pay here. Listen, Chris. I need you out of here in the morning.” Chris : “The hell am I supposed to be out of here tomorrow?” Charlie : “I got painters coming in.”


Chris : “All right, I'll paint it myself.

All right, but I just.. I gotta have some more time.. I got my son up in here.”

( see on appendices )

These data can be classified into casual style because the dialogue occurred in normal situation that happened between Chris and Charlie, the owner of the apartment, and also the used of the first name addressing one another, “Chris” and “Charlie” that indicated the casual style itself.

25. In the office

Mr. Twistle : “Chris, I don't know how you did it dressed as a garbage man, but you pulled it off.”

Chris : “Thank you, Mr. Twistle.”

Mr. Twistle : “Hey, now you can call me Jay. We'll talk to you soon.” Chris : “All right, so I'll let you know, Jay.”

Mr. Twistle : "You'll let me know, Jay"? What do you mean? “

Chris : “Yeah, I'll give you a call tomorrow sometime..” Mr. Twistle : “What are you talking…?”

Chris : “You hounded me for this.” Mr. Twistle : “You stood here..”

Chris : “Listen, there's no salary. No. I was not aware of that. My circumstances have changed some.. and

I need to be certain that I'll be..” Mr. Twistle : “All right. Okay. Tonight.

I swear I will fill your spot. I promise.

If you back out, you know what I'll look like to the partners?” ( see on appendices )

These data are classified into casual style because the dialogue occurred in normal situation while break time at the office, between Chris and Mr.Twistle. The word “ass-A-hole” doesn’t mean asshole but it’s the term that their created, and also


the used of the first name addressing one another, “Jay” and “Chris” indicated that Chris as Mr. Twistle’s friend.

29. In the middle of the road

Man I : “Hey, asshole. Are you all right, asshole?” Man II : “Are you okay? What were you thinking?” Man I : “What are you doing? I could've killed you.” Chris : “I'm trying to cross the street.”

Man II : “Well, you're all right?”

Chris : “Yeah, yeah. Where's my shoe?” Man II : “What?”

Chris : “You knocked off my shoe!” Man II : “I don't know where your shoe is.” Chris : “Where's my damn shoe?”

Man I : “I don't know.”

Chris : “Hey. Did you see it? I lost my shoe.” Woman : “No, I'm sorry.”

Man I : “Hey. Hey, where are you going? We should wait for the police.”

Chris : “I gotta go to work.”

Man II : “Hey, you just got hit by a car. Go to the hospital.”

Chris : “I'm in a competitive internship at Dean Witter.”

These data are classified into casual style because the background of the dialogue occurred in the informal situation that happened in the middle of the road.


4.5 INTIMATE STYLE 1. In the Street

Christopher : “I think I should make a list.” Chris : “What do mean?

For your birthday gifts?” Christopher : “Yeah.”

Chris : “You know you're only getting a couple of things, right?” Christopher : “Yeah, I know.

Just to look at and study so I can choose better.” Chris : “Okay, well, that's smart. Yeah, make a list.

Can you spell everything you’re thinking of?” Christopher : “I think so.”

Chris : “All right. That's good.”

Linda : “How you doing in here, man?”

Christopher : “Okay. Can we go to the park today, after?”

Chris : “No, I gotta go to Oakland. Well, maybe, we'll see.” Linda : “Give me a kiss. I'll talk to you later.”

These data are classified into intimate style because there were short responses, such as; “Yeah”, “I think so”, and “Okay” , and also a lot of pauses that used in the dialogue. It was occurred among family member; Chris as father, Linda as wife, and Christopher as their five years old son.

3. In the Restaurant

Chris : “Hey.”

Linda : “Hey, baby. What happened?”

Chris : “No, nothing. Look, I can't get Christopher today.” Linda : “Oh, no, you don't, Chris. I'm back on at 7.” Chris : “I know. I have got to go to Oakland.”



him in bed, and be back here by 7?” ( see on appendices )

These data are classified into intimate style because the dialogue occurred in normal situation where Chris dropped by to the restaurant that Linda work in, asked Linda to fetch Christopher. The word “baby” indicated the intimacy between them.

6. In the bed room

Chris : “I'm gonna stop by a brokerage firm after work.” Linda : “For what?”

Chris : “I wanna see about a job there.” Linda : “Yeah? What job?”

Chris : “You know, when l...When I was a kid, I could go through a Math book in a week. So I'm gonna go see about what job they got down there.”

