An Analysis Of The Language Styles Found In The “ King’s Speech ” Movie








REG. NO. 100705037




MEDAN 2014







Drs. Chairul Husni, M. Ed. TESOL Drs. Yulianus Harefa, M.Ed. TESOL

Submitted to Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara Medan in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from Department of English.




Approved by the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara (USU) Medan as thesis for The Sarjana Sastra Examination.

Head, Secretary,

Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, MS Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A. Ph. D NIP. 19541117 198003 1 002 NIP. 19750209 200812 1 002


Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara, Medan.

The examination is held in Deaprtment of English Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara on 23 July 2014

The Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara

Dr. H. Syahron Lubis, MA NIP.19511013 197603 1 001

Board of Examiners

Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, MS ………..

Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M. A., Ph. D ………..

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Date: July, 2014










Signed :

Date : July, 2014  




First of all, I would like to say my special praise and gratitude to my Almighty God, Jesus Christ who really loves and keeps me. His Perfect Blessing and Kindness are never be end in my life, so, I realize that without Him, of course I can not finish this thesis completely. Thank You Jesus.

I would like to grateful to my Supervisor Drs. Chairul Husni, M. Ed. TESOL and my co- supervisor Drs. Yulianus Harefa, M. Ed. TESOL for their time, advice, suggestion, comment and support that has given to me during the process of writing and completing this thesis. Without their help, I am sure this thesis could never have been completed. I also would like to thank the Dean of Faculty of Cultural Science USU, DR. Drs. Syahron Lubis, M.A, the head of English Department, DR. H. Muhijar Muchtar, MS and the secretary Rahnadsyah Rangkuti, MA.Ph.D and all academics and administrative staff for their helps during the period of my study in the Faculty.

My best gratitude and deepest appreciation to my dearest Parents, B.M Ginting and S. Purba, thanks for your true love, your pray and your support to me. I do love both of you. You are my great motivator in writing this thesis, so, I dedicate this thesis as a present to you. Next, my special thanks to my dear Brother Kelvin Febriandi Ginting and my beloved sister Febriensi Vonbora Ginting, SE, thanks for your support, your pray and your precious advice all the time. I love you so much. May God bless you all. A special gratitude to Viargo Charly Tambunan, Spd, who had come to my life. Thanks for your love, unconditionally support and advice that you have given to me. You are also one of my motivator in completing this thesis. I would like to say thanks to my two little cousins, Sari Purba and Emy who always


could make me laugh and smile when I got stress in writing this thesis. Especially to sari who also give a big contribute in writing this thesis.

At last, I would like to say thank you to all of my classmate friends that I can’t mention your names one by one. Thanks for the all advices and some important informations that you have given to me in order to complete this thesis. Nice to have friends like you guys. Hope, we could be a great person in the future. Also, I realize that this thesis is not too perfect, so I glad to receive suggestion and criticism to make this thesis better. I also should apologize to all people that I have made mistakes during the study. May God Bless us.

Medan, July 2014

The Writer

Natalia Citra M. G




In the thesis entitled AN ANALYSIS OF THE LANGUAGE STYLES FOUND IN THE “KING’S SPEECH MOVIE, the writer analyzes five language language styles that classified based on Martin Joos theory (1967), they are Frozen Style, Formal Style, Consultative Style, Casual Style and Intimate Style. This language styles can be identified by the situation of the speaker is speak, whether it is formal or casual, public or private, who will be the listener when we speak, whether it is our friends, our parents or even the person that we never know before. The things that will be focus in this thesis are what styles are occured in every interaction or conversation that Bertie (King George VI) is done as a leading character in this movie, and then classifying it into five language styles and finding what styles is dominantly occured. The writer uses Qualitative Description as the method in this analysis. And after, the research has been done, the writer found that all syles is occured in the Bertie’s conversation and type of the style occurs dominantly in the movie is Consultative style (34%), next followed by casual style (31%), formal and intimate style (16%), and frozen style (3%).




Dalam skripsi yang berjudul AN ANALYSIS OF THE LANGUAGE STYLES FOUND IN THE “KING’S SPEECH” MOVIE, penulis menganalisis lima (5) ragam bahasa yang dibedakan menurut teori Martin Joos (1967) yaitu Ragam Beku, Ragam Resmi, Ragam Usaha, Ragam Santai dan Ragam Akrab. Ragam bahasa ini dapat diidentifikasi melalui situasi disaat pembicara berbicara, apakah itu resmi atau santai, umum atau rahasia, siapakah yang mendengarkan kita sewaktu berbicara, apakah itu teman kita, orangtua ataupun orang yang belum kita kenal. Hal yang menjadi fokus dalam skripsi ini adalah ragam bahasa apa yang terjadi pada setiap interaksi atau percakapan yang dilakukan Bertie (King George VI) sebagai tokoh utama dalam film ini, mengklasifikasikannya kedalam kategori 5 ragam bahasa dan mencari ragam bahasa apa yang paling dominan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Deskriptif Kualitatif. Dan setelah dilakukan penelitian, maka penulis menemukan bahwa 5 ragam bahasa terdapat dalam percakapan yang dilakukan Bertie dan jenis ragam bahasa yang paling dominan adalah Ragam usaha sebanyak (34%) lalu diikuti dengan Ragam Santai sebanyak( 31%), Ragam Resmi dan Ragam Akrab masing- masing sebanyak (16%) dan Ragam Beku sebanyak (3%).






CHAPTER I : CHAPTER II: CHAPTER III: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study ... 1

1.2 Problem of the Study ... 4

1.3 Objective of the Analysis ... 4

1.4 Scope of the Study ... 4

1.5 Significance of the Study ... 4

1.6 Method of the Study ... 5

1.7 Review of Literature ... 5

REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2.1 Definition of Language ... 7

2.2 Definition of Society ... 9

2.3 The Relation of Language and Society ... 10

2.4 Styles of Languages ... 11

2.5 Relevant Studies ... 15

METHODOLOGY 3.1 Research Design ... 16






3.3 Data Collecting ... 17

3.4 Data Analysis ... 17

FINDING ANALYSIS 4.1 Classified Based on the Types 4.1.1 Frozen Style ... 19

4.1.2 Formal Style ... 20

4.1.3 Consultative Style ... 26

4.1.4 Casual Style ... 43

4.1.5 Intimate Style ... 52

4.2 Frequency ... 57




In the thesis entitled AN ANALYSIS OF THE LANGUAGE STYLES FOUND IN THE “KING’S SPEECH MOVIE, the writer analyzes five language language styles that classified based on Martin Joos theory (1967), they are Frozen Style, Formal Style, Consultative Style, Casual Style and Intimate Style. This language styles can be identified by the situation of the speaker is speak, whether it is formal or casual, public or private, who will be the listener when we speak, whether it is our friends, our parents or even the person that we never know before. The things that will be focus in this thesis are what styles are occured in every interaction or conversation that Bertie (King George VI) is done as a leading character in this movie, and then classifying it into five language styles and finding what styles is dominantly occured. The writer uses Qualitative Description as the method in this analysis. And after, the research has been done, the writer found that all syles is occured in the Bertie’s conversation and type of the style occurs dominantly in the movie is Consultative style (34%), next followed by casual style (31%), formal and intimate style (16%), and frozen style (3%).




Dalam skripsi yang berjudul AN ANALYSIS OF THE LANGUAGE STYLES FOUND IN THE “KING’S SPEECH” MOVIE, penulis menganalisis lima (5) ragam bahasa yang dibedakan menurut teori Martin Joos (1967) yaitu Ragam Beku, Ragam Resmi, Ragam Usaha, Ragam Santai dan Ragam Akrab. Ragam bahasa ini dapat diidentifikasi melalui situasi disaat pembicara berbicara, apakah itu resmi atau santai, umum atau rahasia, siapakah yang mendengarkan kita sewaktu berbicara, apakah itu teman kita, orangtua ataupun orang yang belum kita kenal. Hal yang menjadi fokus dalam skripsi ini adalah ragam bahasa apa yang terjadi pada setiap interaksi atau percakapan yang dilakukan Bertie (King George VI) sebagai tokoh utama dalam film ini, mengklasifikasikannya kedalam kategori 5 ragam bahasa dan mencari ragam bahasa apa yang paling dominan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Deskriptif Kualitatif. Dan setelah dilakukan penelitian, maka penulis menemukan bahwa 5 ragam bahasa terdapat dalam percakapan yang dilakukan Bertie dan jenis ragam bahasa yang paling dominan adalah Ragam usaha sebanyak (34%) lalu diikuti dengan Ragam Santai sebanyak( 31%), Ragam Resmi dan Ragam Akrab masing- masing sebanyak (16%) dan Ragam Beku sebanyak (3%).





