loginAction-ref = username = userPreferences-ref = theme =

4.3.9.RELEASE Spring Framework 334 LoginAction is instantiated using SpEL expressions that retrieve the username and password from the current HTTP request. In our test, we will want to configure these request parameters via the mock managed by the TestContext framework. Request-scoped bean configuration. beans bean id = userService class = com.example.SimpleUserService

c:loginAction-ref =

loginAction bean id = loginAction class = com.example.LoginAction

c:username =

{request.getParameteruser} c:password={request.getParameterpswd} scope=request aop:scoped-proxy bean beans In RequestScopedBeanTests we inject both the UserService i.e., the subject under test and the MockHttpServletRequest into our test instance. Within our requestScope test method we set up our test fixture by setting request parameters in the provided MockHttpServletRequest . When the loginUser method is invoked on our userService we are assured that the user service has access to the request-scoped loginAction for the current MockHttpServletRequest i.e., the one we just set parameters in. We can then perform assertions against the results based on the known inputs for the username and password. Request-scoped bean test. RunWithSpringRunner.class ContextConfiguration WebAppConfiguration public class RequestScopedBeanTests { Autowired UserService userService; Autowired MockHttpServletRequest request; Test public void requestScope { request.setParameter user , enigma ; request.setParameter pswd , prng ; LoginResults results = userService.loginUser; assert results } } The following code snippet is similar to the one we saw above for a request-scoped bean; however, this time the userService bean has a dependency on a session-scoped userPreferences bean. Note that the UserPreferences bean is instantiated using a SpEL expression that retrieves the theme from the current HTTP session. In our test, we will need to configure a theme in the mock session managed by the TestContext framework. Session-scoped bean configuration. 4.3.9.RELEASE Spring Framework 335 beans bean id = userService class = com.example.SimpleUserService

