


A Thesis

Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Magister Humaniora



Registration Number : 8136112064










Sari, Nurmillah. Registration Number: 8136112064. The Addressing Terms Shift of Padangnese Teenagers in Medan. A Thesis. English Applied Linguistics Study Program, Postgraduate School, State University of Medan. 2015.

This study deals with the addressing terms shift of Padangnese teenagers in Medan. The study employs qualitative research design with a case study. The objectives of the study are (1) to describe the addressing terms in ML are shifted by Padangnese teenagers in Medan, (2) to describe the factors that affect the shift of addressing terms, and (3) to reason for Padangnese teenagers to shift Minangkabau addressing terms into Indonesian addressing terms. The subjects were 20 respondents whose their parents from Minangkabau community in Medan. They were selected into different educational level, the range of age between 13-20 years old, and 10 males and 10 females. The instruments in this study were questionnaire and interview. The questionnaire was used to obtain the addressing terms and the factors that affect addressing terms shift by Padangnese teenagers in Medan and interview was used to discover the reason for Padangnese teenagers to shift Minangkabau addressing terms. The data were analyzed through interactive model by Miles and Huberman theory. The addressing terms in ML that are shifted by Padangnese teenager is found on the kinship terms in matrilineal system and marriage system. It is found that the addressing terms in matrilineal system that are shifted from Minangkabau into Indonesian addressing terms are gaek tuo, gaek mudo, amak/amai/mamak/biyai, mak uwo, etek, uwan/mamak, uni, adiak and uda. While there are also the addressing terms in marriage system are shifted into Indonesian addressing terms by Padangnese teenagers namely; gaek, apak, etek, pak uwo, pak etek, mak uwo, etek, uda and uni. There are seven factors that affect addressing terms shift namely bilingualism, migration, social factor, policy of the government, demographic factor, attitude and value factor, and educational level. There are four reasons for Padangnese teenagers shift Minangkabau addressing terms namely; status of Bahasa Indonesia, social success, prestige, and family tradition.

Keywords: Addressing terms, shift, Padangnese teenagers, Minangkabau language



Sari, Nurmillah. NIM: 8136112064. Pergeseran Kata Sapaan pada Remaja Padang di Medan. Tesis. Program Studi Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris, Pasca Sarjana, Universitas Negeri Medan. 2015

Penelitian ini merupakan kajian tentang pergeseran kata sapaan pada remaja Padang di Medan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan studi kasus. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) untuk mendeskripsikan kata sapaan yang digeser oleh remaja Padang di Medan, (2) untuk mendeskripsikan faktor-faktor penyebab pergeseran kata sapaan oleh remaja Padang di Medan, dan (3) untuk menerangkan alasan remaja Padang menggeser kata sapaan Padang. Subjek penelitian ini adalah dua puluh remaja yang orang tuanya dari komunitas Masyarakat Minang di Medan. Mereka dipilih berdasarkan kriteria; jenis kelamin, usia dan pendidikan. Penelitian ini menggunakan instrumen berupa kuesioner dan interview. Kuesioner digunakan untuk memperoleh data dari kata sapaan Padang dan faktor-faktor penyebab pergeseran kata sapaan dan interview digunakan untuk memperoleh alasan dari remaja Padang menggeser kata sapaan Padang di Medan. Data di analisis dengan menggunakan interaktif model oleh teori Miles dan Huberman. Kata sapaan dalam bahasa Minang yang telah digeser oleh remaja Padang telah ditemukan dalam kata sapaan kekerabatan berdasarkan keturunan matrilineal dan berdasarkan perkawinan. Kata sapaan dalam keturunan matrilineal yang telah bergeser dari kata sapaan Padang ke kata sapaan Indonesia yaitu kata sapaan gaek tuo, gaek mudo, amak/amai/mamak/biyai, mak uwo, etek, uwan/mamak, uni, adiak and uda. Selain itu, ada juga kata sapaan berdasarkan perkawinan yang telah digeser ke kata sapaan Indonesia oleh remaja Padang yakni kata sapaan gaek, apak, etek, pak uwo, pak etek, mak uwo, etek, uda and uni. Terdapat tujuh faktor yang mempengaruhi pergeseran kata sapaan yaitu dwibahasa, migrasi, faktor sosial, kebijakan pemerintahan, faktor demografi, faktor nilai dan sikap, dan tingkat pendidikan. Terdapat empat alasan remaja Padang menggeser kata sapaan Padang yaitu status bahasa Indonesia, kesuksesan dalam bersosialisasi, gengsi, dan tradisi keluarga.



