Language Choice of members of Resimen Mahasiswa of University of Sumatera Utara









Approved by the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara (USU) Medan as thesis for the Sarjana Sastra Examination.

Head, Secretary,

Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, MS Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, MA.Ph.D NIP. 19590419 198102 2 001 NIP. 19750209 200812 1 002


Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of requirement for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara.

The examination is held in the Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara on July, 11th, 2015

Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara

Dr. H. Syahron Lubis, M.A NIP. 19511013 197603 1 001

Board of Examiners

Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, M.S ……….. Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A, Ph.D ……….. Dr. H. Syahron Lubis, M.A ……….. Dr. Eddy Setia, M.Ed. TESP ……….. Dr. Ridwan Hanafiah, S.H, M.A ………..




Signed : Date :








Signed : Date :



First of all, I would thank to my Almighty God, Jesus Christ who always bless and love me abundantly. Thank my God because You have shown me Your way to step in Your Truth forever in my life. Yesterday I was lost but now and forever, I belong to You. Thank you for blessing me in finishing my study in Department of English, University of Sumatera Utara and especially for my thesis which entitled Language Choice of Resimen Mahasiswa of University of Sumatera Utara.

I also would like to say thank to my Supervisor Dr. Ridwan Hanafiah, S.H, M.A who has given me much attention, contribution and supports with all his great patience and understanding to guide me to finish this thesis, and also to my Co-Supervisor, Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A, Ph.D for his constructive outcomes for this thesis.

My gratitude to all my lecturers in English Department who have taught me during my college with their love and patience. I also say big thank to Dr. Muhizar Muchtar, M.S, the Head of English Department, Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A, Ph.D for their attention to all my academic affairs, and Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A as the Dean of Faculty of Letters, University of Sumatera Utara and the staffs especially for Kak Tika and also friends for their helps.

My great gratitude to my lovely Parents, my daddy A. Tarigan and my mom K. br. Perangin-angin for their warm to love me and always support me, also to my sisters Adhe, Loren, and Ika. I love you all…

Special thanks to my friends (Beby, Flo, Evi, Camel, Elvi, Yudha) for their helps and their love. Also to all my friends in English Department as for all their guidance and prayer so that I can finish this thesis. I also want to give a big thanks for the members of Resimen Mahasiswa of University of Sumatera Utara which is they are have been be a part of my life, be a new family, and add the golden experience that I can’t forget it. I also want to give a special thanks to my best friend in my life (Andi) for teach me the hard life and never say give up.

I write this thesis in my limitation as a student of English Department, but I hope that this thesis can be used as constructive outcomes to anyone who read it.

Medan, 2015

Altena Tarigan 110705088



Skripsi ini berjudul Language Choice of members of Resimen Mahasiswa of

University of Sumatera Utara, yang menganalisa mengenai hubungan bahasa antara komandan dengan anggota, anggota dengan komandan, dan antar sesama anggota dari Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa: Resimen Mahasiswa Universitas Sumatera Utara. Data yang diidentifikasikan menurut teori Dell Hymes yaitu SPEAKING: setting, participant, and norm of interaction merupakan faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi pemilihan bahasa setiap orang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Dengan melakukan observasi diikuti dengan pengisian angket merupakan hal penting untuk mendapatkan hasil analisis. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan, telah ditemukan bahwa ada hubungan yang sangat positif dalam pemilihan bahasa yang tergabung di ruang lingkup Resimen Mahasiswa Universitas Sumatera Utara antara komandan dengan anggota, anggota dengan komandan, dan antar sesama anggota. Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan oleh penulis bahwa hampir seluruh responden yang sangat setuju dengan hubungan positif terhadap pemilihan bahasa dan memilih untuk menggunakan pemilihan bahasa yang ada di Resimen Mahasiswa. Hal yang paling mendominasi dalam tesis ini adalah tentang bagaimana hubungan pemilihan bahasa antara komandan dengan anggota, anggota dengan komandan, dan antar sesama anggota dalam percakapan sehari-hari di ruang lingkup Resimen Mahasiswa. Dalam tesis ini juga membahas mengenai efek dari adanya pemilihan bahasa terhadap anggota dari Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa: Resimen Mahasiswa Universitas Sumatera Utara ini. Saya mengumpulkan data yang berkaitan dengan skripsi saya, lalu memilih data yang akan dibahas dalam analisis saya. Saya sangat tertarik dalam membahas hal ini karena berbagai kasus yang terjadi di kalangan mahasiswa yang cenderung masih kurang menggunakan pemilihan bahasa dalam hal berbicara.



This thesis entitled Language Choice of members of Resimen Mahasiswa of

University of Sumatera Utara, which analyzes the language relationship between commandant to members, members to commandant, and amongst members of the Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa: Resimen Mahasiswa Universitas Sumatera Utara. The data identified according to the theory of Dell Hymes, SPEAKING: setting, participant, and norm of interaction also the basic factors that can influence the language choice for every person. The research method used id descriptive qualitative method, by doing observation followed by filling the questionnaire as an important foundation to get the results of the analysis. From the research conducted, it has been found that there is a very positive relationship of language choice is incorporated in the Resimen Mahasiswa environment between commandant to members, members to commandant, and amongst members. From the results of research conducted by the writer that almost of respondent who strongly agree with the positive relationship toward language choice and choose to use the language of Resimen Mahasiswa. The most dominating thing in this thesis is about how the relationship of language choice between commandant to members, members to

commandant, and amongst members in daily communication in the Resimen

Mahasiswa environment. In this thesis also discusses the effect of the language

choice to members of the Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa: Resimen Mahasiswa

Universitas Sumatera Utara. I gathered the data that related to my thesis, and then select the data that will be discussed in my analysis. I am very interested in discussing this case because the various cases that occurred among students who are still less likely to use the terms of language choice.






ABSTRAK ………... vii

ABSTRACT ………... viii



1.1Background of study ... 1

1.2 Problem of the Study ... 4

1.3 Objective of the Study ... 4

1.4 Scope of the Study ... 5

1.5 Significance of the Study ... 5


2.1 Theoretical Background ... 7

2.1.1 Linguistic ... 7

2.1.2 Sociolinguistic ... 8

2.2 Language Use ... 10

2.3 Language Choice ... 11

2.4 Speech Community ... 12

2.4.1 Speaking ... 14

2.5 Language Attitude ... 15

2.6 Resimen Mahasiswa (MENWA) ... 16


3.1 Research Design ... 21

3.2 Data and Data Source ... 23


3.4 Data Collection Producers ... 25


4.1Analysis ... 26

4.1.1 Verbal communication between commandant to members of Resimen Mahasiswa of University of Sumatera Utara ... 27

4.1.2 Verbal communication between members to commandant of Resimen Mahasiswa of University of Sumatera Utara ... 31

4.1.3 Verbal communication between members to members of Resimen Mahasiswa of University of Sumatera Utara ... 33

4.2 Finding ... 40


5.1 Conclusion ... 45

5.2 Suggestion ... 46




Skripsi ini berjudul Language Choice of members of Resimen Mahasiswa of

University of Sumatera Utara, yang menganalisa mengenai hubungan bahasa antara komandan dengan anggota, anggota dengan komandan, dan antar sesama anggota dari Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa: Resimen Mahasiswa Universitas Sumatera Utara. Data yang diidentifikasikan menurut teori Dell Hymes yaitu SPEAKING: setting, participant, and norm of interaction merupakan faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi pemilihan bahasa setiap orang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Dengan melakukan observasi diikuti dengan pengisian angket merupakan hal penting untuk mendapatkan hasil analisis. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan, telah ditemukan bahwa ada hubungan yang sangat positif dalam pemilihan bahasa yang tergabung di ruang lingkup Resimen Mahasiswa Universitas Sumatera Utara antara komandan dengan anggota, anggota dengan komandan, dan antar sesama anggota. Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan oleh penulis bahwa hampir seluruh responden yang sangat setuju dengan hubungan positif terhadap pemilihan bahasa dan memilih untuk menggunakan pemilihan bahasa yang ada di Resimen Mahasiswa. Hal yang paling mendominasi dalam tesis ini adalah tentang bagaimana hubungan pemilihan bahasa antara komandan dengan anggota, anggota dengan komandan, dan antar sesama anggota dalam percakapan sehari-hari di ruang lingkup Resimen Mahasiswa. Dalam tesis ini juga membahas mengenai efek dari adanya pemilihan bahasa terhadap anggota dari Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa: Resimen Mahasiswa Universitas Sumatera Utara ini. Saya mengumpulkan data yang berkaitan dengan skripsi saya, lalu memilih data yang akan dibahas dalam analisis saya. Saya sangat tertarik dalam membahas hal ini karena berbagai kasus yang terjadi di kalangan mahasiswa yang cenderung masih kurang menggunakan pemilihan bahasa dalam hal berbicara.



