Castor Marshalling XML using OX Mappers

4.3.9.RELEASE Spring Framework 472 context path is a list of colon : separated Java package names that contain schema derived classes. It also offers a classesToBeBound property, which allows you to set an array of classes to be supported by the marshaller. Schema validation is performed by specifying one or more schema resource to the bean, like so: beans bean id = jaxb2Marshaller class = org.springframework.oxm.jaxb.Jaxb2Marshaller property name = classesToBeBound list value org.springframework.oxm.jaxb.Flight value value org.springframework.oxm.jaxb.Flights value list property property name = schema value = classpath:orgspringframeworkoxmschema.xsd bean ... beans XML Schema-based Configuration The jaxb2-marshaller tag configures a org.springframework.oxm.jaxb.Jaxb2Marshaller . Here is an example: oxm:jaxb2-marshaller id = marshaller contextPath = Alternatively, the list of classes to bind can be provided to the marshaller via the class-to-be-bound child tag: oxm:jaxb2-marshaller id = marshaller oxm:class-to-be-bound name = oxm:class-to-be-bound name = ... oxm:jaxb2-marshaller Available attributes are: Attribute Description Required id the id of the marshaller no contextPath the JAXB Context path no

21.6 Castor

Castor XML mapping is an open source XML binding framework. It allows you to transform the data contained in a java object model intofrom an XML document. By default, it does not require any further configuration, though a mapping file can be used to have more control over the behavior of Castor. For more information on Castor, refer to the Castor web site . The Spring integration classes reside in the org.springframework.oxm.castor package. CastorMarshaller As with JAXB, the CastorMarshaller implements both the Marshaller and Unmarshaller interface. It can be wired up as follows: 4.3.9.RELEASE Spring Framework 473 beans bean id = castorMarshaller class = org.springframework.oxm.castor.CastorMarshaller ... beans Mapping Although it is possible to rely on Castor’s default marshalling behavior, it might be necessary to have more control over it. This can be accomplished using a Castor mapping file. For more information, refer to Castor XML Mapping . The mapping can be set using the mappingLocation resource property, indicated below with a classpath resource. beans bean id = castorMarshaller class = org.springframework.oxm.castor.CastorMarshaller property name = mappingLocation value = classpath:mapping.xml bean beans XML Schema-based Configuration The castor-marshaller tag configures a org.springframework.oxm.castor.CastorMarshaller . Here is an example: oxm:castor-marshaller id = marshaller mapping-location = classpath:orgspringframeworkoxmcastor mapping.xml The marshaller instance can be configured in two ways, by specifying either the location of a mapping file through the mapping-location property, or by identifying Java POJOs through the target- class or target-package properties for which there exist corresponding XML descriptor classes. The latter way is usually used in conjunction with XML code generation from XML schemas. Available attributes are: Attribute Description Required id the id of the marshaller no encoding the encoding to use for unmarshalling from XML no target-class a Java class name for a POJO for which an XML class descriptor is available as generated through code generation no target-package a Java package name that identifies a package that contains POJOs and their corresponding Castor XML descriptor classes as generated through code generation from XML schemas no 4.3.9.RELEASE Spring Framework 474 Attribute Description Required mapping-location location of a Castor XML mapping file no

21.7 XMLBeans