The 2048 Game The 2048 game is a game for single player that

Jurnal Ilmiah Komputer dan Informatika KOMPUTA Edisi. .. Volume. .., Bulan 20.. ISSN : 2089-9033 if g β then upperBound := g else lowerBound := g return g Figure 3 Psuedo Code MTDf Algorithm Algorithm MTDf calling Alpha Beta function many times by the method of zero-Alpha-Beta search window, unlike Negascout that uses wide-window search. Dialing Alpha Beta returns the limit of the value of evaluation Minimax. Limit of the value is then stored in the upperbound upper limit and lowerbound lower limit, forming an interval that covers the actual value of Minimax in search of a particular depth. Positive and negative infinity stands for values outside the interval on the leaves of trees. When the upper limit and lower limit of the same value or lower limit value has exceeded the upper limit, then the value of Minimax has been found. Figure 4 MTDF Searching Tree


2.1 Problem Analysis

Based on research conducted by Stephen Bandung Institute of Technology applying greedy algorithm and backtracking in the game in 2048 [2] and Vasilis Vryniotis that implement the algorithm minimax on a game in 2048 [3], it was found that the greedy algorithm less than optimal in completing the game in 2048 because of 11 times trial can not get the numbers in 2048, but quickly in taking the step while backtracking algorithm can finish the game in 2048 in the first time trial but with a time of 23 minutes 18 seconds. For minimax algorithm results are determined from the depths in the search, the more in looking the more likely to be able to complete the game in 2048, but it took much longer appropriate depth search. It required a study of other algorithms to complete the game in 2048.

2.2 Analysis of The 2048 Game

The 2048 game is a game played alone. In this final game will be done by an algorithm that will be examined, namely MTD f to determine a solution in resolving permaian 2048. 2048 Games played by sliding to the left, right, top and bottom. The game ends when no boxes that can be shifted or merged again. The game will be won when it managed to get a box that is worth 2048. Randomly number 2 or 4 will appear when it is shifted. If there was a box of equal value and its position adjacent the value can be combined. Entries for opponents enter the data in the form of figures 2 and 4 with the possibility of appearing to number 2 is 90 and the number 4 is 10. As for the players enter the data in the form of direction to pan left, right, top and bottom. If one direction can not be moved so the application will not respond and the game board unchanged.

2.3 Value Evaluation

The evaluation value to the game in 2048 on research by snaking tactic [1] which can be calculated by the number of linear value on the board multiplied by the value of the geometric sequence with ratio 1. It can also be written as follows: 1 ∑ 2 Figure 5 Snaking Tactic

2.4 Analysis of MTDf Algorithm

In this section we will discuss about the completion of the game in 2048 using the algorithm MTD f. 2048 The game is played on a game board with the size 4x4 box so the total is 16. The game board is represented by a 4x4 matrix. 0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 3,0 3,1 3,2 3,3 Figure 6 Board Game Matriks MTDf algorithm would be implemented as a player that will maximize scores. Algorithm MTD f algorithm call Alphabeta pruning in the search for a solution. 1024 512 256 128 2 8 4 128 4 4 2 2 16 Figure 7 The Initial State Board Game Jurnal Ilmiah Komputer dan Informatika KOMPUTA Edisi. .. Volume. .., Bulan 20.. ISSN : 2089-9033 Then look for the next step by using an algorithm MTDf to obtain an evaluation value of each step. Each step has been sought can be seen in the following table: Table 1 Left Step Search Results Iteration G Beta Lowerbound Upperbound 1 - ∞ +∞ 1170,5 1170,5 +∞ 2 1170,5 1171,5 1170,5 +∞ 1172 1171,5 1172 +∞ 3 1172 1172,5 1172 +∞ 1172 1172,5 1172,5 1172 Table 2 Right Step Search Results Iteration G Beta Lowerbound Upperbound 1 - ∞ +∞ 1170,5 1170,5 +∞ 2 1170,5 1171,5 1170,5 +∞ 1172 1171,5 1172 +∞ 3 1172 1172,5 1172 +∞ 1172 1172,5 1172,5 1172 Table 3 Up Step Search Results Iteration G Beta Lowerbound Upperbound 1 - ∞ +∞ 1184 1184 +∞ 2 1184 1185 1184 +∞ 1184 1185 1184 1184 Table 4 Down Step Search Results Iteration G Beta Lowerbound Upperbound 1 - ∞ +∞ 1025 1025 +∞ 2 1025 1026 1025 +∞ 1172 1026 1172 +∞ 3 1172 1173 1172 +∞ 1172 1173 1172 1172 In the above table have been searching algorithms using MTDf. Variable G is the value of a function call Alphabeta search, variable beta beta value at the MTD f to the value upperbound on the function of the alphabet, while lowerbound and upperbound is the upper limit and lower limit of the algorithm MTD f in the search. Then each displacement value obtained as follows: Left = 1172, 1172 = Right, Up and Down = 1184 = 1172. From the results obtained that the next step is to up.

