Acting and Observing Testing Collecting the Data

51 strategy, must be carefully defined because it was employed as a solution to overcome the lack of students’ vocabulary mastery.

4. Planning

The researcher planned a series of learning activity in which contextual guessing strategy was implemented in learning vocabulary through reading activities. At this stage, the researcher also prepared the materials to be used in the teaching and learning process which were adapted from both textbooks and authentic sources. Besides, the researcher arranged the teaching and learning activities in a form of lesson plans which should be acted out by the teacher.

5. Acting and Observing

During the teaching and learning process, the researcher observed what was going on during the implementation. Moreover, the researcher also recorded every single event during the teaching and learning process in the class by writing field notes. Besides, in order to see how well the students in applying the contextual guessing strategy into practice, the researcher provided worksheets as the teaching and learning materials which were used as the vehicle in implementing the strategy as well as the assessment in order to see the students’ vocabulary improvement in every cycle. In addition, before the end of the meeting, the teacher distributed journal to the students and asked them to write about their feelings and opinions during the class. Later, the journal would be one of the tools in gathering the data. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 52

6. Testing

Assuming that the implementation processes were successfully done, the researcher conducted a test on vocabulary. It was conducted on August 31 st , 2010. The test was aimed at seeing how well the students in guessing words from the context as well as knowing the improvement of the students’ vocabulary mastery after having introduced with contextual guessing strategy. The test consisted of twenty four words in context. Those covered the words which had been learnt from the previous test, worksheet, or any examples given. Furthermore, so as to measure the students’ guessing ability, the researcher included some new words adapted from textbooks, such as Creative English Workbook for SMA Year XII 3A and American Vocabulary Builder. Moreover, the researcher also adapted some words from authentic materials, such as from The Jakarta Post and some online news.

7. Collecting the Data

After conducting the test, the researcher distributed a questionnaire to 30 students of XII IPS 1 Class. The aim of the questionnaire was to reveal whether or not contextual guessing strategy was able to improve students’ vocabulary mastery. Moreover, the researcher also conducted follow-up interviews for four students which chosen randomly, as the representatives of the whole class.

8. Reflecting