Feminine Side of God

Sat Down And Wept emphasizes the obstacle of human being that sometimes is trapped from a sin. Geraldo Galvão Ferraz as quoted in Morais‟s A Warrior’s Life a Biography of Paulo Coelho states that The critic Geraldo Galvão Ferraz, of the São Paulo Jornal da Trade, branded By The River Piedra I Sat Down And Wept as „a poorly mixed cooktail of mediocre mysticism, religion, and fiction, full of clichés and stereotypical characters who spend the greater part of their time giving solemn speeches ‟. The author‟s approach to what he calls ‟the feminine side of God‟ was ridiculed by another journalist as „a Paulo Coelho for girls‟ Morais, 2009: 517. Ferraz‟s statement above criticizes the novel is a disapproving combination of religion and mysticism which shows stereotypical character. He argues that the novel is an old cliche, it is seen from the way of man character , Pilar‟s lover delivers his speech by giving an old fiction and religion. Another journalist also adds that „the feminine side of God‟ which is used by Coelho only represents the feminine side to picture a woman. As Ferraz‟s criticisms shows his contradictory statement that the novel By The River Piedra I Sat Down And Wept is a mediocre combination of mysticism and religion, the writer has different point of view of certain religion scope revealed in this novel. Anna Hassani also states her opinion in bookreviews.nabou.comreviewsbytheriverpiedra.html that In this best-selling novel Coelho talks about a long-forgotten aspect of God: His feminine side, the so-called the Goddess ”. The feminine face of God has been, as Coelho explains, present in every religion on the face of the earth: paganism Great Mother, the ancient fertility goddess, Isis, the Virgin Mary. This Goddess presented as generator of all life, is present in the love the two main characters feel for each other. It is as if Her presence haunts their realtionship. The above quotation shows that Hassani‟s analysis focus on the relationship between Pilar and her lover provides the feminine side of God like Great Mother, Isis, and Virgin Mary. Hassani has analyzed the love relationship to reveal the feminine side of God. The writer focuses on how Pilar and her lover learn the feminine side of God in Catholic religion through their journey. The feminine side of God is raised in Catholic religion. Meanwhile, that religion stands on patriachy. Besides, the writer‟s focus here shows that this undergraduate thesis has different topic with some students who have taken Coelho‟s novel By The River Piedra I Sat Down And Wept as their thesis before. The writer positions this undergraduate thesis as the progress of Anna Hassani‟s opinion. If Anna Hassani analyzes the love relationship between Pilar and her lover to reveal the feminine face of God like paganism Great Mother, the ancient fertility goddess, Isis, and the Virgin Mary. Then, the writer more explores the characterization of Pilar and her lover to reveal the feminine side of God.

B. Review of Related Theories

This section consists of theory on character and characterization and theory on the feminine side of God which consist of total surrender as the model of faith, the veneration of Virgin Mary and the link between the figure of Mary and imagery of The Divine. Those theories are applied in this analysis.