Background of the Study

Language has played a very crucial role in human being’s life. Life would be nothing without language. Language is one thing that differentiate human from other creatures. As human being, absolutely we need language to communicate with the others in an interaction. By using language, we can express our ideas, feelings, intentions and desires. In addition, the uses of language can show who we are. It means that we establish our identity through our use of language. Language is purely human and non instinctive method of communication ideas, it means that language does not come by feeling.

Language can not be separated with society. Without society there can be no languages, vice versa without language there can be no society. Study about language and society is called sociolinguistic. sociolinguistic is concerned with investigating the relationships between language and society with the goal being a better understanding of the structure of language and how language function in communication”. The equivalent goal in the sociology of language is trying to discover how social structure can be better understood through the study of language.

In using language, it is not enough just to know every words that has been uttered. It is not enough to know the meaning of sentence. We also have to care to how the context of situation, such as it is public or private, formal or informal, who is the audience, what topic that will be talked, and what is the purpose of our


talking. For example, a secretary that talks to her manager, she normally uses the formal language like using “sir” word, because her manager is her leader in the company where she works, so there is “AProfession Discrepancy” between secretary and manager. Another example is when we talk with our friends, of course, we do not use the formal language, because the situation is relax and normal situation and there is no discrepancy. Example:

A: Since when you arrived in Medan? B: Since two days ago.

An illustration of formal style found in the King’s Speech movie is the dialogue between Bertie and Mr Baldwin

Baldwin: It’s not just because she’s anAmerican sir. It’s that she is soon to be a twice divorced American, andthe King can not marry a divorcedwoman.

Bertie: Prime Minister, you’d leave thecountry without a government?

These data are classified into formal style. Because Between Bertie and Baldwin are talking about serious problem and it is in the Baldwin’s study Room, so it is so private, because the conversation only between Baldwin and Bertie. Bere, Bertie as a King also respects to Baldwin as the prime minister. The dialogue also use the standard language.

In sociolinguistics these things iscalled as register or style. Register is one of part of language variation. Register refers to the way that language can


systematically vary according to the situation in which it is used. So, in other word, in communication, it concerns with relation between language and context in which is used.

The King’s Speech movie is a movie based on a true story of King George VI.It is directed by Tom Hooper and Colla Firth as the actor. The movie talks about the King George VI who is stutters. He has a problem about these stutters, because as a King, at one time, he has to deliver a speech in front of people. So, to eliminate his stutters, Queen Elizabeth, his wife calls a therapist named Lionel logue. By doing a therapy, finally he could speech well. This movie teach us to keep struggling in live, never give up in any situation and of corse abot unconditionally love of a wife to her husband. This film received many awards and nominations, such as getting awards for four categories: Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, and Best Screenplay. So, it is the prove that the movie is a good movie I think.

In this thesis the writer tries to analyze the Language Styles found in The King’s Speech movie especially in the Bertie’s (King George VI) conversation as a leading character. I want to make a deep understanding to the readers about five language styles, so they can utilize these styles in their daily life. It is why, I choose this topic to be analyzed, Five language styles itself are frozen (oratorical style), formal (deliberative style), consultative style, casual style, and intimate style. As we have known that the styles of language are also the part of language variation that used for specific purpose.


1.2 Problem of the Study

In this analysis, there are some questions that need to be answered. These questions are the problems that need some solutions, they are:

a. What styles are used in Bertie’s conversations as a leading character? b. Which type of the styles is dominantly occurs in Bertie’s conversations? 1.3Objective of The Analysis

In relations to the problems, the objectives of this analysis are:

a. To find out what styles are used in Bertie’s conversations as a leading character?

b. To find out which type of the styles occurs dominantly in Bertie’s Conversation

1.4Scope of the Study

In most of researches, it is important to limit the analysis on specific data that has been chosen and it is also important to avoid over complicating the issues and analysis. This would help the writer to get the best result of it.

The object of the analysis is text in the King’s Speech Movie. But the text that will be chosen is only the interactions or the conversations of Bertie is done as a Leading Character in this movie. So, the focus of the analysis is five language styles based on Martin Joos theory that found in all of Bertie’s interactions in the movie.

1.5Significance of the Study

In this thesis I also expect that some significances could be useful for thereaders, as follows :

a. To enrich the knowledge about the five language styles, so, the viewers can be more enjoyable in watching the movie.


b. To give the more comprehensive understanding in utilizing the five language styles in daily life.

c. This analysis can be advantageous to the readers, especially to the students of English Department who are interested in Sociolinguistics and its aspect. 1.6Method of the Study

In writing this thesisthe writer uses Qualitative Description.Qualitative description is a method to investigate an object that can not be measured by numbers or other measuring that is unmeasureable. I also readsome books, and other literatures which relevant to the object of research in order to get informations about language styles. Furthermore, in this thesis the writer applies the steps of analysis. Firstly,watching the movie for several times. Secondly, identifying the script which have Bertie’s conversations and then transcribing its conversational dialogue. Thirdly, classifying the data based on five language styles. Fourth, analysing and discussing the significances of the data. Finally, I draw some conclusions and suggestions. In discovering which style that dominantly used in the movie, the writer uses a formula to count the most dominating style.

1.7Review of Literature

In order to get the data and information to analyze this thesis, the writer usessome books as sources. They are:

1. Thomas in his book, Language, Society and Power (2000: 59) provides a theoretical account of the reasons why speakers change the way they talk or their style of speech depending on the situation and context they are talking in. This concept is called Audience Design.


2. Wardhaugh (2010: 48) says that your dialect shows who (or what) you are, whilst your register shows what you are doing.From this statement, it is clear that register is the way we speakto others and related to the society or location where we speak, whether it is formal, informal, public, private, and, etc.

3. Hudson (1996: 40) distinguishes three general types of dimension: field, mode, and tenor. Field is concerned with the purpose and subject matter of the communication (why); Mode refers to the means by which communication takesplacenotably, by speech or writing ( how); and Tenor depends on the relations between participant ( to whom).

4. Martin Joos (1976) recognized five different levels of formality and occasion where each implying different forms of speech to fit separate functions, that is : ( 1) frozen (oratorical style), ( 2) formal (deliberative style), ( 3) consultative style, ( 4) casual style, and ( 5) intimate style.

Therefore, based on the theoretical review above, I finally conclude to apply the theory of Martin Joos (1976)that is the five language styles ( Frozen style, formal style, consultative style, casual style and intimate style)as shown in part 4 (four) above




2.1 Definition of Language

In our daily life, language has a big role. Every human being, society, or nation in this world has their own languages. In the other words, we may say that no human being and no society live without language. We need language to communicate with others in daily life and the language itself is a medium for people to make a communication. Not only to communicate to each other, but also, we are able to share or exchange our knowledge, beliefs, opinions, wishes, threats, commands, thanks, promises, declarations, feelings, etc by using a language.

Most or all non-human species can exchange information, but none of them are known to have a system of communication with a complexity that in any way is comparable to language. Primarily, they communicate with non-linguistic means resembling our smiling, laughing, yelling, clenching of fists, and raising of eyebrows. Chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutangs can exchange different kinds of information by emitting different kinds of shrieks, composing their faces in numerous ways, and moving their hands or arms in different gestures, but they do not have words and sentences.

Practically, language can be divided into three forms. First, spoken language, a language that is expressed directly by speakers to listeners.For example, when a teacher gives a task to her students in a class.Second, written language, a language which uses writing as a medium of expressing desire from a writer to a reader. For example: a writer write a poem about something and hopely the readers can understand what the message of his poem. Third, gesture language or silent language,


a language that uses body movement or things such as hands, eyes, etc. for example, we raise our eyebrows to express surprise or disapproval, we laugh to express amusement, happiness, or disrespect, we can smile to express amusement, pleasure, approval, or bitter feelings. All those things,are called as language.

There are some definitions of language taken from some experts. Sapir (1965:78) says that language is purely human and not instinctive method of communication ideas, emotion and desire by means of a system voluntarily produced symbols.

Thomas (2000:6) says that one of the obvious ways of thinking about language is as a systematic way of combining smaller units into larger units for the purpose of communication. It means that we combine the sounds of our language (phenomes) to form words (lexical items) according to the rules of the language we speak.

And Hammarstrӧm (1976:1) says that language is a system of communication such that the expression side is either spoken sounds or written symbols. From the three quotations above, it could be stated that language is an important part in human life, because language is a tool for us to do all those things.

Another important dimension of language has very different purposes in using language for all the time. In general, the function of language is to communicate. It is used and needed by human beings.We use language in order to communicate one with another to express our personal reactions to situation, to stimulate a response in someone else, and as means of conveying something that the user of language wants to convey.


