An Analysis Of The Five Language Styles Found In Sam’s Utterances In The “I Am Sam” Movie





REG.NO: 110705042





ii Approved by the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara (USU) Medan as thesis for The Sarjana Sastra Examination


Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, MS NIP. 195411171980031002


Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A., Ph.D NIP. 197502092008121002


iii Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara, Medan.

The examination is held in Department of English Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara on Saturday July 11, 2015.

Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara

Dr. H. Syahron Lubis, MA NIP. 19511013 1976031001

Board of Examiners

Dr. H . Muhizar Muchtar, MS Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A., Ph.D Dr. H. Syahron Lubis, M.A.

Dr. Ridwan Hanafiah, S.H., M.A. Dr. Eddy Setia, M.Ed. TESP.

……… ……… ……… ……… ………....




Signed :







Signed : --- Date : ---



Alhamdulillahirabbil’Alamin, Thank to Allah SWT. God Almighty, the blessing and guidance so that the writer finally can finish this thesis. The writer realized that this thesis owes its existence to the help, support and inspiration of several people. Firstly, I would like to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude to my supervisor, Dr. H. Syahron Lubis, MA and my co-supevisor Dr. Umar Mono, M.Hum for their guidance during this research.

My deepest gratitude goes to my family; my beloved father Abdul Samad Hasan and my beloved mother Radiah, my sister Rafika and my lovely cousins Khairunnisa Jafar and Zulkarnaen Jafar for their endless love and unconditional support throughout my life.

I give my very special thanks to my friends Bg Johansyah Nasution, Beby Febri Kurnia, Camelia Rosa Sitompul, Florence Yul y, Altena Tarigan ‘Menwa’, Yudha Syahputra, Evi Nora Damanik, for all of the best supports and motivations. I also thank to Raja Guntar Simamora, Rinnah Wiyono, Aida Caroline Aprilla, Anggie, Greacia Febrianis, Multahada Ramadhani, and Irma Annisa, for the laughters and inspirations you all give to me. And I also thank to Debby Andrika, Eka Febri Dayani, Bg Siddiq, Bg Reza who really give effort to find out Martin Joos’ book. And also for all of my friends in University of North Sumatera, thank you.

Medan, July12th 2015 Writer,



Skripsi ini berjudul An Analysis of the Five Language Styles Found in the “I Am Sam” Movie. Skripsi ini membahas tentang ragam bahasa yang terjadi di ujaran-ujaran Sam di dalam percakapannya sebagai karakter utama di dalam film ini dengan menggunakan teori Martin Joos (1967) tentang lima ragam bahasa, yaitu ragam beku, ragam formal, ragam usaha, ragam santai, dan ragam akrab. Teori ini menjelaskan bahwa ragam bahasa yang digunakan oleh pembicara dapat diidentifikasikan dari bentuk bahasanya, apakah itu formal atau santai dan umum atau rahasia. Ia juga dapat diidentifikasikan dari pembicara di dalam percakapan, apakah itu keluarga, teman, atau seseorang yang tidak kita kenal. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif karena data dari penelitian ini adalah dalam bentuk kata-kata bukan angka dan menggunakan naskah dari ujaran-ujaran Sam untuk dianalisis. Setelah menganalisa data, penulis menemukan bahwa hanya ada tiga jenis ragam yang yang terdapat di dalam ujaran-ujaran Sam di dalam percakapannya. Ragam yang terjadi paling dominan adalah ragam santai (50%), diikuti oleh ragam formal (44%), dan ragam akrab (4%). Temuan menunjukkan bahwa Sam tidak menggunakan ragam beku karena keterbatasan kosa katanya dan juga ketidakmampuannya untuk berbicara ragam tersebut dan ia juga tidak menggunakan ragam usaha karena tidak adanya percakapan konsultatif di dalam film tersebut.



This thesis entitled An Analysis of the Five Language Styles Found in the “I Am Sam” Movie. This thesis discusses about the language styles occured in Sam’s utterances in his conversations as a leading characterin the movie by using Martin Joos’ theory (1967) about five language styles i.e. frozen, formal, consultative, casual, and intimate styles. This theory explains that the style used by the figure can be identified by the form of the language, whether it is formal or casual and public or private. It also can be identified by the figures in the conversation whether it is our family, close friend, or someone we don’t know. This study uses descriptive qualitative analysis since the data of this study are in the form of words rather than numbers and uses the transcription of the Sam’s utterances to be analyzed. After analyzing the data, the writer found that there are only three styles occured in Sam’s utterances in his conversations. The type occurs dominantly in this study is casual style (50%), next followed by formal style (44%) and intimate style (6%). The findings showed that Sam did not use frozen style due to the limitation of his vocabularies and also the disability to speak that style and he also did not use consultative style since there is no consultative conversation in this movie.






ABSTRAK ... vii

ABSTRACT ... viii



1.1. Background of the Study ... 1

1.2. Problems of the Study... 4

1.3. Objectives of the Study... 4

1.4. Scope of the Study ... 5

1.5. Significance of the Study ... 5


2.1. Sociolinguistics ... 6

2.2. Style of Language ... 8

2.2.1. Description of Five Language Styles ... 10




3.1. Method of Study ... 19

3.2. Data and Data Source ... 19

3.3. Method of Collecting Data ... 20

3.4 Data Analysis ... 20


4.1 Classified Based on the Place ... 22

4.2 Frequency of use ... 72


5.1 Conclusions ... 74

5.2 Suggestions ... 75




Skripsi ini berjudul An Analysis of the Five Language Styles Found in the “I Am Sam” Movie. Skripsi ini membahas tentang ragam bahasa yang terjadi di ujaran-ujaran Sam di dalam percakapannya sebagai karakter utama di dalam film ini dengan menggunakan teori Martin Joos (1967) tentang lima ragam bahasa, yaitu ragam beku, ragam formal, ragam usaha, ragam santai, dan ragam akrab. Teori ini menjelaskan bahwa ragam bahasa yang digunakan oleh pembicara dapat diidentifikasikan dari bentuk bahasanya, apakah itu formal atau santai dan umum atau rahasia. Ia juga dapat diidentifikasikan dari pembicara di dalam percakapan, apakah itu keluarga, teman, atau seseorang yang tidak kita kenal. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif karena data dari penelitian ini adalah dalam bentuk kata-kata bukan angka dan menggunakan naskah dari ujaran-ujaran Sam untuk dianalisis. Setelah menganalisa data, penulis menemukan bahwa hanya ada tiga jenis ragam yang yang terdapat di dalam ujaran-ujaran Sam di dalam percakapannya. Ragam yang terjadi paling dominan adalah ragam santai (50%), diikuti oleh ragam formal (44%), dan ragam akrab (4%). Temuan menunjukkan bahwa Sam tidak menggunakan ragam beku karena keterbatasan kosa katanya dan juga ketidakmampuannya untuk berbicara ragam tersebut dan ia juga tidak menggunakan ragam usaha karena tidak adanya percakapan konsultatif di dalam film tersebut.



This thesis entitled An Analysis of the Five Language Styles Found in the “I Am Sam” Movie. This thesis discusses about the language styles occured in Sam’s utterances in his conversations as a leading characterin the movie by using Martin Joos’ theory (1967) about five language styles i.e. frozen, formal, consultative, casual, and intimate styles. This theory explains that the style used by the figure can be identified by the form of the language, whether it is formal or casual and public or private. It also can be identified by the figures in the conversation whether it is our family, close friend, or someone we don’t know. This study uses descriptive qualitative analysis since the data of this study are in the form of words rather than numbers and uses the transcription of the Sam’s utterances to be analyzed. After analyzing the data, the writer found that there are only three styles occured in Sam’s utterances in his conversations. The type occurs dominantly in this study is casual style (50%), next followed by formal style (44%) and intimate style (6%). The findings showed that Sam did not use frozen style due to the limitation of his vocabularies and also the disability to speak that style and he also did not use consultative style since there is no consultative conversation in this movie.




1.1 Background of study

Every human uses language to communicate each other. Language has an important role in human life as it is used by human to express and show their feelings, thoughts, and ideas. It can be in spoken or written form. Language is a way of communicating of human to have a contact and deliver messages. It also influences in human life significantly as it is one of the tools of communication.

Many linguists talk and define what language is. Brown (2002:5) states that “Language is a system of arbitrary conventionalized vocal, written, or gestural symbols that enable members of a given community to communicate intelligibly with one another.” From the quotation above, it is known that language is used in some forms which make people can interact to each other easily.