c:userPreferences-ref =

userPreferences bean id = userPreferences class = com.example.UserPreferences

c:theme =

{session.getAttributetheme} scope = session aop:scoped-proxy bean beans In SessionScopedBeanTests we inject the UserService and the MockHttpSession into our test instance. Within our sessionScope test method we set up our test fixture by setting the expected theme attribute in the provided MockHttpSession . When the processUserPreferences method is invoked on our userService we are assured that the user service has access to the session- scoped userPreferences for the current MockHttpSession , and we can perform assertions against the results based on the configured theme. Session-scoped bean test. RunWithSpringRunner.class ContextConfiguration WebAppConfiguration public class SessionScopedBeanTests { Autowired UserService userService; Autowired MockHttpSession session; Test public void sessionScope throws Exception { session.setAttribute theme , blue ; Results results = userService.processUserPreferences; assert results } } Transaction management In the TestContext framework, transactions are managed by the TransactionalTestExecutionListener which is configured by default, even if you do not explicitly declare TestExecutionListeners on your test class. To enable support for transactions, however, you must configure a PlatformTransactionManager bean in the ApplicationContext that is loaded via ContextConfiguration semantics further details are provided below. In addition, you must declare Spring’s Transactional annotation either at the class or method level for your tests. Test-managed transactions Test-managed transactions are transactions that are managed declaratively via the TransactionalTestExecutionListener or programmatically via TestTransaction see below. Such transactions should not be confused with Spring-managed transactions i.e., those managed directly by Spring within the ApplicationContext loaded for tests or application- managed transactions i.e., those managed programmatically within application code that is invoked via tests. Spring-managed and application-managed transactions will typically participate in test-managed 4.3.9.RELEASE Spring Framework 336 transactions; however, caution should be taken if Spring-managed or application-managed transactions are configured with any propagation type other than REQUIRED or SUPPORTS see the discussion on transaction propagation for details. Enabling and disabling transactions Annotating a test method with Transactional causes the test to be run within a transaction that will, by default, be automatically rolled back after completion of the test. If a test class is annotated with Transactional , each test method within that class hierarchy will be run within a transaction. Test methods that are not annotated with Transactional at the class or method level will not be run within a transaction. Furthermore, tests that are annotated with Transactional but have the propagation type set to NOT_SUPPORTED will not be run within a transaction. Note that AbstractTransactionalJUnit4SpringContextTests and AbstractTransactionalTestNGSpringContextTests are preconfigured for transactional support at the class level. The following example demonstrates a common scenario for writing an integration test for a Hibernate-based UserRepository . As explained in the section called “Transaction rollback and commit behavior”, there is no need to clean up the database after the createUser method is executed since any changes made to the database will be automatically rolled back by the TransactionalTestExecutionListener . See Section 15.7, “PetClinic Example” for an additional example. RunWithSpringRunner.class ContextConfigurationclasses = TestConfig.class Transactional public class HibernateUserRepositoryTests { Autowired HibernateUserRepository repository; Autowired SessionFactory sessionFactory; JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate; Autowired public void setDataSourceDataSource dataSource { this .jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplatedataSource; } Test public void createUser { track initial state in test database: final int count = countRowsInTable user ; User user = new User...; repository.saveuser; Manual flush is required to avoid false positive in test sessionFactory.getCurrentSession.flush; assertNumUserscount + 1; } protected int countRowsInTableString tableName { return JdbcTestUtils.countRowsInTable this .jdbcTemplate, tableName; } protected void assertNumUsers int expected { assertEquals Number of rows in the [user] table. , expected, countRowsInTable user ; } } 4.3.9.RELEASE Spring Framework 337 Transaction rollback and commit behavior By default, test transactions will be automatically rolled back after completion of the test; however, transactional commit and rollback behavior can be configured declaratively via the Commit and Rollback annotations. See the corresponding entries in the annotation support section for further details. Programmatic transaction management Since Spring Framework 4.1, it is possible to interact with test-managed transactions programmatically via the static methods in TestTransaction . For example, TestTransaction may be used within test methods, before methods, and after methods to start or end the current test-managed transaction or to configure the current test-managed transaction for rollback or commit. Support for TestTransaction is automatically available whenever the TransactionalTestExecutionListener is enabled. The following example demonstrates some of the features of TestTransaction . Consult the javadocs for TestTransaction for further details. ContextConfigurationclasses = TestConfig.class public class ProgrammaticTransactionManagementTests extends AbstractTransactionalJUnit4SpringContextTests { Test public void transactionalTest { assert initial state in test database: