Talented The Characterization of

a loyalty to keep her faith. Pilar‟s loyalty shows that she cares to herself. It is shown in the following quotation. Then the world changes and we change with it. But I didn‟t want to be that way anymore. Fate had returned to me what had been mine and now offered me to change myself and the world. Coelho, 1994: 156 The above quotation shows that Pilar has a faith in order to face many problems that she meets. She learns from Mother Mary for being a loyal woman who keeps her faith in God in every situation that she faces.

b. Pilar’s lover

The writer also analyz es the way of Pilar‟s lover venerates Virgin Mary. Pilar‟s lover is pictured as a religious, talented and an intellectual man. The writer analyzes those characteristics to reveal the feminine side of God. There is a quotation below. The mystery of life fascinated me, and I wanted to understand them better. I looked for signs that would tell me that someone knew nothing. I went to India and Egypt. I sat with masters of magic and of meditation. And finally I discovered what I was looking for: the truth resides where there is faith.” Coelho, 1994: 79 He goes to India and Egypt to do meditation to find his faith. After his journey, he finds what he searches for, he finds what he believes. It is shown from the quotation of Pilar‟s lover such as “may the Great Mother inspire me” Coelho, 1994: 84 and “may the Virgin protect us from here on,” he said. Coelho, 19994: 47. The expression of Pilar‟s lover shows that he is a religious man. Mother Mary is an example of religious person who trusts in God. Characteristic of religious person is needed to venerate Mother Mary. As the writer mentions in the previous chapter that Brantl quotes the definition of Pope Pius IX that Catholics need to declare and pronounce Virgin Mary 1962: 78. Pilar‟s lover has a belief that God has a feminine side and he can learn it from Mother Mary who inspires his life. It is quoted in the quotation below. One of the faces of God is the face of a woman. She is present in the first chapter of the Bible- when the spirit of God hovered over the waters, and He placed them below and above the stars. It was the mystic marriage of earth and heaven. In every religion and in every tradition, she manifests Herself in one form or another- She always manifests Herself. Since I am a Catholic, I perceive Her as the Virgin Mary. Coelho, 1994: 60-61 Pi lar‟s lover tries to venerate Mother Mary based on the biblical perspective and his sharing with special person during his journey. The above quotation shows that Pilar‟s lover experience in having a faith in Mother Mary. Pilar‟s lover is an intellectual man who has a deep knowledge about feminine side of God. The characteristic of intellectual person is needed to understand the feminine side of God as an ideal of Catholics life in venerating Mother Mary. As a talented person who receives a gift from God, he venerates Mother Mary through his experience to meet Mother Mary. “the truth is that instead of going to the monastry, I went up on the mountain and conversed with the Great Mother ” Coelho, 1994: 166. The short quotation above shows that Pilar‟s lover has a gift to meet Mother Mary and make conversation with Her. He has an ability to communicate with Mother Mary not only by praying but also by meeting Her as he meets other people.