The true meaning of Guns N` Roses` Trilogy Songs: ``Don`t Cry``, ``November Rain``, and ``Estranged``.








Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Yustinus Ryan Ervianto Student Number: 101214159










Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Yustinus Ryan Ervianto Student Number: 101214159




A Sarjana Pendidikan Thesis on



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wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth

alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.



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Yogyakarta, February 8t h,2017

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Yustinus Ryan Ervianto 101214159


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Yustinus Ryan Ervianto




Ervianto, Yustinus Ryan. 2016. “The True Meaning of Guns N’ Roses’ Trilogy Songs: “Don’t Cry”, ”November Rain”, “Estranged”. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program. Department of Language and Arts Education. Faculty of Teachers Training and Education. Sanata Dharma University.

This study analyzes songs trilogy from Guns N’ Roses’. The trilogy consists of “Don’t Cry”, “November Rain”, and “Estranged”. “Don’t Cry” was released on 1991, while “November Rain” on 1992, and “Estranged” on 1994.

The aim of the study is to seek for the literal and deeper meaning of the trilogy. There are two formulated problems in this study: (1) What do the songs talk about? and (2) What is the meaning of Guns N’ Roses trilogy that can be obtained through the study?

There are two sources used in this study. The primary source of this study are the songs’ lyrics, “Don’t Cry”, “November Rain”, and “Estranged” written by Axl Rose, the vocalist of a legendary glam rock band Guns N’ Roses. The secondary sources are books, related texts, and internet. The most prominent theory employed to answer the problems formulation is Maslow’s theory of motivation from his book “Motivation and Personality. The approach used in this study is psychological approach.

Based on the analysis, there are two findings. The findings are (1) the songs talk about a love journey which flawed by lies and it ends up with regrets; and (2) there are two meanings found in the trilogy songs, namely literal meaning and deeper meaning. The literal meaning of the trilogy songs is about sincere love, flawed relationship, and regrets. The deeper meaning of the trilogy songs is about untrue love since true love, according to the third hierarchy of Maslow’s theory of motivation (1970) is a love where two lovers are giving and receiving each other. There is also a fear inside that imperfect relationship. The fear itself is actually a kind of jealousy, while the flaw itself is actually fraudulence. In the end, those three aspects are the things that cause the loss of Axl’s glory. The word glory here is not only about a person but is also related to a dream. All in all, this trilogy is about common problems that may end someone’s glory, dealing with wealth, throne, and love. Moreover, this study also delivers some suggestions for further researchers and teachers in relation to education.

Keywords: Don’t Cry, November Rain, Estranged, trilogy, literal meaning, deeper meaning, true meaning



Yustinus Ryan, Ervianto. 2016. “The True Meaning of Guns N’ Roses’ Trilogy Songs: “Don’t Cry”, ”November Rain”, “Estranged”. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris. Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni. Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan. Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Penelitian ini menganalisis sebuah trilogi lagu dari Guns N’ Roses yaitu "Don’t Cry", "November Rain", dan "Estranged". “Don’t Cry” dirilis pada tahun 1991, sedangkan “November Rain” pada tahun1992, dan “Estranged” pada tahun 1994.

Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk mencari makna literal dan makna mendalam dari trilogi lagu Guns N’ Roses. Ada dua hal yang menjadi permasalahan utama dalam studi ini, yaitu: (1) Apa yang diceritakan oleh ketiga lagu dalam trilogi tersebut? dan (2) Apa makna dari trilogi lagu Guns N’ Roses yang dapat diperoleh melalui penelitian?

Terdapat dua sumber yang digunakan dalam studi ini. Sumber utama dari studi ini adalah dari lirik lagu, "Don’t Cry", "November Rain", dan "Estranged" yang ditulis oleh Axl Rose, vokalis legendaris dari band glam rock legendaris, Guns N' Roses. Sumber kedua adalah dari buku-buku terkait, teks terkait, dan sumber dari internet. Teori yang digunakan untuk menjawab rumusan masalah dalam studi ini adalah teori motivasi dari Maslow dari bukunya “Motivation and Personality”. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan psikologis.

Berdasarkan hasil analisis, terdapat dua temuan. (1) ketiga lagu tersebut menceritakan tentang perjalanan cinta yang ternoda oleh kebohongan, dan berakhir dengan penyesalan; sedangkan (2) terdapat dua makna pada trilogi lagu tersebut, yaitu makna literal dan makna mendalam. Makna literal dari trilogi lagu tersebut adalah cinta yang tulus, hubungan yang ternoda, dan penyesalan. Makna mendalam dari trilogi lagu tersebut adalah tentang cinta yang bukan cinta sejati, karena cinta sejati, menurut hirarki ketiga dari teori motivasi Maslow (1970) adalah cinta di mana dua kekasih yang saling memberi dan menerima satu sama lain. Di dalam hubungan yang tidak sempurna itu, terdapat rasa takut. Ketakutan itu sendiri sebenarnya adalah kecemburuan, sementara ketidaksempurnaan itu sendiri sebenarnya adalah kecurangan. Pada akhirnya, ketiga aspek tersebut adalah hal-hal yang dapat mengakhiri kejayaan seseorang. Kejayaan di sini bukan hanya berarti tentang seseorang, namun juga tentang impian. Secara keseluruhan, trilogi lagu ini adalah tentang masalah umum yang dapat menyebabkan berakhirnya kebahagiaan seseorang; yaitu harta, tahta, dan cinta. Lebih lanjut lagi, studi ini juga memberikan beberapa saran bagi peneliti selanjutnya dan kepada pendidik dalam kaitannya dengan dunia pendidikan. Kata kunci: Don’t Cry, November Rain, Estranged, trilogy, literal meaning,




First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to Jesus Christ, my Superhero and the true rock star of all time, for His unconditional love and blessings in my whole life. All parts of this thesis and all processes are finally done only because of his blessings.

I express my gratitude to my beloved family, my father Stefanus Sidik Suwartono for introducing Glam Rock music to me and for influencing me to listen to Slow Rock music, and my mother Bernadetta Sri Rosariyati for all the love, supports, and prayers for me. I thank my parents for trusting me to pursue my dream by taking the ELESP in Sanata Dharma University. I also would like to thank my almost-twin-brother, Florentinus Dika Octa Riswanto, for all the love he gives me, through his caring and our small disputation.

I would also like to express my gratitude to my advisor, Dr. Ant. Herujiyanto, M.A., for helping me with my thesis. He has given me lots of opportunities to learn and to grow through our meetings. He also let me fall, so I can stand higher now. Then, I also would like to thank my academic advisor, Ms. Henny Herawati, S.Pd., M.Hum., for her guidance along these past five years. She has been a good mother for class PBI 2010 C students. I would thank her for always burning our spirit to finish our study as soon as possible, through her words and helps. Then, I would like to thank all the lecturers in the ELESP who have taught me and who have given me opportunities to work with. All the time in the ELESP has made me a better person.



I would like to thank to my partners in Geng Anggur; they are Bondan, Yoga, Gallang and Estu, for always supporting me with laughs, swearing words, and dirty conversations during the past learning activity in class. I also would thank Jessy, for being my reminder to finish this thesis, for accompanying me, especially for the past few months, and for having and supporting each other. I would like to thank her for all the supports she has given to me.

My deep gratitude is also sent to all my friends in ELESP, especially PBI 2010 C, for always supporting each other academically and emotionally. I would thank Mr. Heru’s thesis students for supporting, helping, and laughing each other. I also would thank all of my friends from some different batches for sharing and inspiring each other by spending our precious time everywhere.

I would like to thank to my second family; Sexen USD, to let me learn and grow through the brotherhood. I also would thank to my bands; Lembah Nista, Horse Shoe, VOC, and Orkes Kondas Warang, and all the members of the band for giving me chances to learn and to grow by sharing. Then, I would like to thank Sedulur Kantin for giving me chances to be a more open-minded person. I also would thank KPK (Kontrakan Pinggir Kali) for being my most favorite workspace to write my thesis.