Linda : “What job?” Chris : “Stockbroker.” Linda : “Stockbroker?” Chris : “Yeah.”

Linda : “Not an astronaut?”

Chris : “Don't talk to me like that, Linda. I'm gonna go down and see about this, and I'm gonna do it during the day.”

Linda : “You should probably do your sales calls.”

Chris : “I don't need you to tell me about my sales calls, Linda. I got three of them before the damn office is even open.” Linda : “Do you remember that rent is due next week?”

Chris : “Probably not.”

Linda : “We’re already two months behind.” Chris : “Next week we’ll owe three months.”

Linda : “I’ve been pulling double shifts for four months now,

Chris. Just sale what’s in your contract. Get us out of that business.”


( see on appendices )

These data are classified into intimate style because the background of the situation happened in bed room, and the dialogue occurred between Chris as husband and Linda as wife that fought about Chris’ new job and bills that have to be payed.

8. In the Street

Christopher : “Bye, Mom.”

Linda : “Bye, baby. Come back without that, please.” Christopher : “Oh, yeah, I'm going to.”

Chris : “So go ahead, say goodbye to it, because I'm coming back without it.”

Linda : “Goodbye and good riddance.”

Chris : “You ain't had to add the "good riddance" part.” ( see on appendices )

The data are classified into intimate style because they occurred among family; Chris as husband, Linda as wife, and Christopher as their five years old son when Chris wants to take Christopher to the daycare. The words “baby” and “mom” used in this situation gave an intimacy signal that indicated the intimate itself.

9. In the Street

Chris : “It's written as P-P-Y, but it's supposed to be an I in "happiness."”

Christopher : “ls it an adjective?”

Chris : “No, actually it's a noun. But it's not spelled right.” Christopher : “ls "fuck" spelled right?”

Chris : “Yeah, that's spelled right.

But that's not part of the motto, so you're not supposed to learn that. That's an adult word to show anger and other things. But just don't use that one, okay?”


Chris : “What's that say on the back of your bag?” Christopher : “My nickname. We pick nicknames.” Chris : “Oh, yeah? What's it say?”

Christopher : “"Hot Rod." Did you have a nickname?” Chris : “Yep.”

Christopher : “What?”

Chris : “"Ten-Gallon Head."” Christopher : “What's that?”

Chris : “I grew up in Louisiana, near Texas.

Everybody wears cowboy hats. And a ten-gallon's a big hat. I was smart back then, so they called me Ten-Gallon Head.” Christopher : “Hoss wears that hat.”

Chris : “Hoss?”

Christopher : “Hoss Cartwright on Bonanza.” Chris : “How do you know Bonanza?” Christopher : “We watch it at Mrs. Chu’s.” Chris : “You watch Bonanza at daycare?” Christopher : “Yeah.”

Chris : “When? When do you watch it? After snack? After your nap?” Christopher : “After Love Boat.

I made my list for my birthday.”

( see on appendices )

These data are classified into intimate style that occurred between father and son in their way to the daycare.

12. In apartment

Linda : “Can you feel it, baby?” Chris : “Oh, yeah.”


These data are classified into intimate style because the characteristic of the style occurred in the dialogue. The background of the situation happened in the apartment when Chris touched Linda’s stomach to feel the baby inside.

13. In living room

Christopher : “Hey, Mom.” Chris : “One, two, three!” Christopher : “That's a basketball!”

Chris : “Hey, hey. What do you mean?

You don't know that, that's a basketball. This could be an ant farm.

This could be a microscope or anything.” Christopher : “No, it's not. There, there.”

Chris : “All right, come on.”

Christopher : “Open him up. Open him up.” Chris : “That paper's a little heavy, huh?” Christopher : “Yeah, but I got it.”

These data are classified into intimate style because the background of situation happened in living room to celebrate Christopher’s birthday, and it occurred among family; Chris as father, Linda as wife, and Christopher as their five years old son. The word “mom” used in the dialogue gave an intimacy signal that indicated the intimate style itself.

14. In the terrace of apartment

Chris : “You should've seen me out there today. Somebody stole a scanner. I had to run the old girl down…”

Linda : “Whatever.” Chris : “What?”


Linda : “Whatever, Chris.”

Chris : “What the hell you got attitude about? "Whatever" what?”

Linda : “Every day's got some damn story.”

Chris : “Hey, Roy. Roy! Can you beat your little rug, when nobody's out here?

There's dust and shit all over.” Roy : “I'm trying to keep a clean house.” Chris : “Hey, wait a second. Look, Linda, relax.

