Field Notes Journal Questionnaire


b. Field Notes

Burns 1999 defined field notes as description and accounts of events in the research context which were written in a relatively factual and objective style. Moreover, field notes were usually employed to report non-verbal information, physical settings, and conversation or interaction between the participants. Then, it could be said that in writing field notes, the researcher wrote what was going on in the classroom, including the conversation and the interaction between teacher- students or student-students. Furthermore, Burns 1999 added that field notes could be drawn on to document any problems might emerge during the teaching and learning process and how teacher tried to solve them. By employing field notes, the researcher would be helped in reporting the information objectively because field notes, which would be taken regularly, provided an excellent way of describing every event which was happening in the class. In this CAR, field notes were written to see the students’ general responses towards the implementation of contextual guessing strategy. In addition, by having the notes on the students’ responses, it would enable the researcher to reveal the students’ interest on the implemented strategy.

c. Journal

Journal here meant the feedback responses given by the students. The researcher gave this journal to every student, so that they could express their feelings or opinions towards the situation of the teaching and learning process or the materials which were given by the teacher. Burns 1999: 133 gave advantages of employing journal in CAR. First, it can provide students’ responses to their PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 42 learning experiences. Second, it can be used as a tool to compare between teacher’s perception and students’ perception on the teaching and learning process. Third, it can be used as information to see the areas of students’ difficulties in learning.

d. Questionnaire

“Questionnaire involves predetermined questions presented in written form and thus they also assume adequate literacy skills on the part of those surveyed” Burns, 1999. In other words, it could be said that questionnaire includes some prepared questions in which they need to be interpreted by the respondents. Burns 1999: 130-131 explained that there were three types of response items which were usually employed in questionnaires. They were closed items, scale items, and open-ended items. In this research, the researcher used closed items, in which the students were asked to select from fixed alternatives. Furthermore, by using closed items questionnaire, it would ease the students because it required a yesno or agreedisagree response. Actually the researcher distributed a questionnaire to thirty students of XII IPS 1 Class. However, since two of the students were absent, there were only twenty eight students as the respondents. The purpose of the questionnaire was to see the students’ opinions about their vocabulary mastery improvement. Then, in seeing the students’ vocabulary mastery, the researcher provided ten statements which reflected three components of vocabulary mastery stated by Chapelle 1994. They are: 1 the context of vocabulary use, 2 vocabulary knowledge and fundamental process, and 3 metacognitive strategies for vocabulary use. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 43

e. Interview Guide