At the end, I would like to thank everyone for all the supports, prayers, and even the questions which have burnt my spirit to finish my thesis and my study in the ELESP. I hope you will also be success in pursuing your dreams.









ABSTRACT ... vii

ABSTRAK ... viii




CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Objective of the Study ... 3

C. Problem Formulation ... 3

D. Benefits of the Study ... 4

E. Definition of Terms ... 4


B. Review of Related Theories ... 8

 Critical Approach ... 9

1. Theory of Poetry ... 10

2. Theory of Symbol ... 19

3. Theory of Psychology a) Theories of Character and Characterization ... 20

b) Theory of Personality ... 23



C. Theoretical Framework ... 29

D. Context of the Study ... 29

CHAPTER III. METHODOLOGY A. Object of the Study ... 31

B. Approach of the Study ... 31

C. Method of the Study ... 32

CHAPTER IV. ANALYSIS A. The Content of the Songs ... 34

a. Don’t Cry ... 35

b. November Rain ... 39

c. Estranged ... 46

B. The Meaning of the Trilogy Songs 1. Literal Meaning of the Trilogy a. Don’t Cry ... 53

b. November Rain ... 56

c. Estranged ... 60

2. Deeper Meaning of the Trilogy a. Don’t Cry ... 64

b. November Rain ... 69

c. Estranged ... 73


B. Recommendations ... 79

C. Suggestions ... 79







Appendix A. The Lyrics of the Songs in the Trilogy ... 86

Appendix B. Biography of Axl Rose ... 93

Appendix C. The Alternate Version of “Don’tCry” ... 97



This chapter consists of five sections, namely Background of the Study, Problem Formulation, Objectives of the Study, Benefits of the Study, and Definitions of Terms. The Background of the Study covers the description of the topic and why the writer chooses it. In the Problem Formulation part, the writer provides the questions that will be answered in this study. In the Objectives of the Study part, the writer provides the objectives of the study which aimed to make it clear. The Benefits of the Study part will cover the benefits of this study for the writer and the readers. In the Definitions of Terms part, the writer provides the definitions of some key terms used in this study in order to avoid misunderstanding by the readers.

A. Background of the Study

Literature is the expression of life through language. It can be the reflection

of human’s experiences in this world. They can see that literature as a reflection of

our life since it contains some kinds of human aspect in life, such as history, moral, social, psychology, and many more. Literary work depicts social reality. This is because human being and literature have a very strong relation. They have interrelationship where literary work can be the representation of social reality and


the literary work itself can influence the society and is published to the society. We can conclude that literary work is from and for the society. Literature is also an art of language. It can amuse or entertain the reader or the listener. Sometimes, it brings the reader or the listener to the fantasy world.

Since many centuries, literature as the language art has become the media of the people to express their mind, either in imaginative literature or in unimaginative literature. This shows us that literary work has strong correlation

with the reflection of people’s life or social life, remembering that they, who use

literature as the way to express, are the part of the society.

Poetry as one of literary genres is an example of literary work which describes life, social reality or someone’s feeling; while some poetries may be best expressed through songs. Some poetries reflect social reality factually and are very useful for entertaining, informing, and educating about history. Based on an expert, history is not only past moments which pass away and just becomes the invaluable story, but it is more as the life learning. By learning about history, we will also find a lot of factual useful knowledge about the growth of the society. This will encourage us to be better person in our social life. Even, we will get a lot of knowledge about how to manage social environment better.

In this case, the researcher wants to analyze about a great trilogy from a legendary band named Guns N’ Roses. They are “Don’t Cry”, “November Rain”, and “Estranged”. The researcher is interested for the first time the researcher heard the trilogy. The researcher really wants to know more about the story since the researcher thinks it has a strange but interesting theme. After the researcher tried to


analyze this trilogy, the researcher thinks that this trilogy is a kind of researchable thing for thesis.

There are some reasons why the researcher chooses this trilogy as the main subject for the study. The first, Guns N’ Roses is a great and legendary band ever. Their songs and albums often nominated as the best song or album of the year, even the best song or album ever. Here are some awards that they won: Pitchfork Top 200 Tracks of the 90s, and Single top 100 over 1992. The second, the trilogy are great and legendary songs. The trilogy contains great songs and story that make the listeners wonder about what happened to Axl which caused him to write this trilogy. The songs in this trilogy also have an interesting plot and great insights about love.

B. Objective of the Study

The objective of this study is to reveal the meaning of mortality as seen in

Guns N’ Roses’ trilogy; “Don’t Cry”, “November Rain”, and “Estranged”.

C. Problem Formulation

The problems of this study is formulated as follows:

1. What do the songs talk about?

2. What is the meaning of the Guns N’ Roses trilogy; “Don’t Cry”, “November


D. Benefits of the Study

This study is expected to give benefit for the readers, especially the listeners

of Guns N’ Roses’ trilogy; “Don’t Cry”, “November Rain”, and “Estranged” who want to explore and identify deeper regarding the character in the trilogy and the issue related to the story of the trilogy. Each person has his/her own motivation in achieving his/her goal whether it is positive motivation or negative motivation. By reading this study, the readers are expected to be more conscious about the motivation behind someone to achieve his/her goal and the reason why he/she behaves that way. Besides, this study is expected to give a contribution for the further researchers who have similar research about the trilogy, especially in its life side, and valuable knowledge about life in this song.

E. Definition of Terms

For clearer understanding of the terms used in this study, below are their meanings:

1. Don’t Cry

It is a phrase that we usually used it to persuade somebody not to cry. Meanwhile in this study, “Don’t Cry” is the title of Guns N’ Roses’ song about a man who was cheating on his woman.


2. Estranged

Based on the Third Edition of Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, that word describes a husband or wife who is not now living with the person they are married to. Meanwhile at this study, “Estranged”is the title of Guns N’ Roses’ song about an expression of very deep regret after someone lose his/her beloved because of his/her own mistakes.

3. Mortality

Based on the Third Edition of Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, that word means the way that people do not live forever. Meanwhile in this study, mortality is an idiom to depict something that may come anytime or something that

we can’t own it forever.

4. November Rain

In general understanding, November is the 11th month of the year, while rain is drops of water from cloud. In this study, “November Rain” is the title of Guns

N’ Roses’ song about flawed relationship. Since November is the month where winter happens, the word November here means coldness, and rain here means something that comes rapidly in a certain term. Here, “November Rain” is a metaphor for the flawed relationship, obviously linking the dreary, sad feelings of the two lovers.

5. Trilogy

Based on the Third Edition of Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, that word means a series of three books or plays written about the same situation


or characters, forming a continuous story. It is very clear from the meaning that

“trilogy” in this study means the same. Those three songs mentioned in the Objective of the Study (“Don’t Cry”, “November Rain”, and “Estranged) are actually formed a trilogy of Axl’s life experiences.




This chapter consists of four sub headings. The first is Review of Related Studies, the second is Review of Related Theories, the third is Theoretical Framework, and the fourth is Context of the Trilogy. The survey of the related studies is a crucial aspect of the planning of the study. The review of related studies refers to any type of study that has to do with a certain subject. It may include anything used to provide the information needed on that specific subject.

In this research the Theory of Character is used to find out the description of the main character in the trilogy. The Theory of Psychology deals with the approaches used to analyze the trilogy in this research. The Theoretical Framework consists of the contribution of the theories and reviews applied in this study to answer the problem formulations. The Context of the Trilogy gives the readers brief explanation about anything which are going through inside the trilogy.