2.5 Testing System Testing algorithm is performed to test the accuracy

and speed of the algorithm MTD f which has been implemented in 2048. The game 2048 game will be played by the algorithm MTD f as many as 10 times each search depth level. Then count the number of games that could be reached in 2048 at each level of the depth of the search. So as to get the accuracy of the algorithm MTD f by comparing the number of games that could be reached in 2048 with the number of games that have been made. Search will be made until a greater degree of accuracy equal to 50. As for the speed is calculated based on the time required to complete the game in 2048. Table 5 Results of Testing Depth Level 0 Trial Status Largest Tile Time HH:mm:ss.SSS Skor 1 Failed 256 00:00:05.627 3368 2 Failed 256 00:00:05.452 3236 3 Failed 128 00:00:04.053 1932 4 Failed 256 00:00:04.695 2632 5 Failed 512 00:00:07.212 5184 6 Failed 64 00:00:01.734 668 7 Failed 256 00:00:05.787 3472 8 Failed 256 00:00:05.761 3364 9 Failed 256 00:00:06.370 3884 10 Failed 128 00:00:03.698 1796 Table 6 Results of Testing Depth Level 1 Trial Status Largest Tile Time HH:mm:ss.SSS Score 1 Failed 512 00:00:10.845 8548 2 Failed 256 00:00:04.725 2928 3 Failed 256 00:00:05.151 3140 4 Failed 512 00:00:09.751 7108 5 Failed 256 00:00:06.577 4200 6 Failed 512 00:00:08.955 6580 7 Failed 128 00:00:02.640 1292 8 Failed 512 00:00:08.136 5728 9 Failed 256 00:00:07.661 5012 10 Failed 128 00:00:02.824 1380 Table 7 Results of Testing Depth Level 2 Trial Status Largest Tile Time HH:mm:ss.SSS Score 1 Failed 1024 00:07:50.290 16404 2 Failed 1024 00:06:03.666 12588 3 Failed 512 00:01:45.126 9352 4 Failed 1024 00:04:01.744 14824 5 Failed 512 00:00:46.471 7272 6 Failed 512 00:01:18.127 8092 7 Failed 1024 00:06:11.310 16848 8 Failed 1024 00:08:14.355 18380 9 Failed 512 00:01:49.780 9204 10 Failed 512 00:01:10.856 7464 Table 8 Results of Testing Depth Level 3 Trial Status Largest Tile Time HH:mm:ss.SSS Score 1 Succeed 2048 00:15:20.262 24508 2 Failed 1024 00:10:42.021 17788 3 Failed 1024 00:11:36.187 16476 4 Failed 1024 00:15:19.595 9552 5 Succeed 2048 00:26:19.731 20176 6 Failed 1024 00:09:35.158 15620 7 Failed 512 00:07:35.641 8780 8 Failed 1024 00:12:23.831 12456 9 Failed 1024 00:12:21.244 12492 10 Failed 512 00:09:37.873 7968 Table 9 Results of Testing Depth Level 4 Trial Status Largest Tile Time HH:mm:ss.SSS Score 1 Failed 1024 00:31:49.967 16160 2 Failed 1024 00:28:05.387 17748 3 Failed 1024 00:39:40.811 12252 4 Succeed 2048 00:43:53.370 20168 5 Failed 1024 00:36:10.246 14040 6 Succeed 2048 00:33:54.834 20256