An Analysis Of Conjunctions Found In Charles Dickens’novel Oliver Twist






















Dr. Matius CA. Sembiring, MA Drs. Marzaini Manday, MSPD

Submitted to Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara Medan in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from Department of English




MEDAN 2015


4 Approved by the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies university of Sumatera Utara ( USU) Medan as thesis for The Sarjana Sastra Examination.

Head, Secretary,



Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of

requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from the Department of

English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara,


The examination is held in the Faculty of Cultural Studies University of

Sumatera Utara on Wednesday April 15 , 2015.

The Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies

University of Sumatera Utara

Dr. H Syaron Lubis , MA

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Board of Examiners

Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, MS


Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, MA.Ph.D


Dr. Matius CA. Sembiring, MA


Dr. Eddy Setia, M.Ed. TESP






Signed :





















Signed :



First , I would like to say thanks to God for blessing my life, give me love, spirit, patience and guidance during my activities, especially in finishing this thesis entitled “An Analysis of Conjunctions Found in Charles Dickens’ Novel Oliver Twist”.

The writer had spent so much time to write this thesis to fulfil requirements to get the Bachelor Degree from the English Literature study programe at the Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara.

I would like to say my gratefulness to The Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara Dr. H. Syahron Lubis, MA. Ph.D. I would like to say thank to the Head of English Departement Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, MS and the secretary of English Department Ramadsyah Rangkuti, MA.Ph.D. I share my special thanks to my supervisors Dr. Mathius C.A Sembiring, MA for his guidance, patience, kindness, valuable advice and time in supervising and correcting all contents of the thesis. Then, I would like to thank my co-supervisor Drs. Marzaini Manday, MSPD , that gives me support, advise, and time to check the thesis. I also express my gratitude to all my lecturers that give me knowledge, good personality, and some advice that make me tobe a good one.

I also share my gratefull to the Central Library of Sumatera Utara University and those who have lent some important and usefull books and much suggestion in completing the thesis

My deepest thanks also I share to my beloved mother T.Sibarani, my sister Ratna Gurning, Lusinda Gurning, Dame Gurning, Ryna Gurning in writing this


ii thesis, also for my younger brother Adam Gurning who has supported me during the completion of the thesis

Furthermore I would like to express my gratefull to all of the students of English Departement, especially, Melati Pakpahan, Andre Sitepu, Usman Ritonga, Yani, Yuki, who have given assistance, support in writing this thesis. God bless you all.

Finally,I would like to express my gratefull for those people that can not be mentioned one by one that give support and attention.

Medan, April 15, 2015

The Writer



Skripsi ini membahas mengenai konjungsi dalam “Oliver twist” ditulis oleh Charles Dickens. Tujuan dari analisa adalah untuk menjelaskan penggunaan kata sambung, apa gunanya kita mempelajari konjungsi beserta akan pentingnya konjungsi dalam membentuk suatu kalimat. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan ada dua jenis konjungsi yang di gunakan di dalam novel yaitu : konjungsi koordinasi dan konjungsi subordinasi. Dalam menulis skripsi ini menggunakan metode perpustakaan, dengan mengumpulkan beberapa buku teks yang berhubungan dengan penelitian dan menggunakannya sebagai bahan referensi. Dimana data yang tertulis diambil dari novel Oliver Twist. Setelah membaca novel Oliver Twist, ditemukan ada 13 jenis konjungsi yaitu: and, now, or, but, yet, then, so, for, that, as, if, when, and after. Dari novel tersebut, ditemukan 151 kalimat menggunakan konjungsi. Konjungsi yang paling dominant adalah and dan paling sedikit adalah yet.







ABSTRAK ... ii



1.1 Background of the Study ... 1

1.2 Problem of Study ... 3

1.3 Objective of the Study ... 3

1.4 Scope of the Study ... 3

1.5 Significance of the Study ... 4


2.1 Grammar ... 5

2.2 The Description of conjunction ... 6

2.3 Types of Conjunction ... 7

2.4 The Position of Conjunction ... 17

2.5 The Punctuation of Conjunction ... 18



2.7 The Diference Between Conjunction With Preposition ... 20


3.1 Research Design ... 21

3.2 Data Collection ... 22

3.3 Data Analysis ... 22


4.1 Analysis ... 24

4.2 Finding ... 54


5.1 Conclusions ... 55

5.2 Suggestion ... 57



Skripsi ini membahas mengenai konjungsi dalam “Oliver twist” ditulis oleh Charles Dickens. Tujuan dari analisa adalah untuk menjelaskan penggunaan kata sambung, apa gunanya kita mempelajari konjungsi beserta akan pentingnya konjungsi dalam membentuk suatu kalimat. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan ada dua jenis konjungsi yang di gunakan di dalam novel yaitu : konjungsi koordinasi dan konjungsi subordinasi. Dalam menulis skripsi ini menggunakan metode perpustakaan, dengan mengumpulkan beberapa buku teks yang berhubungan dengan penelitian dan menggunakannya sebagai bahan referensi. Dimana data yang tertulis diambil dari novel Oliver Twist. Setelah membaca novel Oliver Twist, ditemukan ada 13 jenis konjungsi yaitu: and, now, or, but, yet, then, so, for, that, as, if, when, and after. Dari novel tersebut, ditemukan 151 kalimat menggunakan konjungsi. Konjungsi yang paling dominant adalah and dan paling sedikit adalah yet.




1.1 Background of the Study

Language is very important for human beings because by using the language, one can interact and having communication. Language is primary an instrument of communication among human beings in a community. A community that speaks the same language is a speech community. By using language people can convey information, express their ideas,feel what they need and desire. Any human beings must deals with language on an activity he or she wants to take.

Surely, we really want to know what a language is. Definition of language are not difficult to find. Let us look at some examples. Each of the following statements about language, wether it was intended as a definition or not, makes one or more points that we will take up later. The statement all come from classic works by well- known linguist.Taken together they will serve to give some preliminary indication of the properties that linguist at least tend to think of as being essential to language.

Pei (1986:141) says that language is a system of communication by sound, operating through the organ of speech and hearing, among the members of a given community, and using vocal symbols possessing arbitrary conventional meanings.

Sapir (1921:8) states that language is purely human and non- instinctive method communicating, ideas, emotions and desire by means of voluntarily produced symbols. ”This definition suffers from several defects.


2 In comunication people use language both in oral and written form. Many students are studying language in order to have good comunication. Particularly from English Departemen, we have tried to master English as fluently as possible. One way to master English is by studying grammar. Studying grammar make students know about structure of words and sentences because it has rule. Comprehension on parts of speech is a basic knowledge to English grammar proficiency.

Words are the necessary tools to express an idea in speaking and writing. Therefore, learning a language, in this case English must started from the understanding of the function and the proper position of each word in constructing ideas to communicate in a sentence. English grammar recognizes ten parts of speech. Every English word, in a particular use, belongs to one of the parts of speech. Grouping is based on the function of a word when it is used to formulate a sentence.

In studying English language we can more easy to understand by grouping them into parts of speech. Sihombing (2007: 2) says that ten parts of speech are : noun, verb, adjective, adverb, pronoun, conjunction, preposition, interjection, modal (auxiliary), article. He says a conjunction is one of the parts of speech comprising words such as; and, but, because, that connect a word, a phrase, a clause, or a sentence to another word, phrase, clause, or sentence.means of voluntarily produced symbols.”this definition suffers from several defects.

In communication people use conjunction as one of important part of speech. Most English language are related to conjunction. Conjunction are used both in spoken language and written language.In written languge, for example,the writer use conjunctionin expressing thought,feeling, emotion,thinks, ideas, or a certain purpose


3 to another people. The function of conjunction in communication is to tie or to combine the certain words to other words,or certain sentence to another sentences. So it will help readers understand the connection of the sentences or paragraph in a certain book or novel. The solid of the text can be achieved by using conjunction, it will make the readers easy to interpret the content through the relationship of each element of the sentences.

1.2 Problem of the Study

There are some problems that will be analized in this thesis that are related to the scope of the analysis. They are :

1) What are the types conjunctions found ?

2) How many kinds of conjunctions found in the novel? 3) What are the dominant kind of conjunctions found?