A. Review of Related Studies

It's about a very intense love affair coming to an end, and both partners having to accept that. It is supposed to start from the song “Don't Cry”, but a lot of people now think “November Rain” is the first in the trilogy (and the last is


“Estranged”). One of the reasons is that the bride in “November Rain” commits suicide, which can be seen on a line of the alternate version of “Don’t Cry”: “I was the one who's washing (l.7) blood off your hands (l.8)”. After that incident, Axl sings about his regrets in “Estranged”. If you notice a line on “Estranged” lyrics, you can find a line said: “I'll never find anyone to replace you (l.51). Guess I'll have to make it thru, this time- Oh this time (l.52). Without you (l.53)” which indicates that Axl is now in a very deep regrets of losing Stephanie Seymour.

Lyrically those three songs are about being in love, pain, and fear. Axl is clearly grieving over a love that he has been dreaming and now is in jeopardy of being lost forever. The highlight is that hearts can change and even a candle that once burned bright cannot stay lit in darkness. Walking in the November rain is used as a metaphor for walking on a flawed relationship. There is a thought that the two of them just need a little time alone but they could find their way back to one another since time is the only thing that will heals all wounds, as seen in “November Rain” lyrics.

B. Review of the Related Theories

The theories used in this study are the theory of poetry, theory of symbol, theory of psycho-analytic, and theory of motivation.


Critical Approach

Rohrberger & Woods (1976) divided the critical approach into five approaches to analyze a work of literature. The approaches are “formalist approach, biographical approach, sociocultural-historical approach, mythopoeic approach, and psychological approach.”

The first approach is formalist approach. Based on Rohrberger & Woods (1971), this approach concerns with demonstrating the harmonious involvement of all the parts to the whole and with pointing out how meaning is derived from structure and how matters how technique determine structure (p.6).

The second is biographical approach. According to Rohrberger & Woods (1971), “biographical approach asserts the necessity for an appreciation of ideas and personality of the author to an understanding of literary object” (p.6).

The third approach is sociocultural-historical approach. According to Rohrberger & Woods (1971), “it investigates the social milieu in which a work was created and which it necessarily reflects” (p.9).

The fourth approach is mythopoeic approach. According to Rohrberger & Woods (1971), “it seeks to discover certain universally recurrent pattern of the human thought, which they believe find expression in significant work of art” (p.9).

The fifth approach is psychological approach. Atkinson (1981) emphasizes how personality develops. This approach is used in the study because it is relevant to analyze the character’s thoughts, motivation, love, and personality.


1. Theory of Poetry

Poetry is the symbolic expression in language, for communication, of imaginative experiences. The complete poem reflects the unity of poetic inspiration. Poetic technique may therefore be analyzed into the technique of poetry and poems, of parts and wholes. “Every inspiration has its own unity, and every poem should have its own form, since the form must be the efficient equivalent of the unity.” The technique of words has poetic value through its contribution to this end, through entering into the organic unity of the poem’s form and meaning.

A poem is not the expression of emotion or truth or the good, but all of these in so far as they enter into a unity of imaginatively contemplated experience. Beauty is not the purpose of poetic creation, but the sign that poetry has achieved its purposes.

a) The Study of Poetry, in Essays in Criticism (Matthew Arnold)

Arnold predicts that “mankind will discover that we have to turn to poetry to interpret life for us, to console us, to sustain us. Without poetry, our science will appear incomplete; and most of what now passes with us for religion and philosophy will be replaced by poetry.” The qualities of excellence in poetry lie in the matter and substance of the poetry, and in its manner in style. The substance and matter of the best poetry acquire their special character from possessing, in an eminent degree, truth, and seriousness. To the style and manner of the best poetry


their special character, their accent, is given by their diction, and, even yet more, by their movement. In the best poetry, these two aspects, form and matter, are vitally interrelated. One cannot exist without the other. (p.60)

b) Poetic Diction, A Study in Meaning (Owen Barfield)

Barfield conceives the history of thought and language (in the race and in the individual) as the progressive alienation of consciousness from the unity of life and mind – the displacement of the concrete, the synthetic, the poetical by the analytic, the abstract, the prosaic.

Poets are individuals who possess in a high degree the power of imaginative synthesis, and the ability to express and communicate their imaginative experience in words. The device used to achieve this end are known as poetic diction. The principal device is metaphor.

For the reader of hearer poetry has two values: (1) the pleasure of appreciation; (2) knowledge of wisdom. Appreciation and its pleasure involve a “felt change of consciousness”; that is, the change from prosaic to poetical awareness. Appreciation takes place at the exact moment of change. It lives during that prosaic consciousness is indispensable. Without it there can be no “felt change.” Barfield maintains the paradox that the modern imagination appreciates Homer more than Homer’s contemporaries, just because the modern age is more prosaic than the age of Homer, and the “felt change” is greater.


The wisdom or knowledge communicated by poetry, the expansion of our intimate, immediate awareness of concrete reality, is poetry’s permanent value. (p.60)

c) Poetry’s Sake, in Oxford Lectures on Poetry (A.C. Bradley)

“Poetry for poetry’s sake” means: (1) that the poetic experience has an intrinsic value; (2) that its poetic value is this intrinsic worth alone. Bradley adds (3) that poetic value is lowered by the consideration of ulterior non-poetic ends in the creation or appreciation of poetry (this is not necessarily implied in the formula). Such ends tend to make of poetry a part or copy of the real world. But it is the nature of the poetry to be “a world by itself, independent, complete, autonomous.”

The real connection between poetry and (practical) life is “underground.” Poetry and life are parallel, analogous manifestations of man’s striving for perfection. The values of real life enter the realm of poetry above ground only as aspects of the real world which poetic imagination, they are indeed mighty powers in the world of poetry.

The poem is “a resonant meaning, or a meaning resonance.” Poetic value lies in the total experience. Bradley explains the creative impulse through the necessity of form to the realization of poetic meaning. (p.61)


d) Life in Poetry: Law in Taste (William John Courthope)

Courthope defines poetry as the art which produces enduring pleasure for the imagination by imitating human actions, thoughts, and passions, in metrical language. The poet is not responsible directly as an individual to the universal, but indirectly through his participation in national character and national ideals. Poetry and politics are parallel manifestations of the national ethos. In poetry as in politics the ideal is in the harmony of liberty and authority.

The living synthesis of poetry is the harmony of universality and the poet’s individuality. The poet expresses his individuality by selecting conception and modes of expression harmonious with each other and with his own genius. But he does not produce vital poetry unless his genius is one with the ethos of his country. (p.64)

e) Discovering Poetry (Elizabeth Drew)

Poetry uses words to evoke and to organize experience. Poetry does not tell us about life. It is life, - a living experience peculiarly intense and peculiarly harmonious. By metaphor, the poet can fuse the physical, the emotional, and the intellectual worlds into one complex, complete and immediate act of apprehension. (p.65)


f) Enjoyment of Poetry (Max Eastman)

Rhythm performs two functions in poetry. By producing a mild hypnosis, it silences the practical self, and at the same time stimulates and heightens imaginative realization. (p.65)

g) The Sacred Wood. Essays on Poetry and Criticism (T. S. Eliot)

Poetry does not express personal emotion. Emotions, feelings, impressions, experiences, are its materials; but poetry, combining these materials in new and unexpected ways, transmutes them into unique poetic experience. The creative mind is not a personality expressing itself, but a medium in which experiences come together in poetic fusion.

Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion; it is not the expression of personality, but the escape from personality. Of course, only those who have personality and emotions know what it means to want to escape from the “things”. (p.66)

h) The Making of Poetry. A Critical Study of Its Nature and Value (ARTHUR H. R. Fairchild)

An adequate definition of poetry is impossible because the beginning and the end of poetry is feeling, and feeling cannot be defined. The poet deals only with images. But the images represent things that are real in life. Regrouped, they signify a new order; an order where men are or may be what they ideally wish


themselves to be; an order where some goal of consciousness is won, some dominant interest achieved.