This thesis entitled Language Choice of members of Resimen Mahasiswa of

University of Sumatera Utara, which analyzes the language relationship between commandant to members, members to commandant, and amongst members of the Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa: Resimen Mahasiswa Universitas Sumatera Utara. The data identified according to the theory of Dell Hymes, SPEAKING: setting, participant, and norm of interaction also the basic factors that can influence the language choice for every person. The research method used id descriptive qualitative method, by doing observation followed by filling the questionnaire as an important foundation to get the results of the analysis. From the research conducted, it has been found that there is a very positive relationship of language choice is incorporated in the Resimen Mahasiswa environment between commandant to members, members to commandant, and amongst members. From the results of research conducted by the writer that almost of respondent who strongly agree with the positive relationship toward language choice and choose to use the language of Resimen Mahasiswa. The most dominating thing in this thesis is about how the relationship of language choice between commandant to members, members to

commandant, and amongst members in daily communication in the Resimen

Mahasiswa environment. In this thesis also discusses the effect of the language

choice to members of the Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa: Resimen Mahasiswa

Universitas Sumatera Utara. I gathered the data that related to my thesis, and then select the data that will be discussed in my analysis. I am very interested in discussing this case because the various cases that occurred among students who are still less likely to use the terms of language choice.


CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1Background of the Study

Humans are part of social environment. They need to interact, to communicate and to express their ideas to the others, one of the ways to interact with each other is through communication. Communication will run well with the use of language. They need language as a tool to do all the things. Language is a systematic way of combining smaller units for the purpose of communication. Language also is not only about talking, but also writing is also part of language. So, when people write and talk, they use language. It is worthwhile, we believe, because it is such an important part of all our lives. How an individual uses the systems available to them varies according to who speaker is, how they perceive themselves, and what identity they want to project. Nababan (1986 : 10) says “to communicate is to deliver message and meaning from one person to other by using language”.

Language has two major functions, they are interactional function and transactional function. Interactional function deals with how humans use language to interact each other socially or emotionally. Transactional function deals with whereby humans use their linguistics abilities to communicate knowledge, skills and information (Yule, 1985 : 5-6). Nowadays, there are so many experts who study about language that called linguistics.

Language use are varies according to the situation, whether it’s public or private, formal or informal, who is being addressed, and who might be able to overhear. William Labov (1972 : 179) states that a speech community cannot be conceived as a group of speakers who all use the same forms ; it is best defined as a


group who share the same norms in regard to language… who share a set of social attitude toward language. Another important dimension of language is the very different attitudes, language changes, language plans, and also language use.

Language choice purposes us to use language all the time. Our language choice can also be a reflection of the social groups we associate particular words or kinds of linguistics behavior. The notion of language choice becomes vital in understanding the concept of a speech community. Language choice needs to be applied when we want to talk to each other, with awareness of language choice we can talk more polite in a conversation. As a student of University, awareness on the language choice needs to be applied in each of our conversation especially to lecturer, parents, and each other as well. Awareness of language choice supports us to give a good presentation, increasing competence and a good performance in our environment.

There are some cases that happen in the society about language attitude, especially for students as the future generation. One of them is found in Resimen Mahasiswa of University of Sumatera Utara (USU). For example, the members use a

language when they want talk with each member in Resimen Mahasiswa of

University of Sumatera Utara environment especially with commandant. So that, in speaking language choice in polite language is needed to make others can accept the statements well and make it be a language characteristic of the Resimen Mahasiswa it self. So, the role of language choice is important to know to send the message of communication. It is why in the Resimen Mahasiswa training not just learning about the military zone, leadership, but also learning about the ability to speaking in formal context, and how to give a good statement. In speaking, each word has its own


meaning, using the polite word or the norm for speaking will support us to be a good person.

In Resimen Mahasiswa of University of Sumatera Utara are required to be able to speak the language properly in the military. For example: "yes (siap), permits (izin)", and shall be respectful amongst members, also with commandant. The requirement to be able to know and to apply the words in Resimen Mahasiswa, requires all senior and junior members to be able to apply it in daily communication, whether it is in Resimen Mahasiswa or in the campus life. The study of languages choice in Resimen Mahasiswa itself can be obtained in daily communication in the Resimen Mahasiswa. There is no training or material that are specifically given to the members, especially the new members. They can hear the communication which occurs directly between their seniors in direct communication, members to commandant, and also commandant to members. Thus, with the direct communication which happens, make the members of Resimen Mahasiswa become able to determine the language that should be applied.

This analysis will focus on the Resimen Mahasiswa members which are going to be observed related to the title of this analysis. The office is located at Jalan Universitas No.24, Medan. This group is full of the people who to want learn about the leadership, and the language attitude. MENWA stands for Resimen Mahasiswa. It is an organization for leadership, discipline, a little part of army, and the awareness of language in USU. The members of MENWA come from every faculties or even departments in USU such as Medical Faculty, Law Faculty, Nursing Faculty, Public Health Faculty, Agriculture Faculty, Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty,


Engineering Faculty, Economics Faculty, Social and Political Sciences Faculty, and Cultural Studies Faculty.

Last but not least, the main point of this analysis emphasizes on how the Resimen Mahasiswa training itself is. It will give the beneficial impact on increasing the language choice of the members of Resimen Mahasiswa in delivering their own opinion and doing their daily activities especially in campus life as the first step to get the better future in social life.

1.2Problem of The Study

Language choice is something that will give a big contribution in social life. In most crucial human activities, success depends on knowledge, skill, and self-confidence. There are some characteristics, which form the basis of effective speech. Without the knowledge, the speeches become empty or even not succeed. Considering to these opinion, the writer sees some problems that appeared in the students of University of Sumatera Utara, especially the members of Resimen Mahasiswa. There are the problems that have been found by the writer :

1. How is the language choice between commandant to members, members to commandant, and members to members of Resimen Mahasiswa of University of Sumatera Utara in daily communication?

2. What are the effects of joining Resimen Mahasiswa towards members in language choice?

1.3Objective of the Study

In consonance with the problem above, this analysis tries to find out the answers of those questions, they are:


1. To describe the language choice between commandant to member, member

to commandant, and member to member of Resimen Mahasiswa of

University of Sumatera Utara.

2. To describe how the Resimen Mahasiswa of University of Sumatera Utara helps the students in developing language choice after joining in Resimen Mahasiswa.

1.4Scope of the Study

It is important to make a scope in this study in order to make a clear explanation about the topic. The scope that the writer has analyzed about the increasing and awareness of language choice by the members of Resimen Mahasiswa of University of Sumatera Utara, Medan.

Based on that point, this study focuses on Resimen Mahasiswa of University of Sumatera Utara on language choice that has been shown from the way they speaking, thinking, and delivery their argument in polite language when they want to talk, and the others can accept it well.

1.5Significance of the Study

The significance of this research are as follow:

1. As a reference for people who interested to research about language choice in Resimen Mahasiswa of University of Sumatera Utara.

2. To help people who are interested in analyzing or observing about language choice of Resimen Mahasiswa in University of Sumatera Utara

3. To help the readers in understanding the differential and the changes after joining in Resimen Mahasiswa on the language choice of the student


especially the members of Resimen Mahasiswa at University of Sumatera Utara.




