The Position of Conjunction


9. Comparison

Subordinating conjunction is a form of adverbial clause of comparison. The kinds of clause consist of conjunction than, for examples : Than : - He is more handsome than his brother. - It is better go home now than staying outside.

2.4 The Position of Conjunction

Generally all of the conjunctions occur between the sentence patterns, but it may occur at the beginning of the patterns, at the end of the second pattern, or in the middle of the second pattern, for examples : 1. We went to the movie,however it was raining a lot. 2. We went to the movie,it was raining a lot however. 3. We went to the movie,it was,however,raining alot. Moreever, the clause coordinators are restriced to initial position in the clause, for example : 1. Budi send a letter and his father send a message. And clauses began with coordinator can not be moved to front of the clause because it will change the relationship of the clauses, for examples : a. They are studying in UI or they are meeting there. b. Or they are meeting there,they are studying in UI. But few words occur sometimes as subordinators and as connectors in the sentences, for examples : 1. Though he did not want to reverse,he had it 2. He did it,he did not want to, though. 3. He did it want to, though. 18 In the sentence 1 the conjunction “though” is a subordinator and in the sentence 2 “though” is a connector, while in 3 “though” is in shared position. 2.5 The Punctuation of Conjunction When and connects only two items within a sentence, no comma are used. When and connects three or more items in a series in a sentence, commas are used. Examples : 1 I saw a cat and a mouse. 2 I saw a cat, a mouse, and a rat. 3 I opened the door and walked in to the room. 4 I opened the door, walked into the room, and sat down at my desk. 5 Their flag is green and black. 6 Their flag is green, black, and yellow. In 1 : and connects two nouns: cat + mouse = no commas. In 2 : and connects three or more nouns, so commas are used. In 3 : no commas are used because and connects only two verbs opened + walked. In 4 : Commas are used because and connects three verbs opened + walked + sat. In 5 : and connects two adjectives no commas In 6 : and connects three adjectives commas When and connects two independent clauses, a comma is usually used. Examples : 1. I opened the door, and she opened the window. 2. She came in the house, and he came in the room 19

2.6 The Uses of Conjunction