The need for poetry is a “biological necessity” for some assurance of the possibility of human hopes and ideals. (p.67)

i) On Poetry in General and On Familiar Style (William Hazlitt)

Poetry is strictly the language of the imagination; and the imagination is that faculty which represents object, not as they are in themselves, but as they are molded by other thoughts and feelings, into an infinite variety of shapes and combinations of power. In another passage Hazlitt says that poetry “is not a branch of authorship,” but “the stuff of which our life is made.” (p.68)

j) The Name and Nature of Poetry (A.E. Housman)

I think that to transfuse emotion – not to transmit thought but to set up in the reader’s sense a vibration corresponding to what was felt by the writer – is the peculiar function of poetry.” “Poetry is not the thing said but a way of saying it.” (p.68)

k) Poetry and Poets (Amy Lowell)

Miss Lowell answers the question “Why We Should Read Poetry”: We should read poetry because only in that way can we know man in all his moods – in most beautiful thoughts of his heart, in his farthest reaches of imagination, in


the tenderness of his live, in the nakedness and awe of his soul confronted with the terror and wonder of the Universe.” (p.70)

l) Lectures on Poetry (J.W. Mackail)

Technically and formally poetry is patterned language. The essence of pattern is repeat. Pattern in language is verse. Patterned language has its own excellence and beauty, but it is not the whole of poetry. In substance, poetry is a function of life. The vital function of poetry is to make patterns out of life.

Poetry performs this function through the shaping power of imagination. Imagination is “the likeness or echo of thedivine creative power.” Its integrations of life are not inventions but flashes of insight into the hidden beauty and perfection of life. (p.71)

m) An Approach to Poetry (Phospor Mallam)

Poetry is primarily the expression of feeling. The poet strives to express poetical ideas in “minutely appropriate” language, language that: (1) conveys the logical content of the idea, (2) suggests the emotional and imaginative associations to which the idea owes its poetic potentialities, and (3) is itself beautiful and appropriate, as sound. (p.72)


n) Thoughts on Poetry and Its Varieties in Dissertations and Discussions (John Stuart Mill)

Mill defines poetry as the spontaneous expression of emotion. The poet may be aware that he will have an audience, but he must not betray the fact in his poem, must not let the audience influence his emotion or his expression. Mill finds an analogous distinction in music and the other arts, between signs of feeling which escape us when we are unconscious of being seen or heard, and signs we use for the purpose of voluntary communication. (p.72)

o) The Appreciation of Poetry (Ernest G. Moll)

The central aim of poetry is to communicate experience. To appreciate poetry, the reader must rise above the stereotyped reactions of commonplace practical life and share the poet’s interest in objects, emotions, ideas, fancies, foe their own sake as experience.

The poet does not, however, copy experience in its actual confusion. But the poet also creates new experience. Poetic imagination builds new entities, creates new patterns, imposes form and order upon the chaos of sensations, feelings, ideas which collectively we may call life.

A successful poem is a world by itself, a self-contained whole of experience, in which every word and every image contributes to the total effect. (p.73)


p) Essentials of Poetry (William Allan Neilson)

The roots of poetic value are: imagination, reason, and sense of fact. Imagination is creative activity of the mind, enriching concrete experience by the revelation of hidden meanings and implications. Reason embraces whatever rational, theoretical content a poem may have; but, more important, it embraces the whole aspect of form and technique. Realism and sense of fact occupy a peculiar position in the world of poetry.

Rhythm and meter have the important poetic function of reinforcing and heightening intensity, including a general excitement that results in a high state of receptiveness to emotional suggestion. (p.73)

q) A Study of Poetry (Bliss Perry)

Poetry is the verbal embodiment of emotion. Perry conceives poetic creation as a threefold process: (1) impression; (2) transformation of impression, through vital contact with the poet’s personality and previous experience, into emotionally loaded imaginative experience; (3) expression of imaginative experience, and the emotion connected with it, in rhythmic language.

The main principles of poetry have, according to Perry, a natural connection with strong emotional experience. Although rhythm and order are emotionally expressive, the emotional tone of every poem is unique, and every poem has therefore its own order and rhythmic pattern. (p.75)


r) A Defence of Poetry in The Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley (Percy Bysshe Shelley)

Reason is the analytic principle; imagination is the synthetic principle of the mind. Poetry, as the expression of the imagination. Literary poetry, as an expression of the general expansive, sympathetic, generous character of the imagination, relatively free from the prejudices and interests of particular times and places, Shelley believes to be a great moral teacher, and a real factor social progress. But it owes its didactic powers to the generality of its imaginative appeal, and would lose its power if it sought deliberately to teach the morals of its generation. (p.83)

s) Preface to Lyrical Ballads in The Complete Poetical Works of William Wordsworth (William Wordsworth)

Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings. It takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility. The emotion is contemplated by a species of reaction, the tranquility gradually disappears, and an emotion; kindred to what which was before the subject of contemplation, is gradually produced, and does itself actually exist in the mind. (p.85)

2. Theory of Symbol

Symbol has meaning. According to Roberts and Jacobs (1987), Symbolism is designed to extend meaning. Symbol comes in direct relationship and describes together a specific thing with idea, values, persons or way of life. However, it is


not easy to understand. It may be despotic because sometimes it has no any connection or relationship with the object which is proposed. A symbol can appear in the form of thing, person, place, action, situation, or even the way of thinking (1987).

To understand the meaning of the symbol needs high level of imagination. In the book “An Introduction to Literature: Fiction/Poetry/Drama” (1961), Lawrence says that understanding a meaning of symbol is a work which needs imagination and emotion, not intellectual. On the other hand, Roberts and Jacobs believe that the object and description can be developed as symbol only within an individual work. It names private symbol. Private symbol is more difficult than universal symbol. Universal symbol uses the well-known thing, which people are familiar with that to find the meaning, e.g. culture or religion. Meanwhile, the meaning of private symbol can be found in the context of the specific work of fiction (1987).

3. Theory of Psychology

a) Theories of Character and Characterization

According to Stanton, the term character refers to two meanings. It points toward the individuals who appear in the story. In addition, it refers to mixture of interests, desire, emotions, and moral principles that make up each of these individuals. Most stories contain a central character which is relevant to every event in the story. Generally, the events cause some changes toward him or our attitude toward him. Therefore, the meaning of character can be both the


actor/actress in the story and the characterization of the character. There must be a relationship between an actor and the characteristics she/he has (as cited in An Introduction to Fiction, 1965).

Henkle (1977) divides the term character into two categories. The first is major character and the second is minor character or secondary character. The major character deserves our full attention in the song. It also performs the key structural function in the song. Therefore, the effectiveness of most songs depends on the ability of major character to express and dramatize the human issue of the song. While the secondary character performs more limited function and less complex than the major character (p.80).

Abrams mentions two types of character; they are simple or flat character and round or complex character. He proposes that flat character is easily recognized and remembered by readers. It describes in a single phrase or sentence. Complex character is lifelike because the writer may see all sides of the character. This character is difficult to describe with any adequacy as somebody in real life (as cited in A Glossary of Literary Term, 1981).

M.J Murphy (1972: 161-173), in his book Understanding Unseen, gives more detailed explanation on how characters are presented by an author. He mentions nine ways of how an author reveals the character’s personalities and traits to the readers, like as follows:


i. Personal Description

The author explains directly to the readers the physical appearance of the characters.

ii. Character as Seen by Another

The Author mentions his or her characters though the eyes of other characters in the story so that the readers can catch a reflected image of them through the other characters’ eyes.

iii. Speech

The author gives the clues of the character’s personalities to the readers through what the characters say.

iv. Past Life

By letting the readers know something about the characters’ past lives, the author gives them some clues to his or her characters’ personalities.

v. Conversation of Others

The author makes dialogues about a character in the story which is spoken by some characters in it. The readers can refer to the conversations to know something about the character.

vi. Reactions

The author mentions indirectly a character’s personality by letting the readers know how the character reacts to various events or situations.


vii. Direct Comment

The author uses a direct comment to describe the characters. He or she seems to judge them, directly, whether they are good or bad, beautiful or ugly and the like.

viii. Thoughts

The author gives the readers direct knowledge of what a character is thinking about. So that they can get knowledge of the personality of the character when they read the description of what he or she is thinking about.

ix. Mannerism

The author describes a character’s mannerism, habits, or idiosyncrasies which may tell the readers something about the character.

b) Theory of Personality

The word “personality” originated from the Latin “persona”, which referred to a theatrical mask worn by Roman Actors in Greek dramas (Hill, 2006). According to Allport (1937), personality is the dynamic organization within the individual of those psychophysical systems that determine his unique adjustment to his environment.