Language has a potential for making communication successful and establishing social togetherness if it is used well. On the other hand, it will be a handicap for communication and interaction if it is used unwell.

2.2 Definition of Society

Generally, the term of society refers to a group of people that live together in a community that has the same rule, custom, tradition that control their attitude. People in that community are interacted each other. So, only people that have the same rule, custom or tradition that can be called as a society. A group of people who were watching a football together, is not refered as a society, because they only have the same purpose but each of them do not have a rule, custom or the same tradition.

Merril (1957 : 20) says that society as a large number of person engaged in social interaction. A society exists when many persons interact regularly and continuously on the basis of expectations of behavior whose meanings have been previously established.

Slotkin (1950: 38) in his book The Science of Human Society and Culture States, “ A society is a group of people who adjust together”. No society is a single uniform group. People are customarily grouped on the basis of various categories, which cut across each other, namely, kinship, locality, and biological multifariousness of these relationships itself strengthens the solidarity of the society as a whole.

Another way of defining society is to say that it is the interrelated network of social relationships that exist within the boundaries of the largest social system. People everywhere are members of some group at almost all times in their lives. Through interaction within a group the human organism becomes a human being. In the other side, society can be regarded as a social system, as a group whose parts are interdependent. This means that the parts of society affect one another. If one part changes, then the other parts may change as well.


2.3 The Relation of language and Society

Language is not a simply means of communicating information about a subject,

but it is also a very important means of establishing and maintaining relationships with other people. We believe that by studying language, we can learn about how society is structured, how society functions in different group of people. From birth to death, man lives as the member of a society. A society, then, as a large numbers of persons engaged in social interactions. Each members of society interacts with others through communication and in doing adjusts his behavior to their expectations.

Ridwan (2006: 18) said that language and society are the things that could not be separated.A society need the language to do a social interaction and to do all the activities in their lfe.

In communicating, we cannot avoid giving our listeners(society) clues about our origins and the sort of person we are. They are reflected through our accent and speech thatgenerally show what part of country we come from and what sort of background we have. The people we are speaking with to help them formulating an opinion about us, can use allof them. From this point of view, we may conclude that language has an important role in conveying information about the speaker.

When we seek some clues about another person in a communication process we try to know his/her background, from what kind of different sorts of language, what sort of job he/she does, and what social status he/she has. If we get those certain things, we will be sure exactly know the way in which we should behave towards him/her. People speak differently according to their status or social class.

The importance of these relationships has led to the growth of a relatively new


sub-discipline within linguistics; sociolinguistics. Sociolinguistics, then, is the part of linguistics which is concerned with language as a social and cultural phenomenon. Here, we know how and why does language change, when and why people in different communities use language varieties and with social political and educational aspects of the relationship between language and society.

It is obvious that the relationship between language and society can be seen in relation of certain language form such as variation, style of language, or dialect in its application in society. For example, in our educational activities, we normally use a formal style, in our daily activities or when talk with our friends, we use casual style and in our business activities, we use consultative style and so on.

2.4 Style of language

Language has a potentiality for making communication successful and establishing relationships with other people. Everyone of its speaker will never use our own language in exactly the same way, because language as a form of human social behavior and communities tend to split up into groups, each displaying differences of behavior. It is natural phenomenon in the society.

The variation of language used in society can be caused by the social context of the speaker. In the social context, a speaker talks by using different situation or context. This is called as style. It is sometimes also known as register. Register refers to the way that language can systematically vary according to the situation in which it is used. There are several meanings of style given by linguists like the ones below.

Wardhaugh (2010:48) said that Register or style is another complicating factor in any study of language varieties. Hudson (1996:46) says “your dialect shows


who (or what) you are, whilst your register shows what you are doing”. So, in other words, communication can be said that it concerns with relationship between language and context in which is used.

2.4.1 An Overview of Language Styles a. Frozen Style or Oratorical Style

Frozen style (oratorical style) is defined as the most formal style and elegant variety that reserved for very important or symbolic moments. It is usually used in the situation which be celebrated with respect and legitimate or formal ceremonies.

According to Joos in Ridwan’s book (2006: 27)an oratorical style is used in public speakingbefore a large audience, wording is carefully planned in advance, intonation is somewhat exaggerated, and numerous rhetorical devices are appropriate. Many of linguistics units fixed and there is no variation in it. Certain fixed expressions are required. For example : yes, your honor, yes my lord, I object…and so on. Not only the sentences are carefully constructed individually, but also sequences of sentences are intricately related. Obviously, it must be very carefully planned and to do well by requiring high skill. That is why this style is called frozen style or oratorical style.

The people who attend on that occasion are often the person of high level or important figures. The occasion itself is not an ordinary occasion. It means that the occasion seems to give precedence and respect over the hearers and the speakers. Thus, almost exclusively specially-professional orators, lawyers, and preachers use this style. In spite of the fact, ordinary citizens who attend the court, religious services may demand frozen language because it is not an ordinary occasion and it may be recognized for achievement in their employment. Furthermore, a story or


proverbial message used this style. Constitute that languages are immutable, and signal a linguistic event in the culture that is outside ordinary language use. It must not be altered in anyway. Frozen style usually tends to be monolog, the sentences is usually long and complete. but there are some expressions for this case. It also can be involved in conversation if each member of the interaction has certain of fix verbal role to be played. For example, in court, there are judges, witnesses, juries, and so on.

b. Formal Style or Deliberative Style

Deliberative style is used in addressing audiences, usually audiences too large topermit effectively interchange between speakers and hearers, though the forms arenormally not as polished as those in an oratorical style such in a typical universityclassroom lecture is often carried out in a deliberative style.We can say that formal or deliberative style is used for important or serioussituation. At that level, there is no symbolic or lasting value in this situation. It is usuallya single topic oriented and it is related to the fact that formal writing is technical. Thus,most scholar or technical reports using this style. In formal style usually uses a standardlanguage. Formal style may also be used in speaking to a single hearer. However,indicates that the speaker fells little mutually with the hearer.

c. Consultative Style

Consultative style is typically a dialogue though formal enough that words arechosen with some care. doctor-patient conversation, and the like are usually consultative in nature.The typical occurrence of consultative speech is between two persons. While oneis speaking at intervals the others give short responses mostly drawn from a smallinventory of standard signals. There are basic parts of the system essential to itsoperation. Among them are :yes, no, uhhuu, mmm, that’s right, I think


so. Consultative style is typically a dialogue. It is usually form of speech in a small group. Consultative is the style most open to give and take of everyday conversation discussed so far. We make routine request for information where provide answers to such request in consultative.

d. Casual Style

Casual style is a casual conversation are between friends or colleagues orsometimes members of a family. In this context words need to be guarded and socialbarriers are moderately low.Casual style is also simply defined as a style that is used for the conversation inour related or normal situation that appropriate to the conversation with our friends, thebackground information so freely inserted into casual conversation.Positively casual style is characterized by the use of the first name or evennickname rather than a little name and last name in addressing one another. Thepronunciation is rapid and often slurred.

e. Intimate Style

Intimate style is one characterized by complete absence of social inhibitions. Talkwith family, beloved ones and veryclosed friends. Where you tend to reveal your innerself, it is usually in an intimate style.Intimate style is also a completely private language developed within families,lovers, and the closest of friends. It might embarrass some for non-group members tohear them in-group intimate language. The word that generally signal intimacy such as, dear, darling, and even honeymight be used in this situation. In the other words, nicknames might regularly proveembarrassing to hearer as well as speakers outside of intimate situations.Furthermore, intimate language is also characterized by ellipsis, deletion, rapid,slurred, pronunciation, no-verbal communication, and private code


characteristics. It isoften unintelligible outside the smallest social units. Intimate style usually there is a shortand un-complete language and unclear articulation.

2.5 Relevant Studies

1. Gultom (2007) in his thesis “An Analysis of the Five Language Styles Found in the Movie Brokeback Mountain”.He concluded that to understand a language, the hearer cannot only know meaning that a speaker says but also the situation whether it is public or private situation, formal or informal situation, who’s being addressed and who might be able to overhear.The analysis is focused on the context of situation, subject matter, the audience and the mode of discourse in dialogue that can be found in the movie. And the data are classified based on their types. The film showed that language styles and vocabulary have a string and good relationship.

2. Sari (2004) in her thesis entitled “ An Analysis of Five Language Styles Found in Agatha Christine’s Novel “ A Pocket Full of Eye”, found that there are 20 data that has analyzed. The focus of that analysis is based on the five language styles, they are frozen style (oratorical style), formal style (deliberative style), consultative style, casual style, and also intimate style. And each style has to be analyzed. But in that novel there is no kind of frozen style in that novel. But, the other language styles have already in that novel

3. Lubis (2005) in her thesis entitled “ An analysis of The Five Language Styles Found in the Movie “ The Pursuit of Happiness”. She concluded that all of the styles occurred and used in the movie. She also said that the relationship between language and society ca be seen in the relation of certain language forms that is called variation or style language.



