The Student The Students’ English Learning Score


A. The Description of the Data

As mentioned before in previous chapter, the researcher conducted the research using questionnaire in XI Science 4 class for getting motivation score. This class consists of 31 students. Before the researcher did her research, she did the validation of instrument in XI Science 3 that also consists of 31 students. In English learning score, the researcher got it from the English teacher of XI Science 4 class, Mr. Ahas. The score is taken from the midterm test that was conducted on February 2014 and also from the daily test that was combined it to be a midterm score in students’ report school. Finally, the researcher analyzed the data to know the correlation between students’ motivation and their English learning achievement with formula of Pearson Product Moment in SPSS 16 Program.

1. The Student

s’ Motivation Score Students’ motivation score as X variable Independent variable in this study. To get the score, the researcher conducted her research through questionnaire in XI Science 4 class as the sample. The table below describes the result of th e students’ motivation questionnaire Table 4.1 The Motivation Score X N Score 1 98 2 99 3 86 4 101 5 92 6 105 7 117 8 119 9 107 10 89 11 98 12 79 13 84 14 98 15 98 16 108 17 114 18 83 19 114 20 95 21 104 22 92 23 98 24 78 25 111 26 113 27 110 28 115 29 102 30 89 31 99 N=31 ∑ 3095

2. The Students’ English Learning Score

As Y variable dependent variable, students’ English learning score took from their midterm school report. The researcher got the data from students’ English teacher, Mr. Ahas. The description of data as below: Table 4.2 The English Learning Score Y N Score 1 82 2 83 3 78 4 74.5 5 78.5 6 85 7 80 8 85 9 82.5 10 73 11 82 12 84.5 13 80 14 80 15 72.5 16 80 17 76.5 18 74.5 19 87.5 20 78.5 21 77 22 81 23 77 24 85 25 79.5 26 82.5 27 76.5 28 79.5 29 85 30 79.5 31 84.5 N=31 ∑ 3. The Correlation be tween Students’ Motivation and their English Learning Achievement Score To see how correlation between students’ motivation and their achievement, it is calculated through Pearson Product Moment. Table 4.3 The Correlation Score of X and Y Variable No X Y XY X 2 Y 2 1 98 82 8036 9604 6724 2 99 83 8217 9801 6889 3 86 78 6708 7396 6084 4 101 74.5 7524.5 10201 5550.25 5 92 78.5 7222 8464 6162.25 6 105 85 8925 11025 7225 7 117 80 9360 13689 6400 8 119 85 10115 14161 7225 9 107 82.5 8827.5 11449 6806.25 10 89 73 6497 7921 5329 11 98 82 8036 9604 6724 12 79 84.5 6675.5 6241 7140.25 13 84 80 6720 7056 6400 14 98 80 7840 9604 6400 15 98 72.5 7105 9604 5256.25 16 108 80 8640 11664 6400 17 114 76.5 8721 12996 5852.25 18 83 74.5 6183.5 6889 5550.25 19 114 87.5 9975 12996 7656.25 20 95 78.5 7457.5 9025 6162.25 21 104 77 8008 10816 5929 22 92 81 7452 8464 6561 23 98 77 7546 9604 5929 24 78 85 6630 6084 7225 25 111 79.5 8824.5 12321 6320.25 26 113 82.5 9322.5 12769 6806.25 27 110 76.5 8415 12100 5852.25 28 115 79.5 9142.5 13225 6320.25 29 102 85 8670 10404 7225 30 89 79.5 7075.5 7921 6320.25 31 99 84.5 8365.5 9801 7140.25 Total ∑ = 3095 ∑ = 2484.5 ∑ ∑ 312899 ∑ 199564.8 ∑ ∑ ∑ √[ ∑ ∑ ][ ∑ ∑ ] √[ ][ ] √[ ][ ] √[ ][ ] √ = 0.143 By using SPPS, the researcher got the summary as follows: Table 4.4 The Summary Score of Motivation X and English Learning Y Parameter X Y Minimum Score 78 72.50 Maximum Score 119 87.50 Std Deviation 11.399 3.847 Mean 99.84 80.145 Median 99.00 80.00 Mode 98 80.00 Sum 3095 2484.50

B. The Interpretation of the Data

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