The Research Hypothesis The Place and The Time of the Research The Method of the Research The Population and the Sample

E. The Research Hypothesis

Based on the literature review and the thinking framework above, the hypothesis is formulated as follow: H o = there is no correlation between students’ motivation and students’ English learning achievement. H a = there is correlation between students’ motivation and students’ English learning achievement. In this study, the alternative hypothesis is used. It is needed to test in order to prove the notion about the correlation between students’ motivation and their English learning achievement. 20 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY

A. The Place and The Time of the Research

The researcher conducted the research at the second grade of SMAN 3 TANGSEL which is located on Jl. Benda Timur XI Pamulang Permai 2 Benda Baru Pamulang. The researcher did this research on March 2014 in the 20132014 academic year.

B. The Method of the Research

The researcher used survey method to do this study. With survey method, the researcher doesn’t need to give a treatment for her objects. Specifically, this research was conducted through correlational study. In this research, the researcher would like to see the possibility of correlation b etween the students’ motivation as independent variable X variable and their achievement as dependent variable Y variable.

C. The Population and the Sample

The population in this research is the students of the second grade of SMAN 3 TANGSEL. Total students of the second grade in SMAN 3 TANGSEL are 220 students. These students are distributed in 8 classes, 6 classes for science class and the other 2 classes for social class. In each science class, the class consists around 32 - 31 students. For social classes, the class has 35 students in each. The technique of sampling in this research used purposive cluster sampling technique. From this sampling, the writer got XI Science 4 as the sample for this research. This class consists of 31 students.

D. The Technique of Instrument and Data Collection

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