Human can use language to do their importance in their life. Many aspects of human life need language as an important part of them, such as business, technology, education sector, etc. So, language takes so many roles in our daily life. Language helps human to interact and make them work and do many things easily.

Bloomfield in Partana (2002:18) states that “Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used by society to interact and communicate each other”. From what Bloomfield said about language, it is known that language is a part of society itself. So, it takes a vital role in communication in the society.

Language has a relation with society. The study of language which is related to the society is sociolinguistics. Wardhaugh (2006:13) states that “Sociolinguistics is


2 concerned with investigating the relationships between language and society with the goal being a better understanding of the structure of language and of how languages function in communication.” Based on the quotation above, we know that sociolinguistics is related to society as an object of the study. It is a field that analyzes language as a part of social property.

Jendra (2010: 9) says that “The study explores the functions and the varieties of language, the contacts between different languages, attitudes of people towards language use and users, changes of language, as well as plans on language.” Based on the quotation above, it is known that there are many parts of language in sociolinguistics which can be explored and investigated.

Language is not only used by society in the real life to do their importance, but also to have some entertainment. Language is applied in many forms, such as drama, poetry, novel, movie, article, etc. In this study, movie is chosen as the object of the research as there are many uses of language found in it. Occasionally, we can see the relationship of language and society in the movie which reflects the real life condition.

The I Am Sam movie is choosen as the object of this study by analyzing the five language styles found in it based on Joos’ (1967:153-155) theory which includes frozen, formal, consultative, casual, and intimate styles.

I Am Sam is an American drama movie written and directed by Jessie Nelson, and starring Sean Penn as a father with a developmental disability. Sam, a tables wiper at Starbucks whose the intelligence is as seven years old kid, decides to fight for custody of his daughter, Lucy (Dakota Fanning). Although Lucy's mother, a homeless woman, leaves right after Lucy is born, Sam does everything well, with the help from an agoraphobic neighbor (Dianne Wiest) who keeps her daughter when he


3 works. Sam also gets some help from an entourage of friends. Everything goes well until Lucy has a birthday of seven. Sam has to be separated from his daughter due to his disability to take care of the little girl whose cleverness is more than him. Her daughter begins to surpass Sam intellectually. When Family Protective Services try to take Lucy away, Sam gets intense lawyer Rita Harrison (Michelle Pfeiffer) to help him to take Lucy back. And Rita learns from Sam to take time to play with her own son. In this movie, we can see and learn from the sincerity of a mental retardation man as a father who keeps trying to take care to her own daughter eventhough he has a disability. He also has a help from his four friends who has same disability as him. Two of his friends, Brad and Joe, are roled by the real men with disability, they are Joseph Rosenberg which has mental retardation and Brad Allan Silverman which is Down Sindrom. Eventhough Sam has a mental retardation, he has a best feeling to be a good father for his own daughter.

In this study, the writer tries to know what language styles are used in this movie in Sam’s utterance in his conversationas a leading character. The writer wants to search what language styles are used in the movie by Sam which has mental retardation and tries to develop the understanding about language styles to make people having a good influence in knowing about it.

The language styles according to Joos (1967:153-155) in his book entitled “Five Clocks” as cited from Lubis (2010: 12-17), they are frozen (oratorical style), formal (deliberative style), consultative, casual, and intimate style. Here is an example of the language style which is used in the movie “I Am Sam”.

Sam: I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Yeah, I’m sorry.

Lucy: It’s Ok, Daddy. Don’t be sorry. I’m lucky. Nobody else’s daddy ever comes to the park.


4 From the dialogue above, Sam’s utterance i.e. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Yeah, I’m sorry. is classified into formal and casual style because he uses the words ‘I’m sorry’ instead of ‘sorry’ that indicates the formality. But, he also uses the word ‘yeah’ that has the impression of informality. So, Sam’s utterance in this dialogue is classified into formal and casual styles.

1.2 Problems of the Study

There are two questions raised as the problems of this study:

1. What styles are used in Sam’s utterances in the conversationas a leading character?

2. Which type of the styles dominantly occured in Sam’s utterances?

1.3 Objectives of the Study

In accordance with the problem of the study, the objectives of the study are as follows:

1. To find out language styles used by Sam as a leading character


5 1.4 Scope of the Study

The focus of the study has been limited to the styles found in the movie “I Am Sam” of which the duration is about 116 minutes. The object of the analysis is the dialogue’s transciption ofI Am Sam Movie. But the textthat will be analyzed is only Sam’s utterances in the conversations with the other figures as a leading character. The focus of the analysis is fivelanguage styles based Martin Joos’ theory which discusses the five language styles namely frozen style (oratorical style), formal style (deliberative style), consultative style, casual style, intimate style which are found in all of Sam’s utterances.

1.5 Significance of the Study

The writer hopes that this study will be significant theoretically and practically. Theoretically, it is expected to enrich or add knowledge of the reader about the five language styles, especially those found in the movie and also to know or to understand what language styles used by mental retardation person.

Practically, this thesis can be adventageous and useful to the readers, especially to the students of English department who are interested in sociolinguistics and its aspect.




2.1 Sociolinguistics

Sociolinguistics is defined as a study which connects language and society and how language has functions in communication of society. It is also studied about human conduct. Dittmar in Wardhaugh (2006 : 19) argues that “speech behaviour and social behaviour are in a state of constant interaction and that ‘material living conditions’ are an important factor in the relationship.” Sociolinguistics can help us understand why we speak differently in various social contexts, and help uncover the social relationships in a community.

Holmes in Adhalina (2011:6) says that sociolinguistics is an attempt to explain the relationship between language and society, why we speak differently in different social contexts, so it is easy to identify the social function of language and how language is used to convey social meaning such as relationships, situation, topic, and so on. Examining the way people use language in different social context provides a lot of information about the way language works as well and about social relationship in a certain community.

Chambers in Wardhaugh (2006:19) states that “Sociolinguistics is the study of the social uses of language, and the most productive studies in the four decades of sociolinguistic research have emanated from determining the social evaluation of linguistic variants.” It is often shocking to realize how extensively we may judge a background, character, and intentions of a person based simply upon the language, dialect, or, in some instances, even the choice of a single word of him or her.


7 From all the definitions above about sociolinguistics, it can be concluded that sociolinguistics is a study about the relationship of language and society. The way of performing communication, using style of language, and different word choice are studied in sociolinguistics. That is why, the writer used sociolinguistics as a basic knowledge in analyzing language style in the movie which reflects the use of language in real life in the society.

According to Wardhaugh (2006 : 18) there are several possible relationships between language and society. One is that social structure may either influence or determine linguistic structure and/or behavior. Certain evidence may be adduced to support this view: the age-grading phenomenon whereby young children speak differently from older children and, in turn, children speak differently from mature adults; studies which show that the varieties of language that speakers use reflect such matters as their regional, social, or ethnic origin and possibly even their gender; and other studies which show that particular ways of speaking, choices of words, and even rules for conversing are in fact highly determined by certain social requirements.

The basic notion underlying sociolinguistics is quite simple: Language use symbolically represents fundamental dimensions of social behavior and human interaction. The notion is simple, but the ways in which language reflects behavior can often be complex and subtle. Furthermore, the relationship between language and society affects a wide range of encounters-from broadly based international relations

to narrowly defined interpersonal relationships.

Another approach to language and society focuses on the situations and uses of language as an activity in its own right. The study of language in its social context


8 tells us quite a bit about how we organize our social relationships within a particular community.

2.2 Style of Language

Language contains a great deal of variety. People in society can be successful in their sociality if they can make a good deal with their speaking to others. But it also can be complicated if they make mistakes in it. So, we have to pay attention to certain aspect of language variation of styles of language to achieve successful and fluent communication. People can make a great achievement with the style of language they use. But they also can make a big mess when they use language at random thing. The users of language should know the rules to talk with one another to make a good communication in society to make a good relationship.

Wardhaugh (2006:51) says that we can speak very formally or very informally, our choice being governed by circumstance. A similar opinion was also expressed by Holmes in Adhalina (2011:11) who says that styles are analyzed along a scale of formality. Wardhaugh and Holmes’ statements are clear enough that when we talk to others, the selection of words should be suitable to the circumstances surrounding environment, both in formal and informal situations.

When a person interacts with others, it must occur a communication. Their communication will be influenced by the circumstance or the social context in which they may have different styles of language depending on situation and condition of its social context.