2.1.1 Linguistics

Linguistics is the scientific study of human’s language. The primary object is human language signifying that language is human specific and human species. It is only human that uses language as a means of communication. Humans use language to do communicate and interact with others. Linguistics does not study every form of human’s language. It focused on analyzing human’s verbal language. It focused on analyzing human’s verbal language; the language that consists of words. Hudson (in Umar and Napitupulu 1994 : 1) says : “Linguistik adalah disiplin yang mempelajari struktur bahasa tanpa mengkaji konteks sosisal tempat struktur itu dipelajari atau digunakan”. (Linguitics is a scientific discipline about language structure without examine the social context where the structure is learned or used).

According to Gleason and Ratner (1998 : 7) say that “linguistics is the study of language in its various aspects. The language some people use as a means of healing or bringing danger to people, which is associated to particular faiths, as mentioned before can be also then part of linguistics claims”. However, the study of how people read other’s postures or how they use their gestures as a language to communicate to one another is not normally studied as linguistics. In the early history of its introduction as a social science, linguistics was regarded as a subfield of semiotics, which is the science of signs. As a signs language may be analyzed in respect to how it is produced.


Today, to the advance study on language, linguistics is usually perceived as an independent field. Language and its social setting should be studied as a significant linguistics field. Language reflects society; it also serves to pass on social structure, for learning a language is central feature of being socialized. Language and society may not be purely human but they are such fundamental human phenomena that they cry out for better understanding. Language use also varies according to the situation, whether it is public or private, formal or informal, who is being addressed, and who might be able to overhear.

2.1.2 Sociolinguistics

The topic about language choice is discussed in sociolinguistics extensively. Sociolinguistics refers to a study of the relationship between language and society. The research on choice is traditionally seen as something belonging to sociology, while study of research language belongs to linguistics. So, this research of language choice in Resimen Mahasiswa of University of Sumatera Utara belongs both of sociology and linguistics or sociolinguistics.

Sociolinguistics is a branch of linguistics that takes language as an object study. Sociolinguistics was used more to refer to the study of language in relation to society, sociolinguistics itself focus of study is language. Sociolinguistics is concerned with investigating the relationship between language and society with the goal being a better understanding of the structure of language and of how language function and language use through communication.

In order words, in sociolinguistics we study language and society in order to find out as much as we can about what kind of thing language is. As R.Wardhaugh


(1986) says that “sociolinguistics is concerned with investigating the relationship between language and society with the goal of a better understanding of the structure of language and how language functions and language use in communication”.

Peter Mathew (1997) sociolinguistics is any study of language in relation to society. Bernard Spolsky (1998), sociolinguistics is the field that studies the relation between language and society, between the uses of language and social structures in which the users of language live.

Sylvia Chalker and Edmund Weiner (1998), sociolinguistics is the study of language in relation to social factors. Then, Fishman (in Chaer and Agustina, 1995 : 4) says that sociolinguistics as the study of characteristics of language varieties, the characteristics of their function, and the characteristics of their speaker as these constantly interact, change and change one another within a speech community.

Gumperz (1971 : 23) has observed that sociolinguistics is an attempt to find relationship between social structure and linguistics structure to observe any changes that occur. Chambers (2002 : 3) is even more direct : “sociolinguistics is the study of the social uses of language, and the most productive studies in the four decades of sociolinguistics research have emanated from determining the social valuation of linguistics variant”. Sociolinguistics could be a critical field of study. The goal of sociolinguistics study of such a community is to relate the significant language varieties and language use to significant social groups and situations. Because it is deeply concerned with language in society, sociolinguistics has form its start been equally involved in social matters. Based on these theory standpoint, human competence in language should be accountable from the perspective of natural positivistic science.


Some early linguistics researches observed that our language is potent enough to influence the way we behave. According to this view, language said to be able to influence or determine the behaviors of the users. But sociolinguistics is more to a different direction: the social environment is believed to influence that language uses. The point is, sociolinguistics is the study, which has a relationship between language and social factors in a speech community.

2.2Language Use

Language use symbolically represents fundamental dimensions of social behavior and human interaction. People use language in patterned ways. People use more formal ways of speaking when talking to someone important. The notion is simple, but the ways in which language reflects behavior can often be complex and subtle. Furthermore, the relationship between language and society affects a wide range of encounters--from broadly based international relations to narrowly defined interpersonal relationships. A slightly different concern with language and society focuses more closely on the effect of particular kinds of social situations on language structure.

Another approach to language and society focuses on the situations and uses of language as an activity in its own right. The study of language in its social context tells us quite a bit about how we organize our social relationships within a particular community. It is also possible to examine how people manage their language in relation to their cultural backgrounds and their goals of interaction. Sociolinguists might investigate questions such as how mixed-gender conversations differ from single-gender conversations, how differential power relations manifest themselves in language forms, how caregivers let children know the ways in which language


should be used, or how language change occurs and spreads to communities. To answer these questions related to language as social activity, sociolinguists often use ethnographic methods. That is, they attempt to gain an understanding of the values and viewpoints of a community in order to explain the behaviors and attitudes of its members.

2.3Language Choice

Language choice depends on some factors such as participants, setting, topic, and so on (Sumarsono and Paina 2002: 199). Evan Tripp (1972) in Faturrohman (2009) identified four main factors in language choice, they are setting (time and place) and situation, participants in the interaction, topic of the conversation, and interaction functions. Brown Ford (1961), Sibayan (1984), and Rubin (1972) have done a research about it, and they conclude that in some reasons, they are intimacy level, social statue, situation (formal or informal), and location.

Fishman’s (1964: 1972a) concept of domains language choice behavior was a major breakthrough in the sociolinguistics study of language choice behavior. He describes language choice behavior in stable bilingual setting in terms of the domain allocation of languages (a varieties). Domains are linked to particular linguistic varieties where they. As compared to social situations, are abstractions from the intersection between specific role relationships (statuses), specific settings (locales) and specific topics.

In some cases, language choice behavior may be motivated by a particular social processes. More recently Scotton (1980, 1983) has proposed another different model to explain language choice behavior. By what she has called a ‘social process’ model, one pattern of linguistic behavior is linked with another pattern of behavior which establishes the right and obligations holding between participants in a


conversational exchange. Scotton claims further that language choices are not a function of situation but rather the function of negotiation, and sees speaking as ‘a rational process involving decisions’ (Scotton, 1983: 115).

According to Scotton, speakers’ communicative competence will include their recognition of code choices as either unmarked or marked in reference to the norms of their speech community. She adds that community norms ‘designate specific linguistics choice as the unmarked realization of a specific set of rights and obligations holding between a speaker and addressee’ (Scotton 1983: 115).

In all multilingual communities speakers switch among languages or varieties as monolinguals switch among styles. Language choice is not arbitrary and not all speech communities are organized in the same way (Romaine 1994: 36). Often this kind of social meaning can only be interpreted by the understanding of what relationship exists between the choices of the particular code to some factors other than linguistic factors, example social as well as situational factors.

In fact, sociolinguistic literature has documented several studies which have made use of situational dimensions, social networks, role relations and domains of language behavior to describe the patterns of language choice behavior in various kinds of bilingual and multilingual communities. The choice of styles or language or even the use of appropriate address and kinship terms may indicate the type of social relationship held between interlocutors.

2.4Speech Community

Every person comes from a community, that they already familiar with their characteristics about the way they talk in a single language. The members must be share knowledge and attitude towards the language use patterns of others as well as themselves. This community is called speech community. Spolsky (1998 : 24) also


defines speech community as “all the people who speak a single language and so share notions of what is same or different in phonology or grammar, this would include any group of people, wherever they might be, and however remote might be the possibility of their ever wanting or being able to communicate with each other, all using the same language. The whole set of people who communicate with each other, either directly or indirectly, via the common language.