Hill (2006) argues that personality is both physical and psychological; it includes both overt behaviors and covert thoughts; it not only is something, but


does it something. While Davidoff (1987) states that personality is a summary construct that includes thought, motives, emotions, interests, attitudes, abilities and the like. The writer uses the theory of personality because in this study the theory is needed to know the meaning of the main character’s personality development.

According to Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory of personality, personality is composed of three elements. They are the id, the ego, and the superego.

The three elements which are composed by Sigmund Freud work together to create complex human behaviors.

i. The Id

The id is a component of personality which naturally comes from birth. According to Freud, the id is the source of all psychic energy, making it the primary component of personality. For example, when a baby is hungry, she will cry. She will stop crying if the demand of the id is met, which is drinking the milk.

ii. The Ego

According to Freud, the ego develops from the id and ensures that the impulses of the id can be expressed in a manner acceptable in the real world. Ego is not the whole personality, but must be completed by the more comprehensive self, the center of personality that is largely unconscious (Hill, 2005). In psychologically healthy person, the ego takes a secondary position to the unconscious (Jung, 1959a)


iii. The Superego

The superego is the last component of personality to be developed. According to Kendra Cherry, the superego is the aspect of personality that holds all of our internalized moral standards and ideals that we acquire from both parents and society-our sense of right and wrong. Freud (1964) also divides levels of mental of life into the unconscious and the conscious. While the unconscious has two different levels, which are the unconscious proper and the preconscious. In Freudian psychology, the three levels of mental life are used to designate both a process and a location.

i. Unconscious

Freud states that unconscious contain all those drives, urges, or instinct that are beyond people’s awareness, but motivate most of our feeling, words, and actions. While Adler (1956) defined the unconscious as the part of the goal that is neither clearly formulated nor completely understood by the individual. Adler then states that if we understand the tendency of consciousness, the tendency has already become conscious. ii. Preconscious

The preconscious level of the mind contains all those elements that are not conscious but can become conscious either readily or with some difficulties (Freud, 1964)

iii. Conscious

Consciousness, which plays a relatively minor role in psychoanalytic theory, can be defined as those mental elements in awareness at any


given point in time. According to Freud (1964), what we perceive through our sense organ, if not too threatening, enters into consciousness. Adler (1964) argues that the consciousness life becomes unconscious as soon as we fall to understand it.

Levitan and LaBerge (1991) say that the human consciousness separating from the human body and travelling in a discorporate form of physical world. The writer uses Freud’s level of mental of life to support the analysis of the meaning of mortality in Guns N’ Roses’ trilogy (“Don’t Cry”, “November Rain”, and “Estranged”).

c) Theory of Motivation

Motivation is an important determinant of individual’s performance. However, as Maslow (1943) states that motivation is not the only determinant; other variables such as effort expended, ability, and previous experience also influence performance.

Beck (1978) states that motivation is broadly concerned with the contemporary determinants of choice (direction), persistence, and vigor of goal directed behavior (p.58). it indicates that motivation deals with the “way” of someone’s behavior.

Coleman (1960) mentions that there are some theories used to support the analysis of the main character’s way of thinking (p.114-116). The first is Primary and the Secondary Drives. It states that every species has some basic psychological drives of an inborn.


The second is Motives as Tension-Reducing Devices. Most of human biological functioning follows the pattern of searching a way to relieve unpleasant tension that is caused by the need. Therefore, the brain will produce the tension for everything needed by the body. The tension will cause a depressed feeling by the body. That is why human have to reduce the feeling by finding the way out.

Maslow (1970) with his theory of motivation identifies different stages and forms of motives which will motivate people in different stages of their lives. The theory also provides the relationship between the needs of people. Maslow presents the stages of need in the form of hierarchy. The direction of the need is upward. When the lower need has been fulfilled, people will fulfill the higher need. The lowest need in the hierarchy shows the most basic need of human.

Fig.1 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (1970) (retrieved March 13, 2016)


According to Maslow (1970), the first need is physiological need. The physiological need includes food, water, oxygen, maintenance of body temperature, air, food, drink, shelter, warmth, sex, sleep, etc. When people do not have their physiological needs satisfied, they life for those needs and strive constantly to satisfy them (Feist & Feist, 2006, p.279).

The second need is safety needs. The safety needs include protection from elements, security, order, law, limits, stability, etc. The needs for law, order, and structure are also safety needs (Maslow, 1970).

The third need is belongingness and love needs, for example the desire for friendship, the wish for mate and children; the need to belong to a family, a club, a neighborhood, or a nation (Feist & Feist, 2006, p.280). Love and belongings also include some aspects of sex and human contact as well as the need to both give and receive love (Maslow, 1970).

The fourth need is esteem need, for example self-respect, confidence, competence, and the knowledge that others hold them in esteem (Feist & Feist, 2006). While the fifth need is actualization needs, for example self-fulfillment, the realization of all one’s potential, and a desire to become creative in the full sense of the word (Maslow, 1970).

From the theories we can draw a conclusion that are different theories of motivation. The first theory says that motivation is emerged from thoughts, feeling, and behavior. The other theory says that motivation is a result of physical and psychological needs.


C. Theoretical Framework

The theories that are used in this study are theory of literature, theory of motivation, and theory of psychology. Theory of literature consists of three parts. They are: the theory of character, theory of characterization, and the theory of literary approaches. These theories are important to be applied because these theories are related to the main discussion of this study.

The approach used in this study is psychological approach. The researcher chooses psychological approach because motivation is part of psychological theory. The researcher believes that this approach and the theory of motivation can help the researcher in understanding the analysis of the problems about motivation. They are used to reveal the motivation of Axl in writing the trilogy (“Don’t Cry”, “November Rain”, and “Estranged”).

D. Context of The Study

“Don’t Cry” is a song about a man who is cheating on his lady. He is telling her not to feel sad since now he has found out that she really cares with him, although he had cheated on her at first. This can be seen from the title itself, and from both the original and alternate version lyrics which contain many expressions of persuasion from Axl toward Stephanie. You can just take a look at its alternate lyrics to find other facts that may strengthen your opinion to believe that this song is a trilogy of a certain life aspect that happened in a Rock n’ Roll and Punk Rock environment at that time, especially the life reality in Rock n’ Roll


or Punk Rock environment (at that time), where true “love” is almost impossible to find, because men and women in these scenes tend to be “adventurous” and go around with different whores.

“November Rain” is a song about love, pain and fear. The phrase "November Rain" is used throughout the song symbolizing a period of depression from a flawed relationship. The image of a cold rainy November day is a perfect parallel to depict these feelings. “Nothing lasts forever (l.41), even cold November rain (l.42).” That line leads up to the thought that Axl believes that love will prevail in the end. Axl ends the first act of the song with this optimistic mindset that bad times are not everlasting and they both will pass through them.

“Estranged” is a song about the most difficult time after Axl loses Stephanie Seymour. This song is the deepest and most personal song that Axl has written. This song is mainly about loneliness and despair caused by the irreparable loss of the person he was strongly attached to. A fact that may strengthen the statement above is at the beginning of the video where you can see an empty house and Axl was in children’s bedroom. He is in the place that holds most of his good memories. It’s like he is trying to get back to his happy situation, trying to go back to the times when everything was perfect, but at the same time he understands deep inside that he has lost the most important thing in his life at that time and it can’t be returned. He is totally lonely and in despair now.