Language style is used in a conversation between people with their colleagues in the office will be different from people and their colleagues in the mall. And it will


9 be in different way we talk to a younger siblings at home over the breakfast table to talk with a public figure we meet at a ceremonial dinner.

It has each way to talk. We will use different variety of language in different situation. And we also consider with whom we talk to. It is impossible for us to talk in the same way in different situation and different person.

Wardhaugh (2006: 51) also says that people may try to relate the level of formality chosen to variety of factors: the kind of occasions; the various social, age, and other differences that exist between the participants; the particular task that is involved, e.g., writing or speaking; the emotional involvement of one or more of the participants; and so on. It could be argued that the level of formality in language variation (style) in communication is also influenced by the level of social diversity, age, and anything else that related to the speakers.

Language can make people know how to identify a person based on the language they used. We will know a person is a polite or impolite person when they talk to someone who is older or having a higher position than him or her. People also will know the characteristics of a person based on a variety of language someone uses in a situation. Such as like what Wardhaugh (2006:7) discusses about how many different ways we can ask someone to open a window or seek permission to open the window yourself because the room you are in is too warm. We have to choose one of many variants way to talk with others.

Salzmann (1998:167) states that, “the way individuals speak varies not only according to their regional and social dialect but also according to the context. The distinctive manner in which people express themselves in a particular situation is referred as style”.For example, when a grandfather in Bataknese appreciates his grandson who learns to walk by saying malo nai si bodaton which is in English


10 means “this monkey is so clever”. In this context, the grandfather doesn’t mean to create a taboo sentence but in order to appreciate his grandson. So when a speaker says something to the hearer, she or he has to know the context of the sentence which is told by the speaker. And this sentence is categorized as casual style because it is influenced by dialect.

2.2.1 Description of Five Language Styles

Joos (1962 : 153-155) cited from Lubis (2010 : 12-17) concludes five style of language as follows :

1. Frozen (Oratorical Style)

Frozen style is a style which is used in a very formal setting such as in palace, church ritual, speech of state ceremony, and some other occasions. This style is more elaborated than the other styles. The sequences of sentence are complicatedly related this style requires high skill and almost used exclusively by specialist, professional orators, lawyers and preachers. It is defined as the most formal style and elegant variety that reserved for very important or symbolic moments. It is usually used in the situation which be celebrated with respect and legitimate or formal ceremonies.

According to Joos (1967 : 154) an oratorical style is used in public speaking before a large audience, wording is carefully planned in advance, intonation is somewhat exaggerated, and numerous rhetorical devices are appropriate.

Many of linguistic units fixed and there is no variation in it. Certain fixed expressions are required. For example : yes, your honor, yes my lord, I object…and so on. Not only the sentences are carefully constructed individually, but also sequences of sentences are intricately related. Obviously, it must be very carefully planned and to do well by requiring high skill. That is why this style is called frozen


11 style or oratorical style. The people who attend on that occasion are often the person of high level or important figures. The occasion itself is not an ordinary occasion. It means that the occasion seems to give precedence and respect over the hearers and the speakers. Thus, almost exclusively specially-professional orators, lawyers, and preachers use this style.

In spite of the fact, ordinary citizens who attend the court, religious services may demand frozen language because it is not an ordinary occasion and it may be recognized for achievement in their employment. Furthermore, a story or proverbial message used this style. Constitute that languages are immutable, and signal a linguistic event in the culture that is outside ordinary language use. It must not be altered in anyway.

Frozen style usually tends to be monolog, the sentences is usually long and complete. but there are some expressions for this case. It also can be involved in conversation if each member of the interaction has certain of fix verbal role to be played. For example, in court, there are judges, witnesses, juries, and so on.

Example :

The inauguration of the President of the United States.

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United State”

These data are classified into frozen style because this happened in a symbolic moment, the inauguration of the President of United States. And the people who attend on the occasion are often the person of high level or important figures.


12 And the occasion itself is not an ordinary occasion. Because of this situation, the data are classified into frozen or oratorical style.

2. Formal (Deliberative Style)

Formal style is a style which deals with one way communication and it is used in formal situation such as in graduation ceremony. The sentence structure are more complex, and varied than in consultative the speaker must plan ahead and frame whole sentence before they are delivered. The highest important thing in formal style is about the intonation while the others is cohesion. In fact formal style is designed to inform and the background information is inserted into the text in complex sentence. Deliberative style is used in addressing audiences, usually audiences too large to permit effectively interchange between speakers and hearers, though the forms are normally not as polished as those in an oratorical style such in a typical university classroom lecture is often carried out in a deliberative style.

We can say that formal or deliberative style is used for important or serious situation. At that level, there is no symbolic or lasting value in this situation. It is usually a single topic oriented and it is related to the fact that formal writing is technical. Thus, most scholars or technical reports use this style. Formal style usually uses standard language. Formal style may also be used in speaking to a single hearer. Example :

A: Dr. White, I’d like to introduce you to Rachel. B: It’s a pleasure to meet you.


13 These data are classified into formal style because they use standart language, such as ‘I’d like to introduce you to...’. Joos said in his theory, using the standart language is one of the characteristics of formal style. The participants in this dialogue don’t use nickname to call each other as this is in formal condition. So, these data are classified into formal style.

3. Consultative Style

Consultative style is a style which is used in semiformal communication situation. It is one type of language which is required from every speaker. It is usual form of speech in a small group. Both participants are active in case when one is speaking, the other will give a short responses. Such, “yes” or “well”

Consultative style is typically a dialogue though formal enough that words are chosen with some care, doctor-patient conversation, and the like are usually consultative in nature. The typical occurrence of consultative speech is between two persons. While one is speaking at intervals the others give short responses mostly drawn from a small inventory of standard signals. There are basic parts of the system essential to its operation. Among them are : yes, no, uhhuu, mmm, that’s right, I think so. Consultative style is typically a dialogue. It is usually form of speech in a small group. Consultative is the style most open to give and take of everyday conversation discussed so far. We make routine request. For information where provide answers to such request in consultative.


Teacher: Would you tell me what your hobbies are, Class? How about you first, Ricky?


14 Ricky: Um.. Yes Ma’am, my hobby is playing football. I always feel happy

when I start playing football with my friends.

Teacher: good hobby, Ricky, just don’t forget your time to study! Okay.. Now.. What about you, Tania? What’s your hobby?

Tania: Yes, Ma’am. My hobby is playing violin. (Prastowo, 2014: 37)

These data are classified into consultative style because the relationship of the figures in the dialogue is teacher-students. In this conversation, the teacher asked her students about their hobbies. Consultative style is typically dialogue that words chosen with some care. In this conversation the figures in it have a dialogue in which the teacher asked with some care to her students. So these things can be classified into consultative style.

4. Casual Style

Casual style is a style used among friends. Acquaintances in informal situation, such as outside the classroom, when the students have a chat. It is also influenced by dialect. Casual style is a casual conversation which is between friends or colleagues or sometimes members of a family.

Casual style is also simply defined as a style that is used for the conversation in our relaxed or normal situation that appropriate to the conversation with our friends, the background information so freely inserted into casual conversation. Positively, casual style is characterized by the use of the first name or even nickname rather than a little name and last name in addressing one another. The pronunciation is rapid and often slurred, besides that the use of slang. This is a prime indication of


15 in-group relationship. It is used only with insiders, and only members of the group assume it be known, for example, to teenagers or to some clique among adolescents.

Another characteristic feature of casual speech is the omissions of unstressed words, particularly at the beginning of sentences. There most involved are articles, pronouns, auxiliaries, and be. “Anybody home?”, “Car broke down”. “Got a match?”, “Need help?”. Such expressions are a highly diagnostic feature of the casual style; they will generally be interpreted as signaling informality. However, most speakers are not aware either of the phenomenon or of its significances. That is, they do not know what is about an utterance that gives them the impression of informality.

Example :







Happening in the normal situation is one the characteristics of casual style. In this situation, A talks to B in normal situation. They are talking about their activities casually. They use words that indicate informality such as, ‘Are you having fun?’. So, these data can be classified into casual style.


16 5. Intimate Style

Intimate style is a private language developed within families, lovers, and closest friends. Intimate style is one characterized by complete absence of social inhibitions. Talk with family, beloved ones and very closed friends where you tend to reveal your inner self, it is usually in an intimate style. Intimate style is also a completely private language developed within families, lovers, and the closest of friends. It might embarrass some for non-group members to hear them in-group intimate language.