The second quote by Leonard Bloomfield (1933 : 42) explain that the creation of communication within the community is added, if two communities both spoke the same language but had no contact with each other at all, they would count as different speech communities. Here is the quoted: A speech community is a group of people who interact by mean of speech. Carol M. Eastman (1983) the term speech community refers to the unit analysis of a language in its context, that is : The speech community is the unit of analysis of language in a culture or in society. A speech community is a set of individuals who share the knowledge of what is the appropriate conduct and interpretation of speech. These individuals also share the understanding of at least one language, that they may communicate with each other (Jendra : 30).

In a speech community, for sure there is a speech acts. Chaer and Agustina (1954 : 46) that define speech acts as :

“Terjadinya atau berlangsungnya suatu interaksi linguistic dalam suatu bentuk ujaran atau lebih yang melibatkan dua pihak, yaitu penutur dan lawan tutur, dengan suatu pokok tuturan, didalam waktu, tempat dan situasi tertentu.” (A linguistics interaction in one or more speech form, involving two, speaker and listener, with a particular topic, in a particular time, place, and situation).


2.4.1 Speaking

Hymes (1974) uses the word speaking as an acronym for the various factors he deems to be relevant. We will now consider these factors one by one.

1. The setting (S) of speech are important. Setting refers to the time, place, occasions, or natural situation that can influence the people in choosing the code. Within a particular setting, of course, participants are free to change scenes, as they change the level of formality or as they change the kind of activity in which they are involved.

2. Participants (P) include various combinations of speakers-listener. A two person conversation involves a speaker and listener whose roles a change. This is consist of people who involved in the communication found in the setting.

3. Ends (E) refers to the conventionally recognized and expected outcomes of an exchange as well as to the personal goals that participants seek to accomplish on a particular occasions. This term is a part of the goals or proposes that speaker wishes to reach. With each go different kinds of language in different situation also and things talked about. Thus, for a different ends, speaker of language often should choose the different word. 4. Act Sequence (A) refers to the other of a speech, a narrative, conversation, or

a talking. This is one aspects of speaking in which linguistics have long shown an interest, particularly those who study discourse and conversation. The sequence in speaking is then considered to be also an important factor to consider.


5. Key (K) the fifth term, refers to the one, manner, feeling, spirit of the message wished to be captured within the conversation. The key may also be marked nonverbally by certain kinds of behavior, posture, gesture, or even deportment. It is also referred to the spirit captured in the voice or manner of a speaker. The spirit or the feeling may be sincere, modest, or low.

6. Instrumentalities (I) refers to the choice of channel. It is also referred to the register and forms of the speech. The forms that might be under consideration are whether it will be delivered in a more formal way or a casual friendly one. Formal, written, legal language is one instrumentality.

7. Norm of Interaction and Interpretation (N) refers to the specific behaviors and properties that attach to speaking and also to how these may be viewed by someone who does not share them. However, these norms may vary from social group to social group. For example, allowance for an interruption, using gestures freely, eye contact, distance, etc.

8. Genre (G) the final term to clearly to the types of utterances. We can ask someone to stop ‘sermonizing’; that is, we can recognize a genre of sermons when an instance of it, or something closely resembling an instance, occurs outside its usual setting. In a conversation we might not find the factors to be active all together.

What Hymes offer us in his speaking formula is a very necessary reminder that talk is a complex activity. When speaking does go wrong, as it sometimes does, that going wrong is often clearly describable in terms of some neglect of one or more of the factors.


2.5Language Attitude

Language attitude are opinions, ideas, feelings, behaviors, and prejudices that speakers have with respect to a language. Language conveys attitude. Attitude is a concept that is presented like whether or not a person on something. Attitude may change partially a result of the experience. When studying language attitude, the concept of motives is important. Moreover, motivation derived from a sense of academic or communicative success is more likely to motivate one to speak the language.

Language in a community may be different from other communities how language use can be influenced according to the different social characteristics. In summary, the attitude of speaking is the way someone treats language influenced by knowledge and views on the language and the environment in which it interacts with specific language.

In accordance with statement above, we can determine language attitude on specific groups of people by looking at emerging or growing indications that surface in daily life associated with the use of language. If the indications lead to more positive attitudes in general it can be said that the society has positive language attitude, and vice versa. Shortly, if the society treats a language properly, appropriately, and in accordance with the context or situation where and when they still have a positive attitude towards the language.

Positive environment for the growth and development of the good and correct language in accordance with the context is also indispensable in fostering positive language attitudes. Human learn from its environment and is influenced contact or


interaction with the environment. Someone who lives in the neighborhood who did not discipline in the language most likely will go well do the same, and vice versa.

Some language attitude studies are strictly limited to attitudes toward the language itself. Language attitudes show whether someone happy or not to speak or to use a language. Therefore, the attitude of the language can be grouped into two, namely a positive attitude and negative attitude. According to Chaer (1995: 200) language attitude is a relatively long-term systems of belief or cognition, partly about language, and partly about the object of language which give tendency to someone to react and some certain pleases ways. The attitude is usually be positive (if judged as good or preferred) or otherwise be negative (if judged as not good or dislike).

2.6Resimen Mahasiswa (MENWA)

Resimen Mahasiswa (abbreviated MENWA) is one of the civilan force trained and prepared to defend the homeland as a manifestation of the SISHANKAMRATA (People’s Defense and Security System Universe). MENWA also serves as a forum for student participation in the effort to defend the State, the distribution of potential students and the development of values, attitudes, behaviors, skills and independence through exercise patterns of discipline and skill, as the embodiment of the implementation of the rights and obligations of every citizen of the Republic of Indonesia in national defense and as the tradition of fighting spirit and selfless dedication of generations of Student Corps. MENWA as Student Activity Unit level College is a place of creativity development of students who need to constantly nurtured and developed in a planned, ongoing, and gradually.


MENWA is national defense reserve component training that given military science such as the use of weapons, combat tactics, survival, skydiving, military martial, military training itself, disguises, navigation and so on. MENWA is also part of the academic community college that played a role in building the public mindset in terms of the importance of awareness of the love of the homeland and defending the country.

MENWA was given the authority and responsibility that is different from the other organization and it is directly under of their rectorate itself. In the University of

Sumatera Utara is a founding pioneer organization level College Resimen

Mahasiswa of Sumatra Utara. It began in February 1976 when the Pusat Cadangan Nasional (PUSCADNAS) Dephankam RI sends a letter to USU, which it is asking for USU delegate some of his students to follow the leadership of the Resistance Education Cadre Course Public Safety (SUSKAPIN WANKAMRA). Exactly one year after the study, exactly 12 February 1977 inaugurated one of the students who enroll as a commandant of University of Sumatera Utara. The inauguration date which was adopted as the date of birth of Resimen Mahasiswa of University of Sumatera Utara.

Resimen Mahasiswa of University of Sumatera Utara members which is going to be observed by the writer related to the title of this analysis. The office is located in Jl. Universitas, no.24. This group is full of the people who want learn about the leadership, and the language attitude. It is an organization for leadership and awareness of language attitude in USU. The members of MENWA come from every faculties or even departments in USU such as Medical Faculty, Law Faculty, Nursing Faculty, Public Health Faculty, Agriculture, Mathematics and Natural


Sciences, Engineering Faculty, Economics Faculty, Social and Political Sciences and Cultural Studies Faculty.

In Resimen Mahasiswa, people generally assume that the Resimen Mahasiswa is a military organization, but in the fact Resimen Mahasiswa it just a student organization learn about the leadership, language attitudes, and improve the skills. As the other student organizations, although in MENWA sometimes also used as an army or national reserve. On Wednesday and Saturday are the days which all members of MENWA of University of Sumatera Utara have the obligatory activity in the Resimen Mahasiswa of University of Sumatera Utara. First, all the members going to do the ceremony, in MENWA it is namely “APEL” it is an activity which is always do in MENWA. Next, continue with others activity, such as: running, warming, cooling, and the others activity, in MENWA namely “Pembinaan Fisik” (BINSIK) (Physical Development) then continue with the agenda which is prepared before.