3. 1 Research Design

In completing the analyses, the writer uses Qualitative Research as the method to reveal language styles unit. Qualitative description is a method to investigate an object that can notbe measured by numbers or other measuring that is unmeasureable. Qualitative research is concerned with developing explanations of social phenomena.Nazir (1998:64) states “ Descriptive method is a method of research that makes the description of the situation of event or occurrence so that this method only performs the mere basic data accumulation”

3.2 Source Data and Data

The primarly data presented in this analyses are taken from a movie that entitled “ The King’s Speech Movie”. This movie consists of 16 Scenes and the duration is 118 minutes. But because it is a big number, so the writer choose the data of this study is every sentence or utterance that Bertie is done as a leading character in this movie.This would help the writer to get the best result of it.This research focuses on five language styles in “ The King’s Speech” movie by using a theory of Martin Joos that classified style of language into 5 styles. They are: Frozzen Style, Formal Style, Consultative style, Casual Style and Intimate Style.


3.3 Data Collecting

In collecting the data, the King’s Speech Movie is chosen as the primary source of the analysisand the data is the Bertie’s conversation with the other figures in the movie. In order to collect the data, the writer watched the film of “ King’s Speech” firstly for several times, then the writer identified the script to choose the conversations of Bertie done with the other figures, and finally made a transcription of it.

3.4 Data Analyses

After collecting the data from the data sources, the analysis then moves to theanalyzing data. In analyzing the data, Qualitative Description is appeared. As Nazir (1998:64) says that descriptive method is a method of research that makes the description of the situation of event or occurrenceso that this method only performs the mere basic data accumulation. Data analysis in qualitative research involves selection, classification, categorization, looking for specific patterns, and drawing a conclusion. This study analyses every sentences or utterances in the movie by using Martin Joos’s theory about language styles in order to answer the problem of this research.

` The distributive frequency is chosen in calculating the data as Bungin (2005:171) states,“perhitungan data dengan distribusi frekuens iini dapa tdilakukan dengan menghitung frekuensi data tersebut kemudian frekuensi itu dipersentasekan”. (Calculating data with distributive frequency is calculating the frequency ofthe data then frequency is percentaged)

From that explanation before, the percentage of each classification of Language styles was calculated through the following formula from Bungin:



n : total frequency of types

Fx : total types frequency of the sub-category N : total types of all categories

This present analyses could be based some particular procedureswhich are stated below:

1. Watching the movie for several times.

2. Identifying the script which has Bertie’s conversations and then transcribing its conversational dialogue.

3. Classifying the data based on five language styles. 4. Analysing and discussing the significances of the data. 5. Finally,drawing some conclusions and suggestions




In this chapter, the writer analyzes the data to answer the two research questions as stated in chapter one. The analysis of five language styles are focused on the context of situation, subject matter, the audience and the mode of discourse in dialogue that can be found in the movie.

4.1Classified Based on the Types

4.1.1 Frozen Style

1.In the Broadcast Room

Bertie (Make a Speech): In this grave hour, perhaps the most fateful in our history, I sendto every household of my peoples,both at home and overseas thismessage spoken with the same depthof feeling for each one of you asif I were able to cross yourthreshold and speak to you myself. For the second time in the lives ofmost of us we are at war. Over and over again we have triedto find a peaceful way out of thedifferences between ourselves andthose who are now our enemies. Butit has been in vain. We have beenforced into a conflict. For we arecalled, with our allies, to meetthe challenge of a principle which,if it were to prevail, would befatal to any civilized order in theworld. (See on Appendices)


Based on the Joos theory, one of the characterictic of frozen style is frozen style usually tends to be monolog, the sentences is usually long and complete. Looking at the data, Bertie is delivering a speech, so it means that he is doing a monolog by delivery the speech. In addition, the sentences of Bertie’ speech is long and complete. Furthermore, the content of the speech also make these data are the part of frozen style, because it is a speech about the nation. So, because of those reasons, these data can be chategorized into frozen style.

4.1.2 Formal Style 1. In the consultation room

Lionel: I was told not not to sit too close. (move the chair) I was also told, speaking with a Royal, one waits for the Royal to choose the topic. Bertie: Waiting for me to commence a conversation one can wait a rather

long wait.

Based on the dialog between lionel and bertie, it is so obvious that Lionel makes a discrepancy with Bertie. It is between a citizen with the Duke of York. This thing can be seen from the Lionel’s statement that “ does not sit too close” with Bertie. In addition, Lionel is also so respect to Bertie by let Bertie to speak firstly. So, based on that, it can be concluded that these data belong to formal style.

2. In the Baldwin study’s Room

Baldwin: It’s not just because she’s an American. It’s that she is soon to be a twice divorced American, and the King can not marry a divorced woman. I apologize for the nature of this, but, according to Scotland


Yard, the King does not possess exclusive rights to Mrs.Simpson’s favours and affections, sharing them with a married usedcar salesman, a certain Mr Guy Trundle. In addition, it is rumoured that Hitler’s ambassador,Count von Ribbentrop, sends her 17 carnations everyday. Should your brother continue to ignore the advice of His Government, He must abdicate. Otherwise His Government has no choice but to resign.

Bertie: Prime Minister, you’d leave the country without a government?

Baldwin: Does the King do what he wants, or does he do what his people expect him to do.

Joos in his theory said that one of the characteristic of Formal style or deliberative style is, it is used for important or serious situation. In the data, Bertie and Baldwin are talking about serious problem. Moreover,in deciding what styles the data is, whether it is public or private, it can be known based on place of the data. From the data, we know that the conversation occures in the Baldwin’s study Room. So, it is a private thing. So, it is why the data is the part of formal style. Formal style is also marked with single hearer. In this situation it occures between Baldwin and Bertie. Furthermore, Joos adds that the using of standard language also the other charateristic of formal or deliberative style. Here, we can see how every figure uses the standard language in the data, it is also has the complex structure. In addition the using of words such as “ Sir and Prime Minister” also indicate that the data is the part into Formal style.


3. In the Westminster Abbey ( Big building)

Cosmo Lang: Welcome your Majesty.What a glorious transformation,Sir. I hope you’ll forgive us if wecontinue our preparations. Allow meto guide you through the ceremony. We begin, of course at the West Door, then into the nave.

Bertie: I see all your pronouncements areto be broadcast, Archbishop

Cosmo Lang: Ah, yes, wireless is indeed a Pandora’s Box. I’m afraid I’ve alsohad to permit the newsreel cameras.The product of which I shallpersonally edit.

Lionel: Without momentary hesitation.

Bertie: Doctor Lionel Logue of HarleyStreet, my speech specialist.

Cosmo Lang: Specialist?! Had I known Yourn Majesty was seeking assistance Iwould’ve made my ownrecommendation.

Bertie: Dr. Logue is to be present at theCoronation.

Cosmo Lang: Well of course I shall speak to theDean, but it will be extremelydifficult.

Bertie: I should like the Doctor to beseated in the King’s Box. (See on appendices)

Based on Martin Joos theory, he said that one of the characteristic of Formal or deliberative style is usually used for important or serious situation. In the data Bertie and Cosmo Lang are talking about important something, so they are in the serious situation. In addition, the other part of formal style can be known by the using of standard language. In the data we can see every figure uses the standard language and the sentences structure is more complex. Furthermore, there are some


words that indicate these data are the part of a formal style such as “Your majesty and sir “.because, The words directly show that there is a different social class, status and higher position between them.

4. In the Westminster Abbey

Cosmo Lang: What on earth’s going on, Sir? Bertie: It’s all right, Archbishop.

Cosmo Lang: You should know that Ihave found a replacement Englishspecialist with impeccablecredentials. Hence, your serviceswill no longer be required.

Bertie: I’m sorry?

Cosmo Lang: Your Majesty’s function is toconsult and be advised. You didn’tconsult, but you’ve just beenadvised.

Bertie: Now I advise you: in this personal matter I will make my own decision.

Cosmo Lang: My concern is for the head uponwhich I must place the crown. Bertie: I appreciate that Archbishop, butit’s my head!

Cosmo Lang: Your humble servant.

In Joos theory, He said that formal or deliberative style is used for important or serious situation. In the data, Bertie and Cosmo lang is talking about serious problem, it means that they are in serious situation. So, it is one of the reason, why the data can be categorized into formal or deliberative style. The other characteristic of formal style is also marked by the using of standart language. Here, we can see all the figures use the standard language and it also has the complex structure.


