The Identification of the Study The Limitation of the Problem The Formulation of the Problem The Objective of the Study The Significance of the Study The Thinking Framework

Nowadays the Ministry of Education has developed a good communicative learning especially in English learning. One of efforts that Ministry of Education has done is bilingual class. Literally, bilingual is ―of a person able to use two languages for communication, or of a thing using or involving two languages‖. 6 That means the students who learn in bilingual class always get chance to listen and use two languages to communicate and are expected to be able to use English communicatively. In Indonesia, bilingual class students use English and Indonesian as the medium of class interaction. To see how the role of motivation and native teacher has in a school, the researcher did observation. The researcher has come to the school nearby her house. The researcher chose this school because of the time efficiency. The school’s name is Al Syukro Islamic Universal Elementary School. From this school, the researcher gets the points that students are excited to have native teacher in their school. SMAN 3 TANGSEL is another school which have native English teacher. The native English teacher comes to teach this school because of the schools’ program. This program helps the students to improve their English skill. Through this school the researcher hopes that she can see how the objectives learning English and the influence of native teacher involve in. Based on the conditions above, the researcher is interested in studying the correlation between students’ motivation and their English learning achievement.

B. The Identification of the Study

Based on the background above, the identification of the study are: 1. The objectives of English subject in Indonesia have not accomplished. 2. Some students feel that they are hard to achieve their English learning score as the compulsory subject and some neither. 6 Cambridge University Press, Cambridge Advance Learner Dictionary, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009 p. 132 3. English is examined in National Examination as the graduation requirement in Indonesia. 4. Motivation is one of determinants of secondforeign language learning achievement.

C. The Limitation of the Problem

The study is focused on motivation as one of determinants of secondforeign language learning achievement. So, the researcher is interested to see how the correlation between the motivation and learning achievement is.

D. The Formulation of the Problem

Based on the limitation of the problem above, the researcher formulates the question of research as fol lows; ―Is there any correlation between students’ motivation and their English learning achievement?‖

E. The Objective of the Study

The objective of the study is to find empirical evidence of whether or not there is significant correlation between the students’ motivation and their learning achievement in English subject.

F. The Significance of the Study

This study is expected to broaden the researcher ’s insight about this topic, in particular, and for the readers ’ in general. 6 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW

A. Motivation

1. The Understanding of Motivation

Motivation is a common word for people nowadays. It can be seen through some seminars, and television programs. These programs motivate people to have a better life sight and also push them to be better than before. For this study, the researcher needs to know what motivation is for her own understanding to do the research latter. As stated literally, motivation is an enthusiasm or need for doing something. 1 Theorists actually have their own understanding what motivation is. Most of them have the same perception. According to Woolfolk, “motivation is usually defined as an internal state that arouses, directs, and maintains behavior. ” 2 Santrock also defined that “motivation involves the processes that energize, direct, and sustain behavior.” 3 Schunk and friends also state that “motivation is the process whereby goal-directed activity is instigated and sustained. ” 4 It means that motivation can direct a person ’s behavior to achieve hisher goals. A person has a reason and enthusiasts to do something in hisher life by motivation. Those theorists above have same perception that motivation is a thing which directs and also has the relation with behavior. In another way, Yun Dai and Stemberg state about motivation as follow; “motivation attempts to explain the “what,” “why,” and “where” of a person’s more or less conscious 1 Cambridge University Press, Cambridge Advance Learner Dictionary New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009, p. 928. 2 Anita Woolfolk, Educational Psychology Boston: Pearson Education, Inc., 2007, 10 th Edition, p. 372. 3 John Santrock, Educational Psychology New York: McGraw Hill, 2011, 5 th Edition, p. 438. 4 Dale H. Schunk et al., Motivation in Education –theory, research, and applications- New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc., 2008, 3 rd Edition, p. 4. praxis and practice. ” 5 It helps the researcher concludes that motivation can be a reason for someone to do something or practice. In another statement Santrock states the example of it as follow; “If students don’t complete an assignment because they are bored, lack of motivation is involved. If students encounter challenges in researching and writing a paper, but persist and overcome hurdles, motivation is involved. ” 6 As Santrock gives examples above, the researcher concludes that motivation include in good learning process. It means students need motivation to be included as energy or support for their successful learning. Harmer also states that “it is accepted for most fields of learning that motivation is essential to success: that we have to want to do something to succeed at it. Without such motivation we will almost certainly fail to make the necessary effort. ” 7 That means motivation can be as the key for the successful learning. The failure of successful planning process can be caused by there is no motivation. It can be seen that motivation is important in learning process. Aronson also states in his book that the role of motivation in achievement based on many researchers is the key component. 8 The researcher concludes that motivation generally as energy to support all goals that humans have made. Motivation can be as a guidance to take some efforts to achieve what the people want. Motivation as a direction and also energy for people do everything included learning something. Because this study about the students’ motivation, the researcher needs to know how motivation works in the students. Ur 5 David Yun Dai and Robert J. Sternberg eds., Motivation, Emotion, and Cognition – Integrative Perspectives on Intellectual Functioning and Development- New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., 2004, p. 198. 6 Santrock, 2011, op. cit., p. 438. 7 Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Essex: Pearson Limited, 2002, 3 rd Edition, p. 51. 8 Joshua Aronson, Improving Academic Achievement –Impact of Psychological Factors on Education- New York: Academic Press, 2002, p. 38. helps the researcher to understand it through these characteristics of motivated learners: a positive task orientation, it means that the learners have willing to undertake the tasks and challenges and also confidence in their success. b ego-involvement, it means that the learners feel the important of the learning for themselves. c need for achievement, means that the learners have a need to achieve and overcome difficulties and succeed. d high aspiration, can be assumed that the learners are ambitious in getting the best learning for their own self. e goal orientation, it assumes that the learners know better with what they have to achieve in learning process. f perseverance, it means that the learners have the high level in doing their efforts. g tolerance of ambiguity, the ambiguity is not the big problem for the learners. 9 Based on Ur’s description above, the researcher deduces that need achievement and high aspiration points can be mixed in one description, because it describes that the learner is ambitious to achieve their learning goals. Then the researcher figures out that the motivated learner will have the best effort to face their challenges in learning, have willing to finish the challenges, ambitious, know what their goals in learning, adapt in a confused meaning as learning process, and never feel hesitant in learning. These characteristics can be as a description for the researcher to see which the learners are having motivation in their learning process.

2. The Influence Factors of Motivation

Motivation also has the factors which can influence how the motivation can be decreased or increased in the learning process. The researcher gets this understanding from Hamalik. 9 Penny Ur, A Course in Language Teaching –Practice and Theory- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009 p. 275. Hamalik points out that the influence of motivation are; a students’ awareness of their learning goals, b teachers’ attitude to their students in class can be as intrinsic or extrinsic motivation, c in fluence from students’ group, and d class environment. 10 The writer gets the points from this theory that motivation in learning is influenced by students’ self, the teachers, and also students’ environment. All of these roles are have their own influences to make motivation exist. Due to the existence of motivation, the successful learning can be achieved. This theory has same meaning with Dornyei’s that the researcher has mentioned in the previous chapter that is stated “motivation is one of the main determinants of secondforeign language learning achievement. ” 11 As mention above, one of influence factors of motivation is the class environment. It makes the researcher interested in finding out more how motivation is in class. For this case, the researcher found that motivated learning which Schunk and friends, and also Sanjaya define it in their book. Schunk and friends define “motivated learning is a motivation to acquire skills and strategies rather than to perform tasks that modeling by with highlights the role of self- efficacy”. 12 Sanjaya also has the same perception that the learning can be success if students’ motivation as direct and arouse. 13 It can be stated that motivation is acquired in learning in order to achieve the skills and strategies. From the theories above, the researcher concludes that motivated learning is a thing that can help to build success learning in 10 Dr. Wina Sanjaya, M. Pd., Kurikulum dan Pembelajaran-Teori dan Praktik Pengembangan Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan KTSP Jakarta: Kencana Perdana Media Group, 2008, p. 256-257. 11 Zoltán Dōrnyei, Motivation and Motivating in the Foreign Language Classroom, The Modern Language Journal, Vol. 78 No. 3, 1994, p. 273-284. 12 Schunk et al., 2008, op. cit., p. 147. 13 Sanjaya, 2008, op. cit., p. 249. class. In a learning process, motivation can be a good machine as the energy.