1.3 Objective of the Study

There are some objective of the study about studying conjunction as follow, they are :

1) To find out the types conjunctions found in the novel Oliver Twist. 2) To find out the kinds of conjunctions found in the novel Oliver Twist. 3) To find out the dominant kind of the conjunction in the novel Oliver Twist.

1.4 Scope of the Study

In the analysis, the writer focuses on types of conjunction used in the novel of Charles Dickens“Oliver Twist”. To achieve the result of the analysis, the writer has limited the analysis. The analysis is limited to the two types of conjunctions, they are


4 coordinating conjunction and subordinating conjunction found in chapter 6 until chapter 10 of the novel of “ Oliver Twist”.

1.5 Significance of the Study

The writer of this thesis hopefull that it can give the reader some significances as follow:

a. The reader more understanding and can improve their knowledge about conjunction as one of the parts of grammar.

b. The writer wants to persuade the reader the important of conjunction in forming sentence and building story.

c. The reader hope in studying this thesis can give the reader more about conjunction to improve their knowledge.




2.1 Grammar

In studying language, of course we can not be separated from grammar. The word grammar infact comes from the Greek grapho,meaning “write”but although statement about the origin of words such as this may be interesting historically, we can not rely on them to tell us the current meaning of the world, as meanings change in time.

Leech (1982:23) states that grammar can be briefly described as a set of rules for constructing and for analysing sentences. The process of analysing sentences into their parts, or constituent, is known as parsing.

Chomski (1957:57) states that grammar is” a device of some sort for producing the sentences of the language under analisys”.

Furthermore, Hans (1962: 6) says,”Grammar is the study of how words work together in a sentence”. Hans also says the most important of the basic grammatical categories are those required to make up the various typical sentence patterns. In analizing sentences,grammarians assign words to basic categories or which is known as word classes or part of speech.

In traditional grammar, both form classes and function words are called the parts of speech and there are traditionally eight parts of speech, they are : noun, verb, adjective, adverb preposition, conjunction, pronoun, and interjection. Connective is a functional term for words like conjuncts and conjunctions that join linguistic units such as sentences, clauses, phrases and words in logical relationships of time, cause and effect, comparison or adition. Conjunction are useful indicators of develovment


6 in writing because early writers move from speech like connectives such as : and, then, but, and so on to more complex, logical connectives that are required for the construction of effective complex sentences.

Therefore one of the most important parts of speech tobe discussed is conjunction which can relate people, things and ideas to one another, and help to show the logic of the information.

2.2 The Description of Conjunction

Before discussing conjunction any further, it is better to define conjunction which has various definitions based on different grammarians.

The word” conjunction” derives from Latin” conjunction” which means a joining together.

Danesi (2006:130) says that conjunction is a word such as and, but,as, or because that connects words, phrases, clauses,or sentences. Conjunctions are connectors that show the relationship between words, phrases,and so on. Swan (1997:236) says that conjunction join clauses into sentences. Rozakis (2003:7) says that conjunction connect words or group of words and show how the words are related. Hill (2005:106) says that conjunction join words,phrases,and sentences together. Waren (1990:151) says that a conjunction is a word which merely joins together sentences,and sometimes words. Conjunction join together sentences and often make them more compact. Aygun (2003:131) says that conjunction is used to join two things, to express contrast and to express a choice of two or more things. Azar (1993:283) Says that conjunction is used to connect words or phrases that have the same grammatical function a sentence. Evans (1957:112) says that conjunction are words that show a grammatical relation between other words or groups of words.this, in turn, may reflect a logical or conceptual relation, but not a physical


7 one. Kaplan (1995:141) states that conjunction and punctuation are important parts in a sentence. Conjunctions are used both in speaking and writing. If a conjunction joins words, then any word that can occur between others will be a conjunctions, coordinating and subordinating. Robert (1958 :225) states that conjunction as a word that patterns like and. The word and has two easily separable positions. It may stand between whole sentence pattern or between parts of patterns.

2.3 Types of Conjunction

Hartanto (1986 : 327) says that Konjungsi dibagi ke dalam dua golongan yang utama:

1) Co- ordinating conjunctions. (Kata Sambung Sederajat)

2) Subordinating Conjunctions (Kata Penghubung antara Induk Kalimat dan Anak Kalimat).

It means that conjunction can be classified into two main groups : 1) Co- ordinating conjunctions. (Equal Rank Conjunction)

2) Subordinating Conjunctions. (Conjunction between Independent Clause and Dependent Clause).

1) Coordinating Conjunction

Rozakis (2003:7) states that coordinating conjunctions link similar words or word groups.According to him there are seven coordinating conjunctions which can be memorized by the words FANBOYS, they are : for, and, nor, but, or, yet,and so.

Furthermore, Burks (1980:135) states that coordinating conjunctions join equal sentence parts. They are actually used to join any parallel elements of the sentence,for examples:

1) Music and mathematics are related subjects. ( two subjects) 2) He is poor but honest. (two adjectives)


8 3) Did you look in the dictionary or the encyclopedia? (two objects of a preposition) 4) Did you look in the dictionary or in the encyclopedia? (two prepositional phrases) 5) The victorious party sang and danced in the streets. (two predicates)

These conjunctions are also used to join whole sentences together.

There are seven coordinate conjunctions: and , or, nor, but, for,, so, and yet. Notice that hey have distinct meanings:

a.“And” show argumentation and additional information,for examples: 1) My brother moved to New York, and I moved to Seatle.

2) Dolphins are friendly animals, and they are also intelligent. 3) China has a huge population, and it is growing.

b.”But” and “yet” are used to show contrast. Yet is sometimes considered a conjunctive adverb like however, rather than a coordinate conjunction, for examples: 1) Her cousin moved away, but he stayed in town.

2) Doni is a fat man, yet he eats more food.

3) Argentina is a large country , but it has a small population. c. ”Or” and nor show contrast and alternation, for examples: 1) Are you going to the party, or will you stay home? 2) I do not write Arabic, nor do I speak it very well. d. ”For” and”so”show reason, for examples:

1) That student failed, for he was very ill this year. 2) He was very busy, so he was tired.

“For” it also means “because”,for examples:

1) Population growth is a problem,for the Earth has limited resources. 2) He is sure he will succed for he has study hard.


9 1) China is trying to slow its population growth, so it has put limits on family size. 2) She is in hurry, so she runs very fast.

While Evans (1957:113) states that coordinating conjunction is used to connect the sentences, which have the equal sentences, but one sentence doesn’t depend on the other.

The equal sentence can combined in to four different ways and as the result; there are different kinds of conjunction, they are:

1. Cumulative/Additive

Cumulative/additive is adding one statement to another. it consist of conjunctions: and, both, and.... also, no less, than, not only...but, not only, but....also, and now, for examples:

And : - He lives in Jakarta, and he studies at UI.

- I opened a bedroom,changed my clothes, and slept. Both : - He is both handsome and honest

- She is both rich and kind

And....also : - Budi is a teacher,and George also. - Joko is a trouble maker,and you are also.

Not only....but : - Not only my father,but my uncle got accident last night. - Not only our teachers but also students saw the party last week.

Not only....but also : - He is not only bright but also hardworking.

- I not only lost his phone number, but also forgot where he lived.

Now : - Now that you have apologized, I would let you go. - Now that you are adult, I will tell you the secret.


10 2. Alternative/Disjunctive

Alternative/disjunctive is indicating that the words or phrases connected are alternatives. It consists of conjunctions: either...or,neither...nor, or, and otherwise. For examples :

Either....or : - Either John or his friends are at school now. - Either she is ill, or she feigns illness.

Neither....nor : - He neither eats nor drinks.

- Neither Joko nor his friend is present today. Or : - She maybe in the library or in the garden.

-You may go with me or you can stay at home. Otherwise : - We must study hard; otherwise we will fail.

- They must take a taxi; otherwise they will late. 3. Adversative

Adversative is expressing opposition or contrast between two statement. It consist of conjunctions: but, still, yet, neverthelest, however, whereas, while, and only. For Examples :

But : - He is poor but honest.

- I gave him money but he lost it.

Still : - His explanation was clear enough; still she couldn’t understand.