We're gonna come out of this.

Everything is gonna be fine, all right?”

Linda : “You said that before, when I got pregnant. "lt'll be fine."” ( see on appendices )

These data are classified into intimate style because the background of situation happened in the terrace of apartment, and the dialogue between husband and wife, that fought about something, and also we can see the used of the rude words in the dialogue, such as; “What the hell…” and “…damn....”.

17. On the phone booth

Linda : “Hello?”

Chris : “Hey, yeah. Sorry I couldn't make it home on time.” Linda : “Chris, I missed my shift.”

Chris : “Yeah, I know. I'm sorry about that. Look, I'm on my way right now.” Linda : “Are you all right with Christopher?

I'm leaving. Chris, I'm leaving.” Chris : “What?”

Linda : “Did you hear what I said?

I have my things together, and I'm taking our son and we're gonna leave now. I'm gonna put the phone


These data are classified into intimate style because they occurred among family; Chris as husband and Linda as wife. There is unclear articulation, and a lot of pause because Chris called Linda from a phone booth on a crowdy and noisy street. 20. In front of the daycare

Chris : “Hey, don't you ever take my son away from me again. You hear me?”

Linda : “Leave me alone!”

Chris : “Don't take my son away from me again. Do you understand what I'm saying to you?

Don't you walk away from me when I'm talking to you. Do you hear me?

Do you wanna leave?” Linda : “Yeah.”

Chris : “You wanna leave?” Linda : “Yes, I want to leave!”

Chris : “Get the hell out of here, then, Linda.

Get the hell out of here. Christopher's staying with me.” Linda : “You're the one that dragged us down.

You hear me?” Chris : “You are so weak.”

Linda : “No. I am not happy anymore. I'm just not happy!” ( see on appendices )

These data are classified into intimate style that occurred among family; Chris as husband and Linda as wife. They fought when accidently meet in front of the daycare, we can see the used of the rude words in the dialogue,”Get the hell out of here…”.occur among family members.

23. On the phone

Linda : “Hello.” Chris : “Hey.”


Linda : “What do you want?”

Chris : “You gotta get Christopher from daycare.

I can't. Just keep him for the night and I'm-- And-- Just one night .”

Linda : “What happened?”

Chris : “I'll pick him up from daycare tomorrow. I'm gonna go right… You can just…. You can drop him off and I'll pick him up.” Linda : “No.”

Chris : “Come on, Linda.” Linda : “Why you doing that?”

Chris : “No, I wanna take him to the park. To Golden Gate after daycare tomorrow.” Linda : “How is he?”

Chris : “He’s fine. All right, just… all right, take him to the

park…and bring him back, all right? All right , just bring me my son back. Okay? Linda?”

( see on appendices )

These data are classified into intimate style because they occurred among husband and wife; Chris as husband, and Linda as wife. There are a short response, unclear articulation, and a lot of pauses because they haven’t get a long well each other, but Chris needed her help to pick up Christopher by the daycare.

26. In apartment

Chris : “I got him. I got him.” Linda : “He's asleep.”

Chris : “All right.”

Linda : “Okay, baby. I got it. I'm going to New York. My sister's boyfriend...opened a restaurant, and they may have a job for me there.


So I'm going to New York, Chris. Christopher's staying with me.

I'm his mom, you know? He should be with his mom. I should have him, right? You know, you can't take care of him.

What are you gonna do for money?”

Chris : “I had an interview at Dean Witter for an internship...and I got it.

So I’m gonna stand out in my program.” Linda : “Salesman to intern’s backwards.”

( see on appendices )

These data are classified into intimate style because they occurred among husband and wife; Chris as husband, and Linda as wife, when Linda put Christopher to Chris’ apartment. The word “mom” used in the dialogue gave an intimacy signal that indicated the intimate style itself.

28. On the basketball yard

Christopher : “Hey, Dad. I'm going pro. I'm going pro.” Chris : “Okay.”

Christopher : “Yeah, I don't know, you know.”

Chris : “You'll probably be about as good as I was. That's kind of the way it works, you know. I was below average.

You know, so you'll probably ultimately rank...somewhere around there,

you know… you’re really…

You'll excel at a lot of things, just not this.

I don't want you shooting this ball all day and night. All right?”

Christopher : “All right. Okay.” Chris : “All right, go ahead.


Hey.. don’t ever let somebody tell you… you can’t do something.

Not even me. All right?” Christopher : “All right.”