First and foremost, the writer would like to thank Almighty God; Allah SWT for everything has given her to finish this thesis. Shalawat and Salam to prophet Muhammad SAW who has brought human from the darkness to the brightness.

To Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A., Ph.D., her first adviser, for the valuable time spent in giving the guidance, comments and criticism to manuscript of the thesis.

To Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd, her second adviser, who patiently spent valuable time for advising, guiding and giving great help in the clarification of important ideas to complete this thesis.

Her great gratitude is extended to Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd and Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S, the Head and Secretary of English Applied Linguistics Study Program for their suggestion and administrative assistance during her study. In addition, she acknowledges with special thanks to Prof. Dr. Sumarsih, M.Pd, Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S, and Dr. I Wayan Dirgayasa Tangkas, M.Hum as her reviewers and examiners for their valuable inputs, constructive comments, and suggestions to be included in this thesis improvement of this thesis.

Then, in this very special moment, she would like to express her deepest thanks to her beloved parents, Serma (Purn) Hamzani and Syafrida for their love, encouragement and support both financially and mentally that made her possible to finish her study. Her thanks are also addressed to her brothers and sisters, Rani Rahim, S.Pd, Ikhlas Hamzani, S.P., Akbar Serdano and Putri Syuhada for their supports.


Last but not least, the writer also would like to thanks to all of her beloved friends in LTBI in take XXIII. Thanks for their support, prayer, and motivation in finishing her study.

Finally, the writer hopes the readers could contribute developmental criticism and suggestion to improve this thesis.

Medan, May 2015 The writer

Nurmillah Sari 8136112064




ABSTRAK ... ii






1.1 Background of the Study ... 1.2 The Problems of the Study ... 8

1 8 9 10 10 Bilingualism ... 12

13 14 17 2.1.5 1.3 The Objectives of the Study ... 1.4 Scope and Limitation ... 9

1.5 The Significance of the Study ……… ... CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE ... 2.1 Theoretical Framework ... 10

2.1.1 Language shift ... 2.1.2 Factors that influence the language shift ... 11 Migration ... 13 Social Factor ... Economic Factor ... 14 Policy of the Government ... Demographic Factor ... 16 Attitude and Value ... 2.1.3 Reasons for Language Shift ... 18

2.1.4 Addressing Terms ... 19


2.1.6 Domains of Language Use ... 2

Description about Minangkabau ... 27

5 2.1.7 27 31 2.2 Relev 2.3 36 CHAP 3.1 Resea 3.2 3.3 Techn 3.5 4.1 9 1 54 Social Success ... 61 Minangkabau Culture ... Minangkabau Language ... 29

2.1.8 Teenager ... ant Studies ... 33

Conceptual Framework ... TER III RESEARCH METHOD ... 39

rch Design ... 39

Subject of the Study ... 39

ique for Collecting Data ... 40

3.4 Instrument of Data Collection ... 41

Trustworthiness of the Study ... 41

3.6 Technique of Data Analysis ... 42


Data Analysis ... 43

4.1.1 Addressing Terms Shift ... 44 Kinship Terms in Matrilineal System ... 44 Kinship Terms in Marriage System ... 46

4.1.2 Factors that Affect Addressing Terms Shift ... 48 Bilingualism ... 4 Migration ... 49 Social Factor ... 5 Policy of the Government ... 52 Demographic Factor ... Attitude and Value ... 55 Educational Level ... 58

