The Data and Source of Data

G. The Data and Source of Data

The data of this study is divided into three types; they are 1 the data about the implementation of using clustering technique in teaching recount text, 2 the data of the improvement of using clustering technique in teaching recount text, 3 the data about students’ responses towards the implementation of clustering in teaching recount text. 1. Kind of Data a. Quantitative data 1. Questionnaire, the questionnaire is classified only for one kind; it is the questionnaire for the students. The questionnaire for the students is functioned to find out the data of students’ responses towards the implementation of clustering technique in teaching recount text. 2. Written Test, the test is used to find out the improvement of using clustering technique in teaching recount text. The test is applied at the end of teaching learning process in every cycle. b. Qualitative data 1. Observation, this observation is the main technique in collecting the data of teaching materials, teaching technique and the evaluations are used in the teaching and learning process in the classroom. This observation was conducted from 21 th of March to 11 th of April 2011. In this case, the collaborator acted as an observer who observed the teaching-learning process without being involved in the process. 2. Documentation, this documentation is also used to complete the data such as the implementation of clustering technique in teaching recount text. It is carried out by copying the teach er’s documentations of techniques are applied in teaching and learning activities. 2. Source of data The sources of data in this research are the teacher, the students and the writer. Teacher gives information and suggestion to the writer about the result of his observation during learning process, such as; giving the lesson, class organizing, and teaching method which was used by researcher in every cycle. The source of data which is collected from students is students activity, score of cycle final test, and questionnaire result.

H. The Techniques of Collecting Data

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