- John is not rich,still he could give some donation. Yet : - She is rich. Yet she is not satisfied.

- My uncle is disabled.Yet he is happy

Nevertheless : - Julia is very pretty; nevertheless, she doesn’t have a boy friend.


11 - Joe is a clever boy,nevertheless he sometimes make a


However : - I would like to go, however I have no time.

- I went to the movie, however there was a heavy rain.

Whereas : - Jim though the examination was easy, whereas it was difficult - Lily had breakfast, whereas she had had breakfast before. While : - Tony is a businessman, while his brother is a civil servant.

- You may sit down, while I stand. Only : - The girl is pretty only too poor.

- The metal is usefull only too expensive. 4. Illative

Illative is expressing or preceding an inference. It consist of conjunctions: therefore,so,so then,then and for.For examples :

Therefore : - I was nervous; therefore, I could do my test well.

- She was sick; therefore, I couldn’t go to school yesterday. So : - It is raining, so let’s use our umbrella.

- The time is up, so collect the homework now. So then : - It is time to do homework; so then let’s start.

- Your mother will arrive; so then you have to wait. Then : - If you do wrong; then you must apologize.

- It is free; then you can take it as much as you need. For : - I’m sure that he will succed for he has study hard.


12 2) Subordinating Conjunction

Rozakis (2003:7) states that subordinating conjunction links an independent clause (complete sentence) to a dependent clause (fragment).

Wishon (1980:155) states that a subordinating conjunction introduces the adverbial clause and connects it with a word in the main clause.

There are nine subordinating conjunctions such as the following. 1. Apposition

Apposition maybe considered a changed form of adjective clause. That consist of conjunction that, for examples:

That : - He ran fast that he might not be late.

- it was such an interesting book that I read it all day long. 2. Time

Subordinating conjunctions is a form of adverbial clause of time.the kinds of clauses consist of conjunctions: when (ever) , while, since, before, after, until, till, as, as soon as, as long as, and now that, for examples:

Whenever : - He read law books whenever he had the chance. - He comes to me whenever he likes.

While : - Tony is a businessman, while his brother is a civil servant. - You may sit down, while I stand.

Since : - Since you have already studied that chapter, it will not be necessary to read it again.

- Since it is raining hard, take your umbrella. Before : - She will see you before she leaves.

- He was a member of the legislature of his state before he became president.


13 After : - After talking a lot, we came home.

- After saying good bye, he goes to school every day. Until : - john maintained his interest in law until he was


- Joko is working in American course until September. As : - As my mother was taking shower, the accident happened.

- As he was walking, I saw him peeping. As soon as : - As soon as it grew dark, we took an umbrella.

- As soon as he found the key, he gave it to the principal. As long as : - As long as he was here he was cheerfull

- I will give your daily needs as long as you are faithfull to me. Now (that) : - Now that you have apologized, I would let you go.

- Now that you have lived here, I would treat you like my friend.

3. Place

Subordinating conjunction is a form of adverbial clause of place. The kinds of clause consist of where, wherever, for examples:

Where : - Mother found the place where father was arrested - Lili could see the parade from where he stood. Wherever : - He takes his dog along wherever he goes.

- We saw some papers around the bedroom wherever we walked.


14 4. Contrast

Subordinating conjunction is a form of adverbial clause of contrast. The kinds of clause consist of the conjunction although, though, eventhough, for examples: Although : - She is happy although she is not rich.

- I will give you the money although you will never be able to return it

Though : - Though he is poor he is honest.

- Though he is still twenty-one years old, she looks older. Eventhough : - Eventhough it was raining, he went to the party.

- Eventhough Iam ill I woun’t it the food. 5. Cause

Subordinating conjunction is a form of adverbial clause of result. The kinds of clause consist of conjunction: because, since, as, now (that) whereas, as long as, for examples:

Because : - They had to move because the storm had blown off their house.

- They helped him because he was very poor.

Since : - Since she couldn’t take the last bus he walked home on foot. - Since we can’t live with honour let’s die fighting.

As : - As he was not here, I spoke to her sister.

- As the door couldn’t be opened,they broke it down.

Now ( that) : - Now (that) you have helped my mother, I will appreciate you with the price.


15 Whereas : - I though the examination was easy, whereas it was difficult.

- Father went to the movie quickly,whereas mother went slowly.

As long as : - As long as he is honest his friends love him. - As long as he was here he was cheerfull. 6. Result

Subordinating conjunctions is a form of adverbial clause of result. The kinds of clause consist of the conjunction so....that, such (a)....that, and so (that), for examples:

So....that : - Kintamani is so wonderfull that many tourist come there. - We were so busy that we forgot to take our lunch.

Such (a)....that : -This was such a rude thing that made him unhappy.

- That was such an ugly monkey that every one felt so afraid. So (that) : - The minister spoke so long time so that people began to


- We must becarefull so that we will not get lost. 7. Purpose

Subordinating conjunction is a form of adverbial clause of condition. The kind of clause consist of the conjunction if, even if, unless, in case, if only, as long as,suppose(that),and wether....or, for examples:

If : - If I pass the exam, my father will buy me a motorcycle. - If they were here now, we could go together.

Even if : - Even if she loves you, she will not mary you.


16 Unless : - I will not go to to your party unless you invite me.

- Unless the stike is called off, the workers will remain idle. In case : - Incase the fire occurs in the office, we must notify the fire


- In case there is a murder, we must call the police. If only : - I would tell you the secret, if only you were my mother.

- I would treat the boy as my son, if only I were a king. As long as : - As long as the game is fair, the mayor will support it.

- As long as the economic condition is getting better,it can decrease some criminal.

Suppose that : - They are supposed tobe here at this moment.

- The plane was supposed to arrive at ten this morning. Wether....or : - Wether he is at school or he helps his mother is not my


- Wether the students like or dislike the movie they must pay it.

8. Manner

Subordinating is form of adverbial clause of manner. The kinds of clause consist of the conjuction as if, as though, and as, for examples :

As if : - Andi is walking as if he is dancing.

- Hotcen comes infront as if he knew the answer. As though : - He pretended as though he didn’t know me.

- We treats her as though she were a queen. As : - As she was not here I spoke with her sister.


17 9. Comparison

Subordinating conjunction is a form of adverbial clause of comparison. The kinds of clause consist of conjunction than, for examples :

Than : - He is more handsome than his brother.

- It is better go home now than staying outside. 2.4 The Position of Conjunction

Generally all of the conjunctions occur between the sentence patterns, but it may occur at the beginning of the patterns, at the end of the second pattern, or in the middle of the second pattern, for examples :

1. We went to the movie,however it was raining a lot. 2. We went to the movie,it was raining a lot however. 3. We went to the movie,it was,however,raining alot.

Moreever, the clause coordinators are restriced to initial position in the clause, for example :

1. Budi send a letter and his father send a message.

And clauses began with coordinator can not be moved to front of the clause because it will change the relationship of the clauses, for examples :

a. They are studying in UI or they are meeting there. b. Or they are meeting there,they are studying in UI.

But few words occur sometimes as subordinators and as connectors in the sentences, for examples :

1. Though he did not want to reverse,he had it 2. He did it,he did not want to, though.


18 In the sentence (1) the conjunction “though” is a subordinator and in the sentence (2) “though” is a connector, while in (3) “though” is in shared position.

2.5 The Punctuation of Conjunction

When and connects only two items within a sentence, no comma are used. When and connects three or more items in a series in a sentence, commas are used. Examples :

1) I saw a cat and a mouse. 2) I saw a cat, a mouse, and a rat.

3) I opened the door and walked in to the room.

4) I opened the door, walked into the room, and sat down at my desk. 5) Their flag is green and black.

6) Their flag is green, black, and yellow. In (1) : and connects two nouns:

cat + mouse = no commas.

In (2) : and connects three or more nouns, so commas are used.

