Crow Brings the Daylight


4. Crow Brings the Daylight

For the previous analysis, it is clear to see how the stories tend to show nature as something vicious to pay what the man has done to it. However, Crow Brings the Daylight could be one of happy ending stories from Alaska. Even though the story begins with a pessimistic tone for Inuit people hope that will come daylight in the north and their feeling of disbelieve to the noble role of a crow. Long, long ago, when the world was still new, the Inuit lived in darkness in their home in the fastness of the north. They had never heard of daylight, and when it was first explained to them by the Crow, who traveled back and forth between the northlands and the south, they did not believe him. http:www.americanfolklore.netfolktalesak1.html Then, things start to change as people finally believe in their heart to the crow for bringing daylight to the north. These people hope daylight comes to the north so they will not be blanketed in the darkness anymore and could see the beauty of the world. Soon the yearning for daylight was so strong that the Inuit people begged Crow to bring it to them. Crow shook his head. I am too old, he told them. The daylight is so far away. I can no longer go so far. But the pleadings of the people made him reconsider, and finally he agreed to make the long journey to the south. The statement above is one of the real evidences how Alaska people truly rely on the existence of nature. They believe nature as a very powerful thing that could help peoples life and deserve a big respect for its sacrifice. So, the journey for the crow begins. He flies many miles away out of the darkness of the north. When he feels almost give up, there is always hope for the crow to help Inuit people get their first daylight. Suddenly, the glory and 44 the beauty of daylight are right in front of the crow. The crow even misses the daylight and how it shines the world brightly and makes everything is formed in beautiful colors. But the crow realizes that it can not bring this daylight. It is beyond his strength because the daylight is all over the sky. Then, he tries to get rest after an exhausting journey in a nearby village. He sees a warm and cozy place to rest inside a lodge. When he looks around the lodge, Crow looked around him and spotted a box that glowed around the edges. Daylight, he thought... Then, he sees a boy is playing alone. The crow turns himself into a speck of dust, so he can take the glowing ball he thinks as daylight with the help of the little boy. When it is possible to get it, the crow turns himself into his natural form and flies back to the north straightly. We could see from brief explanation above how the figure of the crow does full efforts for bringing daylight to the north where Inuit people wait happily. Seeing how he strives for helping people, he deserves a big respect and people should be thanked to him. Therefore, the crow arrives in the north, and all Inuit people are still hoping and waiting for the daylight to come. Will these people manner properly to what the crow has done to them? In the far north, the Inuit saw a spark of light coming toward them through darkness. It grew brighter and brighter, until they could see Crow flapping his wings as he flew toward them. The people gasped and pointed and called in delight....The people laughed and cried over their good fortune. But Crow told them that the daylight would not last forever. He had only obtained one ball of daylight from the people of the south, and it would need to rest for six months every year to regain its strength. During that six months period, the darkness would return. The indescribable feeling of happiness occurs to the Inuit people. Their 45 hope seeing the north into a bright and beautiful place with its colors finally comes true. However, with the explanation from the crow about the non lasting daylight, the Inuit people keep thanking to the crow for the daylight he brings. It may not last forever, but it is enough because since they lived in the north there is nothing but darkness to see. And the crow changes everything for the people. They treat the crow kindly and they never forget the sacrifice that the crow has given to them. In his old age and weak health, the crow still goes for the long journey to the south for making Inuit people’s hope comes true about daylight. Fortunately, Inuit people realize and remember the crow’s help as a heroic thing. It takes a lot of courage and energy for the crow to do this tough journey, but the happiness of all Inuit people seems motivating him to accomplish the journey sincerely. Crow Brings the Daylight basically tells a story of how Alaska people believe that the one who brings daylight to the north is the figure of a crow. However, the story leads the readers to a point where man and nature understand how to behave each other. From the mans point of view, it is important to know that they can not escape their life from the nature. So, when they get things from nature, they should never forget to feel blessed and treat nature in good manner. Because nature completes people lifes needs. On the other hands, nature as an important element of the world exists for filling what human beings need in life. Nature is there to be taken as food for peoples hunger, or animals as part of nature are taken for their furs used by people for 46 clothes. But, nature is not taken or used only for object over peoples need. It should be treated wisely. Therefore, it is necessary to know that nature does not allow being mistreated. When people treat the nature kindly, it lets to live side by side with man in full harmony. However, when it is hurt, the previous three stories are already enough for lessons in life.

5. The Meeting of the Wild Animals