The Significance of the study

children keep maintaining the addressing terms in order to show their identity as Acehnese generation. The last, the people maintain the addressing terms in order to show hisher polite way to their parents.

5.2 Suggestions

Dealing with finding, suggestions are stated as following: 1. Parents to encourage the positive attitude to their children in maintaining the addrressing terms in local languages, in order to preserve addressing terms and kept using by the next generation. 2. Other researchers to more do reaserch about addressing terms in Aceh language because Aceh language has various types, if this research variety a lot of people will know that Aceh language has various types. 3. Aceh Sepakat organization, to be more concerned to the maintenance of Addressing terms in Acehnese language because this organization can be utilized as much as possible so that the language and addressing terms in the Acehnese language is maintained and evolve so that the position and function as well as the role of the regional languages even more steady. 4. The Local Government of Aceh Province to more concerned to the maintenance of Aceh language by involving Aceh language as local content at school not only in primary or junior high school but also can be taught in senior high school and university. 75 REFERENCES Ary,D.,Jacobs,L.C.Razaviah,A.1979. Introduction to Research in Education. New York:Second Edition. Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Baker,C.2001. Foundation of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. Baron Hauwaert,S.2004. Language Strategies for Bilingual Families.Clevedon:Multili ngual Matters. Bogdan Biklen.1992. Qualitative Research for Education. United State of America : Allyn and Bacon. Borg,W.R., Gall.M.D.1989. Educational research: An introduction 5th ed. New York,NY:Longman Chaika, Elaine. 1982. Language The Social Mirror. London: Newbury House Inc. Department of Education and culture 1990 Dundon, Philippa.2003. Language Planning in School-based Revival Programs.Journal Fasold, Ralph. 1990.The Sociolinguistics of Language.Oxford: Blackwell Ferguson, Charles.A. Sociolinguistics Setting of language Planning. “Language Planning Processes. Ed.Rubin,Joan, Bjorn H.Jernudd, Jyotirindra Das Gupta, Josua S.Fishman and Charles A.Ferguson. The Hague: Mouton,1977 Fishman, Joshua A. 1991.Reversing Language Shift:Theoretical and Empirical Foundation of Assistance to Threatened Languages. Multilingual Matter Ltd: Australia ______________1996. Language maintenance and language shift as a field of inquiry In J. Fishman Ed., Language Loyalty in the United States. London, UK: Mouton and Co. Garret,P.,Nikolas,P.Williams,A.2003. Investigating Language Attitudes: Social Meanings of Dialect, Ethnicity and Performance. Cardiff: University of Wales Press. Gibbons, J Ramirez, E.2004. Maintaining a Minority Language : A Case Study of Hispanic Teenagers. Sydney: Multilingual Matters. Gomma.2011.Language Maintenance and Transmission. The case of Egyptian Arabic In Durham,UK.International Journal of English Linguistic, Vol 1. 76 Gunew,S.1994.Arts for a MulticulturalAustralia: Redefining the Culture.In S.Gunew F.Frizy,culture,difference and the arts.St.Leonard,Australia: Allen and Unwin Hayden,R. 1996. Some community dynamics of language maintenance. In J.Fishman, V. Nahirny, J. Hofman and R.Hayden Eds, Language loyalty And the United States. The Hague: Mouton. Hoefl,M.C.1997. Choosing Qualitatve Research: A Primer for Technology Education Researchers.Journal of Technology Education,91,47-363. Holmes ,Janet. 2001. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. London: Longman ___________. 2002. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics.London: Longman Jung Becker,Duckyoung. 2013. Parents’ Attitudes Toward Their Children’s Heritage Language Maintenance: The Case of Korean Immigrant Parents in West Michigan. Grand Valley State University Kaplan,R.B Baldauf,R.B.1997. Language Planning from Practiceto Theory. Sydney: Multili ngual Matters Lees, Fiona. 2013. Gaelic Language Planning. East Ayrshire Council Liddicoat, Anthony .J.and Richard B. Baldauf,Jr. Language Planning in Local Context. 2008 Lincoln,Y.S.,Guba,EG.1985. Naturalistic inquiry. Beverly Hills,CA:Sage Miles Huberman.1994. Qualitative Data Analysis.: an Expanded Soucebook 2nd.ed.Thousand Oaks.Ca:Sage Morgan.2009.Intermarriage Across Race And Eyhnicity Among Immigrants.United Stated:Scholarship Publishing Mukminatun,Siti and Andayani,Rahmi and Andryanti,Erna. 2005 . The Javanese Cultural Shift Seen Through the Use of Addressing Terms and Kindship System in the District of Yogyakarta Palace. Journal of English Education Department Faculty of Languages and ArtsYogyakarta State University Mukherjee,Dipika and David, Maya Khemlani . 2011.National Language Planning and Language Shifts in Malaysian Minority Communities. Amsterdam University Press Namei,S.2012. Iranian In Sweden: A Study of Language Maintenance and Shift. UPPSALA University:Sweden