In (3) : no commas are used because and connects only two verbs (opened + walked). In (4) : Commas are used because and connects three verbs (opened + walked + sat). In (5) : and connects two adjectives (no commas)

In (6) : and connects three adjectives (commas)

When and connects two independent clauses, a comma is usually used. Examples :

1. I opened the door, and she opened the window. 2. She came in the house, and he came in the room


19 2.6 The Uses of Conjunction

Most of conjunctions are used as connectors, which are divided into four main types, they are :

A. Coordinating conjunction connects two or more elements of equal rank. Thus they form pairs of series of it with a grammatical structure, for examples :

1. The teacher gave the answer, and the students wrote it fast.

2.The town was enclosed by a stong wall, but the enemy could capture it. 3.The manager distributed so much money,for he did not succed in his effort.

B. Moveable clause as connectors or linking adverb such as : therefore, consequently, thus, accordingly, nevertheless, however, yet, and furthermore, for examples :

1.She came here earlier; however he did not do anything.

2. John always works hard; nevertheless,he hardly has enough money. 3. My sister is being sick; therefore, she can not go to school.

C. Subordinating conjunctions connect dependent clauses to different parts of sentences. Dependent clauses introduced by subordinating conjunctions may serve various function:

a. As Modifiers, for example :

1. When the postman came,my mother took the letter quickly. (adverbial modifiers). b. As a subject,for example :

1.That he was honest was plain to all. c. As apposition, for example :

1. The plan that interests Mr. Budi will be done soon. d. As Direct object, for example :


20 e. As Predicate noun, for example :

1. My mother’s react was then the suspect gave wrong evidence. 2.7 The Difrence Between Conjunction With Preposition

The difrence is that conjunction is followed by clause, while preposition is followed by phrase.


Conjunction : They were upset because they were delayed. Preposition : They were upset because of the delay.

Conunction : Although it rained, we enjoyed ourselves. Preposition : Despite the rain, we enjoyed ourselves. Conjunction : We stayed indoors while the storm raged. Preposition : We stayed indoors during the storm.




3.1 Research Design

Research is a careful, systematic, patient study and investigation in some field of knowledge, undertaken to establish facts or principles.

In research will produce data. Data are things known or assumed. According to characteristic, data can be classified into two types, they are : quantitative data and qualitative data. Quantitative data is a data in a form of numeral, but qualitative data is a data without numeral form.

Supranto (1997:54) says,”Research design atau rancangan riset ialah suatu pengaturan syarat- syarat untuk mengontrol pengumpulan data di dalam suatu riset sedemikian rupa dengan tujuan untuk mengombinasi segala informasi yang relevan (ada hubungan) sesuai dengan tujuan riset”. It means Research design is an organizing requirements to control data collection in a research such is that with the purpose to combine all relevant information (there is relationship) according to the purpose of research.

In writing this thesis the writer use library research by reading and studying some books that are related to the topic and make them as the references. In collecting data, the writer use sampling metode by writing only a part of population. To reach the result of analysis, the writer use quantitative method which is described in numerical form. The source of data is taken from the novel Oliver Twist.


22 3.2 Data Collection

In collecting data that are related to the theories, the writer use some ways. The first one, I begin to collect some books that have connection to conjunction and make them as the references. Second I read the novel Oliver Twist. Third, after reading the novel I look for the sentences that use conjunction and underline them. Then I count all sentences that are using conjunction. The last step I take the sentences that use conjunction as a research.

3.3 Data Analysis

In analyzing the data,there are some ways tobe done. First having collected the data from the novel Oliver Twist, I find out the sentences which use conjunction in the novel. Second I classify the sentences which use conjunction according to their categories. Third, I analize them. Then I count each element of conjunction to find out the most dominant kinds of conjunction found in the novel. The last I make them in a form of table list, based on the formula (Nawawi, 1993: 28)

n =


� ����%

n = the percentage of one kind of conjunction

fx = individual frequency (one kind of conjunction)


23 After finishing to count the data of conjunction in percentage, I determine the types of conjunctions, the kinds conjunctions and the most dominant till the least dominant kinds of conjunction . Then I make some conclusion and suggestion.




In this thesis the writer analysis about thirteen kinds of conjunctions that are found in Charles Dickens’novel “Oliver Twist”. They are: and, now, or, but, yet, then, so, for, that, as, if, when, and after. In analizing this thesis, the writer analysis the usage of conjunction and the relation to any parts of grammar. The writer also determines the most dominant kind of conjunction by making percentage of each kind of conjunctions.

4.1 Analysis 1) Conjunction and

From the source of data, the writer found 55 sentences used conjunction and, taken from chapter 6 to chapter 10, they are:

(1) And the Dodger busied himself removing the contents of Oliver’s pockets.p.36

(2) Why didn’t you write, my dear, and say you were coming?p.36 (3) That’s mine, Fagin, mine and Nancy’s.p.37

(4) Fagin and the boys came back, pulling Oliver between them.p.37

(5) Charley, show Oliver to bed and help him take off his good clothes.p.38

(6) He left, rolling up the new clothes under his arm, and locking the door behind him.p.38

(7) Alone in the dark, sick and weary, Oliver fell asleep.p.38

(8) One dark, wet, windynight Fagin stole away from the miserable house of Oliver’s imprisonment in Whitechapel and with his coat collar well


25 pulled up about his ears to hide his face, slunk through the streets to visit Bill Sikes and Nancy in Bethnal Green.p.39

(9) Jew, speaking very low and pulling his chair nearer.p.40 (10) Nancy saw him and said,” Go on, Fagin.”p.40

(11) And with his bargain, bidding them good night, the Jew left the house and went out into the darkness.p.42

(12) She looked very ill and seemed anxious.p.43

(13) One of Fagin’s boy,” said sikes and whispered in Crackit’s ear.p.44 (14) They hurried through the little town of Chertsey and about a quarter of a

mile beyond they stopped out side a detaced house surrounded by a high hall.p.45

(15) In a moment all three were over the wall and creeping silently towards the house.p.45

(16) He uttered an exclamation of horror and sank shivering to the ground.p.45

(17) “Get up!” Murmured Sikes, trembling with rage and drawing the pistol from his pocket.p.45

(18) Let me run away and die in the fields.p.45

(19) Oh, pray have mercy on me and do not make me steal!p.45

(20) Sikes stood on Crackit’s back and put Oliver through it, feet first.p.47 (21) Go softly up the steps straight before you and along the little hall to the

street door, unfasten it, and let us in.p.47

(22) He had a desperate plan in mind to take a dash up the stairs and warn the family.p.47


26 (23) Scared by the sudden noise, Oliver dropped his light and stood rooted to the spot.p.47

(24) There was a loud cry and two terrified half-dressed men stood at the top of the stairs with a lamp.p.47

(25) Dodger and Charles Bates Playing cards with another boy.p.48 (26) The Dodger wore his hat and smoked a clay pipe: he always won at cards.p.48

(27) ” First and foremost, Fagin,” said the house breaker,”how’s Bill?”p.48 (28) Sikes and the boy!p.48

(29) They fired and hit the boy.p.48

(30) We fled over the fields at the back with the boy between us, over hedge and ditch.p.49

(31) Bill took the boy on his back and ran like the wind.p.49 (32) Oliver’s head hung down and he was cold.p.49

(33) And the boy too?p.49

(34) The sight of him turns me against my self and all of you.p.49 (35) Fagin left her and set out for

(36) Why not have kept him here with the rest and made a sneaking pickpocket out of him at once.p.50

(37) Dodger and Charley?p.50

(38) I saw a shadow of a woman, in a cloack and bonnet.p.51

(39) Trembling from cold and exhaustion he tried to rise, only to fall back unconscious again.p.52

(40) He got slowly to his feet and staggered away, the world spinning round him.p.52


27 (41) He tottered across the lawn, up some steps, knocked feebly at the door

and sank to the ground.p.52

(42) Carry him upstairs; we must get him in to bed, and you, Brittles,” turning to the other manservant,” saddle the pony and go and fetch a doctor quickly.p.54

(43) Rose, her adopted niece, the beautiful young lady, was gentle and intelligent and only seventeen.p.54

(44) And you too, Miss Rose!p.54

(45) He was gone a long time; a large flat box was fetched out of the gig; the bedroom bell rang very often and the servants ran up and downstairs frequently.p.54

(46) And he gently drew back the curtains of the bed.p.55

(47) On it, instead of the black-faced ruffian they expected to see, lay a mere child, worn out with pain and exhaustion, sunk in a deep sleep.p.55 (48) And he led the ladies to another room.p.56

