Jealous Lynette’s Character

herself and whacked as hard as she could, then pried the ends of the boards loose from the posts. p. 106 Based on the evidence given previously, Lynette always showed id as her mental process. It shows untamed passion. The objective of this mental process is a self-pleasure. Lynette thought logically. If she can ask Eddie to leave her, she will feel satisfied. It was her pleasure to stay away from any disturbance that was made by Eddie. The untamed passion of Lynette shows clear description that Lynette was an impatient teenager.

4. Jealous

In relation to Maslow’s theory, this story tells about Lynette’s love story. In Some Other Summer, Lynette loved someone whose name is Jeremy. He was Lynette’s old friend. She worked in silence, thinking about the last time she had seen Jeremy. It was thre e years ago. She’d been invited to stay with his family and him in Boston for one brief weekend when Josh was moving them from New Mexico to New York. p. 5 There are some methods used by the Adler to tell the reader about Lynette’s love story. Here, in Some Other Summer, Lynette was so much in love with Jeremy. There are some clues that can lead us to the assumption that Lynette was falling in love with Jeremy. “Jeremy” She whispered when she saw him. Her heart swelled with love. She wanted to run and h ug him, but she didn’t dare. She had to get reacquainted first. p. 14 The reaction of Lynette is one of methods used by Adler to show that Lynette loved Jeremy. The following quotation is the other methods used by Adler to describe Lynette’s love. He did n’t guess how fiercely she had loved him or that she loved him still. He didn’t know that someday she meant to grow up and marry him. p. 22 The quotation above is the thoughts of Lynette. Murphy 1972 stated that the author gives reader direct knowledge of what a person is thinking about p. 172. The thoughts of Lynette show that she loved Jeremy so much and expected to marry him one day. Another clue of Lynette’s love is stated in the following quotation. She was happy. She had given him something good . “I’m so glad to be here with you, Jeremy.” p. 35 The speech of the main character is also used by the author to inform the reader that Lynette was in love with Jeremy. Unfortunately, Lynette’s love story did not go well. She felt jealous for many times. Jealous becomes the character of Lynette in Some Other Summer. C. S. Adler shows the reader about Lynette’s jealousy by applying some methods such as thoughts, speech, and reaction. Lynette’s jealousy was related to Debbi’s and Eddie’s attitude toward Jeremy. Debbi, Lynette’s cousin, always tried to attract Jeremy attention. Lynette also felt jealous when Jeremy had not time for her because Jeremy always spent his time with Eddie. He was too busy ogling Debbi, who was stretched out in the sunshine on a bath towel wearing a bikini top with her usual jeans. p. 47 Debbi came immediately to Lynette’s bed to see if she was awake. Lynette pretended sleep. She didn’t want to hear about the party for which Jeremy had deserted her. p. 58 Author conveys Lynette’s character through direct comment. The quotation above shows that Lynette felt jealous because Debbi attracted Jeremy’s attention. The conversation of Lynette can also be the evidence that she was jealous. Lynette also felt jealous when Jeremy spent his time for Debbi and Eddie. All she’d wanted was to hear that he was sorry he hadn’t stayed home. Instead, she’d managed to annoy him. Debbi would have coaxed him into saying something n ice. So much for trying to imitated Debbi. “Anything you do is all right with me, Jeremy,” Lynette said anxiously. “All I want is for you to spend some time with me.” p. 62 One morning she suggested a berry-picking expedition to Jeremy and he refused to go. He said he had to work on the fort. “Why does he want to play games with Eddie all the time? He’s too old for little kids’ games,” she complained to Debbi as they loaded the washing machine. p. 77 Lynette was easily getting jealous. The attitude of Debbi toward Jeremy made Lynette jealous. She was sitting with her back against the side of the truck. Jeremy dropped an arm casually around her shoulder. Debbi didn’t lift it up and ask with disgust, “What’s this thing doing on me?” She’d done that once to a boy she didn’t like too well. Instead, to Lynette’s surprise, Debbi acted as if she was used to having Jeremy’s arm around her. p. 80 He doesn’t like me anymore, she thought. It wasn’t just Debbi who was keeping him away. Debbi was no longer available to him, and still he found excuses not to spend time with Lynette. Eddie’s fort If Jeremy liked her at all, he’d want to spend some of the last few days with her. p. 89 Here, in the quotations above, the author shows Lynette’s character through the t hought of Lynette. Lynette did not like Debbi’s attitude. The quotations shown above show that Lynette felt jealous because Debbi acted as if Debbi loved Jeremy. Lynette also felt jealous because Jeremy had no time to spare with Lynette because Jeremy spent his time with Eddie to build fort and to play with. The result of the analysis in this section is that Lynette felt jealous because of two things. First, Jeremy was attracted to Debbi’s appearance and attitude. The second one is that Jeremy spent most of his time with Eddie.

B. Lynette’s Motivation to Fulfill Her Needs