This chapter presents the methodology, which was employed for the study. This chapter consists of three parts: Subject of the Study, Approach of the Study and Method of the Study. The Subject of the Study focuses on the analysis of the trilogy and its physical description. The Approach of the Study focuses on the way or the approach in analyzing the problem formulation and it concerns the reason why the researcher uses that approach. The researcher also discusses about the Method of the Study. It talks about the steps taken in analyzing the problem formulation of the study.

A. Object of the Study

“Don’t Cry”, “November Rain”, and “Estranged” are very popular songs, written by Guns N' Roses. Not many people know that they are actually trilogy songs. Since the trilogy has been debated for so long time in Guns N’ Roses-die hard-fans circle, the researcher is interested to pick it as the topic of the study.

B. Approach of the Study

The study is focused on the meaning of mortality in Guns N’ Roses’ trilogy songs (“Don’t Cry”, “November Rain”, and “Estranged”). Therefore, the researcher uses psychological approach. Psychological approach reveals the behavior,


thoughts, feeling, and experience of the main character. Thus, this approach is relevant to be used in the study to analyze the psychological condition, such as the character’s thoughts, motivation, love, and personality, as seen in Guns N’ Roses’ trilogy (“Don’t Cry”, “November Rain”, and “Estranged”).

C. Method of the Study

This research was conducted as the library study. The researcher uses the trilogy (“Don’t Cry”, “November Rain”, and “Estranged”) as the primary source of the study. It was not a research based on the observation on the field. The researcher also used thesis and other books related to human motivation and behavior as the secondary sources to support the study.

There were some steps as the procedure in conducting the research. First of all, the researcher read and observes the main source of the study, “Don’t Cry”, “November Rain”, and “Estranged” lyrics. Then, the researcher tried to understand and comprehend the song. It was aimed to get a comprehensible understanding of the song. The researcher concentrates more on the main character, Axl.

The next step was making the analysis by finding the character and motivation of the chosen character. Moreover, the researcher tried to find the motivation in writing the trilogy of the chosen character based on his needs.

The third step was the researcher tried to find supporting data which could support the researcher’s finding. Besides using data from the books in the library, the study also using articles from the Internet, especially for the articles or data


which could not be found in the library, for example, a journal. After finding the data, the researcher would compile it and used it as the supporting material toward the researcher finding and opinion. Based on the main idea, this study uses psychological approach.

After finding the main data and the supporting source, the researcher tried to discuss the song and analyze his finding. In analyzing the song, the researcher used the approach and theories to answer the problems. The last step was drawing the conclusion from the result of the analysis.




This chapter answers the questions of the problem formulation which are stated in chapter I. Firstly, this chapter discusses content of the songs. Secondly, it discusses the meaning of the trilogy through library study. The trilogy consists of:

“Don’t Cry”, “November Rain”, and “Estranged”.

A. The Content of the Songs

“Don’t Cry”, “November Rain”, and “Estranged” are basically popular songs

from Guns N’ Roses, written by Axl Rose. Axl has modified his style and tone to fit the subject matter and mood in his poems. Here, the subject matter is the theme in his poems which are flawed relationship and regrets. Since he is a musician, he combined his mood in making song lyrics or his poem and fitted it to be a song in order to be sung.

As mentioned in the introduction part, “Don’t Cry”, “November Rain”, and

“Estranged” are songs about flawed relationship and regrets. The writer of this

songs’ lyrics, Axl Rose has put such a good analogy in portraying the discord.

In order to make a clear understanding about the lyrics and to find its literal meaning, the researcher provides line-by-line and stanza-by-stanza analysis on the lyrics as follows:


a. Don’t Cry

The First Stanza

Talk to me softly (l.1)

There's something in your eyes (l.2) Don't hang your head in sorrow (l.3) And please don't cry (l.4)

I know how you feel inside (l.5) I've been there before (l.6)

Somethin's changin' inside you (l.7) And don't you know (l.8)

From the stanza above, the researcher found that Axl could see Stephanie’s unspoken words through her eyes. It can be seen on the second and seventh line of the stanza: There's something in your eyes (l.2) and Somethin's changin' inside you (l.7). Axl felt that something wrong had happened to his relationship. That something was when Stephanie was opening her eyes to the harsh realities of life;

especially the life reality in Rock n’ Roll or Punk Rock environment (at that time),

where true “love” is almost impossible to find, because men and women in these

scenes tend to be “adventurous” and go around with different whores.

Axl knew what felt by Stephanie inside her heart at that time because he has experienced the same problem and the same mistakes in the past; and that was the


reason why Axl stated in the fifth line on the first stanza: I know how you feel inside (l.5). Axl loved Stephanie very much and he didn’t want her to fall in sorrow. After a long time, Axl realized that he was the one to blame, so now he admits for the mistakes he has done to Stephanie. In the other hand, actually he didn’t want to do the same mistakes he had done in the past. The sixth line of the stanza (I've been there before (l.6)) implies that Axl has experienced something bad due to his relationship in the past with Erin Everly (his former wife). This fact can be found

in Axl’s biography.

The Second Stanza

Don't you cry tonight (l.9) I still love you baby (l.10) Don't you cry tonight (l.11) Don't you cry tonight (l.12)

There's a heaven above you baby (l.13) And don't you cry tonight (l.14)

Axl tried to calm Stephanie down by saying: “Don't you cry tonight, there's a heaven above you baby”. Axl realized that Stephanie was truthful and faithful to him, and she was willing to give him her love as long as he wasn’t doing the same


We often heard that if we did many good deeds in our lifetime, heaven is surely going to be with us later in hereafter. The word “heaven” here refers to something given to someone as the appreciation of his/her good deeds. This was the reason why Axl said on a line in the second stanza by saying: There's a heaven above you baby (l.13).

The Third Stanza

Give me a whisper and give me a sigh (l.15) Give me a kiss before you (l.16)

tell me goodbye (l.17)

Don't you take it so hard now (l.18) And please don't take it so bad (l.19) I'll still be thinkin' of you (l.20) And the times we (l.21)

After they quarreled, they didn’t talk each other for long time. It seemed that none of them were willing to concede. Another possibility was whether there was no effort from both of them to talk first and say sorry in order to make everything clear or maybe one of them was afraid to talk because I guess one of them was stubborn so that he/she couldn’t accept any suggestions from the other. By the time, Axl felt uncomfortable with that situation and he knew that she was going to leave.


Until the time they finally decided to give a break to their relationship, Axl didn’t ask anything unless her last goodbye or even only a whisper of her last words. Now Axl just wanted to talk to Stephanie for the last time or even only a goodbye-kiss.

Since Axl loved her very much; even after they break, Axl didn’t want her to feel sad or down in a sorrow. Axl wanted to show his caring so that he said that he would be still remember and thinking of her and all of their good times although

they didn’t “walk” together anymore.

The Fifth Stanza

And please remember that I never lied (l.27) And please remember (l.28)

how I felt inside now honey (l.29) You gotta make it your own way (l.30) But you'll be alright now sugar (l.31) You'll feel better tomorrow (l.32)

Come the morning light now baby (l.33)

Axl has told all his honest feelings to Stephanie but it didn’t make any good impact on their relationship. He said that he never lied. It was not about his words or action but his love and feeling. Now that Axl has told Stephanie about how shattered his heart is, Axl hoped Stephanie will forgive him, but unfortunately not.


Axl had to ungrudgingly let her go. And now the only thing Axl could do was only wished that she would be fine after they are apart.

b. November Rain

“November Rain” is a song about love, pain and fear. The opening statement

clearly says that Axl saw the love in Stephanie’s eyes, restrained by a fear that she might be hurt.