(49) And he pointed to a ruined house on the river bank.p.58

(50) Mrs Mayle and Rose shut up the Chertsey house and moved with Oliver to a cottage in the country some distance away.p.59

(51) Roses and honeysuckle climbed up the cottage walls; the garden was full of sweet-smelling flowers and he walked with the ladies over green fields listening to their conversation.p.59

(52) He was taught to read better and to write and he worked hard to please such a kind master.p.59


28 (54) He had finally fallen to the ground in a short of fit and Oliver had to

summon help from the nearest inn.p.60

(55) It had been a warm day and he was tired and fell into a day dream.p.60 Sentence number (1) And the Dodger busied himself removing the contents of Oliver’s pockets. Conjunction and, in the sentence is used to show adition. The sentence is compound sentence. Compound sentence is a sentence that consists of two independent clauses or more and linked by coordinating conjunctions like and, for, nor, but, or, yet, so, etc. The sentences consist of two independent clauses, they are : The Dodger busied himself. (Independent clause). Removing the contents of Oliver’s pockets. (Independent clause). The same things are found in the following sentences:

(4) Fagin and the boys came back, pulling Oliver between them. (5) Charley, show Oliver to bed and help him take off his good clothes. (6) He left, rolling up the new clothes under his arm, and locking the door

behind him.

(7) Alone in the dark, sick and weary, Oliver fell asleep. (9) Jew, speaking very low and pulling his chair nearer. (12) She looked very ill and seemed anxious.

(14) They hurried through the little town of Chertsey and about a quarter of a mile beyond they stopped out side a detaced house surrounded by a high hall.

(15) In a moment all three were over the wall and creeping silently towards the house.

(16) He uttered an exclamation of horror and sank shivering to the ground.use. (20) Sikes stood on Crackit’s back and put Oliver through it, feet first.


29 (22) He had a desperate plan in mind to take a dash up the stairs and warn

the family.

(24) There was a loud cry and two terrified half-dressed men stood at the top of the stairs with a lamp.

(29) They fired and hit the boy.

(30) We fled over the fields at the back with the boy between us, over hedge and ditch.

(31) Bill took the boy on his back and ran like the wind. (32) Oliver’s head hung down and he was cold.

(34) The sight of him turns me against my self and all of you. (35) Fagin left her and set out for

(36) Why not have kept him here with the rest and made a sneaking pickpocket out of him at once.

(40) He got slowly to his feet and staggered away, the world spinning round him.

(50) Mrs Mayle and Rose shut up the Chertsey house and moved with Oliver to a cottage in the country some distance away.

Sentence number (2) Why didn’t you write, my dear, and say you were coming? Conjunction and in the sentence is used to show negative sentence by using interrogative statement. Sentence number (3) That’s mine, Fagin, mine and Nancy’s. Conjunction and in the sentence is used to join whole sentences together. The sentence uses possessive pronoun, mine. Sentence number (8) One dark, wet, windynight Fagin stole away from the miserable house of Oliver’s imprisonment in Whitechapel and with his coat collar well pulled up about his ears to hide his face, slunk through the streets to visit Bill Sikes and Nancy in Bethnal Green.


30 Conjunction and in the sentence is used to connect clauses. The sentence is compound sentence. Compound sentence is a sentence that consist of two independent clauses or more that are combined by coordinating conjunctions like and, but, or, for so, nor, yet, etc. The sentence consists of three independent clauses. They are: One dark, wet, windynight Fagin stole away from the miserable house of Oliver’s imprisonment in Whitechapel (independent clause), and with his coat collar well pulled up about his ears to hide his face (independent clause), slunk through the streets to visit Bill Sikes and Nancy in Bethnal Green (independent clause). The same cases are found in the following sentences below :

(11) And with his bargain, bidding them good night, the Jew left the house and went out into the darkness.

(23) Scared by the sudden noise, Oliver dropped his light and stood rooted to the spot.

(26) The Dodger wore his hat and smoked a clay pipe: he always won at cards.

(39) Trembling from cold and exhaustion he tried to rise, only to fall back unconscious again.

(41) He tottered across the lawn, up some steps, knocked feebly at the door and sank to the ground.

(51) Roses and honeysuckle climbed up the cottage walls; the garden was full of sweet-smelling flowers and he walked with the ladies over green fields listening to their conversation.

Sentence number (42) Carry him upstairs; we must get him in to bed, and you, Brittles,” turning to the other manservant,” saddle the pony and go and fetch a doctor quickly. Conjunction and in the sentence is used to connect clause. Sentence


31 number (43) Rose, her adopted niece, the beautiful young lady, was gentle and intelligent and only seventeen. Conjunction and in the sentence is used to link phrase. The sentence is simple sentence, because consist of one independent clause. Sentence number (44) And you too, Miss Rose! Conjunction and in the sentence is used to connect subject, you and Miss Rose. The sentence is exclamatory sentence because using exclamation mark. Sentence number (45) He was gone a long time; a large flat box was fetched out of the gig; the bedroom bell rang very often and the servants ran up and downstairs frequently. Conjunction and in the sentence is used to connect clause. The sentence is compound sentence. Compound sentence is a sentence that consists of two independent clauses or more and some of them are linked by coordinate conjunctions like : and, for, nor, but, or, yet, so, etc. The sentence consists of four independent clause, they are : He was gone a long time (independent clause); a large flat box was fetched out of the gig; (independent clause); the bedroom bell rang very often (independent clause), and the servants ran up and downstairs frequently (independent clause). The same case is found in the following sentence : (47) On it, instead of the black-faced ruffian they expected to see, lay a mere child, worn out with pain and exhaustion, sunk in a deep sleep.

Sentence number (46) And he gently drew back the curtains of the bed. Conjunction and in the sentence is used to connect the whole sentence. The sentence is simple sentence, because consist of one independent clause and connected by conjunction and. The same cases found in the following sentences :

(48) And he led the ladies to another room.

(49) And he pointed to a ruined house on the river bank.

Sentence number (52) He was taught to read better and to write and he worked hard to please such a kind master. Conjunction and in the sentence is used to


32 show adition. The sentence use passive voice. Sentence number (54) He had finally fallen to the ground in a short of fit and Oliver had to summon help from the nearest inn. Conjunction and in the sentence is used to connect clause. The sentence is past perpect tense. It is known from the pattern: S+had+v3+o, and it is also combined by auxiliary modal had to. It is the past form of modal have to. Sentence number (55) It had been a warm day and he was tired and fell into a day dream. Conjunction and in the sentence is used to connect clause. The sentence is compound sentence with 2 independent clauses. It uses past perpect tense. Sentence number (10) Nancy saw him and said,” Go on, Fagin.” Conjunction and in the sentence is used to show direct speech because the sentence uses quotation mark. The same cases are found in the following sentences:

(13) One of Fagin’s boy,” said sikes and whispered in Crackit’s ear. (27) ” First and foremost, Fagin,” said the house breaker,”how’s Bill?” Sentence number (17) “Get up!” Murmured Sikes, trembling with rage and drawing the pistol from his pocket. Conjunction and in the sentence is used to connect clause. Sentence number (18) Let me run away and die in the fields. Conjunction and in the sentence is used to connect clause. The sentence uses verb let followed by infinitive without to. The sentence is compound sentence because consists of two independent clause. Sentence number (19) Oh, pray have mercy on me and do not make me steal! Conjunction and in the sentence is used to show request. The sentence is exclamatory sentence because it uses exclamation mark. Sentence number (21) Go softly up the steps straight before you and along the little hall to the street door, unfasten it, and let us in. Conjunction and in the sentence is used to connect clause. Sentence number (25) Dodger and Charles Bates Playing cards with another boy. Conjunction and in the sentence is used to connect two


33 subjects Dodger and Charles Bates. The sentence is simple sentence because consists of one independent clause wit one main verb, the main verb is playing.

