23 one need is satisfied, then another emerges. Maslow states that such statement give the false impression that a need must be satisfied 100 percent before the next emerges. 1987, p. 27 This theory is associated with human motivation. One of the exception states that hierarchy of prepotency in terms of consciously felt wants or desires rather than behavior. In this exception, Maslow states that there are many determinants of behavior other than the needs and desires. 1987, p. 27 Though Maslow states it so, needs and desires still become the determiner factors of behavior. In association with motivation, the act to initiate and direct behavior is the concept to describe motivation. In this term, the emergence of needs or desires directs one’s behavior to fulfill the needs of that person. In simpler way, it can be said that the desire of someone to fulfill the need will be the reason why someone is motivated to behave in particular way.

B. Theoretical Framework

In this section, writer mentions the theories that are used in this study and its contribution in solving the problem of this study. The writer has given a bit description of the contribution of the theories in chapter one. The first theory is theory of characterization. Theory of characterization is applied to answer the first problem formulation of this study. The methods that are used by the author are analyzed in this step. There are nine methods of characterization that can be used by an author to give a description or to tell the personalities of a character in a story. Each method will give a contribution in analyzing the character of a person in the story. 24 The next theories are character and the hierarchy of human needs. These theories are applied to answer the second problem formulation in this study. The first theory, in this step, is theory of character. In this step, this theory is used to analyze the character development. Character development needs to be analyzed because, in this study, character development could show the existence of a motivation. The second theory in this step is the hierarchy of human needs. This theory states five levels of human needs. In this study, the analysis is focused on the Lynette ’s motivation to fulfill her needs. The needs are categorized into the five levels based on the hierarchy of human needs. 25


There are three sections that are included in this chapter. They are object of the study, approach of the study, and method of the study. In object of the study, the writer explains the general thing discussed in the novel. Approach of the study discusses the approach that is used to analyze this novel. This section includes description of the approach, reason of selecting the approach, and the application of the approach related to this study. The last section of this chapter, which is the method of the study, explains the method that the writer applies in conducting this study.

A. Object of The Study

This study analyses a novel titled Some Other Summer. This novel, which is written by C. S. Adler, was published in United States of America by Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc. in 1982. This novel consists of 126 pages and is divided into 16 chapters. This novel is a fiction novel. The main character in this story is Lynette. This novel tells about a struggle of a young girl named Lynette. She was an orphan. Her parents have passed away. She lived with her uncle’s family. Her uncle name was Josh. Josh had a wife named Marie, and two children named Debbi and Eddie.