4.1.3 Reason for Padangnese Teenagers to Shift Minangkabau Addressing Terms in Medan ... 60

(11) Prestige ... 62


68 Family Tradition ... 63 4.2 Findings ... 64 4.3 Discussion ... 65

4.3.1 Addressing Terms Shift ... 4.3.2 Factors that Affect Addressing Terms Shift ... 66 4.3.3 Reason for Padangnese Teenagers Shift Minangkabau Addressing


A. Conclusions ... B. Suggestions ... 69 REFERENCES ... 70 APPENDICES ... 72



Table 2.1 Kinship Terms in Matrilineal System ... 24

Table 2.2 Kinship Terms in Marriage System ... 25

Table 2.3 Domains of Language Use ... 26

Table 2.4 Stages of Adolescent Development ... 32

Table 4.1 Addressing Terms in Matrilineal System ... 44

Table 4.2 Kinship Terms Shift in Matrilineal System ... 45

Table 4.3 Addressing Terms in Marriage System ... 46

Table 4.4 Kinship Terms Shift in Marriage System ... 47

Table 4.5 The Addressing Terms that are Shifted by Padangnese Teenagers ... 48

Table 4.6 Migration of Padangnese people in Medan ... 50

Table 4.7 Social Factor that Cause Minangkabau Addressing Terms Shift in Medan ... 51

Table 4.8 The Influence of Policy of the Government in Minangkabau Addressing Terms Shift in Medan ... 52

Table 4.9 The Influence of Demographic Factor in Minangkabau Addressing Terms Shift in Medan ... 54

Table 4.10 The Influence of Attitude in Minangkabau Addressing Terms Shift in Medan ... 55

Table 4.11 The Influence of Value in Minangkabau Addressing Terms Shift in Medan ... 57

Table 4.12 Kinship Terms in Matrilineal System that are Shifted Based on Educational Level ... 58

Table 4.12 Kinship Terms in Marriage System that are Shifted Based on Educational Level ... 59

Table 4.12 Reason for Padangnese Teenagers to Shift Minangkabau Addressing Terms ... 60



Appendix 1 Questionnaire ... 72

Appendix 2 Interview ... 77

Appendix 3 Sample Answers ... 78

Appendix 4 List of Subject ... 88

Appendix 5 Kinship Terms Shift in Matrilineal System ... 89

Appendix 6 Kinship Terms Shift in Marriage System ... 91



1.1 Background of the Study

By using language, people can communicate between one another. It means that language is a means of communication to convey ideas, thought, opinions and feeling. It is also used to interact and to strengthen relationship in the society. People need to share many things in their life, such as idea, news, histories, suggestions, and advices. They do that because they need to go forward. That’s why they can build a better life in facing their future.

Indonesia as a multiethnic country is assumed that most of Indonesian people use at least two languages which are vernaculars and Indonesian language. Indonesian people should know the position of Indonesian language as the national language and vernaculars (mother tongue). The vernacular language is used to communicate within their tribes and Indonesian language is used interethnically.

Indonesia which consists of many islands and religions with the different ethnic groups has a lot of vernacular. There are 746 vernaculars which are spread in Indonesia. ( Many vernaculars in Indonesia are endangered. There are only 13 vernaculars have more than one million language users. They are Javanese, Bataknese, Sundanese, Balinese, Bugisnese, Maduranese, Minangkabau Language and etc.



One of the vernacular languages is Minangkabau language (ML). It is one of the vernaculars comes from the Austronesia. This language has grown and developed in West Sumatera province. Minangkabau language is also widely used in vary area outside West Sumatera.

When a community does not maintain its language but they gradually adopt another one, this is known as a language shift. The shift of language is happened in multicultural society. There are several ethnics live in Medan such as Javanese, Bataknese, Padangnese, Mandailingnese, Acehnese, Chinese, Malaynese, Karonese, Tamil and others. ML is one of vernaculars in Indonesia which is used mainly in Medan.