The First Stanza

When I look into your eyes (l.1) I can see a love restrained (l.2) But darlin' when I hold you (l.3) Don't you know I feel the same (l.4)

The first time Axl saw Stephanie, he felt there was a love beating inside his heart but he was still doubt to tell it to her since Axl was unsure that Stephanie had the same feeling with him; that’s why he only saw a restrained love. By the time they were getting closer and knew each other, they could throw their doubts away; even a love chemistry grew inside their relation. Until the time they were agreed to interlace a serious relationship, they finally found that they were actually felt in love one to another since the first time they met. At the third line of the first


stanza, you’ll find a phrase said: But darlin' when I hold you (l.3). The word “hold” in here means that Axl now has Stephanie in his life (at that time).

The Second Stanza

'Cause nothin' lasts forever (l.5)

And we both know hearts can change (l.6) And it's hard to hold a candle (l.7)

In the cold November rain (l.8)

Heart and feeling are unpredictable. Due to that problem, Axl stated in the second stanza that it’s hard to hold on and stay in a love relationship which was full of flaws, lies, and selfishness.

The Third Stanza

We've been through this such a long long time (l.9) Just tryin' to kill the pain (l.10)

But lovers always come and lovers always go (l.11) And no one's really sure who's lettin' go today (l.12) Walking away (l.13)


They have been gone through thick and thin in their relationship and they have tried to lose their ego to achieve a relationship goal they wanted in the beginning but still they were not sure about what could happened in future; it could be an eternal love or even a break apart. In this life, we all don’t know what will happen. It could be a good thing or even the worst thing. All we need is only to live in our path wisely in our every step.

The Fourth Stanza

If we could take the time (l.14) to lay it on the line (l.15) I could rest my head (l.16)

Just knowin' that you were mine (l.17) All mine (l.18)

Axl a little bit blamed Stephanie for not asking him to have a conversation

to talk about their problem; but since Axl was stubborn, he also didn’t ask her to

have a conversation first.

In the fourth stanza, you fill find two phrases said: “If we could take the time” (l.14) and “to lay it on the line” (l.15). Based on the 3rd Edition of Cambridge

Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, line is “a long thin mark on the surface of


phrase “to lay it on the line” (l.15) means straighten; while what had to be straighten was their problem. Completely, those two lines of the fourth stanza above mean that if only they could take the time to talk and to straighten their problem, they might not have had to be parted.

The Fifth Stanza

So if you want to love me (l.19) then darlin' don't refrain (l.20) Or I'll just end up walkin' (l.21) In the cold November rain (l.22)

Far before they were finally parted, Axl has actually told Stephanie to tell about all her feeling to Axl so that he could fix his mistakes in future. Axl has told Stephanie that as a human, of course Axl also has a limit on his patience. Yet, Axl has tried to remind Stephanie that he might give up the relationship if there were no more stories to be told and there were no more words to be spoken. Axl wanted to be a better person, so he demanded Stephanie to reveal anything she didn’t like from him so that they both can find a way to “walk” together again.


The Sixth Stanza

Do you need some time...on your own (l.23) Do you need some time...all alone (l.24)

Everybody needs some time... on their own (l.25) Don't you know you need some time...all alone (l.26)

Axl offer Stephanie to take a lonely time which can be used by her to think, to consider, and maybe to reflect about their relationship problems. Axl realized that in this situation, everyone only needed a quiet day, quiet place, and lonely time to cure the broken heart. Axl has experienced it in the past, so he knew how to respond this problem.

The Seventh Stanza

I know it's hard to keep an open heart (l.27) When even friends seem out to harm you (l.28) But if you could heal a broken heart (l.29) Wouldn't time be out to charm you (l.30)

During the time they were quarreling, Axl fell in a very bad situation of mental and emotional which led him to his anger that finally brought them to a


discord. Axl realized that at that time they were on a situation where they were no longer having each other. In this stanza, you will find a line said: I know it's hard to keep an open heart (l.27). The word “open heart” here refers to a feeling which is not owned by anyone. Since the feeling was not owned by anyone, so it was free to everyone to get there and stay. It was true that at that time they were no longer having each other in term of love but actually they were still having each other in term of Christian marriage.

Axl still expected to get back with Stephanie; but in that situation, Axl felt that none could help him to get out from their problem. Axl knew that it took a very hard effort to hold on in a complicated relationship. Very complicated so that your closest environment looks like a hell, your closest friends look live a devil, and even

they can’t help you at all. Whereas, if only they both could forgive each other; and

finally they get back, time was the only thing that will prove their love to others.

The Eighth Stanza

Sometimes I need some time...on my own (l.31) Sometimes I need some time...all alone (l.32) Everybody needs some time... on their own (l.33) Don't you know you need some time...all alone (l.34)


It is almost the same with the sixth stanza. But in this stanza, Axl was the one who wanted to take a lonely time which can be used to think, to consider, and maybe to reflect about their relationship problems. Axl realized that in this situation, everyone only needed a quiet day, quiet place, and lonely time to cure the broken heart. Axl has experienced it in the past, so he knew how to respond this problem.

The Ninth Stanza

And when your fears subside (l.35) And shadows still remain (l.36) I know that you can love me (l.37) When there's no one left to blame (l.38) So never mind the darkness (l.39) We still can find a way (l.40) 'Cause nothin' lasts forever (l.41) Even cold November rain (l.42)

Every wound left scars, even after a long time. Axl realized that there might

be a fear of being tortured again inside Stephanie’s heart in future if they were

finally got back. In this stanza, you’ll find a line said: “And shadows still remain” (l.36). Axl used the word “shadow” to depict that fear of being tortured again in future.


Axl wanted to get back with Stephanie; but he didn’t want her to talk about their past life if someday they are reunited. Because only if they can lose their ego, forgive each other, and there is still a love left inside their heart; they can love again each other. He convinced her not to be afraid of their past experiences since nothing last forever in this world, whether it is love or hatred.

c. Estranged

“Estranged” is a song about the most difficult time after Axl lose Stephanie.

It’s mainly about loneliness and despair caused by the irreparable loss of the person

he was strongly attached to.

The First Stanza

When you're talkin’ to yourself (l.1) And nobody's home (l.2)

You can fool yourself (l.3)

You came in this world alone (l.4)

Axl now is in his deepest regret since Stephanie has left him. He calmed himself down by thinking that he came to this world alone, so now it doesn’t matter if he is in a loneliness.


The Second Stanza

So nobody ever told you baby (l.5) How it was gonna be (l.6)

So what'll happen to you baby (l.7) Guess we'll have to wait and see (l.8)

Axl realized that no one knows what will happen in future so he tried to suggest himself that those all “accidents” were only general life experiences which everyone may also experience it in future. Meanwhile, all we have to do is to live our life spontaneously and prepare for the worst.

The Third Stanza

Old at heart but I'm only 28 (l.9) And I'm much too young (l.10) To let love break my heart (l.11)

Young at heart but it's getting much too late (l.12) To find ourselves so far apart (l.13)

Axl tried to fight his own ego after he realized all his mistakes. The battle


that went around him, now he found that he was still young but he acted like he has been adult enough to know everything about love. He also realized that the only thing that might break his love should be the mortality; but when Axl tried to lower his ego and tried to realized that he was still young, it was too late. Stephanie Seymour has gone.

The Fourth Stanza

I don't know how you're s'posed (l.14) To find me lately (l.15)

And what more could you ask from me (l.16) How could you say that I never needed you (l.17) When you took everything (l.18)

Said you took everything from me (l.19)

Axl was in a regret and anger after he realized that now he has nothing since Stephanie has gone. His deepest regret was when he realized that she indirectly had taken everything away from him; his heart, his feeling, his secondary life, and of course his happiness. His anger became stronger when he remembered Stephanie’s statement when she said that Axl never needed her, meanwhile she was the most


The Fifth Stanza

Young at heart and it gets so hard to wait (l.20) When no one I know can seem to help me now (l.21) Old at heart but I mustn’t hesitate (l.22)

If I'm to find my own way out (l.23)

Axl’s feeling was clearly unstable at that time since his regrets were still going

surround him. He placed himself to the situation when he thought that he was an adult to strengthen himself from regrets. He suggested himself that he was an adult,

so he shouldn’t hesitate to go out from his sorrow and looked for new better life.

