Research Design Population and Samples Instruments Procedure Data collection procedures


3.1 Research Design

The research design is a quantitative using a test method achievement test. A survey uses for its usefulness in capturing and describing the characteristics of a larger population using a sample. In analyzing the data simple statistics will be used and the findings will be descriped to come out with the proper solutions.

3.2 Population and Samples

62 The subjects of this study are the First Senior High School students in Indonesia; in which, English is taught as a foreign language. The researcher will focus on The English Writing Competence of the students of Indonesian Senior High School whose ages are between 15-16 years. The sample consists of 140 students in total from the two selected Senior High School.

3.3 Instruments

The participants will be given a test in writing and the researcher will use the achievement test type to get the precise results of the causes of writing problems. The test will be given in order to see the points of weaknesses and where mainly the students make mistakes. The test will measure most of the linguistic aspects especially the grammatical ones.

3.4 Procedure

Each participant should write a test individually and it will test the the students competence in writing skill. This of course could help the researcher to notice which participant commits most writing mistakes, and what kind of errors they commit.

3.5 Data collection procedures

63 This research make use of one method in collecting data;. It was a test. It focused on the types of problems and the causes of them as well as the areas of weaknesses that students suffer of. It also focused on the errors in writing. What errors are made by the students in their writing? When it comes to the data collection, a three-step of general procedure was applied. It involved; entry greetings, self introduction, explaining purpose, making assurance and seeking permission from both the teacher and student-respondents to gather data from them and how this was done. The writer collected the data by means of a test.

3.6 Techniques of Analyzing Data