Chris : “You got a dream… you gotta protect it.

People can’t do something themselves… they wanna tell you ,you can’t do it. If you want something, go get it. Period. Let’s go.”

( see on appendices )

These data are classified into intimate style because there are a short response, unclear articulation and a lot of pause that occurred between Chris as father, and Christopher as his five years old son. The background of situation happened in the basketball yard on top of an apartment building to try the newly basketball that was given to Christopher as a birthday present.

30. In front of the daycare

Christopher : “Dad. You don't have a shoe.” Chris : “Yeah, I know.

Wanna know what happened?” Christopher : “Yeah.”

Chris : “I got hit by a car.” Christopher : “You got hit by a car?” Chris : “Yep.”

Christopher : “Where?”

Chris : “Just right by the office.” Christopher : “No, where in your body?” Chris : “Like, the back of my legs.”

These data are classified into intimate style because they occurred between father and son; Chris as father, and Christopher as his five years old son. The


him. The word “dad” used in the dialogue gave an intimacy signal that indicated the intimate style itself.





Having analyzed the five language styles in the movie The Pursuit of Happyness, I like to draw some conclusions.

Language as the central means of communication has a potency for making communication successful and establishing social togetherness if it is used well because most speakers are not aware either of the phenomenon or of its significances.

In this thesis there are twenty eight data (30 data). The analysis is based on the five language styles using Martin Joos’s theory. They are frozen style (oratorical style), formal style (deliberative style), consultative style, casual style, and intimate style. And each style has been analyzed. And the conclusion ia all of the styles occurred and used in the movie. And type of the style occurs dominantly in the movie is intimate style which represents 14 cases (47%), next followed by casual style is 7 cases (23%), consultative style is 6 cases (20%), formal style is 3 cases (10%) , and frozen style is 0 case (0%)

To understand the language, the hearer cannot only know the meaning that the speaker says, but also the situation whether it is public or private, formal or informal, who is being addressed and who might be able to overhear.

The relationship between language and society can be seen in the relation of certain language forms that is called variation or style of language. In its application in a society.



I hope that this thesis could be a reference for those who want to write about the five language styles especially in the movie by using Martin Joos’s theory.

And I suggest that students of English Department should do further research about the five language styles used in other movies, novels, or other resources.

Hope that this thesis be useful for science and linguistics. And last but not least, the writer realizes that this thesis is far from being perfect, therefore any constructive criticisms from the readers will be highly appreciated.



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Fasold, Ralph. 1984. Sociolinguistics Of Society. New York : Basil Blackwell Fromkin, V. 1993. An Introduction to Language. Philadelphia : Hartcourt

Gultom, Manugam Alexander. 2007. An Analysis of the Five Language Styles Found in the Movie Brokeback Mountain. Medan : Fakultas Sastra USU

Hadi, Sutrisno. 2004. Methodology Research. Yogyakarta: Penerbit Andi Yogya Hudson, R.A. 1996. Sociolinguistics2nd Edition. Cambridge : Cambridge Univ.Press Joos, Martin. 1967. Five Clocks. London. New York : Harcourt Brace and World, Inc Keraf, G. 1991. Diksi dan Gaya Bahasa. Jakarta : Gramedia

Lado, Robert. 1957. Linguistics Across Cultures. Ann Arbor, MI : Univ. of Michigan Press

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Feb 12th ,2009, 4.00 pm)

accesed on

Nov 29th ,2009, 7.43 pm)

accesed on Nov 29th ,2009, 7.47 pm)




1. In the Street

Christopher : “I think I should make a list.” Chris : “What do mean?

For your birthday gifts?” Christopher : “Yeah.”

Chris : “You know you're only getting a couple of things, right?” Christopher : “Yeah, I know.

Just to look at and study so I can choose better.” Chris : “Okay, well, that's smart.Yeah, make a list.

Can you spell everything you’re thingking of?” Christopher : “I think so.”

Chris : “All right. That's good.”

Linda : “How you doing in here, man?”

Christopher : “Okay. Can we go to the park today, after?”

Chris : “No, I gotta go to Oakland. Well, maybe, we'll see.” Linda : “Give me a kiss. I'll talk to you later.”

2. In Hospital

Chris : “It's a portable bone-density scanner. A medical device I sell for a living.

Thank you for the opportunity to discuss it with you. I appreciate it.”

Doctor : “We just don't need it, Chris. It's unnecessary and expensive.”