Axl’s sadness was too deep that he felt no one could help him to get out from this

problem and the only person who could helped him was only he, himself since the problem was also caused by his own fault.

The Sixth Stanza

Still talkin' to myself (l.24) and nobody's home (l.25)


Axl still felt deep down in a regret and sadness after all his brainstorm he gave to he himself. It was unbelievable to him that she has left him in short period while he was in his happiness to have her.

The Eighth Stanza

When I find out all the reasons (l.30) Maybe I'll find another way (l31) Find another day (l.32)

With all the changing seasons of my life (l.33) Maybe I'll get it right next time (l.34)

After a long time, Axl was still thinking about the reason why he let Stephanie Seymour gone; while after all he is now in a very deep sadness. He then promised to himself that he would be a better person in future, with all the consequences of any differences or changing situation in his life without Stephanie.

The Ninth Stanza

And now that you've been broken down (l.35) Got your head out of the clouds (l.36)


And you don't talk so loud (l.38) And you don't walk so proud (l.39) Any more, and what for (l.40)

Axl now defenselessly accept his fate that he only could see Stephanie Seymour in his imagination. No more words to be spoken, and no more steps to be

walked; and he felt it’s all useless.

The Tenth Stanza

Well I jumped into the river (l.41) Too many times to make it home (l.42)

I'm out here on my own, and drifting all alone (l.43) If it doesn't show give it time (l.44)

To read between the lines (l.45)

'Cause I see the storm getting closer (l.46) And the waves they get so high (l.47)

Seems everything we've ever known's here (l.48) Why must it drift away and die (l.49)


Axl has tried too many times to look deep down in a happy moment with Stephanie in the past. He is now facing his life all alone by himself. Axl realized that now the problem is getting worse by the time. All the memories appeared in his mind, went around his head, and reminded him to his past.

The Eleventh Stanza

I'll never find anyone to replace you (l.50)

Guess I'll have to make it thru, this time- Oh this time (l.51) Without you (l.52)

It is very clear that in this stanza Axl showed his very deep regret and he said that he had no idea to live a life without Stephanie.

The Twelfth Stanza

I knew the storm was getting closer (l.53) And all my friends said I was high (l.54) But everything we've ever known's here (l.55) I never wanted it to die (l.56)





 The scene when cops and medical team ambushed Axl’s house and the medical team brought a hearse






Ervianto, Yustinus Ryan. 2016. “The True Meaning of Guns N’ Roses’ Trilogy

Songs: “Don’t Cry”, ”November Rain”, “Estranged”. Yogyakarta: English

Language Education Study Program. Department of Language and Arts Education. Faculty of Teachers Training and Education. Sanata Dharma University.

This study analyzes songs trilogy from Guns N’ Roses’. The trilogy consists of “Don’t Cry”, “November Rain”, and “Estranged”. “Don’t Cry” was released on 1991, while “November Rain” on 1992, and “Estranged” on 1994.

The aim of the study is to seek for the literal and deeper meaning of the trilogy. There are two formulated problems in this study: (1) What do the songs talk about? and (2) What is the meaning of Guns N’ Roses trilogy that can be obtained through the study?

There are two sources used in this study. The primary source of this study are the songs’ lyrics, “Don’t Cry”, “November Rain”, and “Estranged” written by Axl Rose, the vocalist of a legendary glam rock band Guns N’ Roses. The secondary sources are books, related texts, and internet. The most prominent theory employed to answer the problems formulation is Maslow’s theory of motivation from his book “Motivation and Personality”. The approach used in this study is psychological approach.

Based on the analysis, there are two findings. The findings are (1) the songs talk about a love journey which flawed by lies and it ends up with regrets; and (2) there are two meanings found in the trilogy songs, namely literal meaning and deeper meaning. The literal meaning of the trilogy songs is about sincere love, flawed relationship, and regrets. The deeper meaning of the trilogy songs is about untrue love since true love, according to the third hierarchy of Maslow’s theory of motivation (1970) is a love where two lovers are giving and receiving each other. There is also a fear inside that imperfect relationship. The fear itself is actually a kind of jealousy, while the flaw itself is actually fraudulence. In the end, those three aspects are the things that cause the loss of Axl’s glory. The word glory here is not only about a person but is also related to a dream. All in all, this trilogy is about common problems that may end someone’s glory, dealing with wealth, throne, and love. Moreover, this study also delivers some suggestions for further researchers and teachers in relation to education.

Keywords: Don’t Cry, November Rain, Estranged, trilogy, literal meaning, deeper meaning, true meaning



Yustinus Ryan, Ervianto. 2016. “The True Meaning of Guns N’ Roses’

Trilogy Songs: “Don’t Cry”, ”November Rain”, “Estranged”. Yogyakarta:

Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris. Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni. Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan. Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Penelitian ini menganalisis sebuah trilogi lagu dari Guns N’ Roses yaitu "Don’t Cry", "November Rain", dan "Estranged". “Don’t Cry” dirilis pada tahun 1991, sedangkan “November Rain” pada tahun1992, dan “Estranged” pada tahun 1994.

Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk mencari makna literal dan makna mendalam dari trilogi lagu Guns N’ Roses. Ada dua hal yang menjadi permasalahan utama dalam studi ini, yaitu: (1) Apa yang diceritakan oleh ketiga lagu dalam trilogi tersebut? dan (2) Apa makna dari trilogi lagu Guns N’ Roses yang dapat diperoleh melalui penelitian?

Terdapat dua sumber yang digunakan dalam studi ini. Sumber utama dari studi ini adalah dari lirik lagu, "Don’t Cry", "November Rain", dan "Estranged" yang ditulis oleh Axl Rose, vokalis legendaris dari band glam rock legendaris, Guns N' Roses. Sumber kedua adalah dari buku-buku terkait, teks terkait, dan sumber dari internet. Teori yang digunakan untuk menjawab rumusan masalah dalam studi ini adalah teori motivasi dari Maslow dari bukunya “Motivation and Personality”. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan psikologis.

Berdasarkan hasil analisis, terdapat dua temuan. (1) ketiga lagu tersebut menceritakan tentang perjalanan cinta yang ternoda oleh kebohongan, dan berakhir dengan penyesalan; sedangkan (2) terdapat dua makna pada trilogi lagu tersebut, yaitu makna literal dan makna mendalam. Makna literal dari trilogi lagu tersebut adalah cinta yang tulus, hubungan yang ternoda, dan penyesalan. Makna mendalam dari trilogi lagu tersebut adalah tentang cinta yang bukan cinta sejati, karena cinta sejati, menurut hirarki ketiga dari teori motivasi Maslow (1970) adalah cinta di mana dua kekasih yang saling memberi dan menerima satu sama lain. Di dalam hubungan yang tidak sempurna itu, terdapat rasa takut. Ketakutan itu sendiri sebenarnya adalah kecemburuan, sementara ketidaksempurnaan itu sendiri sebenarnya adalah kecurangan. Pada akhirnya, ketiga aspek tersebut adalah hal-hal yang dapat mengakhiri kejayaan seseorang. Kejayaan di sini bukan hanya berarti tentang seseorang, namun juga tentang impian. Secara keseluruhan, trilogi lagu ini adalah tentang masalah umum yang dapat menyebabkan berakhirnya kebahagiaan seseorang; yaitu harta, tahta, dan cinta. Lebih lanjut lagi, studi ini juga memberikan beberapa saran bagi peneliti selanjutnya dan kepada pendidik dalam kaitannya dengan dunia pendidikan. Kata kunci: Don’t Cry, November Rain, Estranged, trilogy, literal meaning,