In Resimen Mahasiswa of University of Sumatera Utara there are several stages to become a member of Resimen Mahasiswa. The first begin from a selection. Selection intends to become a junior member in MENWA, at this stage they have not officially said to be an official member of Resimen Mahasiswa of University of Sumatera Utara. Therefore, they must follow “PRADIKSAR” to be considered formally as members of the Resimen Mahasiswa of University of Sumatera Utara after that they must pass the (Basic Training) in MENWA, namely “PENDIDIKAN DASAR” (DIKSAR) to be a members of the Resimen Mahasiswa Indonesia.

This is done in order to carry out the task and function within their Panca Dharma Satya Resimen Mahasiswa Indonesia became one of the components of the


national reserve and part of a well-trained people who are ready to participate in preserving the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia. The means of Panca Dharma Satya is the promise of Indonesian students as a members of MENWA, are:

• We are the students of the citizen, Republic of the Indonesia based on the Pancasila.

• We are students who are aware of the responsibility and honor of the country and do not know the defense gave up.

• We are the young generation of Indonesia who have knight spirit and the fear of God Almighty and defend honesty, truth, and justice.

• We are students who uphold the good name and the honor of Garba Scientific and be aware of the future of the Nation.

• We are students who uphold discipline and unseen, believe with yourself and put national interests above personal or group interest.

In addition of Panca Dharma Satya, MENWA motto is “Widya Castrena Dharma Siddha” derived from Sanskrit which is means that “Completion Obligations with Science and Science soldiering” (Perpaduan Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Ilmu Olah Keprajuritan). Intended by science is all sorts of scientific branches acquired while a student. It is used to pursue career path, not forgetting the main purpose of doing the community service. While the military science means that is concerned with life heroism, the knightly and leadership, not just expertise in fighting or similar.



The observation is located in Jl. Universitas, no.24. This research will be done by applying the qualitative method. Bodgan and Taylor (1989:42) define qualitative method as a procedure generates data in the form of descriptive words written or spoken from people and observed behavior. Bodgan and Biklen (1982) propose five characteristics of qualitative research as quoted from Sugiyono (2009 : 21), they are :

a. Qualitative research has the natural setting as the direct source of data and researcher is the key instrument.

b. Qualitative research is descriptive. The data collected is in the form of words of pictures rather than number.

c. Qualitative research are concerns with process rather than simply with outcomes or products.

d. Qualitative research tends to analyze their data inductively. e. “Meaning” is essential to the qualitative approach.

As quoted from Dr. Mahsun, M.S. that entitled Metode Penelitian Bahasa (2005: 232): “Pada penelitian kualitatif, paradigma metodologis yang digunakan induktif. Kegiatan penyediaan datanya merupakan kegiatan yang berlangsung secara simultan dengan kegiatan analisis data, prosesnya berbentuk siklus bukan linear. Hal ini tentu tidak lepas pula dari hakikat penelititan kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk memahami fenomena sosial termasuk fenomena kebahasaan yang tengah diteliti”. (In qualitative research, the method that used is inductive. The


activity in supplying the data is an activity that takes place in stimulant with an activity in data analysis; the process is organized in cycles not linear. Of course, it is not release from the basic of qualitative research that the propose is to understand the phenomenon of social belonging to phenomenon of language which is being do).

Therefore, in this method by seeing the participants’ culture, what participants see as important in behavior, physical or social environment, or other factors are done for doing this thesis.

In addition, in analyzing the data, the descriptive method is relevant to be used in the process of the research. The procedure of descriptive theory is done by describing or explaining the data. As what Nawawi (1995:63) says “metode deskriptif dapat diartikan sebagai prosedur pemecahan masalah yang diselidiki dengan menggambarkan atau melukiskan keadaan subjek atau objek penelitian (seseorang lembaga, masyarakat, dan lain-lain) pada saat sekarang berdasarkan fakta-fakta yang tampak atau sebagaimana adanya”. (The descriptive method can be meant as the procedure to solve the problem which is researched with describes the condition of subject or object of the research (person, organization, society, etc) in this time base on the concrete actual facts or the way of things exists).

This is due to the data collected, analyzed, and presented descriptively. Descriptive method is different from other methods, such as prescriptive or other methods. Descriptive method has several characteristics, namely:

1. Not concerned about right or wrong subject studied.

2. An emphasis on the actual symptoms occur in the time of the study. 3. Usually not directed to test the hypothesis.


Descriptive method will only describe a variable, symptoms and conditions just the way it is. Nawawi (1995:61) states that method is a way which conducted in order to reach the goal, doing the research related to language attitude research, there are data, methods and designs of researchers that are used in order to make complete the research that will be explained further in this chapter.

The design of this research is descriptive qualitative research. Based on the five characteristics of qualitative research as proposed by Bodgan and Bilken, this research will show the nature of the situation as it exists at the time of the collecting data and will be collected in words form.

3.2Data and Data source

To do this research, the writer needs data and data source. The data source that are used in this research are the members of Resimen Mahasiswa of University of Sumatera Utara (USU) who come from different background of the study either in major of study of faculty in the campus life, more than 25 people. The data that are going to be analyzed in this research is taken from their utterances.

Utterance does not have a precise linguistic definition. In doing a daily conversation, each turn by speaker may be considered an utterance. Utterances are sometimes used by linguists in research in order to get advancement of the study of language. Linguistics sometimes uses utterances to simply refer to a unit of speech under study. In this research also shown the relationship of language choice and language attitude between commandant to members, members to commandant, and members to members.

Here is the members of MENWA of University of Sumatera Utara as the data source for this research:



1. Betaria Sinaga Public Health

2. Onny Rhenata P.Sinaga Law

3. Melda Eva Kristin Pakpahan Nursing

4. Andreas Napitupulu Agriculture

5. Redondo Lijuanda P.S Mathematics and Natural


6. Suci Fajar Zahriyani Social and Political

7. Ardiko Pardede Engineering

8. M.Azis Rizky Lubis Cultural Studies

9. Ijen Tumangger Engineering

10. M.Faris Yusuf Lubis Cultural Studies

11. Syaidina Ulul Pa’ji Daulay Cultural Studies

12. Ratih Novianti Irawan R. Economics

13. Pradana Nugraha Cultural Studies

14. Jefri Simbolon Cultural Studies

15. Halimah Tusakdiyah Economics

3.3Research Instruments

There are two instruments used in collecting the data of the study which are, direct observation, and questionnaire. Further explanation about that is elaborated below:

1. Direct observation is prepared to investigate the situation and problem found during the Resimen Mahasiswa of University of Sumatera Utara training. 2. Questionnaire was conducted to investigate the improvement of language


3.4Data Collection Procedures

This research uses descriptive qualitative method. The first step which is done in this observation is approaching the members for several months. The purposes of doing it is to make the process runs well. The data in this observation are obtained from the interaction between the observer, the members, and also the commandant through involving in the process of the way to respond from speaking in language choice directly and try to collect some data based on their utterances and their responds. The writer tries to observe the members who come from different background of the study either in major of study or faculty in the campus life.

In this research, the observer tries to make an observation on how the members include the commandant can use their own language choice to act, and to speak. The conversation on training itself must be done in natural way. The members of Resimen Mahasiswa of University of Sumatera Utara will observe the training and the observer will analyze that conversation naturally.




In this chapter, there are 15 members who filled questionnaire that indicate the relationship between the Resimen Mahasiswa activity with language choice. Actually, the populations are all of the members of Resimen Mahasiswa that consists of 30 students of University of Sumatera Utara that join in Resimen Mahasiswa. As what Nawawi says (2001:141) “Populasi adalah keseluruhan obyek penelitian yang dapat terdiri dari manusia, hewan, tumbuh-tumbuhan, gejala-gejala, nilai test atau peristiwa-peristiwa sebagai sumber data yang memiliki karakteristik tertentu di dalam suatu penelitian. (The overall population is the object of research which can consist of humans, animals, plants, symptoms, test scores or events as a source of data that have certain characteristics in a study).

