The Understanding of Achievement

2. The Understanding of Achievement

To see how far the students have learned in their learning, the teacher can see it through their achievement test. An achievement test is intended to measure what the student has learned or what skills the student has mastered. 26 It makes the researcher concludes that achievement test is the way to measure the students progress in their learning. With achievement test, the teachers get the evidence of the students’ progress result from their class that they have taught. The researcher also gets another theorist that “achievement refers to school-based learning, while ability and aptitude refer to broader learning acquired mostly through nonschool sources such as parents and pe er groups.” 27 Ur also states that “an achievement test measures how much the material taught in a given course, or part of one, has in fact been learned.” 28 It is same with Oosterhof who states “achievement tests measure students’ present status with a set of skills. Achievement test are used to evaluate the effectiveness of instructional programs and to identify students with learning disabilities.” 29 That means achievement test is the measurement tool that teachers give to their students in order to see the effectiveness of the learning process is going in their students. Also with this test, the teachers can see what difficulties that the learners have in their learning process. Gary also helps the researcher to know deeper what achievement is in his book as follows; One definition of achievement can be found in the Dictionary of Education which is currently undergoing its first revision in over two decades. In this reference, achievement is defined as 1 accomplishment or proficiency of performance in a given skill or body of knowledge; 2 progress in school C. V. Good, 1973, p. 26 Santrock, 2011, op. cit., p. 521. 27 Peter W Airasian, Classroom Assessment –Concepts and Application- McGraw Hill Online Resources, 2008, p. 53. 28 Ur, 2009, op. cit., p. 44. 29 Albert Oosterhof, Developing and Using Classroom Assessment New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc., 2003, 3 rd Edition, p. 228. 7. Academic achievement is defined as knowledge gained or skills developed in the school subjects, usually designated by test scores or by marks assigned by teachers, or by both p. 7. 30 That means achievement is the proficiency that students have in their learning process. This achievement is also as indicator that what students get in their learning. The achievement commonly is designed in the scores by test scores or teachers’ marks. With these theories, the researcher concludes that achievement is the accumulative result of learning process. In achievement, the teachers or the students themselves can see how far their learning process that they did.

3. The Understanding of English Learning Achievement

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