The Understanding of Learning

with this next statement that “Intrinsic motivation describes self-initiated task engagement with no apparent extrinsic rewards beyond the activity itself .” 19 The researcher also finds that “a number of researchers define intrinsic motivation as occurring when an activity satisfies basic human needs for competence and control, which makes the activity interesting and likely to be performed for its own sake rather than as a means to an end.” 20 It means that intrinsic motivation can be a parameter to someone in doing the job. If the person feels interesting to do learning, it means that heshe has the intrinsic motivation. The researcher deduces that intrinsic motivation is an energy that the people got from inside of themselves. This energy never got influence from the outside. This motivation can be as a satisfaction for the people themselves. The interesting in learning or do something is the indicator that a person has intrinsic motivation.

B. English Learning Achievement

1. The Understanding of Learning

Each scientist has their own theory about what is learning. Kimble said that learning is a relatively permanent change in behavioral potentiality that occurs as a result of reinforced practice. 21 That means learning has a change in behavioral and needed a reinforcement to reinforce it. Nowadays that theory also has a meaning that learning is a change in behavior or potential behavior of a relatively permanent that comes from experience and cannot be attributed to temporary body states as a 19 Dai and Robert J. Sternberg eds., op. cit., 2004, p. 329. 20 Sansone and Judith M. Harackiewicz eds., 2000, op. cit., p. 444. 21 B. R. Hergenhahn and Matthew H. Olson, Theories of Learning Teori Belajar, terj. Tri Wibowo B. S. Jakarta: Prenada Media Group., 2010, p. 2. condition caused by illness, fatigue or drugs. 22 In this theory, learning still need an experience but it leaves to the theorists itself what kind of that experience. The experience may be as the correlation of stimulus and response, reinforcement and others. Schunk defines the learning involves acquiring and modifying knowledge, skills, strategies, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors. 23 It means that learning is not only getting knowledge, but also modifying the knowledge itself and elaborates it into skills, attitudes and so on. Learning is an enduring change in behavior, or in the capacity to behave in a given fashion, which results from practice or other forms of experience. 24 So learning is the process that involves not only the practice but also other forms of experiences. It is described by Schunk as follow; Three criteria of learning; a. Learning involves change —in behavior or in the capacity for behavior. People learn when they become capable of doing something differently. b. Learning endures over time. c. Learning occurs through experience. 25 It means that learning is not a simple process. Learning has to make the changing in the person. Learning must make the learner being able to do what they have learned. Learning needs time to make the successful learning can be achieved. The researcher deduces that the learning have to be able to make the learners have their new experiences, knowledge. Then these new parts of learning also have to be modified by the learner. The modifying means that the learners are able to apply their knowledge in any condition because they are really understand it. 22 Ibid., p. 8. 23 Dale H. Schunk, Learning Theories –An Educational Perspective- Boston; Pearson Education, Inc., 2012, 6 th Edition, p. 2. 24 Ibid., p. 3. 25 Ibid., p. 4.

2. The Understanding of Achievement

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