Furthermore, the words such as “ your humble servant; sir ” are indicates that there is a different social class, status and the lower position. But when Bertie says “I appreciate that Archbishop, but it’s my head” shows that Bertie has the higher position than Cosmo Lang. In addition, deliberative style is also marked with single hearer in speaking. In this context, the conversation occures between Bertie and Cosmo Lang.

5. In the meeting room

Bertie: Good Morning Mr Baldwin. Baldwin: Good Morning your Majesty.

Congratulations on your Coronation.It went splendidly.

Bertie: Thank you, Prime MinisterLuckilyI only had to repeat a few shortoaths. I may not be so fortunate inthe future.

Baldwin: Sir, I have asked to see you todayin order to tender my resignationas Prime Minister.

Bertie: I am so sorry to hear that, MrBaldwin.

Baldwin: Neville Chamberlain will take myplace as Prime Minister. It’s amatter of principal. I wasmistaken. I have found itimpossible to believe that there isany man in the World so lacking inmoral feeling as Hitler, but theworld might be hurled for a secondtime into the abyss of destructiveWar. Churchill was right all along.This was always Hitler’s intention.I am only sorry to leave you inthis time of crisis. I am afraidSir, your greatest test is yet tocome.


In deciding what style the data is, it can be analysed based on the place of the data. Here, The dialogue occures in the meeting room, it is a private room. The other characteristic of formal or deliberative style is usually used for important or serious situation. In the data, Bertie and Baldwin are talking about serious problem, it is about the resignation of Baldwin as the Prime Minister. In addition, One of the terms to decide what style the sentence or utterance is from the relation between participant or to whom we are talking in. Here, the conversation occures between a King to a Prime Minister. They are the people who work in the Government. So, automatically both of them use the standard language. The using of standart language is also the charateristic of formal style as Martin Joos said in His theory. So, because all of these reasons, the writer concludes these data can be categorized into formal style.

6. In the State Room

Bertie: Prime Minister. Nice to see youagain, so soon. Good of you to behere, I’m sure you’ve had rather abusy day.

Chamberlain: Let’s hope we have no moreinterruptions from those damned sirens, Sir.

Bertie: Or the wretched dogs.

Congratulations. First Lord of theAdmiralty. Winston Churchill: Your Majesty.

Bertie: (nodding towards the recording room) The long walk.

Winston Churchill: Good luck, Sir. I too dreadthis...apparatus. Had a speech impediment myself, you know.


Bertie: I didn’t.

Winston Churchill: Family secret. Tongue-tied. Anoperation was considered toodangerous. I eventually made anasset of it.A moment of silent recognition between the two men.

Bertie: Thank you, Mr Churchill

Based on Martin Joos theory, formal or deliberative style can be identified by the using of standard language in the data. In the data, we can see. All figures use the standart language in speaking. It is also connected with the relation between participant or to whom we are talking in. The participants in the conversation are the people who work in the Government. They are the important figure and the high level. So, each of them must speak formally. The using of words like sir, mr and your majesty and the short responses of Bertie Such as “I didn’t; thank you” are also indicate that there is a different social class, status and higher position, so it is why the data can be categorized into formal style.

4.1.3 Consultative Style.

1. In the Drawing Room

Sir Blandine( a Doctor) : Inhale deep into your lungs. Relaxes your larynx, does it not? Cigarette smoking calms the nerves and gives you confidence. If Your Highness will be so kind as to open his hand..

Sterilized. Now, if I may take the liberty, .insert them into your mouth. Would you be so kind as to read.


Bertie: I ...

Sir Blandine: Just take your time. Relax

Elizabeth: Excuse me Doctor, what is the purpose of this? Sir Blandine: The classic approach that cured Demosthenes Elizabeth: That was in Ancient Greece. Has it worked since

Sir Blandine: Now if you would be so kind as to read. A wealth of words. Fight against those marbles Your Royal Highness. Enunciate!A little more concentration your Royal Higness

Bertie: I nearly swallowed the damned things!

Elizabeth: Thank you so much, Doctor, it’s been most interesting

Consultative style is typically dialogue that words chosen with some care. From the dialogue between sir blandine, Bertie and Elizabeth, it is so clear that these data are the part of Consultative style. In the conversation, so clear how sir blandine (doctor) gives something like a therapy to Bertie’s stammer. The relation of Sir Balandine and Bertie is a doctor to his patient. The sentences like “ Inhale deep into your lungs,Cigarette smoking calms the nerves and gives you confidence, Just take your time... Relax” are the sentences though formal enough that words are chosen with some care as Joos say in His theory about Consultative style. Not only that,make a routine request for getting information is also the other characteristic of consultative style. In the data, this thing can be shown through the qusetion of Elizabeth Sir Blandine in order to get information about therapy’s style of Bertie. “Excuse me Doctor, what is the purpose of this?


2. In the consultation Room

Bertie : Aren’t you going to start treating me Dr Logue?

Lionel : Only if you’re interested in being treated. Please, call me Lionel

Bertie : I prefer Doctor

Lionel : I prefer Lionel. What’ll I call you? Bertie: Your Royal Highness, then Sir after that. Lionel: A bit formal for here. What about your name? Bertie: Prince Albert Frederick Arthur George?

Lionel : what about Bertie?

Bertie: ( flushes) Only my family uses that Lionel: Perfect. In here, it’s better if we’re equals

Bertie: If we were equal I wouldn’t be here. I’d be at home with my wifeand no-one would give a damn. (starts to light a cigarette from a silver case)

Lionel: don’t do that

Bertie: I am sorry?

Lionel: Sucking smoke into your lungs will kill you (See on Appendices)

Joos in his theory says that consultative style is typically a dialogue that words are chosen with some care. The data above of course is typically a dialogue, because the conversation among Bertie and Lionel. Here, they are discussing about the term of the therapist start. In addition, the lionel statement “ sucking smoke into your lungs will kill you” is the word that have some care to Bertie. Furthermore, Joos adds that make a routine request for getting information is also the characteristic of


conultative style. In the data, this thing can be supported by the question of Lionel such as “ what will I call you?; what about your name”. This thing is done in order Lionel getting something information about Bertie.

3. In the consultation room

Lionel: What was your earliest memory? Bertie: What an earth do you mean? Lionel: First recollection

Bertie: I’m not here to discuss personal matters Lionel: Why’re you here then?

Bertie: Because I bloody well stammer! Lionel: Temper

Bertie: one of my many faults

Lionel: When did the defect start? (See on Appendices)

One of the characteristic of consultative style based on Joos theory is making a routine request in order to get some information. In the data, Lionel is doing some rootine request to bertie. It is can be supported by the questions of Lionel such as “What was your earliest memory; when did the Bertie’s stammer start; when you talk to yourself, do you stammer”. These things are the questions that have a purpose to get information about Bertie’s stammer that indicate into consultative style. It is a care attitude of lionel toward Bertie. In addition Playing the music when Bertie is reading a text is the first therapy that Bertie must be done in the conversation.


4. In the Consultation Room

Bertie: Strictly business. No personal nonsense.

Elizabeth: I thought I’d made that very clear in our interview. Lionel: Got the shilling you owe me?

Bertie: No I don’t! Lionel: Didn’t think so.

Bertie: Besides, you tricked me!

Lionel: No, I showed you what you can do.

What you’re asking will only deal with the surface of the problem. Elizabeth: That’s sufficient. My husband has difficulties with his speech. Just

deal with that.

Bertie: I’m willing to work hard, Doctor Logue... Lionel: Lionel.

Bertie: Are you willing to do your part

Lionel: Alright. You want mechanics? Weneed to relax your throat musclesand strengthen your tongue. By repeating tongue twisters for example. “I am a thistle-sifter. I have a sieve of sifted thistles anda sieve of unsifted thistles.Because I am a thistle sifter.”

Bertie: Fine

Lionel: You have a flabby tummy, we mustbuild up the strength in your diaphragm. Simple mechanics.

( Many different sessions, many different days, all in the consultation room)

Lionel: Hum for as long as you like.


Bertie: Hm... mother.

Lionel: Beaut.A simple outward breath. “FFFFF” Wait for the “aa”. “F...father”.