assertNumUsers2; deleteFromTables user ; changes to the database will be committed TestTransaction.flagForCommit; TestTransaction.end; assertFalseTestTransaction.isActive; assertNumUsers0; TestTransaction.start; perform other actions against the database that will be automatically rolled back after the test completes... } protected void assertNumUsers int expected { assertEquals Number of rows in the [user] table. , expected, countRowsInTable user ; } } Executing code outside of a transaction Occasionally you need to execute certain code before or after a transactional test method but outside the transactional context — for example, to verify the initial database state prior to execution of your test or to verify expected transactional commit behavior after test execution if the test was configured to commit the transaction. TransactionalTestExecutionListener supports the BeforeTransaction and AfterTransaction annotations exactly for such scenarios. Simply annotate any void method in a test class or any void default method in a test interface with one of these annotations, and the TransactionalTestExecutionListener ensures that your before transaction method or after transaction method is executed at the appropriate time. 4.3.9.RELEASE Spring Framework 338 Tip Any before methods such as methods annotated with JUnit 4’s Before and any after methods such as methods annotated with JUnit 4’s After are executed within a transaction. In addition, methods annotated with BeforeTransaction or AfterTransaction are naturally not executed for test methods that are not configured to run within a transaction. Configuring a transaction manager TransactionalTestExecutionListener expects a PlatformTransactionManager bean to be defined in the Spring ApplicationContext for the test. In case there are multiple instances of PlatformTransactionManager within the test’s ApplicationContext , a qualifier may be declared via TransactionalmyTxMgr or TransactionaltransactionManager = myTxMgr , or TransactionManagementConfigurer can be implemented by an Configuration class. Consult the javadocs for TestContextTransactionUtils.retrieveTransactionManager for details on the algorithm used to look up a transaction manager in the test’s ApplicationContext . Demonstration of all transaction-related annotations The following JUnit 4 based example displays a fictitious integration testing scenario highlighting all transaction-related annotations. The example is not intended to demonstrate best practices but rather to demonstrate how these annotations can be used. Consult the annotation support section for further information and configuration examples. Transaction management for Sql contains an additional example using Sql for declarative SQL script execution with default transaction rollback semantics. RunWithSpringRunner.class ContextConfiguration TransactionaltransactionManager = txMgr Commit public class FictitiousTransactionalTest { BeforeTransaction void verifyInitialDatabaseState { logic to verify the initial state before a transaction is started } Before public void setUpTestDataWithinTransaction { set up test data within the transaction } Test overrides the class-level Commit setting Rollback public void modifyDatabaseWithinTransaction { logic which uses the test data and modifies database state } After public void tearDownWithinTransaction { execute tear down logic within the transaction } AfterTransaction void verifyFinalDatabaseState { logic to verify the final state after transaction has rolled back } } 4.3.9.RELEASE Spring Framework 339 Avoid false positives when testing ORM code When you test application code that manipulates the state of a Hibernate session or JPA persistence context, make sure to flush the underlying unit of work within test methods that execute that code. Failing to flush the underlying unit of work can produce false positives: your test may pass, but the same code throws an exception in a live, production environment. In the following Hibernate-based example test case, one method demonstrates a false positive, and the other method correctly exposes the results of flushing the session. Note that this applies to any ORM frameworks that maintain an in-memory unit of work. ... Autowired SessionFactory sessionFactory; Transactional Test no expected exception public void falsePositive { updateEntityInHibernateSession; False positive: an exception will be thrown once the Hibernate Session is finally flushed i.e., in production code } Transactional Testexpected = ... public void updateWithSessionFlush { updateEntityInHibernateSession; Manual flush is required to avoid false positive in test sessionFactory.getCurrentSession.flush; } ... Or for JPA: ... PersistenceContext EntityManager entityManager; Transactional Test no expected exception public void falsePositive { updateEntityInJpaPersistenceContext; False positive: an exception will be thrown once the JPA EntityManager is finally flushed i.e., in production code } Transactional Testexpected = ... public void updateWithEntityManagerFlush { updateEntityInJpaPersistenceContext; Manual flush is required to avoid false positive in test entityManager.flush; } ... Executing SQL scripts When writing integration tests against a relational database, it is often beneficial to execute SQL scripts to modify the database schema or insert test data into tables. The spring-jdbc module provides support for initializing an embedded or existing database by executing SQL scripts when the Spring 4.3.9.RELEASE Spring Framework 340 ApplicationContext is loaded. See Section 19.8, “Embedded database support” and the section called “Testing data access logic with an embedded database” for details. Although it is very useful to initialize a database for testing once when the ApplicationContext is loaded, sometimes it is essential to be able to modify the database during integration tests. The following