The word that generally signal intimacy such as, dear, darling, and even honey might be used in this situation. On the other names, nicknames might regularly proveembarrassing to hearer as well as speakers outside of intimate situations.Furthermore, intimate language is also characterized by ellipsis, deletion, rapid,slurred, pronunciation, non-verbal communication, and private code characteristics. It isoften unintelligible outside the smallest social units. Intimate style usually there is a shortand un-complete language and unclear articulation.It might embarrass some for non-group members to hear them in group of intimatelanguage.

Example :

Brad: I’m embarrassed to say this but sometimes—maybe more than sometimes—I worry that you’re more important to me than I am to you.

Lisa: That’s amazing to me. You wouldn’t believe how often I’m scared you don’t need me at all—that you’d rather be with somebody else.


17 These data are classified into intimate style. Joos said in his theory that intimate style is a private language developed within families, lovers, and closest friends. Joos also said that it might embarrass some for non-group members to hear them in-group intimate language. The conversation above could embarrass non-group members to hear their conversation as Brad said something intimate to Lisa.

2.3 Relevant Studies

a) Lubis (2009) in her thesis entitled “ An analysis of The Five Language Styles Found in the Movie “The Pursuit of Happiness” found four of the five language styles as frozen was not found in the movie. She said that the relationship between language and society can be seen in the relation of certain language forms that is called variation or style language. She also said to understand the language, the hearer cannot only know the meaning that the speaker says, but also the situation whether it is public or private, formal or informal, who is being addressed and who might be able to overhear.

b) Ayunda (2009) in her thesis entitled “An Analysis Of The Language Styles Found in The Movie “Charlie Wilson’s War”” found all of the styles in the movie. Each style has different percentage in her thesis. She said in the conclusion that language as the central means of communication has a potency for making communication successful and establishing social togetherness if it is used well because most speakers are not aware either of the phenomenon or of its significances.

c) Citra (2014) in her thesis entitled “An Analysis of The Language styles found in the “King’s Speech” Movie” found all of the language styles in that movie. She concluded that language styles can be identified by the situation of the


18 speaker is speak, whether it is formal or casual, public or private, who will be the listener when we speak, whether it is our friends, our parents or even the person that we never know before.

Based on the researches above, it may be concluded that there are some functions to the reader by reading the analysis. The reader will know about the language styles more completely as the studies show all about language styles by Martin Joos, such as the characteristics, the example, and the classification of the language styles. We can understand the language styles itself by reading the example of each language styles. Beside those, the reader can also know where to use every language styles in the right place and condition.




3.1 Method of Study

This analysis will use descriptive qualitative approach. Nazir (2005:54) says “Metode penelitian deskriptif adalah suatu metode dalam meneliti status sekelompok manusia, suatu objek, atau suatu set kondisi, suatu sistem pemikiran, ataupun suatu kelas peristiwa pada masa sekarang. Tujuan dari penelitian deskriptif adalah untuk membuat deskripsi, gambaran atau lukisan secara sistematis, faktual dan akurat mengenai fakta-fakta, sifat-sifat serta hubungan antarfenomena yang diselidiki.” (Descriptive research method is a method in researching the status of a group of people, an object, or a set of condition, a system of thought, or a class of events in the present. The purpose of descriptive research is to create a description, picture or a drawing in a systematic, factual and accurate information on the facts, properties and relationships investigated among the phenomena)

Qualitative analysis can be defined as an analysis aimed at recognizing and explaining the phenomena being analyzed.

3.2 Data and Data Source

The data of this analysis are taken from a movie entitled “I Am Sam” of which the duration is 118 minutes. The data are the utterances in the movie. But the writer only chooses the data from the conversations which include Sam as a leading character in it.


20 3.3 Method of Collecting Data

There are three methods of collecting data, i.e. interview, observation, and analysis on written documents such as quotation, notes, memorandums, publications and official reports, diaries, and written answer to questioner and survey (Suyanto, 1995:186). The method of collecting data used in this study can be classified into the third method, i.e analysis on written documents. The data analyzed in this thesis were quoted from I Am Sammovie’s script which is in written form. At the first, the script was searched to be analyzed. Then, the writer just took the the conversation which included Sam’s utterances as the data.

3.4 Data Analyses

After collecting the data from the data sources, the next step was to analyze the data. In analyzing the data, qualitative description was used. This study analyzed every sentence or utterance in the movie by using Martin Joos’s theory about language styles in order to answer the problem of this research.

The distributive frequency was chosen in calculating the data as Bungin (2005:171) states, “Perhitungan data dengan distribusi frekueni iini dapat dilakukandengan menghitung frekuensi data tersebut kemudian frekuensi itu dipersentasekan”. (Calculating data with distributive frequency is calculating the frequency of the data then frequency is percentaged).

To find out which style mostly occurs in both movies, a percentage was also used following by Bungin’s formula (20015: 171-172), as seen below:

n = �(�)


21 Where, n = percentage of types

Fx = total types frequency of the sub-category N = total types of all categories

Eventhough the percentage of the data was used, the conclusion of this study was made is in explanatory form.

In analyzing the data, the procedures were conducted as follows: 1. Watching the movie for several times.

2. Identifying the script containing Sam’s utterancess and then transcribing the dialogue in the conversations.

3. Classifying data in sequence based on the appearing in the movie. 4. Analysing and discussing the significance of the data.




In this chapter, the writer analyzes the data to answer the two research questions as stated in chapter one. The analysis of five language styles are focused on the context of situation, subject matter, the audience and the mode of discourse in dialogue that can be found in the movie.

4.1 Classified Based on the Place

The data are classified based on the place the conversation happened due to the context of situation. The conversation is analyzed one by one and is separated by the location it took place.

I. In the Restaurant First Dialogue

Sam: Oopsie. Decaf double tall nonfat capp for Bruce. Bruce: You got it, buddy.

Sam: That's a wonderful choice, Bruce. Bruce: Thank you, Sam. Take care.

Sam: It certainly is. One Caramel Macchiato. It's very hot.

Sam: Good morning. Vanilla grande no-foam latte. That's a wonderful choice.

Customer: Thanks, Sam. Sam: Yeah .

(See on Appendices)

In this conversation, Sam’s first utterance i.e. ‘Oopsie. Decaf double tall nonfat capp for Bruce’ is classified into intimate style because Sam calls his


23 customer with his nickname (Bruce) which gives the impression of intimacy. In addition, the relationship of Sam and Bruce is friend which is close enough to call each other with their nickname. Sam’s second utterance in this conversation (That's a wonderful choice, Bruce) is classified into formal and intimate style because Sam says standard language ‘That's a wonderful choice’. But, he also calls his customer with his nickname, ‘Bruce’, so it is also classified into intimate style. Sam’s third utterance (It certainly is. One Caramel Macchiato. It's very hot) is classified into formal style due to the standard language he uses. The forth utterance ‘Good morning. Vanilla grande no-foam latte. That's a wonderful choice’ is also classified into formal style because he uses standard language instead of the informal one to his customer. But, in his last utterance, he speaks casually to his customer by saying ‘yeah’. So, this utterance is classified into casual style. So, this conversation is classified into casual style because the background of the dialogue occurred in informal situation which happened in the restaurant in which Sam, the leading character, works as a waiter and serves his customer. Eventhough he was talking to his customer, in this situation the customer had known about him before so they had an enough relationship to speak casual. In addition, they call by name to each other. Joos indicates that as casual style. Joos said that casual style is characterized by the use of the first name or even nickname rather than last name in addressing one another. So this thing can indicate these data as casual style.

Second Dialogue

George: Hey, Sam. They called. It's time for you to go. Sam: Oh, yeah, it's time.

George: It's time, buddy.

Sam: It's time for me to go now. It's time for me to go now, George! George: Good luck.


24 (See on Appendices)

In this conversation, Sam is talking to his close friend, George. In Sam’s first utterance (Oh, yeah, it's time), Sam speaks casually by saying ‘Oh, yeah’ and this makes the utterance classified into casual style. But the words ‘it’s time’ is in standard language, so it is classified into formal style. In the last utterance i.e. It's time for me to go now. It's time for me to go now, George!, Sam speaks formally by saying ‘It’s time for me to go’, but he also repeats his words that gives the impression of informality. Sam also calls his friend by his nickname, George. So, there are three styles in his last utterance, they are formal, casual, and intimate style. So, happening in the normal situation is one the characteristics of casual style. In this situation, George talks to Sam in normal situation. Eventhough it happens in their workplace, restaurant, they talk informal to each other. It is signed in their way to call each other with their first name, not last name. However, in the data Sam and George talk as a friend so it means there is no a different social class, status or higher position between them. The word ‘buddy’ can also indicate these data as casual style.