Just slide into it. ( See on Appendices)

Joos in his theory says that consultative style is typically a dialogue that words are chosen with some care. The data above of course is typically a dialogue, because the conversation among Bertie and Lionel. From the dialogue, it is so obvious that Bertie is consulting to Lionel about his stammer. Bertie willing to work hard, so, his stammer is recover. Here, He is doing something like a therapy for his stammer in consultation’s room. This thing make that these data are chategorized into consultative style. The sentences like “We need to relax your throat muscles and strengthen your tongue, we must build up the strength in your diaphragm, Hum for as long as you like” are the three sample sentences that full of the care words. As the Joos’s theory said that the words that have some care indicate into Consultative style. In addition Joos adds that make a routine request for getting information is also the characteristic of consultative style. In the data, this thing can be supported by the question of Lionel such as “ are you willing to do your part” These things are the questions that have a purpose to get information about Bertie’s therapy that indicate into consultative style

5. In the consultation room

Lionel: Do you feel like working today? ( Bertie notices the plane left behind by Logue’s sons) Bertie: A Curtis bi-plane.


Logue: I’ll put on some hot milk.

Bertie: Logue, I’d kill for something stronger.

Lionel: I wasn’t there for my father’s death. Still makes me sad. Bertie: I can imagine so.

What did you father do? Lionel: a brewer

Bertie: oh

Lionel: At least there was free beer.

Here’s to the memory of your father

Bertie: I was informed, after the fact, myfather’s last words were: “Bertiehas more guts than the rest of hisbrothers put together.” He couldn’tsay that to my face.

( blurts) My brother. That’s why I’m here. Lionel: what’s he done?

Bertie: Can’t say. I can’t puh-puh-puh... Lionel: Try singing that

Bertie: pardon?

Lionel: know any songs? Bertie: songs?

Lionel: yes songs

Bertie: Swanee River (See on Appendices)

Joos in his theory says that Consultative style is typically a dialogue though formal enough that words are chosen with some care. The data above absoulutely is typically a dialogue, because the converstion occures between Lionel and Bertie.


Here, Lionel tries to give a strength by ask bertie to tell his life by singing, so it makes bertie more relax and calm.“ You can finish that off. If you sing. (to “Swanee River”) “When I was a boy with David...upon the Swanee River.” The way of lionel gives a strength to bertie has some care. So,it is why these data can be classified into consultative style. The other characteristic of consultative style is making a request in order to get some information. In the data, this thing can be supported by the questions of Lionel such as “ Chase the same girls?; Did David tease you?”. This thing is done in order Lionel getting something information about Bertie’s life.

6. In the Consultation Room

Bertie: All that work, down the drain. Myown brother. I couldn’t say...Icould say...I couldn’t say a wordin reply!

Lionel: Why do you stammer more with Davidthan you do with me? Bertie: Because you’re bloody well paid to listen!

Lionel: I’m not a geisha girl.

Bertie: Stop trying to be so bloody clever!

Lionel: What is it about David that stopsyou speaking?

Bertie: What the bloody hell is it thatmakes you bloody well want to go on about David?

Lionel: Vulgar but fluent. You don’tstammer when you swear. Bertie: Bugger off!

Lionel: Is that the best you can do?

Bertie: Well bloody bugger to you, youbeastly bastard. Lionel: A public school prig can do betterthan that. Bertie: Shit then. Shit, shit, shit!


Lionel: See how defecation flows trippinglyfrom the tongue? Bertie: Because I’m angry!

Lionel: Ah. Know the f-word? Bertie: Fornication?

Lionel: Bertie.

Bertie: Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck!

Lionel: Yes! You see! Not a hesitation!

Bertie: Bloody, bloody, bloody! Shit, shit,shit! Bugger, bugger, bugger! Fuck,fuck fuck

Lionel: Well that’s a side of you we don’tget to see that often. Bertie: No. No we’re not supposed toreally, not publicly. Lionel: Can’t joke, can’t laugh? Let’s get some air. Bertie: No Logue, I don’t think that’s a good idea Lionel: Put on your spy clobber.

Looking at the content of the dialogue, it is so clear that these data can be classified into consultative style. Here, Bertie is discussing with Lionel about his weakness in facing his brother. But, in the conversation, it is obviously shown how Lionel give some advices to Bertie in making Bertie being more relax. “ Is that the best you can do?; A public school prig can do better than that; See how defecation flows trippingly from the tongue”. Although in the converstaion there are the rude words such as shit and fuck, but those do not mean that these data are casual style, because those are the annoyance expression of Bertie toward his brother.


7. In the Regent’s Park Ornamental Garden

Lionel: What’s wrong? What’s got you soupset?

Bertie: Logue, you have no idea. My brotheris infatuated with a woman who’sbeen married twice - and she’sAmerican.

Lionel: Some of them must be loveable.

Bertie: She’s asking for a divorce andDavid is determined to marry her. Mrs Wallis Simpson of Baltimore.

Lionel: That’s not right. Queen Wallis ofBaltimore? Bertie: Unthinkable.

Lionel: Can he do that?

Bertie: Absolutely not. But he’s going toanyway. All hell’s broken loose. Lionel: Can’t they carry on privately?

Bertie: If only they would.

Lionel: Where does that leave you?

Bertie: I know my place! I’ll do anythingwithin my power to keep my brotheron the throne.

Lionel: Has it come to that? But the waythings are going, your place may beon the throne.

Bertie: I am not an alternative to mybrother. Lionel: If you had to you could outshine David

Bertie: Don’t take liberties! That’sbordering on treason. Lionel: I’m just saying you couldbe King.

You could do it! Bertie: That is treason!


Bertie: I’ve had enough of this!

Lionel: What’re you afraid of?(See on Appendices)

Based on the content of the dialogue, these data can be chategorized as consultative style although the dialogue happenes in informal situation which is in the garden.Here, between Lionel and Bertie are discussing about David’s problem that want to be nonactive as a King. In the conversation, it is clear how Lionel has the care attitude toward the problem of Bertie. Even Lionel convinces Bertie that He could be a King “What’s wrong? What’s got you so upset,? I’m trying to get you to realise you need not be governed by fear, What’re you afraid of” are the sentences that have contents the care attitude. These things that make these data are the part of consultative style.

8. In the Logue’s Study

Bertie: Here’s your shilling, Logue .I understand what you were tryingto say, Logue.

Lionel: I went about it the wrong way. I’msorry.

Bertie: Now here I am. Is the nation readyfor two minutes of radio silence? Lionel: Every stammerer always fears theywill fall back to square one.

Idon’t let that happen. You won’tlet that happen.

Bertie: If I fail in my duty... David couldcome back. I’ve seen the placards“Save Our King!” They don’t meanme. Every other monarch in historysucceeded someone who was dead, orabout to be. My predecessor is notonly alive, but very much so. Whata bloody mess! I can’t even givethem a Christmas Speech.


Bertie: Precisely.

Lionel: Your father. He’s not here.

Bertie: Yes he is. He’s on that bloodyshilling I gave you.

Lionel: easy enough to give away. You don’thave to carry him around in your pocket. Or your brother. You don’tneed to be afraid of things youwere afraid of when you were five. You’re very much your own man,Bertie. Your face is next, mate.

Looking at the dialogue between Lionel and Bertie, these data can be chategorized as consultative style. The relation of Lionel and Bertie is between a therapist to a patient. In the conversation they are discussing about something that serious enough in the logue’s study. Furthermore, these data are also typically a dialogue though formal that words chosen with some care. The lionel’s words like “Every stammerer always fears they will fall back to square one. I don’t let that happen; You don’t need to be afraid of things you were afraid of when you were five” are the words thathave some care, so, these things indicate that the conversation is consultative style.

9. In the Westminster Abbay

Lionel: I can’t believe I’m walking onChaucer andHandel and

Dickens.Everything alright? Let’s getcracking. .Bertie: I’m not here to rehearse, DoctorLogue.

True, you never called yourself‘Doctor’. I did that for you.diploma, no training, noqualifications. Just a great dealof nerve.


Bertie: You asked for trust and totalequality.

Lionel: Bertie, I heard you at Wembley, Iwas there. I heard you. My son Laurie said “Do you think you couldhelp that poor man?” I replied “IfI had the chance”.

Bertie: What, as a failed actor!?

Lionel: It’s true, I’m not a doctor, andyes I acted a bit, recited in pubs and taught elocution in schools.When the Great War came, our boyswere pouring back from the front,shell-shocked and unable to speakand somebody said, “Lionel, you’revery good at all this speech stuff.Do you think you could possiblyhelp these poor buggers”. I didmuscle therapy, exercise,relaxation, but I knew I had to godeeper. Those poor young blokes hadcried out in fear, and no-one waslistening to them. My job was togive them faith in their voice andlet them know that a friend waslistening. That must ring a fewbells with you, Bertie.

Bertie: You give a very noble account ofyourself.

Lionel: Make inquiries. It’s all true. (See on Appendices)

These data can be chategorized into consultative style, because Bertie and Lionel are discussing about the hesitation of Bertie. These data are typically a dialogue though formal enough that words arechosen with some care. The conversation occures in the Westminster Abbey, the place of Bertie will be inaugurated as a King. The conversation only between two persons, Lionel and Bertie, and it is a small group in speech.


