Grammar The Description of Conjunction



2.1 Grammar

In studying language, of course we can not be separated from grammar. The word grammar infact comes from the Greek grapho,meaning “write”but although statement about the origin of words such as this may be interesting historically, we can not rely on them to tell us the current meaning of the world, as meanings change in time. Leech 1982:23 states that grammar can be briefly described as a set of rules for constructing and for analysing sentences. The process of analysing sentences into their parts, or constituent, is known as parsing. Chomski 1957:57 states that grammar is” a device of some sort for producing the sentences of the language under analisys”. Furthermore, Hans 1962: 6 says,”Grammar is the study of how words work together in a sentence”. Hans also says the most important of the basic grammatical categories are those required to make up the various typical sentence patterns. In analizing sentences,grammarians assign words to basic categories or which is known as word classes or part of speech. In traditional grammar, both form classes and function words are called the parts of speech and there are traditionally eight parts of speech, they are : noun, verb, adjective, adverb preposition, conjunction, pronoun, and interjection. Connective is a functional term for words like conjuncts and conjunctions that join linguistic units such as sentences, clauses, phrases and words in logical relationships of time, cause and effect, comparison or adition. Conjunction are useful indicators of develovment 6 in writing because early writers move from speech like connectives such as : and, then, but, and so on to more complex, logical connectives that are required for the construction of effective complex sentences. Therefore one of the most important parts of speech tobe discussed is conjunction which can relate people, things and ideas to one another, and help to show the logic of the information.

2.2 The Description of Conjunction

Before discussing conjunction any further, it is better to define conjunction which has various definitions based on different grammarians. The word” conjunction” derives from Latin” conjunction” which means a joining together. Danesi 2006:130 says that conjunction is a word such as and, but,as, or because that connects words, phrases, clauses,or sentences. Conjunctions are connectors that show the relationship between words, phrases,and so on. Swan 1997:236 says that conjunction join clauses into sentences. Rozakis 2003:7 says that conjunction connect words or group of words and show how the words are related. Hill 2005:106 says that conjunction join words,phrases,and sentences together. Waren 1990:151 says that a conjunction is a word which merely joins together sentences,and sometimes words. Conjunction join together sentences and often make them more compact. Aygun 2003:131 says that conjunction is used to join two things, to express contrast and to express a choice of two or more things. Azar 1993:283 Says that conjunction is used to connect words or phrases that have the same grammatical function a sentence. Evans 1957:112 says that conjunction are words that show a grammatical relation between other words or groups of words.this, in turn, may reflect a logical or conceptual relation, but not a physical 7 one. Kaplan 1995:141 states that conjunction and punctuation are important parts in a sentence. Conjunctions are used both in speaking and writing. If a conjunction joins words, then any word that can occur between others will be a conjunctions, coordinating and subordinating. Robert 1958 :225 states that conjunction as a word that patterns like and. The word and has two easily separable positions. It may stand between whole sentence pattern or between parts of patterns.

2.3 Types of Conjunction