Weinrich (1968) said that language shift as the change of habitual use of one’s minority language to more dominant language even under pressure of assimilation from the dominant group. It means that one community shifts their first language to the second language as dominant language. In addition, Holmes (1992: 64) stated that language shift generally refers to the process, by which one language displaces another in the linguistic repertoire of a community. It means that the speakers in one community truly didn’t use their first language in their daily life. It can be happened in the young generation of Minangkabau ethnic group. They are difficult to maintain their original ML and pass on their heritage to their children.

Language shift usually occurs in bilingualism or multilingualism community. Fishman (1991:1) defined that language shift typically occurs in speech communities whose native languages are threatened because their intergenerational continuity is proceeding negatively, with fewer users or uses



every generation. It is clear that language shift can be found by the less of users of the native language and it becomes less using in the next generation.

The phenomenon in shifting language is related to the migration of Padangnese people. The children who born in Padang can not speak ML like their parents. The researcher discovers that there is a problem that occurs in Minangkabau family in Medan. The children whose both parents came from West Sumatera tends to rarely use the language itself, whether at home or in their surrounding.

Typically language shift happens in the third generation (Scotton, 2006:68). It means that the third generations only communicate to other people by using dominant language. Every young generation which is born in this city (Medan) will acquire Bahasa Indonesia as their mother tongue. When their mother make a conversation to her child in the house, she always speaks by using Indonesian not Minangkabau language.

The potential factor for the shift of the language is related to rural-urban migration that encourages the use of language of the wider society and the consequent loss in proficiency in the original mother tongue. This factor occurs in Minangkabau people who live in Medan. Padangnese people speak to the same ethnic use dominant language or Indonesian language to communicate with different ethnic in Medan more than 7 years. While, most Padangnese people speak to the same ethnic will use Minangkabau Language. Besides that, other ethnics such as Javanese and Acehnese will use Indonesian language to different ethnic in Medan.



According to Holmes (1992:65), people shift or choose a certain language in communicating by considering social factors. Social factor is the place where people live. People usually use a particular language as dominant language in their surroundings. It can be seen in Padangnese families in Medan. They communicate in using Minangkabau language but they use Indonesian addressing terms. They influence others to call someone in Indonesian addressing terms. It proves that social factors influence language use in the surrounding.

Addressing terms is one of language devices have shifted in Medan. Addressing terms are used to show the relationship between the speaker and the hearer and also determine the success of communication. The use of the addressing terms depends on to whom the speakers say. They use to show social relationship, power and solidarity. The use of addressing terms in Minangkabau must conform with customs, behaviors and manners. With knowing the mother’s line, Padangnese people who met for the first time will know what the suitable addressing terms to call someone.

In the system of Minangkabau addressing terms, kinship term is the most important one that has the closest relation with people. Kinship terms describe how people refer to relatives by blood and marriage. Minangkabau people has two kinship addressing terms namely; kinship terms in matrilineal system and kinship terms in marriage system. They follow kinship through matrilineal (mother’s line). Matrilineal systems trace descent through the mother. The clan is from mother who determines the child’s position in the social structure. While, kinship terms in marriage system is used for family members that are relatives by marriage. There is distinction between matrilineal system and marriage system.



Padangnese people who live in the big city such as Jakarta, Bandung and Medan prefer using Indonesian addressing terms than Minangkabau addressing terms. Most of them use bahasa Indonesia (BI) in their daily life. The use of BI becomes increasing. The increasing of Indonesian speaker in Medan show that the use of Minangkabau addressing terms such as mamak, etek are rarely use nowadays. It is replaced by word om, tante, from Indonesian addressing terms.

Many of speakers of ML are no longer use ML addressing terms to call their relatives. The researcher has found the addressing terms shift of Padangnese teenagers in Medan as shown in the following.