sections explain how to execute SQL scripts programmatically and declaratively during integration tests. Executing SQL scripts programmatically Spring provides the following options for executing SQL scripts programmatically within integration test methods. • org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.init.ScriptUtils • org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.init.ResourceDatabasePopulator • org.springframework.test.context.junit4.AbstractTransactionalJUnit4SpringContextTests • org.springframework.test.context.testng.AbstractTransactionalTestNGSpringContextTests ScriptUtils provides a collection of static utility methods for working with SQL scripts and is mainly intended for internal use within the framework. However, if you require full control over how SQL scripts are parsed and executed, ScriptUtils may suit your needs better than some of the other alternatives described below. Consult the javadocs for individual methods in ScriptUtils for further details. ResourceDatabasePopulator provides a simple object-based API for programmatically populating, initializing, or cleaning up a database using SQL scripts defined in external resources. ResourceDatabasePopulator provides options for configuring the character encoding, statement separator, comment delimiters, and error handling flags used when parsing and executing the scripts, and each of the configuration options has a reasonable default value. Consult the javadocs for details on default values. To execute the scripts configured in a ResourceDatabasePopulator , you can invoke either the populateConnection method to execute the populator against a java.sql.Connection or the executeDataSource method to execute the populator against a javax.sql.DataSource . The following example specifies SQL scripts for a test schema and test data, sets the statement separator to , and then executes the scripts against a DataSource . Test public void databaseTest { ResourceDatabasePopulator populator = new ResourceDatabasePopulator; populator.addScripts new ClassPathResource test-schema.sql , new ClassPathResource test-data.sql ; populator.setSeparator ; populator.execute this .dataSource; execute code that uses the test schema and data } Note that ResourceDatabasePopulator internally delegates to ScriptUtils for parsing and executing SQL scripts. Similarly, the executeSqlScript.. methods in AbstractTransactionalJUnit4SpringContextTests and AbstractTransactionalTestNGSpringContextTests internally use a ResourceDatabasePopulator for executing SQL scripts. Consult the javadocs for the various executeSqlScript.. methods for further details. Executing SQL scripts declaratively with Sql In addition to the aforementioned mechanisms for executing SQL scripts programmatically, SQL scripts can also be configured declaratively in the Spring TestContext Framework. Specifically, the Sql 4.3.9.RELEASE Spring Framework 341 annotation can be declared on a test class or test method to configure the resource paths to SQL scripts that should be executed against a given database either before or after an integration test method. Note that method-level declarations override class-level declarations and that support for Sql is provided by the SqlScriptsTestExecutionListener which is enabled by default. Path resource semantics Each path will be interpreted as a Spring Resource . A plain path — for example, schema.sql — will be treated as a classpath resource that is relative to the package in which the test class is defined. A path starting with a slash will be treated as an absolute classpath resource, for example: org exampleschema.sql . A path which references a URL e.g., a path prefixed with classpath: , file: , http: , etc. will be loaded using the specified resource protocol. The following example demonstrates how to use Sql at the class level and at the method level within a JUnit 4 based integration test class. RunWithSpringRunner.class ContextConfiguration Sqltest-schema.sql public class DatabaseTests { Test public void emptySchemaTest { execute code that uses the test schema without any test data } Test Sql{test-schema.sql, test-user-data.sql} public void userTest { execute code that uses the test schema and test data } } Default script detection If no SQL scripts are specified, an attempt will be made to detect a default script depending on where Sql is declared. If a default cannot be detected, an IllegalStateException will be thrown. • class-level declaration: if the annotated test class is com.example.MyTest , the corresponding default script is classpath:comexampleMyTest.sql . • method-level declaration: if the annotated test method is named testMethod and is defined in the class com.example.MyTest , the corresponding default script is classpath:comexample MyTest.testMethod.sql . Declaring multiple Sql sets If multiple sets of SQL scripts need to be configured for a given test class or test method but with different syntax configuration, different error handling rules, or different execution phases per set, it is possible to declare multiple instances of Sql . With Java 8, Sql can be used as a repeatable annotation. Otherwise, the SqlGroup annotation can be used as an explicit container for declaring multiple instances of Sql . The following example demonstrates the use of Sql as a repeatable annotation using Java 8. In this scenario the test-schema.sql script uses a different syntax for single-line comments. 