Meanwhile Sugiyono (2005: 90) states that “Populasi adalah wilayah generalisasi yang terdiri atas subyek dan subyek yang mempunyai kualitas dan karakteristik tertentu yang ditetapkan oleh peneliti untuk dipelajari kemudian ditarik kesimpulan”. (Population is the generalization region consisting the subjects and subjects that have certain qualities and characteristics defined by the researchers to be learned then deduced).

The fact is these 15 samples are they are who do language choice during the observation. Sugiyono (2005: 91) stated that “Sample adalah bagian dari jumlah dan karakteristik yang dimiliki oleh populasi tersebut.” (Sample is part of the number and characteristics possessed by this population). Mardalis (2007: 51) says that “Sampling atau sampel berarti contoh, yaitu sebagian dari keseluruhan individu


yang menjadi obyek penelitian”. (Sampling or sample means the sample, which is part of the overall individual who becomes the object of research). In other words, the study of sample will essentially more economical than the study population. The writer also has provided the data needed to compare the correlation between Resimen Mahasiswa activity with language choice.

Based on the research objections, the discussion in this chapter include : i) the relationships about language choice between commandant to members, and members to commandant, members to members in Resimen Mahasiswa, ii) the reasons why Resimen Mahasiswa using language choice in daily communication, iii) the effects of joining Resimen Mahasiswa towards members in language choice.

4.1.1Verbal communication between commandant to members of Resimen Mahasiswa of University of Sumatera Utara.

No. Activity Question Answer

1. Apel


Ungkapan apa yang biasa kamu ungkapkan untuk perintah hadir melaksanakan kegiatan Apel di MENWA pada anggota…

a. Diberitahukan kepada

seluruh angggota agar diwajibkan hadir untuk mengikuti Apel seperti biasa.

b. Apel hari ini wajib

dilaksanakan seluruh angggota.

c. Hari ini seluruh anggota wajib datang Apel tanpa terkecuali.

2. Rapat (Meeting)

Ungkapan apa yang biasa kamu ungkapkan, saat rapat ada anggota

yang tidak berkeperilakuan baik

a. Dalam ruangan silahkan keluar jika ada kepentingan lain.

b. Kalian yang bicara di

depan atau saya yang duduk disitu.

c. Harap diperhatikan

arahan di depan, tidak ada kegiatan tambahan yang lain.


3. Kurvei (Cleanliness)

Perintah apa yang biasa kamu ungkapkan pada

anggota untuk melakukan kebersihan


a. Setiap anggota diwajibkan pada hari Rabu dan Sabtu melaksanakan kebersihan markas.

b. Kepada komandan

kompi markas bertanggung jawab penuh dalam kebersihan markas.

c. Setiap anggota diwajibkan melaksanakan kebersihan markas tanpa terkecuali. 4. Menghantarkan

surat keluar. (Delivering outgoing mail)

Perintah apa yang biasa kamu ungkapkan pada anggota untuk pergi menghantarkan surat ke instansi lain…

a. Segera antarkan surat undangan ke KODIM untuk pemberitahuan kegiatan pra pendidikan dasar.

b. Surat ini harus

disampaikan hari ini juga ke KODIM.

c. Surat ini sekarang juga harus disampaikan ke KODIM.

5. Menyampaikan laporan hasil kegiatan

(Delivering the result of the activity report)

Perintah apa yang biasa kamu ungkapkan pada anggota yang bertugas sebagai penanggung jawab pada sebuah kegiatan yang telah terselenggara…

a. Secepatnya menghadap

ke saya untuk laporan kegiatan.

b. Segera siapkan hasil

laporan kegiatan, setelah selesai menghadap ke saya.

c. Sekarang juga

menghadap ke ruangan saya dan sampaikan laporan kegiatan.

6. Binsik Sore (Physical development)

Ungkapan apa yang biasa kamu sampaikan kepada anggota untuk melaksanakan binsik sore di Menwa…

a. Diberitahukan kepada

seluruh anggota agar melaksanakan binsik sore.

b. Binsik sore wajib

dilaksanakan seluruh anggota.

c. Hari ini kita

melaksanakan binsik sore.


7. Patroli Malam (Night patrols)

Ungkapan apa yang biasa kamu sampaikan untuk melaksanakan patrol malam di lingkungan kampus USU kepada anggota…

a. Setiap anggota yang

ditugaskan wajib melaksanakan patroli

malam di lingkungan kampus USU .

b. Diberitahukan kepada

anggota yang ditugaskan agartetap

melaksanakan patroli malam di lingkungan kampus USU.

c. Patroli malam di

lingkungan kampus USU bagi yang ditugaskan dilaksanakan dengan aman.

8. Napak Tilas (Road away)

Ungkapan apa yang biasa kamu ungkapan kepada anggota agar ikut serta dalam perlombaan Napak Tilas…

a. Diberitahukan agar

semua anggota yang mengikuti perlombaan Napak Tilas agar mempersiapkan diri masing-masing.

b. Anggota yang

ditugaskan wajib ikut perlombaan Napak Tilas, tanpa terkecuali.

c. Diberitahukan setiap

anggota yang ditunjuk agar ikut perlombaan Napak Tilas.

9. Memanggil anggota

(Call the members)

Ungkapan apa yang kamu sampaikan untuk memanggil anggota dan menghadap ke ruangan…

a. Sekarang juga kamu

menghadap keruangan saya.

b. Kamu datang ke

ruangan saya.

c. Kamu saya tunggu di

ruangan saya. 10. Pelanggaran


(violation of discipline)

Ungkapan apa yang biasa kamu sampaikan kepada seluruh anggota

yang melakukan pelanggaran disiplin…

a. Diberitahukan yang

melakukan pelanggaran disiplin akan ditindak.

b. Bagi anggota yang

melanggar disiplin akan ditindak.

c. Setiap anggota yang

melakukan pelanggaran disiplin akan ditindak.


For the first question in part A the best answer is point C, and in the fact the commandant choose it, means that the commandant has a good language choice to his members. The second question the best answer is point C, and the commandant chooses it, means that the commandant has a good language attitude to his members. The third question the best answer is point C, and the commandant chooses it, means that the commandant has a good language attitude to his members. The forth question the best answer is point A, and the commandant chooses it, means that the commandant has a good language choice to his members. The five question, the best answer is point B, and the commandant chooses it, means that the commandant has a good language choice to his members.

The six question, the best answer is point B, and the commandant chooses it, means that the commandant has a good language choice to his members. The seven question, the best answer is point A, and the commandant chooses it, means that the commandant has a good language choice to his members. The eight question, the best answer is point B, and the commandant chooses it, means that the commandant has a good language choice to his members. The nine question, the best answer is point A, and the commandant chooses it, means that the commandant has a good language choice to his members. And for the last question, the best answer is point C, and the commandant chooses it, means that the commandant has a good a language choice to his members. Based on the questionnaire above the commandant choose to use the particular language in daily communication in Resimen Mahasiswa.


4.1.2Verbal communication between members to commandant of Resimen Mahasiswa of University of Sumatera Utara.

No. Activity Question Answer

1. Menghantarkan surat keluar (Delivering outgoing mail)

Perintah dari komandan untuk menghantarkan surat ke instansi lainnya, ungkapan apa yang

biasanya kamu ungkapkan…

a. Saya laksanakan,


b. Siap, dilaksanakan komandan

c. Oke, komandan 2. HUT MENWA

(MENWA anniversary)

Ungkapan apa yang biasanya kamu pakai ketika ada suatu hal yang kamu kurang mengerti di persiapan HUT MENWA?

a. Komandan, gimananya

persiapan kegiatan HUT MENWA kita itu?

b. Izin bertanya


mengenai persiapan HUT MENWA itu bagaimana


c. Gimana persiapan

HUT MENWA itu tadi komandan? 3. Menyampaikan

laporan kegiatan

(Delivering the result of the activity report)

Ungkapan apa yang biasanya kamu ungkapkan untuk menyampaikan laporan kegiatan…

a. Izin menghadap,


b. Lapor menghadap,

komandan c. Permisi

menghadap, komandan 4. Rapat Ruangan


Ungkapan apa yang biasa kamu ungkapkan ketika ponselmu berdering pada saat rapat di dalam ruangan…

a. Permisi ya

komandan, mau keluar sebentar

b. Saya keluar

sebentar komandan c. Siap salah

5. Apel


Ungkapan apa yang biasa kamu ungkapkan saat perintah dari komandan untuk hadir melaksanakan kegiatan Apel di MENWA…

a. Saya laksanakan, komandan

b. Siap, komandan c. Oke komandan

6. Patroli Malam (Night patrols)

Ketika komandan menunjuk kamu yang ditugaskan melakukan patroli malam.

a. Siap, dilaksanakan komandan.