A : Lai sehat, om? Are you fine, uncle?

B : Lai, ndak pai malam minggu?

I’m okay. Don’t you go outside this Saturday night? A : Ndak ado kawan. Di rumah sajo.

I don’t have a friend to go outside. I want to stay at home. C : Jadi apo yang dikarajokan di rumah, Riko?

So, what are you doing at home, Riko? A : Riko main komputer di rumah, tante. Riko plays game from the computer.

Based on the observation above, Riko has shifted Minangkabau addressing terms into Indonesian addressing terms. The addressing terms such as om and tante are not derived from Minangkabau Language. In fact, Padangnese people must address all brothers and sisters in mothers’ family relatives who are called mamak and etek. It happened because his family is bilingualism as the influenced Indonesian language as the official language. Both of his parents use two languages. They prefer using Indonesian language at home but they use Minangkabau language in Minangkabau society. So, bilingualism as Fishman’s theory that occur the addressing terms shift by Padangnese teenager. Then, the researcher interviewed him to find the reason why he shifted Minangkabau



addressing terms into Indonesian addressing terms. He thinks that om, and tante is more prestige than mamak, and etek.

The phenomenon of the shift of addressing terms make the researcher interested to find out the addressing terms shift of Padangnese teenagers in Medan. They use bahasa Indonesiato someone who met for the first time while they use Minangkabau language to the same ethnic. It can be seen in young generation. They have shifted Minangkabau addressing terms into Indonesian addressing terms such as mamak, etek become om, tante.

The research about the shift of addressing terms in Minangkabau has been conducted by Rosanti (2011) with the title “Pergeseran Kata Sapaan dalam Bahasa Minangkabau Dialek Agam di Kota Medan”. She found that Minangkabau families of BMA in Pariaman prefer to shift Minangkabau into Indonesian addressing terms in their family core. For instance, when Padangnese people call father as apak but right now they changed into Indonesian addressing terms as papa or papi and also the use of Minangkabau addressing terms as biyai that address mother which replaced into mama or mami. The sample of the research is the third generation of Agam speaker whose parents’ from Agam and born in Agam. In her research in Agam culture, there are two kinds of addressing terms; addressing terms based on kinship and non-kinship systems. First, the kinship of addressing terms are direct or indirectly relationship among family. Second, non-kinship addressing systems namely: religion terms, custom terms and occupation terms. She used descriptive qualitative. The result found that the highest shift of addressing terms in custom terms, in religion terms, however the lowest shift of addressing term is in occupational terms.



Therefore, the addressing terms shift in the third generation is needed to do, eventhough the research about language shift has ever conducted by the other researcher by Lubis (2014) about “The Shift of Addressing Terms of Mandailingnese Society in Panyambungan.” In her research, the use of Mandailing Language has been replaced into Indonesian language. It can be seen from the second generation. Many of her relatives, friends and member of the family of Mandailingnese families are no longer use Mandailing addressing terms to call their relatives. The dominant factor which affects the shift into Indonesian language in Panyambungan is social factors. The reasons of the shift of addressing terms are; status of Indonesian language, social success and family tradition.

In addition, the research about addressing terms has been conducted by Ulfa (2013) in her research with the title “The Maintenance of addressing terms of Acehnese Young generation in Intermarriage Family.” The subjects were 20 children of intermarriage family which consist of 10 children whose parents are Acehnese mother and Non Acehnese father. The result found that there are fourteen respondents (70%) maintaining addressing terms and there are six respondents (30%) shift addressing terms. There are four factors that influence young generation in maintaining the addressing terms, namely; parents’ role, attitude, demography and environment. Family tradition, ethnic identity and politeness are the reason of young generation maintenance the addressing terms.

