Background of the Study

2. Estranged

Based on the Third Edition of Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, that word describes a husband or wife who is not now living with the person they are married to. Meanwhile at this study, “Estranged” is the title of Guns N’ Roses’ song about an expression of very deep regret after someone lose hisher beloved because of hisher own mistakes.

3. Mortality

Based on the Third Edition of Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, that word means the way that people do not live forever . Meanwhile in this study, mortality is an idiom to depict something that may come anytime or something that we can’t own it forever.

4. November Rain

In general understanding, November is the 11 th month of the year, while rain is drops of water from cloud. In this study, “November Rain ” is the title of Guns N’ Roses’ song about flawed relationship. Since November is the month where winter happens, the word November here means coldness, and rain here means something that comes rapidly in a certain term. Here, “November Rain” is a metaphor for the flawed relationship, obviously linking the dreary, sad feelings of the two lovers.

5. Trilogy

Based on the Third Edition of Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, that word means a series of three books or plays written about the same situation or characters, forming a continuous story. It is very clear from the meaning that “trilogy” in this study means the same. Those three songs mentioned in the Objective of the Study “Don’t Cry”, “November Rain”, and “Estranged are actually formed a trilogy of Axl’s life experiences. 7


This chapter consists of four sub headings. The first is Review of Related Studies, the second is Review of Related Theories, the third is Theoretical Framework, and the fourth is Context of the Trilogy. The survey of the related studies is a crucial aspect of the planning of the study. The review of related studies refers to any type of study that has to do with a certain subject. It may include anything used to provide the information needed on that specific subject. In this research the Theory of Character is used to find out the description of the main character in the trilogy. The Theory of Psychology deals with the approaches used to analyze the trilogy in this research. The Theoretical Framework consists of the contribution of the theories and reviews applied in this study to answer the problem formulations. The Context of the Trilogy gives the readers brief explanation about anything which are going through inside the trilogy.

A. Review of Related Studies

Its about a very intense love affair coming to an end, and both partners having to accept that. It is supposed to start from the song “Dont Cry”, but a lot of people now think “November Rain” is the first in the trilogy and the last is