The Uses of Conjunction As a subject,for example : As apposition, for example : As Direct object, for example : As Predicate noun, for example : The Difrence Between Conjunction With Preposition


2.6 The Uses of Conjunction

Most of conjunctions are used as connectors, which are divided into four main types, they are : A. Coordinating conjunction connects two or more elements of equal rank. Thus they form pairs of series of it with a grammatical structure, for examples : 1. The teacher gave the answer, and the students wrote it fast. 2.The town was enclosed by a stong wall, but the enemy could capture it. 3.The manager distributed so much money,for he did not succed in his effort. B. Moveable clause as connectors or linking adverb such as : therefore, consequently, thus, accordingly, nevertheless, however, yet, and furthermore, for examples : 1.She came here earlier; however he did not do anything. 2. John always works hard; nevertheless,he hardly has enough money. 3. My sister is being sick; therefore, she can not go to school. C. Subordinating conjunctions connect dependent clauses to different parts of sentences. Dependent clauses introduced by subordinating conjunctions may serve various function: a. As Modifiers, for example : 1. When the postman came,my mother took the letter quickly. adverbial modifiers.

b. As a subject,for example :

1.That he was honest was plain to all.

c. As apposition, for example :

1. The plan that interests Mr. Budi will be done soon.

d. As Direct object, for example :

1. The principal stated that diligence would make all things possible. 20

e. As Predicate noun, for example :

1. My mother’s react was then the suspect gave wrong evidence.

2.7 The Difrence Between Conjunction With Preposition

The difrence is that conjunction is followed by clause, while preposition is followed by phrase. Examples: Conjunction : They were upset because they were delayed. Preposition : They were upset because of the delay. Conunction : Although it rained, we enjoyed ourselves. Preposition : Despite the rain, we enjoyed ourselves. Conjunction : We stayed indoors while the storm raged. Preposition : We stayed indoors during the storm. 21


3.1 Research Design

Research is a careful, systematic, patient study and investigation in some field of knowledge, undertaken to establish facts or principles. In research will produce data. Data are things known or assumed. According to characteristic, data can be classified into two types, they are : quantitative data and qualitative data. Quantitative data is a data in a form of numeral, but qualitative data is a data without numeral form. Supranto 1997:54 says,”Research design atau rancangan riset ialah suatu pengaturan syarat- syarat untuk mengontrol pengumpulan data di dalam suatu riset sedemikian rupa dengan tujuan untuk mengombinasi segala informasi yang relevan ada hubungan sesuai dengan tujuan riset”. It means Research design is an organizing requirements to control data collection in a research such is that with the purpose to combine all relevant information there is relationship according to the purpose of research. In writing this thesis the writer use library research by reading and studying some books that are related to the topic and make them as the references. In collecting data, the writer use sampling metode by writing only a part of population. To reach the result of analysis, the writer use quantitative method which is described in numerical form. The source of data is taken from the novel Oliver Twist.