All the previous research have observed about the shift of addressing terms in the community and one of them is about the maintenance of addressing terms in intermarriage family. This research is focused on the addressing terms shift by Padangnese teenagers. Because of the research about the addressing terms shift of



Padangnese teenagers in Medan is not conducted yet, the researcher need to know whether the shift of language especially in using addressing terms that occur in Padangnese teenagers. The researcher would like to maintaine Minangkabau language and realize in having some difficulties to address someone by using Minangkabau addressing terms. As Minangkabau people, they have to address all brothers and sisters of mother and father’s family in Minangkabau addressing terms to show their close relationship.

1.2 The Problems of the Study

The problems are formulated as the following.

1) What addressing terms in ML are shifted by Padangnese teenagers in Medan? 2) What factors affect the shift of addressing terms by Padangnese teenagers in


3) Why are the addressing terms shifted?

1.3 The Objectives of the Study

Based on the problems of the study above, the objectives of the study are: 1) to describe the addressing terms in ML shifted by Padangnese teenagers in


2) to describe the factors that affect the shift of addressing terms by Padangnese teenagers in Medan and

3) to reason for Padangnese teenagers to shift Minangkabau addressing terms into Indonesian addressing terms.



1.4 Scope and Limitation

Addressing terms in Minangkabau are divided into four types namely; kinship terms, occupational terms, religion terms and custom terms. For kinship terms include into kinship terms in matrilineal system and marriage system. In this study, the researcher focuses in the kinship addressing terms by Padangnese teenagers in Medan. The limitation of this study is Padangnese teenagers whose parents from the Minang community in Medan (Badan Musyawarah Masyarakat Minang: BM3).

1.5 The Significance of the Study

Theoretically, the findings of the study are an evidence of the phenomenon of the addressing terms shift of Padangnese teenagers in Medan, an information for Padangnese people in maintaining Minangkabau language (ML) and a motivation for the next researcher who is interested to do an in depth research about ML.

Practically, the findings of the study are useful for students, government and Padangnese people. Firstly, for the students they can enrich their knowledge about ML, especially in learning the shift of addressing terms. Secondly, the government to make a well planned of language planning especially to keep maintaining the addressing terms of Padangnese teenagers in Medan. The last, it is useful for Padangnese people, to realize that it is important to maintain their language especially ML addressing terms in order to keep the existence of their ethnic group.




The study which is concerned of the addressing terms shift of Padangnese teenagers in Medan was aimed to describe Minangkabau addressing kinship terms have shifted by Padangnese teenagers, the factors that affect Minangkabau addressing terms shift in Medan and the reason for Padangnese teenagers to shift Minangkabau addressing terms into Indonesian addressing terms. Based on the analysis, conclusions are drawn as the following.

(1) Both addressing kinship terms in matrilineal system and marriage system are still used by Padangnese teenagers. However, there are some addressing terms that are shifted into Indonesian addressing terms by Padangnese teenagers

namely gaek, amak/amai/mamak/biyai, apak, mak uwo, pak uwo, etek, pak

etek, uwan/mamak, uni, uda and adiak. If Padangnese teenagers are no longer use Minangkabau addressing terms for a long time, it would make the addressing terms in ML become endangerment.

(2) The addressing terms that are shifted by Padangnese teenagers are caused by bilingualism, migration, social factor, policy of the government, demographic factor, attitude and value factor, and educational level.

(3) Padangnese teenagers shift Minangkabau addressing terms into Indonesian addressing terms in order to status of Bahasa Indonesia, social success, prestige, and family tradition. Social success is the major reason for Padangnese teenagers to shift Minangkabau addressing terms into Indonesian addressing terms.



5.2 Suggestions

In relation to the conclusions are suggested as the following.

(1) It is suggested that the second generation should encourage the positive attitude to their children in maintaining the addressing terms in vernacular language.

(2) It is suggested that other researchers should be more concerned with the use of addressing term in vernacular languages such as Batak language, Karo language, Javanese language, Malay language, etc.

(3) It is suggested that linguistics, teachers and students especially Minangkabau language linguists should write more books or references about addressing terms in Minangkabau language.



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Holmes, Janet. 1992. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. Second Education.