Sentence number (28) Sikes and the boy! Conjunction and in the sentence is used to connect two subjects, the subject are Sikes and the boy. The sentence is exclamatory sentence because using exclamation mark. Sentence number (33) And the boy too? Conjunction and in the sentence is used to connect subject the boy. The sentence is interrogative sentence by using elliptic sentence “too”. Sentence number (37) Dodger and Charley? Conjunction and in the sentence is used to connect two subjects, they are : Dodger and Charlie. The sentence is interrogative sentence because using question mark. Sentence number (38) I saw a shadow of a woman, in a cloack and bonnet. Conjunction and in the sentence is used to connect two noun, they are a cloack and bonnet. The sentence is a simple sentence by using simple past tense. Sentence number (53) He loved Mrs Maylie and Rose and was loved by them in return. Conjunction and in the sentence is used to connect two objects. The sentence is simple past and combined by passive voice.

2) Conjunction now

From the source of data, the writer found 6 sentences used conjunction now, taken from chapter 6, 7, 8 and chapter 9, they are:

(1) ”She’s all right now,” said Sikes, laying her down in a corner.p.38

(2) He’s safe now, he’s been in training these last few weeks and it’s time he began to work for his bread.p.41

(3) ”Now said Sikes,” give us some food and drink to put her in us while we wait.p.44


34 (5) The now heavy rain roused him and he looked around and saw a house,

which he knew he must reach to get help.p.52 (6) ”Now, my boy, which house is it?”p.58

Sentence number (1) ”She’s all right now,” said Sikes, laying her down in a corner. Conjunction now in the sentence is used to show present condition. It is direct speech. It is known from the quotation mark that is used. Sentence number (2) He’s safe now, he’s been in training these last few weeks and it’s time he began to work for his bread. Conjunction now in the sentence is used to show present tense. The sentence is compound sentence because compound sentence is a sentencence that consists of two or more independent clauses, they are : He’s safe now. (Independent clause). He’s been in training these last few weeks. (Independent clause). It’s time he began to work for his bread. (Independent clause). Sentence number (3) .”Now said Sikes,” give us some food and drink to put her in us while we wait. Conjunction now in the sentence is used to show the time to give food and drink. The sentence is direct speech. It is known from the quotation mark. Sentence number (4) He ‘s all right now. Conjunction now in the sentence is used to show present tense. It is a simple sentence. Sentence number (5) The now heavy rain roused him and he looked around and saw a house, which he knew he must reach to get help. Conjunction now in the sentence is used to show the time of heavy rain happen. The sentence is complex sentence because consist of one independent clause and two dependent clauses, they are: The now heavy rain roused him (independent clause), and he looked around and saw a house, (independent clause), which he knew he must reach to get help (dependent clause). Sentence number (6) ”Now, my boy, which house is it?” Conjunction now in the sentence is used to show time. The sentence is interrogative sentence by using relative pronoun which.


35 3) Conjunction or

From the source of data, the writer found 3 sentences used conjunction or, taken from chapter 6, 7, 8, and chapter 10, they are:

(1) ”Get up, or I’ll spill your brains on the grass”.p.45 (2) Or I’ll do it my self with a knock on the head.p.45 (3) Alive or dead, that’s all I know about him.p.49

Sentence number (1) ”Get up, or I’ll spill your brains on the grass”. Conjunction or, in the sentence is used to show choice. The sentence is compound sentence and connected by coordinating conjunction or.

Sentence number (2) Or I’ll do it my self with a knock on the head. Conjunction or, in the sentence it means to show choice. The sentence is a compound sentence and it is connected by coordinate conjunction or. The sentence uses reflexive pronoun (my self). Sentence number (3) Alive or dead, that’s all I know about him. Conjunction or, in the sentence is also show choice. The sentence is compound sentence which is connected by coordinate conjunction or.

4) Conjunction but

From the source of data, the writer found 11 sentences used conjunction but, taken from chapter 6 to chapter 10, they are:

(1) But they’re clever in our business.p.38

(2) These lads spent much time trying to persuade Oliver to join them in their chosen profesion of thieving, but always he refused.p.39

(3) Nancy quickly brought a bottle from a well-filled cupboard, but the Jew took only a little and seemed uneasy.p.39

(4) But Nancy must have read this thoughts.p.43 (5) But Toby knocked the pistols from his pocket.p.45


36 (6) He went to several of Bill Sikes’s normal meeting places but no one had

seen or heard him.p.49

(7) Monks finally agreed it must be his imagination, but he would talk no more and finally went away.p.51

(8) He was conscious only of pain, but he kept on until he reached a road.p.52

(9) But there is a poor creature upstairs, whom Aunt wishes you to see.p.54 10) He has not washed recently, but he doesn’t look at all fierce.p.55 (11) But search as they might, they found nothing.p.62

Sentence number (1) But they’re clever in our business. In the sentence conjunction but is used to show contrast. It is a coordinate clause because it is connected by coordinating conjunction “but”. Sentence number (2) These lads spent much time trying to persuade Oliver to join them in their chosen profesion of thieving, but always he refused. Conjunction but in the sentence is used to show complex sentence. Complex sentence is a sentence that consists of one independent clause and one or more dependent clause/ subordinate clause (at least one dependent clause) Complex sentences use subordinating conjunction. It consists of one independent clause, they are : These lads spent much time trying to persuade Oliver to join them in their chosen profesion of thieving. (Independent clause), but always he refused (subordinate clause/dependent clause). The same things are found in the sentences, they are:

(3) Nancy quickly brought a bottle from a well-filled cupboard, but the Jew took only a little and seemed uneasy.

(6) He went to several of Bill Sikes’s normal meeting places but no one had seen or heard him.


37 (7) Monks finally agreed it must be his imagination, but he would talk no

more and finally went away.

(8) He was conscious only of pain, but he kept on until he reached a road. Sentence number (9) But there is a poor creature upstairs, whom Aunt wishes you to see. Conjunction but in the sentence is used to show contrast. It is compound sentence. Compound sentence is a sentence that consist of two independent clauses ore more that are linked by coordinating conjunctions like, and, or, but. In the sentence there are two independent clauses, they are: There is a poor creature upstairs. (Independent clause). Aunt wishes you to see. (Independent clause).

Sentence number (10) He has not washed recently, but he doesn’t look at all fierce. Conjunction but in the sentence is used to show contrast. It is compound sentence. It shows negative statement. It uses present perpect tense. It is known from the pattern S + has + not + V3 + adv of time. Sentence number (11) But search as they might, they found nothing. Conjunction but in the sentence is used to show contrary. It is compound sentence. Sentence number (4) But Nancy must have read this thoughts. Conjunction but in the sentence is used to show a must. Sentence number (5) But Toby knocked the pistols from his pocket. Conjunction but in the sentence is used to show contrary.

5) Conjunction yet

From the source of data, the writer found 2 sentences used conjunction yet, taken from chapter 8 and chapter 9, they are:

(1) ”Not yet,” said Fagin, smiling.p.50 (2) ”No, not yet,” replied the old lady.p.55

Sentence number (1) ”Not yet,” said Fagin, smiling. Conjunction yet in the sentence it means to show negative statement. It is direct speech because the


38 statement use quotation mark. Sentence number (2) ”No, not yet,” replied the old lady. Conjunction yet here is also means to show negative statement. It is direct speech, it is known fom the quotation mark.

6) Conjunction then

From the source of data, the writer found 9 sentences used conjunction then, taken from chapter 6 to chapter 10, they are:

(1) Oliver looked wildly round for help, then made a sudden dash from the room, followed by Fagin and the two boys.p.37

(2) The Jew then left him with the cheerful companionship of the Dodger and Charley Bates.p.39

(3) Then give me a boy,” said sikes,” and he mustn’t be a big one.p.40 (4) Then there was a flash, a loud noise, smoke, a crash and Oliver staggered


(5) Then came the loud ringing of a bell, a noise of firearms and shouts and a sensation of being carried rapidly over uneven ground.p.47

(6) He then went to Sikes’s house and found Nancy crying and miserable.p.49

(7) “Then I think we can help him,” said the doctor.p.56 (8) Then they were gone.p.62

(9) ”Then they are in the ditch,” said Harry.p.62

Sentence number (1) Oliver looked wildly round for help, then made a sudden dash from the room, followed by Fagin and the two boys. Conjunction then in the sentence is used to link sentence. The sentence is a complex sentence. Complex sentence is a sentence that consist of one independent clause and at least one dependent clause. The sentence above consist of one independent clause and


39 two dependent clauses, they are: Oliver looked wildly round for help (independent clause), then made a sudden dash from the room (dependent clause), followed by Fagin and the two boys (dependent clause). Sentence number (2) The Jew then left him with the cheerful companionship of the Dodger and Charley Bates. Conjunction then in the sentence is used to expain subject, the Jew. The sentence is a simple sentence because consist of one independent clause. The sentence is showed here: The Jew then left him with the cheerful companionship of the Dodger and Charley Bates (one dependent clause). Sentence number (3) Then give me a boy,” said sikes,” and he mustn’t be a big one. Conjunction then in the sentence is used to link sentence. The sentence is direct speech. It is known from the pattern uses quotation mark.