Ungkapan apa yang

biasanya kamu sampaikan…

c. Diterima komandan. 7. Upacara

Pembukaan Penerimaan Anggota Baru (The opening ceremony of admission of the new members) Ketika komandan melakukan pengecekan barisan saat upacara pembukaan penerimaan anggota baru, dan menegur kamu karena ada kesalahan berlangsung yang kamu perbuat. Ungkapan apa yang biasa kamu ungkapkan…

a. Maaf, komandan. b. Siap salah.

c. Siap, tidak diulangi komandan.

8. PAM Wisuda

(Security of graduation)

Saat pengarahan dari komandan menunjuk kamu sebagai penanggung jawab keamanan PAM Wisuda. Ungkapan apa yang biasa kamu ungkapkan…

a. Siap, perintah

komandan b. Baik, komandan. c. Siap, komandan.

9. Menyampaikan Surat Masuk (Delivering incoming mail)

Ketika kamu menerima surat masuk yang ditujukan ke komandan, ungkapan apa yang biasa kamu

ungkapan untuk menyampaikannya ke komandan…

a. Ada surat masuk

komandan. b. Izin,

menyampaikan surat masuk.

c. Izin komandan, ada surat masuk.

10. Piket Harian (Daily picket)

Saat kamu bertugas sebagai piket harian di Menwa, ketika komandan bertanya mengenai laporan piket harianmu. Maka ungkapan apa yang biasa kamu ungkapkan…

a. Siap, masih

aman-aman aja komandan.

b. Siap, aman


c. Siap, terlaksana

dengan baik komandan.

For the first question in part B the best answer is point B, and mostly of the members choose it, means that the members have a good language choice to commandant, even though some members choose the point A. The second question the best answer is point B, and all of the members choose it, means that the members have a good language choice to commandant. The third question the best answer is point A, and all of the members choose it, means that the members have a good


language choice to commandant. The forth question the best answer is point C, and all of the members choose it, means that the members have a good language choice to commandant. The five question the best answer is point B, and all of the members chose it, means that the members have a good language choice to commandant.

The six question, the best answer is point A, and the members choose it, means that the members have a good language choice to commandant. The seven question, the best answer is point B, and the members choose it, means that the members have a good language choice to commandant. The eight question, the best answer is point C, and the members choose it, means that the members have a good language choice to commandant. The nine question, the best answer is point C, and the members choose it, means that the members have a good language choice to commandant. And for the last question, the best answer is point B, and the members choose it, means that the members have a good language choice to commandant. Based on the questionnaire above, the members choose the particular language towards commandant in daily communication in Resimen Mahasiswa.

4.1.3Verbal communication between members to members of Resimen Mahasiswa of University of Sumatera Utara.

No. Activity Question Answer

1. Rapat Anggota (Meeting of members)

Ungkapan apa yang biasa kamu ungkapkan ketika ingin bertanya pada saat rapat sesama anggota…

a. Saya bertanya,


b. Izin bertanya,


c. Aku mau nanyak

rekan 2. Apel


Ungkapan apa yang biasa kamu ungkapkan ketika ingin memberitahukan kepada rekanmu bahwa hari ini ada kegiatan Apel di

a. Datang kau nanti

Apel rekan

b. Rekan, jangan

lupa datang Apel c. Izin rekan, hari ini


MENWA… kita apel. Jangan lupa datang

3. Pemberian materi

(Present the subject)

Saat memberikan bimbingan pengasuh (BIMSU) pada personil MENWA antar sesama anggota, dimana ada personil yang ditunjuk untuk memimpin. Ketika ada kesalahan di barisan, ungkapan apa yang biasanya kamu ungkapkan…

a. Izin perhatiannya, rekan

b. Dengarkan

baik-baik rekan

c. Jangan banyak

pergerakan rekan

4. Dinas luar (Outdoor activities)

Ungkapan apa yang biasa kamu ungkapkan saat jumpa antar sesama anggota…

a. Menwa (PPM)

b. Salam, apa kabar? c. Dari mana rekan? 5. Menghantarkan

surat keluar (Delivering outgoing mail)

Ungkapan apa yang biasa kamu ungkapkan saat ditugaskan menghantarkan surat bersama dengan anggota yang lain…

a. Rekan, ayo

menghantarkan surat ini.

b. Izin rekan, arahan dari komandan kita ditugaskan untuk menghantarkan surat ini.

c. Rekan, dimana

posisi? Ayo menghantar surat.

6. Piket Harian (Daily picket)

Ungkapan apa yang biasa kamu ungkapkan ketika ingin memberitahukan kepada rekanmu bahwa hari ini jadwal piket harian di Markas Menwa USU…

a. Izin, hari ini rekan sebagai tugas piket harian.

b. Rekan hari ini

kamu piket ya.

c. Jangan lupa piket

harianmu rekan. 7. Latihan

Gabungan (Joint training)

Ungkapan apa yang biasa kamu ungkapkan ketika

kamu ditugaskan mengumpulkan seluruh anggota Menwa untuk pembekalan latihan gabungan Menwa hari ini…

a. Seluruh anggota

wajib hadir ke Mako untuk penerimaan

pembekalan latihan gabungan Menwa hari ini.

b. Izin rekan, seluruh anggota wajib hadir hari ini prihal penerimaan

pembekalan latihan gabungan Menwa.

c. Seluruh anggota

harus datang hari

ini untuk pembekalan latihan


gabungan. 8. Senam Pagi


Ungkapan apa yang biasa kamu ungkapkan ketika kamu memimpin barisan rekan-rekanmu untuk senam pagi…

a. Izin, rekan-rekan

barisan saya pimpin.

b. Barisan saya


c. Pimpinan barisan

saya ambil alih. 9. Rapat Evaluasi

Anggota (Evaluation

meeting of members)

Ungkapan apa yang biasa kamu ungkapkan kepada rekanmu agar seluruh rekan-rekan anggota Menwa menghadiri rapat evaluasi anggota…

a. Rapat evaluasi

datang ya rekan.

b. Izin rekan, rapat

evaluasi seluruh anggota wajib hadir.

c. Seluruh anggota

harus menghadiri rapat evaluasi.

10. Patroli Malam (Night patrols)

Ungkapan apa yang biasa kamu ungkapkan kepada rekanmu agar pelaksanaan patroli malam diikuti seluruh anggota Menwa hari ini…

a. Izin rekan, patroli malam hari ini dilaksanakan.

Jangan lupa datang. b. Patroli malam hari

ini dilaksanakan, segera datang.

c. Seluruh anggota

Menwa hari ini patroli malam.

For the first question in part C the best answer is point B, and all of the members (amongst) choose it, means that the members have a good language choice amongst members. The second question the best answer is point C, and all the members choose it, means that the members have a good language choice amongst members. The third question the best answer is point A, and all the members choose it, means that the members have a good language choice amongst members. The forth question the best answer is point A, mostly all the members choose it, means that the members have a good language choice amongst the members, even though some members choose point C. The five question in this part the best answer is point


B, mostly all the members choose it, means that the members have a good language choice amongst members, even though some members choose point A.