Third Dialogue

Sam: Double Macchiato, low fat, low foam. That's a wonderful choice. Customer: Oh, my God!

Sam: An ice cube went down— Customer: Thank you. Oh, my God.

Sam: Can I get another drink, please? Customer: Iced cappuccino.

Sam: That's a wonderful choice. Customer: Thank you.

Sam: Yeah .


25 The first utterance used by Sam (Double Macchiato, low fat, low foam. That's a wonderful choice) in this conversation is classified into formal style because he uses standard language to his customer. The second utterance (An ice cube went down) is also classified into formal style because he speaks grammatically. The third utterance by Sam is also categorized into formal style because he uses standard language and the word ‘please’ is used in formal situation. Although the condition and the place the conversation took place is in semiformal condition, Sam speaks formally to his customer. The next utterance is also categorized into formal style due to the standard language Sam used. But, eventhough Sam speaks formally from the first time to his customer, he ends up the conversation with the word ‘yeah’ which is not formal. So, the last utterance is classified into casual style. After all, this conversation is classified into formal style because this conversation takes place in formal conversation between the waiter and the customer who are not familiar each other. Joos said that formal style is used in formal situation.This is one of the reason why this conversation is categorized into formal style.

Fourth Dialogue

Grace: Rooty Tooty Fresh and Fruity. Sunnyside up, not too runny. two sausage links. French pancakes instead of buttermilk. Fruit topping on the side. The Funny Face special. I think it's funny when you say "Funny Face special." French, not buttermilk. Fruit topping on the side. Not on top. You're getting a funny face.

Sam: That's a wonderful choice. Thank you, Grace. Thank you very, very, very, very much.

Grace: You got it, Sam. (See on Appendices)

In this conversation, Sam’s utterance is classified into three styles, they are, formal, casual, and intimate styles. First, it is formal because Sam uses standard


26 language. Eventhough he can speak informal to Grace, his close friend, he still uses words grammatically. Second, it is casual because Sam repeats his word ‘very’ many times and that indicates informality. The third, it is intimate because he calls his friend with her first name that gives the impression of intimacy. After all, it can be classified into casual style because there is a word which indicate the casual style. Grace calls Sam with his nickname eventhough in this situation Sam is his customer. Grace and Sam talk as a friend so that these data can be classified into casual style. Because they were talking in relax situation.

Fifth Dialogue

Lily: Hey, you. Hey, handsome. "Premature baby claims he's Cupid. Has arrow to prove it." You believe that?

Sam: But if he has the arrow, that's the only thing. Lily: You got a good point.

Sam: This is the lnternational House of Pancakes quiz. And Lucy found the word "beet." I want to surprise her and find the word "carrot"... but it's hiding.

Lily: Carrot! Sam: Where?

Lily: C-a-r-r--carrot. Carrot. It's right there.

Sam: And you're smart. You would be a good mother. Do you tell good stories?

Lily: I got stories up the wazoo. Sam: Really?

Lily: You come with me and relax... and I'll tell you some nice stories. (See on Appendices)

In this conversation, Sam’s first and second utterances i.e. But if he has the arrow, that's the only thing and This is the lnternational House of Pancakes quiz. And Lucy found the word "beet." I want to surprise her and find the word "carrot"... but it's hiding are classified into formal style because he uses standard language to talk with the woman he just met at the first time. But, in the next utterance he speaks


27 informally by saying ‘where?’. So the second utterance is classified into casual style. In the forth utterance he speaks both formally and informally that can be classified into formal and casual style. He says ‘and you’re smart’ that indicates informality because he uses non-standard language. But in the end he speaks grammatically by talking in standard language. In the last utterance Sam speaks casually by saying ‘really?’ so this can be classified into casual style.After looking at the dialogue, Sam and Lily are talking something not serious. Casual style is also marked by the using of simple language and give the short reponses. in the conversation, Lily tries to flirt Sam to come with her. The other characteristic of casual style is social bariers are moderately low. In this movie, Sam is the visitor and Lily is the prostitute. However, in the data Sam and Lily talk as a friend, so it means there is no a different social class, status or higher position between them.

Sixth Dialogue

Waitress: We don't have French pancakes. We have French toast.

Sam: No, I don't want French toast. I want French pancakes. like at IHOP. Just the same kind like they have at IHOP. That's what my favorite breakfast is, OK?

Lucy: They're those thin pancakes. Waitress: The crepe pancakes?

Sam: I don't even want crepes. I want to have French pancakes... with the fruit topping on the side. That's what I want to have, please. Thank you.

Waitress: We don't have that, though, sir. Do you want regular pancakes and jam—

Sam: I don't want something else! Why did you ask me that? Waitress: I'll see. Maybe they have something—

Sam: Yeah, ask Bob! Waitress: OK.

Sam: Ask Bob's Big Boy. Because the customer's always right. Waitress: I understand that—

Sam: The customer's always right. (See on Appendices)


28 In this conversation, Sam’s first utterance (No, I don't want French toast. I want French pancakes. like at IHOP. Just the same kind like they have at IHOP. That's what my favorite breakfast is, OK?) is classified into casual and formal style. In here, Sam uses non-standard language at first but continuing it with standard language. The second utterance by Sam is formal style because he speaks grammatically and he talks with standard language. Moreover, he also uses word ‘please’ in his utterance. The third utterance is also classified into formal style due to the standard language he uses. Eventhough in the beginning he speaks formally, in the forth and fifth utterances he speaks casually. He says ‘yeah’ and uses words in non-standard language. In the last of his utterance, he uses standard language again and it is classified into formal style.

Seventh Dialogue

Sam: I'm ready to make coffee. Decaf nonfat latte. It's coffee up to here, nonfat milk up to here... and chocolate or cinnamon sprinkles.

George: That's pretty good, Sam. I'll think about it. We'll come up with a promotion that's good for you.

Sam: But I know what that means. When I worked as a janitor at the La Reina Theater... I asked Mr. Jenkins if I could be a ticket-taker... and he said he would think about it. And Jimmy Peters got the job. And he let his friends in for free.

George: I promise you, Sam. We'll come up with something for you. You have my word.

Sam: Word, words, words. I need more than that. I need to make coffee. I need to pay my lawyer.

(See on Appendices)

The first utterance by Sam in this conversation is classified into formal style because Sam uses standard language, eventhough he speaks with his close friend. But, in his second and third utterances, he uses both standard and non-standard language that can classify these utterances as casual and formal style. After


29 all, these data are classified into casual style. Because George calls Sam with his nickname. This conversation happens in normal situation between Sam and George. And eventhough George is Sam’s supervisor, they talk as a friend. We can see that from the language they used. They call each other with nickname instead of last name. This can indicate the data as casual style. Joos also said in his theory that the pronunciation in casual style is rapid and often slurred. And Sam’s pronunciation in these data are slurred.

Eighth Dialogue

Rita: I don't think you realize what you're up against. We have to be in court in three days... and we don't have a decent witness. Now, you've got to know someone who can testify... who's been to college... or has a degree of some kind... or has some way of expressing themselves... that will make the court believe you deserve... to get your daughter back. I need coffee. Big, tall.

Sam: Tall is the smallest.

Rita: Yeah, of course. Once you think of this person... and there has to be one person, call me at work. Because I'm going back there now... to my seven other cases. What? Mrs. Robeck. I'm on the 405. The traffic is horrible.

Sam: You want this for here or to go? Rita: Dorothy?

Sam: Oh, no. No. Tow truck is towing your car. Rita: Son of a bitch.

Sam: It's towing your car.

Rita: No, wait! Stop! It's my car. Stop. (See on Appendices)

In this conversation, Sam uses standard language in his first utterance ‘tall is the smallest’ so that it is classified into formal style. But, in the second utterance, he uses non-standard language so it is classified into casual style. In his third utterance, Sam uses non-standard language by saying ‘Oh, no. No.’ but he adds it with standard language by saying ‘Tow truck is towing your car’. So, it is classified


30 into casual and formal styles. In the last utterance, he uses standard language by saying ‘it’s towing your car’, so it is classified into casual style.

Ninth Dialogue

Sam: You made her cry. Rita: I got lucky.

Sam: Oh, no. That's not nice to make her cry. Rita: Only in there.

Sam: And your secretary when you hated your desk.

Sam: Green and yellow on the same plate. Could you separate the lima beans... from the corn, please?

Rita: Sam, don't be impossible. Can I have the spinach omelette-- only egg whites, no fat, no oil, no butter.