3. The Kinds of Motivation

Motivation can be divided into two kinds. These kinds of motivation are divided through how the motivation arrives and the influences around the person itself. They are extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation.

a. Extrinsic Motivation

To get more understanding about extrinsic motivation, the writer found out some theories that help her to understand. Santrock defines extrinsic motivation as below: Extrinsic motivation involves doing something to obtain something else. Extrinsic motivation is often influenced by external incentives such as rewards and punishments. For example, a student may study hard for a test in order to obtain a good grade in the course. 14 Motivation can be stated as extrinsic motivation in condition of external influenced. The influences can be rewards and punishments. For example, the boy studied hard due to his father will give him the new robot as his reward in getting best score. It is same as Alderman says. Alderman has percep tion that “Extrinsic motivation occurs when students engage in activities for external reasons outside of themselves such as praise, grades, special privileges, and certificates or material rewards. ” 15 14 Santrock, 2011, op. cit., p. 441. 15 M. Kay Alderman, Motivation for Achievement –Possibilities for Teaching and Learning New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., 2004, 2 nd Edition, p. 247. In a book named Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation, the researcher finds that extrinsic motivation has different perspective to know what extrinsic motivation is as follows: … .Two distinct definitions of extrinsic motivation appear to have emerged: 1 when motivation is based on something extrinsic to the activity and 2 when motivation is based on something extrinsic to the person. 16 The author of this book thinks that extrinsic motivation happens in two kinds of condition. It is based on outside of the activity and also from the person. It can be deduced that extrinsic motivation is a type of motivation that comes from outside of the people themselves. In the learning process, extrinsic motivation can come from the teachers’ reward for their students, praising, or others. It makes the motivation as drive in learning process.

b. Intrinsic Motivation

According to Santrock, “intrinsic motivation involves the internal motivation to do something for its own sake. For example, a student may study hard for a test because she enjoys the content of the course. ” 17 It means that intrinsic motivation comes from inside of the person. Alderman also defines that “intrinsic motivation is typically defined as students engaging in actions for their own sake and without coercion such as satisfaction, interest, learning, and challenge. ” 18 With intrinsic motivation, the students don’t need to be pushed in doing something. This statement is same 16 Carol Sansone and Judith M. Harackiewicz eds., Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation – The Search for Optimal Motivation and Performance- San Diego: Academic Press, 2000, p. 445. 17 Santrock, 2011, loc. cit. 18 Alderman, 2004, loc. cit. with this next statement that “Intrinsic motivation describes self-initiated task engagement with no apparent extrinsic rewards beyond the activity itself .” 19 The researcher also finds that “a number of researchers define intrinsic motivation as occurring when an activity satisfies basic human needs for competence and control, which makes the activity interesting and likely to be performed for its own sake rather than as a means to an end.” 20 It means that intrinsic motivation can be a parameter to someone in doing the job. If the person feels interesting to do learning, it means that heshe has the intrinsic motivation. The researcher deduces that intrinsic motivation is an energy that the people got from inside of themselves. This energy never got influence from the outside. This motivation can be as a satisfaction for the people themselves. The interesting in learning or do something is the indicator that a person has intrinsic motivation.

B. English Learning Achievement

1. The Understanding of Learning

Each scientist has their own theory about what is learning. Kimble said that learning is a relatively permanent change in behavioral potentiality that occurs as a result of reinforced practice. 21 That means learning has a change in behavioral and needed a reinforcement to reinforce it. Nowadays that theory also has a meaning that learning is a change in behavior or potential behavior of a relatively permanent that comes from experience and cannot be attributed to temporary body states as a 19 Dai and Robert J. Sternberg eds., op. cit., 2004, p. 329. 20 Sansone and Judith M. Harackiewicz eds., 2000, op. cit., p. 444. 21 B. R. Hergenhahn and Matthew H. Olson, Theories of Learning Teori Belajar, terj. Tri Wibowo B. S. Jakarta: Prenada Media Group., 2010, p. 2. condition caused by illness, fatigue or drugs. 22 In this theory, learning still need an experience but it leaves to the theorists itself what kind of that experience. The experience may be as the correlation of stimulus and response, reinforcement and others. Schunk defines the learning involves acquiring and modifying knowledge, skills, strategies, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors. 23 It means that learning is not only getting knowledge, but also modifying the knowledge itself and elaborates it into skills, attitudes and so on. Learning is an enduring change in behavior, or in the capacity to behave in a given fashion, which results from practice or other forms of experience. 24 So learning is the process that involves not only the practice but also other forms of experiences. It is described by Schunk as follow; Three criteria of learning; a. Learning involves change —in behavior or in the capacity for behavior. People learn when they become capable of doing something differently. b. Learning endures over time. c. Learning occurs through experience. 25 It means that learning is not a simple process. Learning has to make the changing in the person. Learning must make the learner being able to do what they have learned. Learning needs time to make the successful learning can be achieved. The researcher deduces that the learning have to be able to make the learners have their new experiences, knowledge. Then these new parts of learning also have to be modified by the learner. The modifying means that the learners are able to apply their knowledge in any condition because they are really understand it. 22 Ibid., p. 8. 23 Dale H. Schunk, Learning Theories –An Educational Perspective- Boston; Pearson Education, Inc., 2012, 6 th Edition, p. 2. 24 Ibid., p. 3. 25 Ibid., p. 4.