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Padangnese teenagers in Medan is not conducted yet, the researcher need to know whether the shift of language especially in using addressing terms that occur in Padangnese teenagers. The researcher would like to maintaine Minangkabau language and realize in having some difficulties to address someone by using Minangkabau addressing terms. As Minangkabau people, they have to address all brothers and sisters of mother and father’s family in Minangkabau addressing terms to show their close relationship.

1.2 The Problems of the Study

The problems are formulated as the following.

1) What addressing terms in ML are shifted by Padangnese teenagers in Medan? 2) What factors affect the shift of addressing terms by Padangnese teenagers in


3) Why are the addressing terms shifted?

1.3 The Objectives of the Study

Based on the problems of the study above, the objectives of the study are: 1) to describe the addressing terms in ML shifted by Padangnese teenagers in


2) to describe the factors that affect the shift of addressing terms by Padangnese teenagers in Medan and

3) to reason for Padangnese teenagers to shift Minangkabau addressing terms into Indonesian addressing terms.



1.4 Scope and Limitation

Addressing terms in Minangkabau are divided into four types namely; kinship terms, occupational terms, religion terms and custom terms. For kinship terms include into kinship terms in matrilineal system and marriage system. In this study, the researcher focuses in the kinship addressing terms by Padangnese teenagers in Medan. The limitation of this study is Padangnese teenagers whose parents from the Minang community in Medan (Badan Musyawarah Masyarakat Minang: BM3).

1.5 The Significance of the Study

Theoretically, the findings of the study are an evidence of the phenomenon of the addressing terms shift of Padangnese teenagers in Medan, an information for Padangnese people in maintaining Minangkabau language (ML) and a motivation for the next researcher who is interested to do an in depth research about ML.

Practically, the findings of the study are useful for students, government and Padangnese people. Firstly, for the students they can enrich their knowledge about ML, especially in learning the shift of addressing terms. Secondly, the government to make a well planned of language planning especially to keep maintaining the addressing terms of Padangnese teenagers in Medan. The last, it is useful for Padangnese people, to realize that it is important to maintain their language especially ML addressing terms in order to keep the existence of their ethnic group.


5.1 Conclusions

The study which is concerned of the addressing terms shift of Padangnese teenagers in Medan was aimed to describe Minangkabau addressing kinship terms have shifted by Padangnese teenagers, the factors that affect Minangkabau addressing terms shift in Medan and the reason for Padangnese teenagers to shift Minangkabau addressing terms into Indonesian addressing terms. Based on the analysis, conclusions are drawn as the following.

(1) Both addressing kinship terms in matrilineal system and marriage system are still used by Padangnese teenagers. However, there are some addressing terms that are shifted into Indonesian addressing terms by Padangnese teenagers namely gaek, amak/amai/mamak/biyai, apak, mak uwo, pak uwo, etek, pak etek, uwan/mamak, uni, uda and adiak. If Padangnese teenagers are no longer use Minangkabau addressing terms for a long time, it would make the addressing terms in ML become endangerment.

(2) The addressing terms that are shifted by Padangnese teenagers are caused by bilingualism, migration, social factor, policy of the government, demographic factor, attitude and value factor, and educational level.

(3) Padangnese teenagers shift Minangkabau addressing terms into Indonesian addressing terms in order to status of Bahasa Indonesia, social success, prestige, and family tradition. Social success is the major reason for Padangnese teenagers to shift Minangkabau addressing terms into Indonesian addressing terms.




5.2 Suggestions

In relation to the conclusions are suggested as the following.

(1) It is suggested that the second generation should encourage the positive attitude to their children in maintaining the addressing terms in vernacular language.

(2) It is suggested that other researchers should be more concerned with the use of addressing term in vernacular languages such as Batak language, Karo language, Javanese language, Malay language, etc.

(3) It is suggested that linguistics, teachers and students especially Minangkabau language linguists should write more books or references about addressing terms in Minangkabau language.


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