Waitress: And extra mushrooms? Rita: Absolutely.

Sam: My treat. Rita: No, no, no—

(See on Appendices)

In his first utterance, Sam talks formally because his words are in standard language. So, it is classified into formal style. But, in the second utterance he speaks both casually and formally. It is classified into casual style due to the using of words ‘Oh, no.’ that indicates informality. But, in the second utterance in his second utterance he uses standard language that can make this be classified into formal style. In his next utterance he uses non-standard language by using ‘and’ in front of the sentence, so it is classified into casual style. His forth utterance is classified into formal style because he uses standard language and the using word ‘please’ in the end of his utterance can also give the impression of formality. But, in his last utterance, he speaks casually again by saying ‘my treat’ to Rita. These data


31 are classified into casual style because they talked in normal situation. Rita and Sam talkedas friend here. And the unawareness toward grammar can also indicate these data as casual style. The words such as “Oh, no” can give the immpression of informality itself.

Tenth Dialogue

George: Today's your big day, buddy. Making coffee. You ready? Sam: Thank you, George.

George: What time you got to be in court?

Sam: I have to be on the stand at 2:00. Two venti Caramel Macchiatos. (See on Appendices)

Sam’s first utterance in this conversation is classified into formal and intimate style because he uses standard language and calls his friend with his first name that gives sign that he is his close friend. The second utterance is classified into formal style due to the standard language that he uses.So, these data can be categorized as casual style because the dialogue occurred in normal situation between George and Sam in the restaurant.

Eleventh Dialogue

Rita: Sam, there's one option we've never talked about. I know what you went through... the last time you took the stand.

Sam: I didn't like that at all.

Rita: We could give the foster parents guardianship... and then we could try... for the most incredible visitation rights... and it would almost seem like joint custody.

Sam: You're saying I don't have a chance. That's what you're saying. Rita: No. I'm not saying you don't have a chance.

Joe: That's what you said last time and now look where he is.

Sam: But she's not saying that I don't have a chance. So tell me that I have a chance.

Ifty: Oh, my God. Sam, you guys... it's video night at my house, and I'm not even there.

Joe: Check.


32 Sam: Because, OK. Wait. This is really hard to say. For me, this is a very hard thing to say... but I'm gonna stay and have my dessert here with Rita... and I'm not gonna go to video night tonight.

Brad: What?

Joe: Gee, that figures. I knew that was coming. (See on Appendices)

Sam’s first utterance in this conversation is classified into casual style because his words give the impression of informality. He should say ‘I didn’t like all of them’ instead of ‘I didn’t like that at all’. But, it is suitable for the condition the conversation took place, in normal situation. His second utterance is also classified into casual style because it is in non-standard language. Sam’s last utterance is classified into casual and formal styles. It is classified into casual styles due to the words that indicate informality such as ‘OK’, ‘Wai t’, and ‘Gonna’. It is also classified into formal style due to the using of standard language in the sentence ‘this is a very hard thing to say’. So, these data are classified into casual style because they talked in normal situation and they use simple language without awaring grammar. Calling each other with their first name instead of last name is one of the characteristics of casual style like what Joos said in his theory.

Twelfth Dialogue

Rita: Sam, there's one option we've never talked about. I know what you went through... the last time you took the stand.

Sam: I didn't like that at all.

Rita: We could give the foster parents guardianship... and then we could try... for the most incredible visitation rights... and it would almost seem like joint custody.

Sam: You're saying I don't have a chance. That's what you're saying. Rita: No. I'm not saying you don't have a chance.

Joe: That's what you said last time and now look where he is.

Sam: But she's not saying that I don't have a chance. So tell me that I have a chance.


33 Ifty: Oh, my God. Sam, you guys... it's video night at my house, and I'm not

even there. Joe: Check.

Brad: Sam, get your dessert to go.

Sam: Because, OK. Wait. This is really hard to say. For me, this is a very hard thing to say... but I'm gonna stay and have my dessert here with Rita... and I'm not gonna go to video night tonight.

Brad: What?

Joe: Gee, that figures. I knew that was coming. (See on Appendices)

Sam’s first utterance in this conversation is classified into casual style because his words give the impression of informality. He should say ‘I didn’t like all of them’ instead of ‘I didn’t like that at all’. But, it is suitable for the condition the conversation took place, in normal situation. His second utterance is also classified into casual style because it is in non-standard language. Sam’s last utterance is classified into casual and formal styles. It is classified into casual styles due to the words that indicate informality such as ‘OK’, ‘Wai t’, and ‘Gonna’. It is also classified into formal style due to the using of standard language in the sentence ‘this is a very hard thing to say’.

II. In the Apartment First Dialogue

Sam: Uh-oh. Didn't you just go to sleep? Let me see. OK. Lucy, you look beautiful this morning. You look very beautiful. Look at that, Lucy. Nose. OK. Yeah, I-- Oopsie.

Annie: What the hell are you doing to that baby? (See on Appendices)

Sam’s utterance in this conversation is classified into formal, casual, and intimate style. The words which give the impression of formality is ‘Didn't you just go to sleep? Let me see’ and ‘You look very beautiful. Look at that’. He uses standard


34 language eventhough he is actually speaking with his own daughter. But, he also speaks casually as we can see from the words ‘yeah’, ‘OK’, and ‘Nose’. Sam’s utterance also gives an impression of intimacy from the way he calls her daughter with her nickname he gave her, Lucy.

Second Dialogue

Annie: What's the matter with the baby, Sam?

Sam: Everything is just so tiny, tiny. Will you come over here and help me? Annie: You know I can't do that. What does her mother say?

Sam: Her mother said, "This isn't my life... and I didn't want a baby with you. I just needed a place to sleep."

Annie: What if the baby's sick? Bring her over here. Sam, babies need food every two hours.

Sam: Sorry. I'm sorry, Lucy in the sky.

Annie: You know... critics and fools said that that song... had some mysterious meaning, but John always said... it came from a picture his son Julian drew... of his friend Lucy O'Connell.

Sam: So I made a good choice?

Annie: You made an excellent choice, Sam. Now, what time does this little diamond wake up?

Sam: What time does this little diamond wake up? She wakes up all the time. Annie: Let's just assume she wakes up at 6:00. Keep your TV on Nickelodeon. I

want you to feed her first... when "Hogan's Heroes" comes on. And then again. Wait until "I Dream of Jeannie." And then, feed her when "I Love Lucy" comes on.

(See on Appendices)

In this conversation, eventhough Sam speaks with his neighbour which is close enough to him, he also uses standard language which is formal language. Like what he says in his first utterance in this conversation. He says ‘Everything is just so tiny’ and ‘Will you come over here and help me?’. But he also repeats his word ‘tiny’ that can be classified into casual style. Sam’s second utterance (Her mother said, "This isn't my life... and I didn't want a baby with you. I just needed a place to sleep.") is classified into formal style because he uses standard language to Annie,


35 his neighbour. Then, his third utterance (Sorry. I'm sorry, Lucy in the sky) contains three styles, they are casual, formal, and intimate style. The word ‘sorry’ is not in standard language, so it is classified into casual. But, after saying ‘sorry’, Sam repeats the word with ‘I’m sorry’ which can be classiffied into formal style. In the end, Sam calls his daughter with her nickname, ‘Lucy in the sky’. The next utterance by Sam is classified into casual style because he speaks ungrammatically. He should make it ‘So, did I make a good choice?’ instead of ‘So I made a good choice?’ to make a question sentence grammatically. The last utterance by Sam (What time does this little diamond wake up? She wakes up all the time.) is classified into casual and formal style. It can be classified into casual style because he repeats the question which Annie says to him. But, he also uses standard language in speaking to his own neighbour.

Third Dialogue

Sam: We have to be quiet. I've seen nothing. I know nothing! Such a nice man for an officer. What are you doing? I'm just getting Lucy asleep... and you're making noise and everything.

Rhodes: Oh, sorry. We're here for video night.

Brad: Eight years every Thursday video night, and you forgot? Sam: I'm sorry.

Brad: It's always every first Thursday of every month...

Sam: Video night at Sam's house. And I forgot. Yeah, and I forgot.

Ifty: Becca's gone. "Gone with the Wind." 1939, directed by Victor Fleming. That was a very sad movie.

Robert: Here we go. Everything changes now. Soon you'll forget about Wednesday night at IHOP... and then Friday night at karaoke... and I got hit by a car today.

Sam: You did?

