The Formulation of the Problem The Objectives of the Study The Scope and Limitation of the Study The Significance of the Study The Definition of Key Term

5 Tarumajaya is not far from the writer’s house, so it is easier for him to do a research. Because of the reasons that have been mentioned above, the writer takes a title of this “skripsi” “Using Clustering Technique to Improve Students’ Writing of Recount Text at Second Grade of SMPN 2 Tarumajaya”

B. The Formulation of the Problem

Based on backgroud above, the writer plans to analyze the use of clustering technique to improve students’ writing of recount text at second grade students of SMPN 2 Tarumajaya. The writer formulates his problem in this research: “does using clustering technique improve students’ writing of recount text?”

C. The Objectives of the Study

In line with the formulation of the problem stated above, the objectives of the study are to know whether or not the clustering technique improves students’ writing of recount text. Besides, this study is also to know how the clustering technique improves students’ writing of recount text.

D. The Scope and Limitation of the Study

In this “skripsi” the writer focuses on teaching recount text at the second grade students of SMPN 2 Tarumajaya at the second semester 20102011 academic year. In order to make a descripton of this “skripsi” deeper, the problem will be limited in: a the students improvement in learning recount text using clustering technique, b the implementation of using clustering technique in teaching recount text. 6

E. The Significance of the Study

The result of this study hopelly can be useful for: 1. Students, this result of this study will give benefit to the students to improve their ability in learning recount text. 2. Teachers, this result of study will give an input for the teachers in teaching recount text, and as an alternative technique to enrich their teaching technique. 3. Other Researchers, who are interested in teaching recount text at junior high school at second, hopelly all informations can be useful for other researchers to do further research.

F. The Definition of Key Term

The following definitions which are used in this study are given to avoid misunderstanding and in order to make same perceptions for the readers. So the terms are needed to be defined as follow: 1. Recount text means kind of genre text, containing about retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining. 10 2. Clustering technique means the teacher’s way or strategy which actually gives the words that closely related to the theme provided. 3. SMPN 2 Tarumajaya refers to Junior high school which is located in north Bekasi, it is under the supervision of the National Education Department of Indonesia. 10 Rudi Hartono, S.S., M.Pd, Genres of Texts, English Department Faculty of Language and Art, Semarang State University, 2005, p.6


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