Sentence number (4) Then there was a flash, a loud noise, smoke, a crash and Oliver staggered backwards. Conjunction then in the sentence is used to link subject. The sentence compound sentence by using simple past tense. It is known from the pattern: S+was+ 0+c. Sentence number (5) Then came the loud ringing of a bell, a noise of firearms and shouts and a sensation of being carried rapidly over uneven ground. Conjunction then in the sentence is used to link sentences. Sentence number (6) He then went to Sikes’s house and found Nancy crying and miserable. Conjunction then in the sentence is used to link subject predicate and object. The sentence is compound sentence because consist of two independent clause, they are : He went to Sikes’s house. (Independent clause). Found Nancy crying and miserable. (Independent clause). The sentence is linked by coordinating conjunction then and and. Sentence number (7) “Then I think we can help him,” said the doctor. Conjunction then in the sentence is used to link sentence. The sentence is direct speech. It is known from the quotation mark that is used. The same case is found in


40 Sentence number (8) Then they were gone. Conjunction then in the sentence is used to explain subject they. The sentence is simple past tense by using conjunction then. sentence number (9) ”Then they are in the ditch,” said Harry. Conjunction then in the sentence is used to explain subject they. The sentence is direct speech. It is known from the quotation mark.

7) Conjunction so

From the source of data, the writer found 9 sentences used conjunction so, taken from chapter 6, 8, 9, and chapter 10, they are:

(1) ”So you wanted to get away, did you my dear?”p.38 (2) “So it is,” said Sikes.p.40

(3) They were catching up on us, so we left the boy in a ditch and parted company.p.49

(4) They entered an empty room on the first floor, leaving the candle outside, so as not to show light through the shutters.p.50

(5) So the evil couple parted.p.51

(6) He was so weak he could hardly sit up.p.52

(7) ”Oh very much so, indeed, Doctor Losberne,” said Rose interrupting him.p.54

(8) So they are all three climbed the stairs together.p.55 (9) Oliver was so frightened that he roused at once.p.60

Sentence number (1) ”So you wanted to get away, did you my dear?” Conjunction so in the sentence is used to show result. It is compound sentence because consist of two independent clauses, they are : You wanted to get away. (Independent clause). Did you my dear? (Independent clause). It uses simple past, by using interrogative sentence. Sentence number (2) “So it is,” said Sikes.


41 Conjunction so in the sentence is used to show result. It uses direct speech. It is known from the quotation mark. Sentence number (3) They were catching up on us, so we left the boy in a ditch and parted company. Conjunction so in the sentence is used to show effect. It is compound sentence by using past continuous tense. It is known from the pattern: S+were+ v-ing+o. Sentence number (4) They entered an empty room on the first floor, leaving the candle outside, so as not to show light through the shutters. Conjunction so in the sentence is used to show effect. It is compound- complex sentence, because it consists of two independent clauses and one dependent clause. They entered an empty room on the first floor. (Independent clause). Leaving the candle outside. (Independent clause). So as not to show light through the shutters. (Dependent clause). Sentence number (5) So the evil couple parted. Conjunction so in the sentence is also show effect. It is a simple sentence, because it consist of one independent clause. Sentence number (6) He was so weak he could hardly sit up. Conjunction so in the sentence is to show condition. It is compound sentence, because it consists by two independent clause, they are: 1. He was so weak. 2. He could hardly sit up. The sentence uses simple past. The pattern is : S+was+o. Sentence number (7) ” Oh very much so, indeed, Doctor Losberne,” said Rose interrupting him. Conjunction so in the sentence is used to show effect. it is direct speech, it is known by quotation mark. Sentence number (8) So they are all three climbed the stairs together. Conjunction so in the sentence is used to show cause. It is a simple sentence because consist of one main verb. The main verb is climbed. Sentence number (9) Oliver was so frightened that he roused at once. Conjunction so in the sentence is used to show result. The sentence is complex sentence, because it consists of one independent clause (Oliver was so frightened) and one dependent clause (That he roused at once).


42 8) Conjunction for

From the source of data, the writer found 15 sentences used conjunction for, taken from chapter 6 to chapter 10, they are:

(1) We’d have got something warm for supper.p.36

(2) For many days after these events Oliver was kept imprisoned in the empty, filthy old house with shuttered windows.p.38

(3) They’ve been with the old lady for twenty years.p.40 (4) He though deeply for several minutes.p.40

(5) ”He’s the boy for you my dear,”said Fagin, grinning horribly.p.41 (6) This is not the time for you to get free.p.43

(7) Quickly she led him from the house in to a house in to a horse cab, which seemed to be waiting for them.p.43

(8) Sikes, cursing Fagin for sending Oliver on such a job with him, silently removed a shutter from a window, using one of his tools.p.45

(9) ”I haven’t eaten for three days.p.48 (10) Each man for himself!p.49

(11) ”I’m glad to know the worst is over for him.”p.49 (12) ”I’ve been wating for you for two hours.p.49 (13) Treat him gently, for my sake.p.54

(14) Oliver lay in bed for many weeks.p.57

(15) Oliver stood still with terror for a moment, then leaped from the window, shouting loudly for help.p.62

Sentence number (1) We’d have got something warm for supper. In the sentence conjunction for is used to show purpose. It is a simple sentence. Sentence number (2) For many days after these events Oliver was kept imprisoned in the


43 empty, filthy old house with shuttered windows. Conjunction for in the sentence is used to show duration. It is complex sentence, because it consists of one independent clause and one dependent clause. Filthy old house with shuttered windows. (Independent clause). For many days after these events Oliver was kept imprisoned in the empty. (Dependent clause). Sentence number (3) They’ve been with the old lady for twenty years. Conjunction for in the sentence is used to show duration. In the sentence conjunction for is used to form present perpect tense. It is known from the pattern : S + have/has + been + o/c. Sentence number (4) He though deeply for several minutes. Conjunction for in the sentence is also to show duration. It is a simple sentence by using simple past tense. It is known by the pattern : S + V2 + O/c. Sentence number (5) ”He’s the boy for you my dear,”said Fagin, grinning horribly. Conjunction for in the sentence is used to show possession. The sentence is direct speech. It is known from quotation mark. Sentence number (6) This is not the time for you to get free. Conjunction for in the sentence is used to show negative sentence. The sentence is compound sentence because consists of two independent clauses. Sentence number (7) Quickly she led him from the house in to a house in to a horse cab, which seemed to be waiting for them. Conjunction for in the sentence is used to show result. The sentence is complex sentence because consist of one independent clause and one dependent clause, they are: Quickly she led him from the house in to a house in to a horse cab (independent clause) which seemed to be waiting for them (dependent clause). Sentence number (8) Sikes, cursing Fagin for sending Oliver on such a job with him, silently removed a shutter from a window, using one of his tools. . Conjunction for in the sentence is used to show reason. The sentence is complex sentence because consist of one independent clause and two dependent clauses, they are: Sikes, cursing Fagin for sending Oliver on such a job


44 with him (independent clause), silently removed a shutter from a window (dependent clause), using one of his tools (dependent clause). Sentence number (9) ”I haven’t eaten for three days. Conjunction for in the sentence is used to show duration. The sentence is present perfect tense by using negative sentence. It is known from the pattern: S + have + not + V3 + C. Sentence number (10) Each man for himself! Conjunction for in the sentence is used to show result. The sentence is exclamatory sentence. It is known from exclamation mark. Sentence number (11) ”I’m glad to know the worst is over for him.” Conjunction for in the sentence is used to show cause. The sentence is simple present tense by using superlative degree. It is known from the pattern: S+tobe (am)+adjective+v1+superlative degree+obj. Sentence number (12) ”I’ve been wating for you for two hours. Conjunction for in the sentence is used to show duration. The sentence is present perfect continuous tense. It is known from the pattern: S+have+been+v-ing+o+c. Sentence number (13) Treat him gently, for my sake. Conjunction for in the sentence is used to show purpose. The sentence is imperative sentence. Sentence number (14) Oliver lay in bed for many weeks. Conjunction for in the sentence is used to show duration. The sentence is simple sentence because consist of one main verb, lay. Sentence number (15) Oliver stood still with terror for a moment, then leaped from the window, shouting loudly for help. Conjunction for in the sentence is used to show time. The sentence is complex sentence because consist of one independent clause and two dependent clauses, they are: Oliver stood still with terror for a moment (independent clause). Then leaped from the window (dependent clause). Shouting loudly for help (dependent clause).