The six question, the best answer is point A, and all the members choose it, means that the members have a good language choice amongst members. The seven question, the best answer is point B, and all the members choose it, means that the members have a good language choice amongst members. The eight question, the best answer is point A, and all the members choose it, means that the members have a good language choice amongst members. The nine question, the best answer is point B, and all the members choose it, means that the members have a good language choice amongst members. And for the last question in this part, the best answer is point A, and all the members choose it, means that the members have a good language choice amongst members. Based on the questionnaire above, amongst members also choose the particular language in daily communication in Resimen Mahasiswa.

Within the scope of Resimen Mahasiswa, the language choice usage occurs when dealing or talking to the certain people. For instance, face or talk to the commandant and speak with members, both of it is clearly different. When dealing or speaking to the commandant, then the use of language choice that was used, another thing when talking with amongst members so the use of language choice was still used as well, but because the bonds in one batch sometimes the language choice occurs by free.





Particular and general language choice in verbal communication between commandant to members.

No. Particular General

For the question number 1

Hari ini seluruh anggota wajib datang Apel tanpa terkecuali.

Diberitahukan kepada seluruh angggota agar diwajibkan hadir untuk mengikuti Apel seperti biasa.

For the question number 2

Harap diperhatikan arahan di depan, tidak ada kegiatan tambahan yang lain.

Dalam ruangan silahkan keluar jika ada kepentingan lain

For the question number 3

Setiap anggota diwajibkan

melaksanakan kebersihan markas tanpa terkecuali.

Setiap anggota diwajibkan pada hari Rabu dan Sabtu melaksanakan kebersihan markas.

For the question number 4

Segera antarkan surat undangan ke KODIM untuk pemberitahuan kegiatan pra pendidikan dasar.

Surat ini harus disampaikan hari ini juga ke KODIM. For the

question number 5

Segera siapkan hasil laporan kegiatan, setelah selesai menghadap ke saya.

Sekarang juga menghadap ke ruangan saya dan sampaikan laporan kegiatan.

For the question number 6

Binsik sore wajib dilaksanakan seluruh anggota.

Diberitahukan kepada seluruh anggota agar melaksanakan binsik sore.

For the question number 7

Setiap anggota yang ditugaskan wajib melaksanakan patroli malam di lingkungan kampus USU.

Diberitahukan kepada anggota yang ditugaskan agartetap melaksanakan patroli malam di lingkungan kampus USU. For the

question number 8

Anggota yang ditugaskan wajib ikut perlombaan Napak Tilas, tanpa terkecuali.

Diberitahukan agar semua anggota yang mengikuti perlombaan Napak Tilas agar mempersiapkan diri masing-masing.

For the question number 9

Sekarang juga kamu menghadap keruangan saya.

Kamu datang ke ruangan saya.

For the question number 10

Setiap anggota yang melakukan pelanggaran disiplin akan ditindak.

Diberitahukan yang melakukan pelanggaran disiplin akan ditindak.


The table above show the divides of the difference between the particular and general answer in Resimen Mahasiswa through daily communication based on the questionnaire in each number.

Particular and general language choice in verbal communication between members to commandant.

No. Particular General

For the question number 1

Siap, dilaksanakan komandan. Oke, komandan.

For the question number 2

Izin bertanya komandan, mengenai persiapan HUT MENWA itu bagaimana komandan?

Gimana persiapan HUT MENWA itu tadi komandan?

For the question number 3

Izin menghadap, komandan. Lapor menghadap, komandan.

For the question number 4

Siap salah. Permisi ya komandan, mau

keluar sebentar. For the

question number 5

Siap, komandan. Oke komandan.

For the question number 6

Siap, dilaksanakan komandan. Baik komandan.

For the question number 7

Siap salah. Siap, tidak diulangi komandan.

For the question number 8

Siap, komandan. Baik, komandan.

For the question number 9

Izin komandan, ada surat masuk. Ada surat masuk komandan.

For the question number 10

Siap, aman komandan. Siap, masih aman-aman aja komandan.

The table above show the divides of the difference between the particular and general answer in Resimen Mahasiswa through daily communication based on the questionnaire in each number.


Particular and general language choice in verbal communication amongst members.

No. Particular General

For the question number 1

Izin bertanya, rekan. Saya bertanya, rekan.

For the question number 2

Izin rekan, hari ini kita apel. Jangan lupa datang.

Rekan, jangan lupa datang Apel.

For the question number 3

Izin perhatiannya, rekan. Jangan banyak pergerakan rekan.

For the question number 4

Menwa (PPM). Dari mana rekan?.

For the question number 5

Izin rekan, arahan dari komandan kita ditugaskan untuk

menghantarkan surat ini.

Rekan, dimana posisi? Ayo menghantar surat.

For the question number 6

Izin, hari ini rekan sebagai tugas piket harian.

Jangan lupa piket harianmu rekan.

For the question number 7

Izin rekan, seluruh anggota wajib hadir hari ini prihal penerimaan pembekalan latihan gabungan Menwa.

Seluruh anggota wajib hadir ke Mako untuk penerimaan pembekalan latihan gabungan Menwa hari ini.

For the question number 8

Izin, rekan-rekan barisan saya pimpin.

Pimpinan barisan saya ambil alih.

For the question number 9

Izin rekan, rapat evaluasi seluruh anggota wajib hadir.

Seluruh anggota harus menghadiri rapat evaluasi. For the

question number 10

Izin rekan, patroli malam hari ini dilaksanakan. Jangan lupa datang.

Seluruh anggota Menwa hari ini patroli malam.

The table above show the divides of the difference between the particular and general answer in Resimen Mahasiswa through daily communication based on the questionnaire in each number.




5.1 Conclusion

From the analysis in chapter IV, about the relationship between commandant to members, members to commandant, and amongst members of Resimen Mahasiswa, the writer conclude that language choice used by commandant and members in Resimen Mahasiswa is very significant and positive.

The awareness about language choice actually is so significant and running well of the members and commandant. It was proven by the questionnaire that has already distributed to 15 members of Resimen Mahasiswa of University of Sumatera Utara and the result shown that between the commandant and members mostly totally do the language choice in daily communication, and they realize that the language choice also has any effect in their daily communication life since they joining in Resimen Mahasiswa. The commandant and members choose the particular language at formal or informal occasion.

Based on the data analysis in the previous chapters, the writer also found: factors of choosing those languages are participant, setting, norms based on the theory of Dell Hymes. For the explanation of participant, all those members in those tables are the participant of this research. Then for the explanation of setting, they choose the particular language in their daily communication in Resimen Mahasiswa which it is one of the part of setting. The last is norm, the members realize that the norm of speaking is must know when want to talk. To whom we speak is needed to


know to make the communication running well and make it understand is one of the factor of language choice.

And finally, the writer found that there is effect in commandant and members after joining Resimen Mahasiswa. They prefer to choose the particular language in their daily communication in Resimen Mahasiswa. And the effect that they get after joining in Resimen Mahasiswa towards language choice their discipline on language have change, because the organization of Resimen Mahasiswa has a typical in speaking and also the language habits of the Resimen Mahasiswa, the effects also occurs in the office later, such as the courage to speak and act.

After have seen the using of language in Resimen Mahasiswa is mostly the members using particular language to the others members and also to the commandant based on the questionnaire. The unique term in this context is, the most language communication in Resimen Mahasiswa in this context is particular language, even though they are in informal circumstances in daily communication.

5.2 Suggestion

Through this thesis, the writer finds that nowadays language choice is very important. The responds between the commandant and members or the samples are the reflection of the way some people speak now, especially in army life. The writer hopes that between the commandant and members have a good language choice, not just commandant or members, but both of them must have a good language choice. So that it can create a good conversation in daily communication especially in Resimen Mahasiswa. Language choice effect can possibly take part of other language skill. So, hopefully this thesis will be useful not only to those who want to more deeply


comprehend about this thesis but also to those who know deeper about Resimen Mahasiswa for a study.

The writer hopes that other sociolinguistics students can find other area to do a research about this field. There are so many aspects that we can observe about language and something that is inside it. The writer hopes, this research can influence another researcher to do a research with other theories, another subject, and with a deeper analysis. Finally, the writer has a big wish that this thesis can be worth reading and useful for anyone who concern in this field.



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