Robert: It was probably that guy from the V.A. Brad: Did you bring "Kramer vs. Kramer"?

Robert: I see what's happening here. I see. So this is all my fault now.

Brad: Don't tell me you forgot again. I broke a date with a daydream to come here.

Robert: It's your mother.

Estelle: Hi, Robert. Hello, boys. It's me, Estelle.


36 Estelle: Well, I guess I'll just wait downstairs. Sure there isn't anything. I can get


Brad: No, Ma. You can wait downstairs. That's fine. Estelle: OK. See you later, Rob.

Robert: Bye, Estelle.

Ifty: What a pretty baby. Hi, little baby. Sam: Doesn't she look smart?

Ifty: She does. She looks smart. That baby looks so darn smart. It's amazing how smart she is. She's very smart. She really does. I think she's really beautiful. Of course she looks smart. She's already reading the paper.

(See on Appendices)

In this conversation, although Sam talks with his close friend, he uses standard language in his first utterance (We have to be quiet. I've seen nothing. I know nothing! Such a nice man for an officer. What are you doing? I'm just getting Lucy asleep... and you're making noise and everything.). But, he also says ‘Such a nice man for an officer’ that is ungrammatically. So, the first utterance is classified into formal and casual style. The second utterance by Sam is classified into formal style because he says ‘I’m sorry’ instead of ‘sorry’ eventhough he actually talks with his very close friend, Brad. The third utterance by Sam (Video night at Sam's house. And I forgot. Yeah, and I forgot) is classified into casual style because he speaks ungrammatically. The forth utterance by Sam (you did?) is classified into casual style because he uses ungrammatical words. Sam’s last utterance (Doesn't she look smart?) is classified into formal style because he uses standard language in his utterance.

Forth Dialogue

Sam: Annie, I can't take her to work anymore... because she's too big now. Lucy: Annie.

Sam: That was her first word. Lucy: Annie.


37 Sam: See?

Annie: People worry you're not smart. (See on Appendices)

The first utterance by Sam in this conversation (Annie, I can't take her to work anymore... because she's too big now) is classified into intimate and formal style. Eventhough Sam speaks to his neighbour in normal situation which can make him to speak informally, Sam still speaks formally to Annie. But, he also calls Annie with her first name that gives the intimacy itself. The second utterance of Sam is classified into formal style due to the standard language used. But, in the last utterance, Sam speaks casually with saying ‘see?’ to Annie that can be classified into casual style.

Fifth Dialogue

Sam: Because when Lucy comes through the door... everybody says, "surprise!" You gotta stop bouncing for a second. You'll say, "surprise!"

Children: Can we keep bouncing?

Sam: You'll have to come down. After Lucy gets here and we say, "surprise." So you have to assume surprise position. Should we rehearse it one more time? Assume the surprise position. Annie was supposed to warn us. Brad, hit the light. Surprise! Conner: It's not her.

Margareth: Hi. I don't know if you remember me. I'm Margaret Calgrove... Department of Child and Family Services. We met at the police station.

Sam: Put the present there. You have to hurry, because Lucy's coming. Come on, hide with us. Come on, over here. Annie said Lucy's coming up the stairs right now. So you have to assume the surprise position.

(See on Appendices)

In this conversation, Sam’s first utterance (Because when Lucy comes through the door... everybody says, "surprise!" You gotta stop bouncing for a second. You'll say, "surprise!") is classified into casual style because he uses non-standard language and he also speaks to the children in normal and relax situation. In the


38 second utterance, Sam uses both standard and non-standard language and it indicates that this utterance is classified in casual and formal style. Sam also calls his close friend with his nickname, Brad, so this utterance can also be classified into intimate style. In the last utterance (Put the present there. You have to hurry, because Lucy's coming. Come on, hide with us. Come on, over here. Annie said Lucy's coming up the stairs right now. So you have to assume the surprise position.) Sam uses standard language that indicates this conversation as formal style.

Sixth Dialogue

Ifty: Of course the judge picked the lawyer. For God's sake, put it together. She's the one who took Lucy away from you... so it's time that you get your own lawyer now.

Sam: You guys think I'm guilty?

Ifty: No, Sam. You didn't kill anybody. I miss Lucy, Sam. Brad: Me, too.

(See on Appendices)

One of the characteristic of casual style is it is used in our related or normal situation. Based at the dialogue, these data are categorized into casual style. Between Sam and his friends are talking in normal or relax situation. Casual style is also marked by the using of simple language and give the short reponses. It can be supported through the words such as ‘Guys’. It is so simple conversation. In addition unawareness toward grammar and the use of slang also the part of casual style. And in this conversation, they call each other with their nicknames.

Seventh Dialogue

Phone machine: "press the red button for record." Ifty: Let's start with the O.G.M. Brad: What? I don't know. Joe: I don't think it's working.


39 Robert: I think it's because it's a used machine.

Brad: It's not used. It's pre-owned. A guy bought it for his auto shop... and then he got a secretary.

Joe: Testing, 1, 2, 3.

Sam: That's a good code. I can remember that--1, 2, 3.

Robert: 4, 5, 6.

Ifty: 7, 8, 9.

Brad: 9, 10, 1 1, 12.

Ifty: Quick. You're recording.

Sam: Hi. This is-- Hi. This is Sam. I'm not home.

Brad: No, you really don't want to say that... because you don't want to tell them you're not home.

(See on Appendices)

In this conversation, eventhough Sam talks with his friends in his apartment, he uses standard language in his first utterance. But, in the second utterance he speaks casually by saying ‘Hi. This is-- Hi. This is Sam. I'm not home’.

Eighth Dialogue

Sam: But, Annie, it's just one day. And Lucy needs you because you went to college... and you can give the right answers. And we can't lose her.

Annie: I'd make it worse for you. I can't do it. Don't you think I would if I could?

(See on Appendices)

In this only utterance by Sam in the conversation, there are three styles that he uses, they are intimate, casual, and formal styles. It can be classified into intimate because he calls his neighbour with her first name that gives the impression of intimacy. It can also be classified into formal style because he also uses standard language in his utterance, that is in the words ‘it’s just one day’. But, besides formal and intimate, he also speaks casually by using non-standard language and putting conjunction in front of every sentences he uses.


40 Rita: I can go... at least another nine rounds. But you gotta let me in. Please. Sam. There you are. Now I can see those kind eyes. So, George says that you needed a break from work.

Sam: I don't really want to work there anymore.. because there's too many people.

Rita: Then maybe we can find you a quieter job, because-- Remember that was one of the judge's conditions... that you earn more money. You have to keep earning more money... so that you can get a new apartment... and Lucy can have her own room... for when you get her back.

Sam: Yeah, except that Lucy doesn't need me anymore. She has a new family now... and she doesn't need me anymore.

Rita: Is that what she said?

Sam: It's because I know that. Because I just know that.

Rita: Well. That's the first stupid thing I've ever heard you say. Sam, you can get Lucy back. The court favors reunification. But, Sam, you have to fight for her.

Sam: Yeah, but I tried! I tried hard! Rita: Try harder!

Sam: Yeah, but you don't know! Rita: I don't know what?

Sam: You don't know what it's like when you try... and you try and you try and you don't ever get there! Because you were born perfect, and I was born like this! And you're perfect!

Rita: Is that right?

Sam: People like you don't know. Rita: People like me?

Sam: You don't know what it's like to get hurted... because you don't have feelings. People like you don't feel anything.

Rita: You think you got the market cornered on human suffering? Let me tell you something about people like me. People like me feel lost and little and ugly... and dispensable. People like me have husbands... screwing someone else far more perfect than me. People like me have sons who hate them. And I've screamed horrible things to him... a seven-year-old, because he doesn't want... to get in the car at the end of the day. And then he looks at me with such anger... and I hate him then. I know I'm failing you. I know I'm disappointing you. I know you deserve better, but get in the fucking car! Every morning, I wake up and I fail. And I look around, and everybody seems to be pulling it off... but somehow I can't... no matter how hard I try. Somehow...l'll never be enough.

Sam: You 're enough. Yeah, you're much more than enough. Lovely Rita. (See on Appendices)

Sam’s first utterance in this conversation is classified into formal style due to the standard language he uses in his utterance. In his second and third utterances, he speaks formally and casually since there are words in standard and non-standard


41 language in his utterance. In his fourth utterance, he speaks with standard language but he also repeats his words that gives the impression of informality, so it is classified into casual and formal style. His fifth utterance is classified into casual style due to the word ‘yeah’ in it. Sam’s sixth utterance is classified into casual and formal styles because Sam uses standard and non-standard language in his utterance. He also repeats his words that gives the impression of informality. In his seventh and eight utterances, he uses standard language that make it become formal style. In his last utterance, there are three styles used by Sam, they are casual, formal, and intimate styles. He says ‘yeah’ that indicates it as casual. He also says standard language that indicates it as formal style. The words ‘Lovely Rita’ indicates the impression of intimacy.

