Concept of adjustment Adjustment

20 low level, students will face many problems. Another factor is the every people interpret culture in a different way. In order for students to maintain control over themselves, it is important to stay with what you believe in, because what a person belief in, is very important to stay healthy and focused. As your belief system is the structure of your personality.

2.1.2 Concept of adjustment

Before we can understand how to adjust to daily interaction and how it functions, we need to understand why it is important to adjust. According to Lehner and Kube 1960, the concept of adjustment consists of three elements. This concept consists of understanding ourselves better. Understand others in better ways, and also to understand better the world around us. In other words, we need to study the concept of adjustment in order to learn how to get along with other people, how to approach university problems, and how to recognize and resolve general emotional health problems. As long as we live we shall encounter problems that will demand some kind of adjustment, and a continuous procession of problems demands a continuous 21 readiness on our part to adjust to them. We cannot avoid problems, but we can only learn how to handle them. And we shall be able to handle them only as we learn more about ourselves. According to Atwater 1983, adjustment consists of three elements such as ourselves, others and change. These three elements are interwoven in the concept of adjustment. One is concern with us. Up to a point, self-interest is a normal and necessary part of life. Another common element is the need to get along with others. At university or our temporar y home, life’s biggest problems often turn out to be “people” problems. At the same time, some of life’s greatest satisfactions come from relationships with our new environment. A third common element is change. In recent years change has become rapid and that it is no secret that life in itself is change. The above statements have a few things in common, such as the self, others, and changes in environment. Interwoven in this text means that one element cannot stand by itself. All three elements are interdependent to function in an adjustable way. Adjustment consists of changes within us and our circumstances necessary to achieve a satisfactory relationship with others and our surroundings. Adjustment is regarded as an achievement that is 22 accomplished either badly or well. This is a practical way of looking at the matter because it permits us to turn to such questions as how unsatisfactory adjustment can be prevented and how it can be improved.

2.1.3 Aspects of adjustment.