Chris : “Well, maybe next.. Thank you.” 3. In the Restaurant

Chris : “Hey.”


Linda : “Oh, no, you don't, Chris. I'm back on at 7.” Chris : “I know. I have got to go to Oakland.”

Linda : “So I gotta get Christopher home, feed him, bath him...get

him in bed, and be back here by 7?” Chris : “Yes.”

Linda : “And we got the tax-bill notice today.” 4. In dining room

Linda : “Since when do you not like macaroni and cheese?” Christopher : “Since birth?”

Linda : “What's that?” Chris : “What?” Linda : “What is this?”

Chris : “It's a gift for Christopher.” Linda : “From who?”

Chris : “Cynthia from work.”

Linda : “It's for adults. Chris can't use it.” Chris : “She didn't know.”

Linda : “What are you supposed to do with it?” Chris : “Make every side the same color.” Linda : “Did you pay the taxes?”

Chris : “No, I'm gonna have to file an extension.” Linda : “You already filed an extension.”

Chris : “Yeah, well, I gotta file another one.” Linda : “That's.. It's $650.”

Chris : “I'll have it in the next month. That means interest, right?” Linda : “And a penalty?”

Chris : “Yeah, a little bit. Look, why don't you let me do this? All right, just relax. Okay? Come here. Calm down.” Linda : “I have to go back to work.”


5. In front of buildings

Chris : “Man, I got two questions for you: What do you do? And how do you do it?”

Man I : “I'm a stockbroker.”

Chris : “Stockbroker. Oh, goodness.

Had to go to college to be a stockbroker, huh?” Man I : “You don't have to.

Have to be good with numbers and good with people. That’s it.”

Chris : “Hey, you take care.”

6. In the bed room

Chris : “I'm gonna stop by a brokerage firm after work.” Linda : “For what?”

Chris : “I wanna see about a job there.” Linda : “Yeah? What job?”

Chris : “You know, when l...When I was a kid, I could go through a Math book in a week. So I'm gonna go see about what job they got down there.”

Linda : “What job?” Chris : “Stockbroker.” Linda : “Stockbroker?” Chris : “Yeah.”

Linda : “Not an astronaut?”

Chris : “Don't talk to me like that, Linda. I'm gonna go down and see about this, and I'm gonna do it during the day.”

Linda : “You should probably do your sales calls.”

Chris : “I don't need you to tell me about my sales calls, Linda. I got three of them before the damn office is even open.” Linda : “Do you remember that rent is due next week?”

Chris : “Probably not.”


Chris : “Next week we’ll owe three months.”

Linda : “I’ve been pulling double shifts for four months now,

Chris. Just sale what’s in your contract. Get us out of that business.”

Chris : “Linda, that is what I am trying to do.

This is what I’m trying to do for my family..for you and for Christopher.”

Linda : “What’s the matter with you?” Chris : “Linda.”

7. In interview room

Tim : “Chris? Tim Brophy, Resources.” Chris : “Yes. How are you?”

Tim : “Come with me.” Chris : “Yes, sir.”

Tim : “Let me see if I can find you an application for our

internship. I'm afraid that's all we can do for you. See, this is a satellite office. Jay Twistle in the main office, he oversees Witter Resources. I mean, I'm.. You know, I'm just this office. As you can see, we got a hell of lot of applications here, so.. Normally I have a resume sheet, but I can't seem to find it anyway…We....”

Chris : “Thank you very much. I need to go. I'll bring this back. Thank you.”

8. In the Street

Christopher : “Bye, Mom.”

Linda : “Bye, baby. Come back without that, please.” Christopher : “Oh, yeah, I'm going to.”

Chris : “So go ahead, say goodbye to it, because I'm coming back without it.”

Linda : “Goodbye and good riddance.”


Christopher : “Bye, Mom.” Linda : “Bye.”

9. In the Street

Chris : “It's written as P-P-Y, but it's supposed to be an I in "happiness."”

Christopher : “ls it an adjective?”

Chris : “No, actually it's a noun. But it's not spelled right.” Christopher : “ls "fuck" spelled right?”

Chris : “Yeah, that's spelled right.

But that's not part of the motto, so you're not supposed to learn that. That's an adult word to show anger and other things. But just don't use that one, okay?”

Christopher : “Okay.”

Chris : “What's that say on the back of your bag?” Christopher : “My nickname. We pick nicknames.” Chris : “Oh, yeah? What's it say?”

Christopher : “"Hot Rod." Did you have a nickname?” Chris : “Yep.”