Tenth Dialogue

Lucy: Daddy! Did you know that Warren G. Harding... was the 29th president of the United States? Remember, the 29th president... in case the judge asks.

Sam: What are you doing out here? Lucy: I missed you.

Sam: You could get really hurted. And it's really cold... and you don't have enough on to keep you warm.

(See on Appendices)

In this conversation, Sam uses standard language in his first utterance eventhough he speaks to his daughter in the normal situation. Because it gives the impression of formality, so Sam’s first utterance is classified into formal style.His second utterance is classified into casual and formal styles because he uses standard language in the beginning and he end it up with non-standard language.


42 Sam: Everybody behave yourself. Oh, how wonderful. You brought

Willy. Hi, Willy. Willy: Hi, Sam.

Sam: It's good to see you. We have to close the door because the dogs go out.

Rita: My husband left this when he moved out. Sam: Lovely Rita.

Rita: OK, let me see. They're going to put Randy on the stand tomorrow first... and then you.

Sam: They're a very nice couple. And she's pretty, and they have a nice house... and she's smart, too.

Rita: Sam, I worry. I worry sometimes.

Sam: Do you worry that you did something wrong?

Rita: I worry that I've gotten... more out of this relationship than you. Sam: I have the lawyer that never loses.

Rita: That's me.

Sam: And the manager at the Pizza Hut's gonna testify... and that's good.

Rita: Absolutely.

Sam: And Annie said that George thinks-- that George Harrison couldn't-- maybe, he couldn't write a song... but then he wrote "Here Comes the Sun"... and she said that it was one of the best songs on "Abbey Road."

Rita: George was always my favorite Beatle. (See on Appendices)

In this conversation, Sam uses non-standard language in his first utterance (Everybody behave yourself. Oh, how wonderful. You brought Willy. Hi, Willy.) that makes these data as casual style. But, he also uses formal style when he says ‘You brought Willy’. His second utterance (It's good to see you. We have to close the door because the dogs go out.) is classified into formal style because he uses standard language in it. His third utterance is classified into intimate style since Sam calls Rita with the words ‘Lovely Rita’ which gives the impression of intimacy. Sam uses non-standard language in his fourth utterance so it is classified into casual style. Sam’s fifth utterance is classified into formal style due to the using of standard language. Sam’s last utterance is classified into formal style because he uses standard language.


50. At the park

Sam: Get off the grass, Dino. OK, come on. Be careful, because you're gonna get hurt. Guys, be careful of the pictures. Be careful of the pretty pictures.

Randy: Sam, you're early.

Sam: All the lights were green. When I was walking here, all the lights were green.

Randy: There's a reason for the court schedule. You stopped showing up. Lucy's had to rebuild her whole life, Sam.

Sam: I want her back. I know I can get her back.

Sandy: That's not up to me. But I'm just gonna tell you... I'm gonna do everything in my power... to protect that little girl from getting hurt again. Whose dogs are these?

Sam: These are supplemental income. Because I wash and I walk and I feed the dogs. Sam Dawson has everything for your canine needs.

Sandy: Let me go get your daughter.

51. In front of Randy’s House

Sam: Everybody behave like a gentleman... because Lucy's gonna come out here... and first impressions are very important.

Lucy: You never even came! You never called! You forgot about me! How could you forget me?

Sam: No, I didn't forget you! I would never forget you! I hate you! Will you not be mad at me for one second? Because I want to tell you one thing, OK? Because last night, I was writing you a letter... and then


the words, they got too big. Gesundheit, Floppy. Floppy has a cold. And then I said... "Dear Lucy, I'm sorry I maybe hurt your feelings... "and I was thinking about you all the time. "Lucy on a hammock... "and Lucy at school... "and Lucy in the sky and kisses and hugs, Daddy. "And P.S. I love you, like the song. "P.S. I love you like in the song."

52. At social workers office Rita: Hello, Mr. Dawson. Sam: Yes. Hello, lawyer. Rita: Shall we?

53. In the restaurant

Rita: Sam, there's one option we've never talked about. I know what you went through... the last time you took the stand.

Sam: I didn't like that at all.

Rita: We could give the foster parents guardianship... and then we could try... for the most incredible visitation rights... and it would almost seem like joint custody.

Sam: You're saying I don't have a chance. That's what you're saying. Rita: No. I'm not saying you don't have a chance.

Joe: That's what you said last time and now look where he is.

Sam: But she's not saying that I don't have a chance. So tell me that I have a chance.


Ifty: Oh, my God. Sam, you guys... it's video night at my house, and I'm not even there.

Joe: Check.

Brad: Sam, get your dessert to go.

Sam: Because, OK. Wait. This is really hard to say. For me, this is a very hard thing to say... but I'm gonna stay and have my dessert here with Rita... and I'm not gonna go to video night tonight.

Brad: What?

Joe: Gee, that figures. I knew that was coming.

54. In front of Randy’s house Lucy: Daddy?

Sam: Hi.

Randy: What are you doing here? Sam: I live here.

Randy: What do you mean you live here? Sam: Actually, I live here.

Lucy: This is where you live? So close to me?

Sam: Yeah, because I wanted to be close. I wanted to be closer to you... so I live here in that apartment. It's number nine. And number nine is like October 9... when John Lennon was born... and his son was born on October 9, too. Lucy: John met Yoko on November 9.


55. In the apartment

Lucy: Daddy! Did you know that Warren G. Harding... was the 29th president of the United States? Remember, the 29th president... in case the judge asks.

Sam: What are you doing out here? Lucy: I missed you.

Sam: You could get really hurted. And it's really cold... and you don't have enough on to keep you warm.

56. In front of Randy’s house Randy: What--?

Sam: She couldn't sleep, so she came to my house.

Randy: Give me my daughter. Give us Lucy. Come here. Easy, Sam. Thank you.

Sam: Sometimes if you rub her belly... and then if you tell her two stories... and give her half an IHOP corn muffin... then sometimes she sleeps. When she can't sleep.

Randy: We'll be fine, Sam. Good night. Sam: Good night.


57. In the apartment

Sam: Everybody behave yourself. Oh, how wonderful. You brought Willy. Hi, Willy.

Willy: Hi, Sam.

Sam: It's good to see you. We have to close the door because the dogs go out.

Rita: My husband left this when he moved out. Sam: Lovely Rita.

Rita: OK, let me see. They're going to put Randy on the stand tomorrow first... and then you.

Sam: They're a very nice couple. And she's pretty, and they have a nice house... and she's smart, too.

Rita: Sam, I worry. I worry sometimes.

Sam: Do you worry that you did something wrong?

Rita: I worry that I've gotten... more out of this relationship than you. Sam: I have the lawyer that never loses.

Rita: That's me.

Sam: And the manager at the Pizza Hut's gonna testify... and that's good. Rita: Absolutely.

Sam: And Annie said that George thinks-- that George Harrison couldn't-- maybe, he couldn't write a song... but then he wrote "Here Comes the Sun"... and she said that it was one of the best songs on "Abbey Road."


58. In front of Sam’s apartment

Randy: She's OK. Sorry. She fell asleep in the car. I was gonna turn back and tuck her in... in her room. You know, that I-- in her room that I made for her. Because I tried to make a really nice room for her. But I was afraid she'd wake up at our house... and want to come home.

Sam: That's a girl.

Randy: I have to apologize to you... because I was gonna tell that judge... that I could give Lucy the kind of love she never had. But I can't say that, because I'd be lying. I hope...

Sam: I hope you're saying what I think you're saying. I hope you're saying what I think you're saying.

Randy: I am. Bye. I'll see you in court tomorrow. Save me a seat, Sam. On your side. OK? Sam: Yeah. I'll save you a seat on my side. Bye. Randy: Bye.

Sam: Randy? If I tell you a secret... that I can't do it by myself... will you tell the judge on me?

Randy: No, Sam.

Sam: Promise?

Randy: I promise.

Sam: Because I always wanted Lucy to have a mother. I always wanted her to have a mother. Help. I need somebody. Help. Not just anyone. And you're the red in her painting. Because I think you're the red in her painting.