10. In the Westminster Abbey

Lionel: As soon as you and Elizabeth enterthe West door, you’ll be greeted with the hymn “I Was Glad When TheySaid Unto Me.” You won’t actually be that glad, because they sing itfor a great long time. Then yourfriend the Archbishop will ponce up and say, “Sir, is Your Majestywilling to take The Oath?” You say,

Bertie: “I am willing”.

Lionel: Course you are! I’ll see what itsounds like from the cheap seats so even your old nanny can hear.

“Will you govern your peoples ofGreat Britain, Ireland, Canada,Australia and New Zealand accordingto their lands and customs?”

Bertie: "I solemnly promise so do so."

Lionel: LOUDER! I can’t hear you up theback Bertie: “I SOLEMNLY PROMISE TO DO SO!”

Lionel: Very good! "Will you to your powercause Law and Justice, in Mercy, tobe executed in all yourjudgements?"

Bertie: "I will." “I WILL!”

Lionel: Then a long bit about upholding thefaith, rubbish, rubbish, rubbish. To which you finally say

Bertie: “These things which I haveherebefore promised, I will perform and keep. So help me God.”

Lionel: That’s all you have to say. Fourshort responses, kiss the book and sign the oath. There you are:you’re King. Easy.


Looking at the dialogue, it is so clear that these data belong to Consultative style. Because in the conversation there is something like an exercise that Bertie is done for his inauguration. The dialogue is in semiformal condition that occurre between Bertie and Lionel in the Westminster Abbey. The words like,“ LOUDER! I can’t hear

you up the back, That’s all you have to say. Four short responses, kiss the book and sign the oath. There you are: you’re King. Easy” are the samples that indicate this conversation is the part of Consultative style.

11. In the Bertie’s Study

Hardinge: At last. Here it is. You are live at six. I’ve timed it at just undernine minutes. The wording is fully approved. The Prime Minister will be joining you for the broadcast which will go out live to the Nation, the Empire and to our Armed Forces. Bertie: Get Logue here immediately.

Based on the conversation, these data can be chategorized into consultative style. Because, here Hardinge gives something like a description about the term of Bertie’s speech. “I’ve timed it at just undernine minutes. The wording is fully approved. The Prime Minister will be joining you for the broadcast which will go out live to the Nation, the Empire and to our Armed Forces”. In addition the conversation occures between two persons, they are Hardinge and Bertie.

12. In the Bertie’s Study

Bertie: “There may be dark days ahead, andw-w-wa...” Lionel: Try again.


Lionel: Turn the hesitations into pauses,and say to yourself, “God save the King

Bertie: I say that continually, butapparently no one’s listening. Lionel: Long pauses are good: they addsolemnity to great occasions. Bertie: Then I’m the solemnest king whoever lived. Lionel, I can’t dothis! Lionel: Bertie, you can do this!

Bertie: If I am to be King, where is mypower? May I form a

Government,levy a tax or declare a war? No!Yet I am the seat of all authority.Why? Because the Nation believeswhen I speak, I speak for them. YetI cannot speak!

Lionel: Let’s take it from the top. “Inthis grave hour...”

Bertie: “In this grave hour fuck fuckfuckperhaps the most fateful in ourhistory bugger shit shit (singing). I send to every household of my p-p-. The letter‘P’ is always difficult.

Lionel: Bounce onto it ‘a-peoples both athome and’ (See on Appendices)

Based on the conversation, it is so clear that Bertie is doing a consultation to Lionel regard His speech that he will done soonly. So, this thing make that these data is chategorized into consultative style. The words like “ Try again; , Turn the hesitations into pauses, and say to yourself; , Long pauses are good; , Bertie, you can do this!” are the samples of consultation words and it indicates that this dialogue belongs to consultative style. Furthermore, The dialogue is in semiformal condition that occurred between Bertie and Lionel in the Bertie’s Study.


13. In the Broadcasting Booth

Bertie: I am thistle sifter, I have a sieve of sifted thistles and a sieve on unsifted thistles..

Lionel: Remember the red light will blink three times and then I’ve asked them to turn it off, because we don’t want that evil eye staring at you all the way through.

Elizabeth: I am sure you will be splendid.

Wood: One minute, sir.

Bertie: No matter how this turns out, I don’t know how to thank you for what you’ve done.

Lionel: Knighthood?

Wood: Twenty seconds.

Lionel: Forget everything else and just say it to me. Say it to me, as a friend.

By analyzing the dialogue, it is so clear that these data belong to Consultative style. The figures in the conversation give some care to Bertie. Such as Lionel’s statement that give the strength and the calm to Bertie in facing his speech. “Remember the red light will blink three times and then I’ve asked them to turn it off, because we don’t want that evil eye staring at you all the way through; Forget everything else and just say it to me. Say it to me, as a friend”.In addition, Elizabeth, his wife also do the same thing. In her statement “I am sure you will be splendid” also means that Elizabeth gives the strength to Bertie. So these things indicate that the conversation chategorized into Consultative style.


4.1.4 Casual Style. 1. At home, in the Staircase

Elizabeth: will she be there?

Bertie: My brother’s insisting

Elizabeth: is he serious?

Bertie: about our coming to diner? Elizabeth: No, about her

Bertie: a married American? He can’t be

Elizabeth: She can. By the way I think I found someone rather interesting. On Harley Street.A doctor.

Bertie: Out of the question. I’m not having the conversation again. The matter’s settled

Elizabeth: Hia approach seems rather different.

Based on the conversation, these data can be chategorized into casual style. Because between Elizabeth and Bertie are members of family. Elizabeth is a wife/ mother and Bertie is a husband/ father. As Martin Joos said in his theory that sometimes talking with members of family also indicate into casual style. Casual style is also can be identified by having in normal or relax situation, as the data above that the figures have in normal or relax situation. In addition, the place where the data is occured is one of the term in stating what style the data is. Whether it is public or private. Here, Bertie and hi wife have in the staircase, o it makes that these data are refelection of casual style.

2. In the Ground Floor Entrance


Bertie: how did you find this...physician?

Elizabeth: Classifieds, next to “French model, Shepherd’s Market”. He comes highly recommended. Charges substantial fees in order to help the poor. Oh dear, perhaps he’s a Bolshevik?!

By analyzing the conversation, these data can be chategorized into casual style. Because figures in the conversation have in so normal or relax situation. In addition, Elizabeth and Bertie are members of family. Elizabeth is a wife/ mother and Bertie is a husband/ father. Having in normal or relax situation and talking with the members of family are the characteristic of casual style. Furthermore, the place where the data is occured is one of the term in stating what style the data is. Whether it is public or private. In the data, the background of the place makes these data are reflection of casual style. As we know they are in the ground floor entrance to lionel’s apartment.

3. In the consultation Room

Lionel : Know any jokes?

Bertie: Timing isn’t my strong suit..

Lionel: Cuppa tea?

Bertie: No thank you.

Lionel: I think I’ll have one.

One of The characteristic of casual style is casual style is used in our related or normal situation. Looking at the dialogue, these data are categorized into casual style. Between Lionel and Bertie are talking something is not serious, so, it means


that they are in normal or relax situation. Casual style is also marked by the using of simple language and give the short reponses. It can be supported through the words such as “ No thank you; I think I’ll have one”. It is so simple conversation. In addition Unawareness toward grammar and the use of slang also the part of casual style. We can see this thing from lionel’s words such as “ Know any jokes?; Cuppa tea? In the conversation, Lionel tries to invite Bertie to Joke and offering a drink. The other characteristic of casual style is social bariers are moderately low. In this movie, Bertie is a King but Lionel is a therapist/citizen. However, in the data Bertie and Lionel talk as a friend, so it means there is no a different social class, status or higher position between them.

4. In the Private Landing Strip

David: Hello Bertie.. Been waiting long?

Bertie: where’ve you been?

David: Been busy

Bertie: So was I. Elizabeth has pneumonia. David: I’m sorry. She’ll recover.

Bertie: Father won’t

David: I’ll drive

Based on the background of the dialogue, these data are classified into casual style. Because, the conversation occured in the private landing strip, where Bertie is waiting the arrival of David (his brother). Bertie and David are the members of family. Sometimes the members of family indicate into casual style. Here Bertie and David are talking something is not serious, so, they are in normal or relax situation.


Casual style is also characterized by the use of the first name or evennickname rather than a little name and last name in addressing one another, as Martin Joos said in his theory.

5. In the Waiting of Consultation Room

Lionel :Bertie, they told me not to expectyou. Sorry about your father.