Christopher : “What?”

Chris : “"Ten-Gallon Head."” Christopher : “What's that?”

Chris : “I grew up in Louisiana, near Texas.

Everybody wears cowboy hats. And a ten-gallon's a big hat. I was smart back then,so they called me Ten-Gallon Head.” Christopher : “Hoss wears that hat.”

Chris : “Hoss?”

Christopher : “Hoss Cartwright on Bonanza.” Chris : “How do you know Bonanza?” Christopher : “We watch it at Mrs. Chu’s.” Chris : “You watch Bonanza at daycare?” Christopher : “Yeah.”


After snack? After your nap?” Christopher : “After Love Boat.

I made my list for my birthday.” Chris : “Yeah, what’d you put on there?” Christopher : “A basketball or an ant farm.”

10. At daycare

Chris : “He says he's been watching TV.” Mrs. Chu : “Oh, little TV for history.”

Chris : “Love Boat?” Mrs. Chu : “For history. Navy.” Chris : “That's not the Navy.

I mean, he could watch television at home.

We're paying you $1 50 a month. If he's gonna be sitting around...watching TV all day, we're taking him out of here.”

Mrs. Chu : “Go pay more at other daycare. if you don't like Navy TV. You late pay anyway. You complain. I complain.”

Chris : “Can you at least put the dog upstairs in your room or something?”

Mrs. Chu : “Bye.’

11. In the office

Chris : “Mr. Twistle, Chris Gardner.” Mr. Twistle : “Hi.”

Chris : “I wanted to drop this off personally and make your acquaintance.

I thought I'd catch you on the way in. I'd love the opportunity to discuss...

what may seem like weaknesses on my application.” Mr. Twistle : “We'll start with this, and we'll call you if we wanna sit


Chris : “Yes, sir. You have a great day.” Mr. Twistle : “You too.”

12. In apartment (flash back)

Linda : “Can you feel it, baby?” Chris : “Oh, yeah.”

13. In living room

Christopher : “Hey, Mom.” Chris : “One, two, three!” Christopher : “That's a basketball!”

Chris : “Hey, hey. What do you mean?

You don't know that, that's a basketball. This could be an ant farm.

This could be a microscope or anything.” Christopher : “No, it's not. There, there.”

Chris : “All right, come on.”

Christopher : “Open him up. Open him up.” Chris : “That paper's a little heavy, huh?” Christopher : “Yeah, but I got it.”

14. In the terrace of apartment

Chris : “You should've seen me out there today. Somebody stole a scanner. I had to run the old girl down…”

Linda : “Whatever.” Chris : “What?”

Linda : “Whatever, Chris.”

Chris : “What the hell you got attitude about? "Whatever" what?”

Linda : “Every day's got some damn story.”


There's dust and shit all over.” Roy : “I'm trying to keep a clean house.” Chris : “Hey, wait a second. Look, Linda, relax.

We're gonna come out of this.

Everything is gonna be fine, all right?”

Linda : “You said that before, when I got pregnant. "lt'll be fine."” Chris : “So you don't trust me now?”

Linda : “Whatever. I don't care.”

15. In taxi

Chris : “So when I was in the Navy, I worked for a doctor.. who loved to play golf, hours every day..

and I would actually perform medical procedures... when he'd leave me in the office.

So I'm used to being in a position where I have to make decisions

and..Mr. Twistle, listen. This is a very important.” Mr. Twistle : “I'm sorry. I'm sorry. This thing's impossible.” Chris : “I can do it.”

Mr. Twistle : “No, you can't. No one can.” Chris : “No, I'm pretty sure I can do it.” Mr. Twistle : “No, you can't.”

Chris : “Let me see it. Give it here. Oh, yeah. Oh, wow, you really messed it up.”

Mr. Twistle : “Sorry.”

Chris : “It looks like it works around a swivel,so the centerpieces never move. So if it's yellow in the center, that's the yellow side. If it's red in the center, that's the red side.”

Mr. Twistle : “Okay.”

Chris : “So... You can slow down. Listen, we can drive around all day.”

Mr. Twistle : “I don't believe you can do this.” Chris : “Yeah, I can.”


Mr. Twistle : “No, you can't.”

Mr. Twistle : “I’m telling you, no one can.” Chris : “See? That’s all I ever do.”

Mr. Twistle : “You almost have this side. Holy cow. You almost had that one.”

Chris : “I’m gonna get it.”

Mr. Twistle : “Look at that. You’re almost there. 1 7.1 0.”

