B. Theoretical Framework

As one of the preparation for writing thesis, Academic Essay Writing class is the first stage where students learn to compose essays under the conventions of academic writing. In order to write a good essay, students need to collect information necessary to support their writing. The information may come from many sources including books and internet. However, students must be careful in utilizing this information in their papers. Students should follow the rules in citing sources; otherwise they can be accused of doing plagiarism. This research was designed to analyze the problems that the students have in citing sources. The sources can be in the form of books or internet articles. The rules in APA Style Manual 6 th edition were used as the standard of the correct format of in- text citations and references. The guidelines on how to write appropriate quotation were used to check the students‟ understanding and considerations in writing quotations. One of the potential problems that most students would probably have was with paraphrasing. Thus, the researcher provided the guidelines on how to make a good paraphrase by Spatt 1999. Last but not least, the theories on plagiarism were added to make clear what mistakes in quoting are counted as plagiarism. It was expected that all theories could work together in helping the researcher find the answer to the research problem. 32


This chapter presents an overall research methodology used in processing this research. They include research method, research participants, research instruments, data gathering technique, data analysis technique, and research procedure.

A. Research Method

Qualitative study was used as the approach of this research. It was more suitable because “qualitative researchers study things in their natural settings, attempting to make sense of, or interpret, phenomena in terms of the meaning people bring to them.” Denzin and Lincoln, 2005 as cited in Merriam, 2009 This study did not manipulate the process of learning. It sought the problems in the learning by investigating the product of the learning process that is the students’ works. Because this study used stu dents’ papers as the data, the method falls specifically into one of qualitative research types that is document analysis. Ary et al. 2002 defined document analysis as “a research method applied to written or visual materials for purpose of identifying specified characteristics of the material”. The “written materials” in this study are the students’ works, while the “specified characteristics” here are the problems in writing quotations. Further, Ary et al. added the purpose of content analysis which is “to analyze types of