2. The Understanding of Achievement

To see how far the students have learned in their learning, the teacher can see it through their achievement test. An achievement test is intended to measure what the student has learned or what skills the student has mastered. 26 It makes the researcher concludes that achievement test is the way to measure the students progress in their learning. With achievement test, the teachers get the evidence of the students’ progress result from their class that they have taught. The researcher also gets another theorist that “achievement refers to school-based learning, while ability and aptitude refer to broader learning acquired mostly through nonschool sources such as parents and pe er groups.” 27 Ur also states that “an achievement test measures how much the material taught in a given course, or part of one, has in fact been learned.” 28 It is same with Oosterhof who states “achievement tests measure students’ present status with a set of skills. Achievement test are used to evaluate the effectiveness of instructional programs and to identify students with learning disabilities.” 29 That means achievement test is the measurement tool that teachers give to their students in order to see the effectiveness of the learning process is going in their students. Also with this test, the teachers can see what difficulties that the learners have in their learning process. Gary also helps the researcher to know deeper what achievement is in his book as follows; One definition of achievement can be found in the Dictionary of Education which is currently undergoing its first revision in over two decades. In this reference, achievement is defined as 1 accomplishment or proficiency of performance in a given skill or body of knowledge; 2 progress in school C. V. Good, 1973, p. 26 Santrock, 2011, op. cit., p. 521. 27 Peter W Airasian, Classroom Assessment –Concepts and Application- McGraw Hill Online Resources, 2008, p. 53. 28 Ur, 2009, op. cit., p. 44. 29 Albert Oosterhof, Developing and Using Classroom Assessment New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc., 2003, 3 rd Edition, p. 228. 7. Academic achievement is defined as knowledge gained or skills developed in the school subjects, usually designated by test scores or by marks assigned by teachers, or by both p. 7. 30 That means achievement is the proficiency that students have in their learning process. This achievement is also as indicator that what students get in their learning. The achievement commonly is designed in the scores by test scores or teachers’ marks. With these theories, the researcher concludes that achievement is the accumulative result of learning process. In achievement, the teachers or the students themselves can see how far their learning process that they did.

3. The Understanding of English Learning Achievement

From the explanation above, the researcher has the understanding for this variable that English learning achievement is a result of students learning progress in class. This achievement appears as the score that can be as description of their successful in learning. If the students get 60 in their test, it can be concluded that they are not really successful in the learning. This assuming also can be used in opposite words. English learning achievement in this study can be described as the result of English learning process that students get from the teachers in form of score. The score is getting trough test that teachers’ made or a kind of standardized test. In this study, the achievement scores can help the researcher to describe how far the students’ ability in English. The achievement scores also come from the calculation of some test that teachers have made for their students. 30 Gary D. Phye, Handbook of Classroom Assessment –Learning, Achievement, and Adjustment- San Diego: Academic Press, 1997, p. 4.

C. The Thinking Framework

Motivation is a drive inside of the people in doing something. Motivation can be as energy fuel in doing everything, included learning. With motivation, the learning can run well. Motivation can be as the indicator that the person enjoys what heshe does. In the learning process, students’ motivation is one of factors that make their learning works well. As the theorists state above, the motivation is the key component in learning achievement. Achievement can be as the description for the students and also about how well their learning process work. So the achievement in learning can be seen in form of learning score. If the students have the great scores, it means the learning process is success achieved by the students and the teachers also. So the researcher concludes that it can be happened in English learning process. With the description above that explains motivation affects learning achievement, it makes the researcher believes that there is correlation between students’ motivation and their learning achievement.

D. Previous Study

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