Chris : “This is me.” Mr. Twistle : “Good job.” Chris : “Goodbye.”

Mr. Twistle : “Yeah, I’ll see you soon.” Taxi driver : “Where are you going, sir?

Excuse me, sir.

Where are you going, please?” Chris : “Two.. a couple of blocks.

Just flip around.” Taxi driver : “Okay.”

16. In the middle of the street

Taxi driver : “Hey! Stop it! Hey! Where are you going? Come here! No! No, no, no!

You asshole, give me my money! Give me my money. Please stop. Please, please, please!

Son of a bitch.”

Chris : “Please! He should've paid you!” Taxi driver : “Come here!”

Chris : “I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.” Taxi driver : “I'll kick your ass!” Chris : “I'm sorry!”


Stop it, you son of a bitch! Stop him! Stop him!” Chris : “No! No! No! No!”

17. On the public telephone Linda : “Hello?”

Chris : “Hey, yeah. Sorry I couldn't make it home on time.” Linda : “Chris, I missed my shift.”

Chris : “Yeah, I know. I'm sorry about that. Look, I'm on my way right now.” Linda : “Are you all right with Christopher?

I'm leaving. Chris, I'm leaving.” Chris : “What?”

Linda : “Did you hear what I said?

I have my things together, and I'm taking our son and we're gonna leave now. I'm gonna put the phone


Chris : “Linda, wait a minute. Hold it, hold..” Linda : “I'm going to leave. We are leaving.”

18. On the phone

Chris : “Hello?” Mr. Twistle : “Chris.” Chris : “Who is this?” Mr. Twistle : “Jay Twistle.” Chris : “Hey.”

Mr. Twistle : “Dean Witter.”

Chris : “Yeah, of course. How are you?”

Mr. Twistle : “I'm fine. Listen, do you still wanna come in and talk?” Chris : “Yes, sir. Absolutely.”

Mr. Twistle : “I'll tell you what. Come on by day after tomorrow, in the morning.


We're interviewing for the internships. You got a pen and paper?”

Chris : “Yes. Yes, I do. Hold on one second.” Mr. Twistle : “All right. Hello? Chris?”

Chris : “Go ahead. I have one.”

Mr. Twistle : “Write this number down so you can call my secretary, Janice. She can give you all the specifics.”

Chris : “Yep.” Mr. Twistle : “Okay, 41 5.” Chris : “415.”

Mr. Twistle : “864.” Chris : “864.” Mr. Twistle : “0256.” Chris : “0256.”

Mr. Twistle : “Yeah, extension 4796.” Chris : “4796.”

Mr. Twistle : “Right. Call her tomorrow.” Chris : “Yes, sir. 41 5-864-0256.” Mr. Twistle : “Okay, buddy.”

Chris : “All right, yes. Thank you very much.” Mr. Twistle : “We'll see you soon.”

19. Walking to the market

Wayne : “Chris.”

Chris : “Hey. Did you..? Have you seen Linda and Christopher?” Wayne : “No. You catch the game last night?”

Chris : “No, no.”

Wayne : “You didn't see that, 1 1 8, 1 .. ?”

Chris : “Excuse me, did Linda and Christopher come in here?” Man : “No, I haven't see them.”


Chris : “Wayne, Wayne, Wayne.

Can't talk to you about numbers right now.” Wayne : “What's your problem with numbers?” Chris : “864-2.... And you owe me money.” Wayne : “Yeah.”

Chris : “You owe me $1 4.”

Wayne : “I'm gonna get that to you.”

Chris : “I need my money. I need my money.”

20. In front of the daycare

Chris : “Hey, don't you ever take my son away from me again. You hear me?”

Linda : “Leave me alone!”

Chris : “Don't take my son away from me again. Do you understand what I'm saying to you?

Don't you walk away from me when I'm talking to you. Do you hear me?

Do you wanna leave?” Linda : “Yeah.”

Chris : “You wanna leave?” Linda : “Yes, I want to leave!”

Chris : “Get the hell out of here, then, Linda.

Get the hell out of here. Christopher's staying with me.” Linda : “You're the one that dragged us down.

You hear me?” Chris : “You are so weak.”

Linda : “No. I am not happy anymore. I'm just not happy!” Chris : “Then go get happy, Linda! Just go get happy.

But Christopher's living with me. Stop! Did you hear what I said? Christopher's living with me!”


27. On the Phone

Chris : “Dean Witter.” Janice : “Yes, hi.”