Bertie: :I don’t wish to intrude.. (gesturing towards the consultation room)

May I?

Lionel : Of course. Please come in. Bertie : What’s going on there?

Lionel : I was, sorry, mucking around with my kids.

Based on the content of the dialogue, these data are chategorized into casual style. In the conversation, Lionel and Bertie have in normal or relax situation. The use of simple language also makes these data are the part of casual style. In this context, socialbarriers are moderately low, because, they talk like as a friend, whereas in this movie Bertie is a King and Lionel is a therapist. This thing is also the reflection of casual style itself.

6. In the Car

Bertie: “I sifted seven thick-stalkedthistles through strong thick sieves. I sifted seven..”

Elizabeth: Bertie, isn’t that enough?


Elizabeth: Five hundred year oldoaks removed to improve the view! Bertie: Nonethelswe musttry to bepleasant towards Mrs Simpson. Elizabeth: You know she calls me “The FatScottish Cook”?

Bertie: You’re not fat. Elizabeth: I’m getting plump. Bertie: You seldom cook.

( continue)I sifted seven... Elizabeth: shut up.

Based on the conversation, these data can be chategorized into casual style. Because between Elizabeth and Bertie are members of family. Elizabeth is a wife/ mother and Bertie is a husband/ father. As Martin Joos said in his theory that sometimes talking with members of family also indicate into casual style. In addition, they are talking something is not serious and in normal or relax situation. The background of the place also makes these data are reflection of casual style. As we know, they are in car.

7. In the Ballroom

Bertie: Hello David.

David: Hello Bertie. Hello Elizabeth.

Bertie: I see you’re making some changes to the garden. David: I am. I am not quite finished

Looking at the Conversation, these data are classified into casual style. Because, both of figures in the conversation so have normal or relax situation. Furthermore, Bertie and David are the members of family. Sometimes the members


Lilibet: Do have a seat, Archbishop

47. In the meeting room

Bertie: Good Morning Mr Baldwin. Baldwin: Good Morning your Majesty.

Congratulations on your Coronation. It went splendidly.

Bertie: Thank you, Prime Minister Luckily I only had to repeat a few short oaths. I may not be so fortunate in the future.

Baldwin: Sir, I have asked to see you today in order to tender my resignation as Prime Minister.

Bertie: I am so sorry to hear that, Mr Baldwin.

Baldwin: Neville Chamberlain will take my place as Prime Minister. It’s a matter of principal. I was mistaken. I have found it impossible to believe that there is any man in the World so lacking in moral feeling as Hitler, but the world might be hurled for a second time into the abyss of destructive War. Churchill was right all along. This was always Hitler’s intention. I am only sorry to leave you in this time of crisis. I am afraid Sir, your greatest test is yet to come.

48. In the Cabinet Room

Chamberlain: I am speaking to you from the cabinet room of 10 Downing Street. This morning the British Ambassador in Berlin handed the German Government a final note stating that unless we heard from them by 11 o’clock that they were prepared at once to withdraw their troops from Poland, a state of war would exist between us. I have to tell you now that no such undertaking has been received, and that consequently this country is at war with Germany.

49. In the Bertie’s Study

Hardinge: At last. Here it is. You are live at six. I’ve timed it at just under


nine minutes. The wording is fully approved. The Prime Minister will be joining you for the broadcast which will go out live to the Nation, the Empire and to our Armed Forces. Bertie: Get Logue here immediately.

50. In the Logue’s Car

Lionel: Look, there are the barrage balloons. They got them up there quickly.

Laurie: Should we pull over and find shelter? Lionel: No, just go straight on. We’ll be alright.

51. In the Bertie’s Study

Bertie: “There may be dark days ahead, and w-w-wa...” Lionel: Try again.

Bertie: “There may be dark days ahead, and w-... ”

Lionel: Turn the hesitations into pauses, and say to yourself, “God save the King

Bertie: I say that continually, but apparently no one’s listening. Lionel: Long pauses are good: they add solemnity to great occasions. Bertie: Then I’m the solemnest king who ever lived. Lionel, I can’t do


Lionel: Bertie, you can do this!

Bertie: If I am to be King, where is my power? May I form a Government, levy a tax or declare a war? No! Yet I am the seat of all authority. Why? Because the Nation believes when I speak, I speak for them. Yet I cannot speak!

Lionel: Let’s take it from the top. “In this grave hour...”

Bertie: “In this grave hour fuck fuck fuck perhaps the most fateful in our history bugger shit shit (singing). I send to every household of my p-p-. The letter‘P’ is always difficult.

Lionel: Bounce onto it ‘a-peoples both at home and’ Bertie: “a-peoples both at home and.... overseas,...”


“... this message, doo-dah, doodah.... spoken with the same depth of feeling...for each one of you as if I were to fuck shit bugger cross your threshold and speak to you mmy - ...”

Lionel: In your head, now: “I have a a right to be bloody well heard!” Bertie: Bloody well heard, bloody well heard, bloody well heard myself! Lionel: Now Waltz. Move! Get continuous movement.

Bertie: (waltzing and singing)

“For the second time in the lives of most of us we are at wa - ...” Lionel: Pause. “we are...” Take a pause.

Bertie: I can’t do this.

Lionel: Bertie, you can do it. Have a look at the last paragraph.. Elizabeth: Bertie, it’s time.

52. In the State Room

Bertie: Prime Minister. Nice to see you again, so soon. Good of you to be here, I’m sure you’ve had rather a busy day. Chamberlain: Let’s hope we have no more interruptions from those

damned sirens, Sir. Bertie: Or the wretched dogs.

Congratulations. First Lord of the Admiralty. Winston Churchill: Your Majesty.

Bertie: (nodding towards the recording room) The long walk.

Winston Churchill: Good luck, Sir. I too dread this...apparatus. Had a speech impediment myself, you know.

Bertie: I didn’t.

Winston Churchill: Family secret. Tongue-tied. An operation was considered too dangerous. I eventually made an asset of it. A moment of silent recognition between the two men.


53. In the Broadcasting Booth

Bertie: I am thistle sifter, I have a sieve of sifted thistles and a sieve on unsifted thistles..

Elizabeth: Bertie, darling, make sure it’s not switched on!

Lionel: Remember the red light will blink three times and then I’ve asked them to turn it off, because we don’t want that evil eye staring at you all the way through.

Elizabeth: I am sure you will be splendid. Wood: One minute, sir.

Bertie: No matter how this turns out, I don’t know how to thank you for what you’ve done.

Lionel: Knighthood?

Wood: Twenty seconds.

Lionel: Forget everything else and just say it to me. Say it to me, as a friend.

54.In the Broadcasting Room

Bertie (Make a Speech) : In this grave hour, perhaps the most fateful in our history, I send to every household of my peoples, both at home and overseas this message spoken with the same depth of feeling for each one of you as if I were able to cross your threshold and speak to you myself. For the second time in the lives of most of us we are at war. Over and over again we have tried to find a peaceful way out of the differences between ourselves and those who are now our enemies. But it has been in vain. We have been forced into a conflict. For we are called, with our allies, to meet the challenge of a principle which, if it were to prevail, would be fatal to any civilized order in the world. Such a principle, stripped of all disguise, is surely the mere primitive doctrine that might is right. For the sake of all that we ourselves


hold dear, and of the world’s order and peace, it is unthinkable that we should refuse to meet the challenge. It is to this high purpose that I now call my people at home and my peoples across the seas, who will make our cause their own. I ask them to stand calm and firm, and united in this time of trial. The task will be hard. There may be dark days ahead, and war can no longer be confined to the battlefield. But we can only do the right as we see the right and reverently commit our cause to God. If one and all we keep resolutely faithful to it, then, with God’s help, we shall prevail.

Lionel: That was very good, Bertie. You still stammered on the “w”.

Bertie: Had to throw in a few so they knew it was me.

55. In the State Room

Wood: Congratulations, your Majesty. A true broadcaster. Bertie: Thank you, Mr Wood.

Winston Churchill: Couldn’t have said it betterave said it better myself, Sir.

Cosmo Lang: Your Majesty, I’m speechless. Chamberlain: Congratulations, Sir Bertie: Thank you, Gentlemen

Lionel: Your first war time speech. Congratulations.

Bertie: Expect I shall have to do a great deal more. Thank you, Logue. Thank you. My friend.

Lionel: Thank you... Your Majesty

56.In the King’s Study

Elizabeth: I knew you’d be good. Thank you...Lionel.


Bertie: So how was Papa?

Lilibet: Halting at first, but you got much better Papa.

Bertie: Bless you.

And how about you?

Margaret: You were just splendid, Papa. Bertie: Of course I was.