45 9) Conjunction that

From the source of data, the writer found 12 sentences used conjunction that, taken from chapter 6 to chapter 10, they are:

(1) His pleasure in seeing these was quickly dispelled by Fagin telling him that he was to be taken to Bill Sikes’s house that night.p.42

(2) There was a chance that some one might believe his tale.p.43

(3) I was almost afraid that you’d given it up, in which case I should have done the job alone.p.44

(4) That makes no noise.p.45

(5) Alive or dead, that’s all I know about it.p.49 (6) We had enough of that the first time.p.50 (7) ”That wasn’t my doing,” observed Monks.p.50 (8) Remember that I had no hand in it.p.51

(9) ”That house sir, that’s the house the thieves took me too!”.p.57 (10) That one! there!p.58

(11) What was that? p.60

(12) ”That way replied Oliver.”p.62

Sentence number (1) His pleasure in seeing these was quickly dispelled by Fagin telling him that he was to be taken to Bill Sikes’s house that night. Conjunction that in the sentence is used to show apposition. The sentence is compound sentence. Compound sentence is a sentence that consists of two or more independent clauses. The sentence is : His pleasure in seeing these was quickly dispelled by Fagin. (Independent clause). Telling him that he was to be taken to Bill Sikes’s house that night. (Independent clause). Sentence number (2) There was a chance that some one might believe his tale. Conjunction that in the sentence is used


53 (7) The door was opened after some moments by a man servant, with

another behind him.p.52

Sentence number (1) ”I planned the night after tomorrow with Toby,”said Sikes in a surely voice. Conjunction after in the sentence is used to show complex sentence by using subordinating conjunction after. It consists of one independent clause and one dependent clause. The sentence are : ”I planned the night after tomorrow with Toby,” (independent clause) said Sikes in a surely voice (dependent clause). It is direct speech, it is known from the quotation mark. Sentence number (2) After a miserable wait, Nancy came to fetch Oliver. Conjunction after in the sentence is used to show complex sentence. It consists of one dependent clause and one independent clause, They are : After a miserable wait (dependent clause), Nancy came to fetch Oliver (independent clause). The same cases are found in the following sentence below, they are : (4) After that, there was much activity. (5) He fired his own pistol after the two men and dragged Oliver up. Sentence number (3) After more walking, the weary Oliver was led into a ruined house beside a river, where they were greeted by a man whom Bill called Toby Crackit. Conjunction after in the sentence is used to show complex sentence. It consists of 1 independent clause and 2 dependent clauses, they are : After more walking (dependent clause), the weary Oliver was led into a ruined house beside a river (independent clause), where they were greeted by a man whom Bill called Toby Crackit ( independent clause). The same case is found in the sentence number (7) The door was opened after some moments by a man servant, with another behind him. Sentence number (6) ”Listen!”He cried after some time. Conjunction after in the sentence is used to show time. The sentence is exclamatory sentence and combined by simple past tense.


54 4.2 Finding

Having analized the novel Oliver Twist, I found 151 sentences of conjunctions are found in the novel. From the total of 151 conjunctions in Oliver Twist, we can state that: there are 55 sentences use conjunctions and, 6 sentences use conjunctions now, 3 sentences use conjunction or, 11 sentences use conjunction but, 2 sentences use conjunctions yet, 9 sentences use conjunctions then, 9 sentences use conjunctions so, 15 sentences use conjunctions for, 12 sentences use conjunctions that, 8 sentences use conjunctions as, 7 sentences use conjunction if, 7 sentences use conjunctions when, and 7 sentences use conjunctions after.


Here are the frequency of each kinds of conjunctions which found in the novel Oliver Twist, based on the formula: n = fx/N x 100%

Conjunction and = 55/151x 100% = 36,42% Conjunction now = 6/151x 100% = 3,97% Conjunction or = 3/151x 100% = 1,98% Conjunction but = 11/151x 100% = 7,28% Conjunction yet = 2/ 151x 100% = 1,32% Conjunction then = 9/151x 100% = 5,96% Conjunction so = 9/151x 100% = 5,96% Conjunction for = 15/151x 100% = 9,93% Conjunction that = 12/151x 100% = 7,94% Conjunction as = 8/151x 100% = 5,29% Conjunction if = 7/151x 100% = 4,63% Conjunction when = 7/151x 100% = 4,63% Conjunction after = 7/151x 100% = 4,63%




5.1 Conclusions

After analizing the conjunction in the novel “ Oliver Twist” it can be concluded that:

1. There are two types of conjunctions in the novel, they are coordinating conjunctions that consist of : cumulative/additive, alternative/disjunctive, adversative and Illative, and subordinating conjunctions that consist of : apposition, cause or reason, condition, and time.

2. There are Thirteen kinds of conjunction are found in the novel, they are: and, now,or, but, yet, then, so, for, that, as, if, when, and after.

From 151 of conjunctions in “Oliver Twist, there are 55 sentences use conjunctions and, 6 sentences use conjunctions now, 3 sentences use conjunctions or, 11 conjunction use conjunctions but, 2 sentences use conjunctions yet, 9 sentences use conjunctions then, 9 sentences use conjunctions so, 15 sentences use conjunctions for, 12 sentences use conjunctions that, 8 sentences use conjunctions as, 7 sentences use conjunctions if, 7 sentences use conjunctions when and 7 sentences use conjunctions after.

3. The most dominant kinds of conjunction in Oliver Twist is conjunction “and ” which presents (36,42 %), then followed by conjunctions for (9,93%), conjunctions that (7,94%), conjunctions but (7,28%), conjunctions then (5,96%), conjunctions so (5,96%), conjunctions as (5,29%), conjunctions if (4,63%),


56 conjunctions when (4,63%), conjunctions after (4,63%), conjunctions now (3,97%), conjunctions or (1,98%) and conjunctions yet (1,32%).

See the table list below:

No Kinds of Conjunctions Number of cases Percentages

1 And 55 36,42%

2 Now 6 3,97%

3 Or 3 1,98%

4 But 11 7,28%

5 Yet 2 1,32%

6 Then 9 5,96%

7 So 9 5,96%

8 For 15 9,93%

9 That 12 7,94%

10 As 8 5,29%

11 If 7 4,63%

12 When 7 4,63%

13 After 7 4,63%


57 Based on the result of table above, we may conclude that the most dominant type of conjunction in the novel Oliver Twist is conjunction and, and the least dominant kind of conjunction is conjunction yet.

5.2 Suggestion

Having analized the conjunction in the novel “Oliver Twist”, there are some suggestion that may conclude, they are:

1. Conjunctions have important role in building up a good story particularly in the novel “Oliver Twist as a word, phrase,and clause to make the story easier to understand

2. The students are expected by studying conjunction as a part of speech, they are more fluent to speak English because English grammar has great connection with conjunctions.

3. The writer hopes by studying conjunction can make the reader get more research and information about conjunctions to improve their knowledge.

At last, the writer realizes that that this thesis is not perpect, therefore all critics or good suggestion from the readers are accepted. The writer hopes this thesis will have great meaning for all readers, particularly for those who want to study about conjunctions.



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