Chris : “Yes, I'd like to leave a message for Mr. Jay Twistle.” Janice : “Your name?”

Chris : “Yeah, my name is Chris Gardner.

The message is: Thank you very much for inviting me into the program.

I really appreciate it and I'd be very pleased to accept your invitation.”

Janice : “Is that all?” Chris : “Yes, that's it.” Janice : “Okay.” Chris : “Thank you.” Janice : “Bye.”

28. On the basketball yard

Christopher : “Hey, Dad. I'm going pro. I'm going pro.” Chris : “Okay.”

Christopher : “Yeah, I don't know, you know.”

Chris : “You'll probably be about as good as I was. That's kind of the way it works, you know. I was below average.

You know, so you'll probably ultimately rank...somewhere around there,

you know… you’re really…

You'll excel at a lot of things, just not this.

I don't want you shooting this ball all day and night. All right?”

Christopher : “All right. Okay.” Chris : “All right, go ahead.


Not even me. All right?” Christopher : “All right.”

Chris : “You got a dream… you gotta protect it.

People can’t do something themselves… they wanna tell you ,you can’t do it. If you want something, go get it. Period. Let’s go.”

Christopher : “Dad, why did we move to a motel?”

Chris : “I told you. Because I’m getting a better job. You gotta trust me, all right?”

Christopher : “I trust you.”

Chris : “All right, here. Come on, come on. Keep up.”

29. In the middle of the road

Man I : “Hey, asshole. Are you all right, asshole?” Man II : “Are you okay? What were you thinking?” Man I : “What are you doing? I could've killed you.” Chris : “I'm trying to cross the street.”

Man II : “Well, you're all right?”

Chris : “Yeah, yeah. Where's my shoe?” Man II : “What?”

Chris : “You knocked off my shoe!” Man II : “I don't know where your shoe is.” Chris : “Where's my damn shoe?”

Man I : “I don't know.”

Chris : “Hey. Did you see it? I lost my shoe.” Woman : “No, I'm sorry.”

Man I : “Hey. Hey, where are you going? We should wait for the police.”

Chris : “I gotta go to work.”

Man II : “Hey, you just got hit by a car. Go to the hospital.”


30. In front of the daycare

Christopher : “Dad. You don't have a shoe.” Chris : “Yeah, I know.

Wanna know what happened?” Christopher : “Yeah.”

Chris : “I got hit by a car.” Christopher : “You got hit by a car?” Chris : “Yep.”

Christopher : “Where?”

Chris : “Just right by the office.” Christopher : “No, where in your body?” Chris : “Like, the back of my legs.”





In The Pursuit of Happyness, Chris Gardner (Will Smith) is a family man struggling to make ends meet. Despite his valiant attempts to help keep the family afloat, the mother (Thandie Newton) of his five-year-old son Christopher (Jaden Christopher Syre Smith) is buckling under the constant strain of financial pressure. No longer able to cope, she reluctantly decides to leave. Chris, now a single father, continues doggedly to pursue a better-paying job using every sales skill he knows. He lands an internship at a prestigious stock brokerage firm, and although there is no salary, he accepts, hopeful he will end the program with a job and a promising future. Without a financial cushion, Chris and his son are soon evicted from their apartment and forced to sleep in shelters, bus stations, bathrooms, or wherever they can find refuge for the night. Despite his troubles, Chris continues to honor his commitment as a loving and caring father, using the affection and trust his son has placed in him as an impetus to overcome the obstacles he faces.

About The Movie

Columbia Pictures presents in association with Relativity Media an Overbrook Entertainment/Escape Artists Production The Pursuit of Happyness starring Will Smith, Thandie Newton and introducing Jaden Christopher Syre Smith. The film is directed by Gabriele Muccino and written by Steven Conrad. The producers are Todd Black, Jason Blumenthal, Steve Tisch, James Lassiter and Will Smith. The executive producers are Louis D�Esposito, Mark Clayman, David Alper and Teddy Zee. The director of photography is Phedon Papamichael, ASC. The production designer is J. Michael Riva. The film editor is Hughes Winborne, A.C.E. The costume designer is Sharen Davis. The music is by Andrea Guerra. The Pursuit of Happyness has been rated PG-13 by the Motion Picture Association of America for Some Language. The Pursuit of Happyness will be released by Columbia Pictures on December 15, 2006.


Director : Screenwriter : Genre : Drama

Producer :

Studio : Columbia Pictures

Starring :