4.3.9.RELEASE Spring Framework 342 Test Sqlscripts = test-schema.sql, config = SqlConfigcommentPrefix = ` Sqltest-user-data.sql public void userTest { execute code that uses the test schema and test data } The following example is identical to the above except that the Sql declarations are grouped together within SqlGroup for compatibility with Java 6 and Java 7. Test SqlGroup{ Sqlscripts = test-schema.sql, config = SqlConfigcommentPrefix = `, Sqltest-user-data.sql } public void userTest { execute code that uses the test schema and test data } Script execution phases By default, SQL scripts will be executed before the corresponding test method. However, if a particular set of scripts needs to be executed after the test method — for example, to clean up database state — the executionPhase attribute in Sql can be used as seen in the following example. Note that ISOLATED and AFTER_TEST_METHOD are statically imported from Sql.TransactionMode and Sql.ExecutionPhase respectively. Test Sql scripts = create-test-data.sql, config = SqlConfigtransactionMode = ISOLATED Sql scripts = delete-test-data.sql, config = SqlConfigtransactionMode = ISOLATED, executionPhase = AFTER_TEST_METHOD public void userTest { execute code that needs the test data to be committed to the database outside of the tests transaction } Script configuration with SqlConfig Configuration for script parsing and error handling can be configured via the SqlConfig annotation. When declared as a class-level annotation on an integration test class, SqlConfig serves as global configuration for all SQL scripts within the test class hierarchy. When declared directly via the config attribute of the Sql annotation, SqlConfig serves as local configuration for the SQL scripts declared within the enclosing Sql annotation. Every attribute in SqlConfig has an implicit default value which is documented in the javadocs of the corresponding attribute. Due to the rules defined for annotation attributes in the Java Language Specification, it is unfortunately not possible to assign a value of null to an annotation attribute. Thus, in order to support overrides of inherited global configuration, SqlConfig attributes have an explicit default value of either for Strings or DEFAULT for Enums. This approach allows local declarations of SqlConfig to selectively override individual attributes from global declarations of SqlConfig by providing a value other than or DEFAULT . Global SqlConfig attributes are inherited whenever local SqlConfig attributes do not supply an explicit value other than or DEFAULT . Explicit local configuration therefore overrides global configuration. The configuration options provided by Sql and SqlConfig are equivalent to those supported by ScriptUtils and ResourceDatabasePopulator but are a superset of those provided by 4.3.9.RELEASE Spring Framework 343 the jdbc:initialize-database XML namespace element. Consult the javadocs of individual attributes in Sql and SqlConfig for details. Transaction management for Sql By default, the SqlScriptsTestExecutionListener will infer the desired transaction semantics for scripts configured via Sql . Specifically, SQL scripts will be executed without a transaction, within an existing Spring-managed transaction — for example, a transaction managed by the TransactionalTestExecutionListener for a test annotated with Transactional — or within an isolated transaction, depending on the configured value of the transactionMode attribute in SqlConfig and the presence of a PlatformTransactionManager in the test’s ApplicationContext . As a bare minimum however, a javax.sql.DataSource must be present in the test’s ApplicationContext . If the algorithms used by SqlScriptsTestExecutionListener to detect a DataSource and PlatformTransactionManager and infer the transaction semantics do not suit your needs, you may specify explicit names via the dataSource and transactionManager attributes of SqlConfig . Furthermore, the transaction propagation behavior can be controlled via the transactionMode attribute of SqlConfig — for example, if scripts should be executed in an isolated transaction. Although a thorough discussion of all supported options for transaction management with Sql is beyond the scope of this reference manual, the javadocs for SqlConfig and SqlScriptsTestExecutionListener provide detailed information, and the following example demonstrates a typical testing scenario using JUnit 4 and transactional tests with Sql . Note that there is no need to clean up the database after the usersTest method is executed since any changes made to the database either within the test method or within the test-data.sql script will be automatically rolled back by the TransactionalTestExecutionListener see transaction management for details. RunWithSpringRunner.class ContextConfigurationclasses = TestDatabaseConfig.class Transactional public class TransactionalSqlScriptsTests { protected JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate; Autowired public void setDataSourceDataSource dataSource { this .jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplatedataSource; } Test Sqltest-data.sql public void usersTest { verify state in test database: assertNumUsers2; execute code that uses the test data... } protected int countRowsInTableString tableName { return JdbcTestUtils.countRowsInTable this .jdbcTemplate, tableName; } protected void assertNumUsers int expected { assertEquals Number of rows in the [user] table. , expected, countRowsInTable user ; } } 4.3.9.RELEASE Spring Framework 344 TestContext Framework support classes Spring JUnit 4 Runner The Spring TestContext Framework offers full integration with JUnit 4 through a custom runner supported on JUnit 4.12 or higher. By annotating test classes with RunWithSpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class or the shorter RunWithSpringRunner.class variant, developers can implement standard JUnit 4 based unit and integration tests and simultaneously reap the benefits of the TestContext framework such as support for loading application contexts, dependency injection of test instances, transactional test method execution, and so on. If you would like to use the Spring TestContext Framework with an alternative runner such as JUnit 4’s Parameterized or third-party runners such as the MockitoJUnitRunner , you may optionally use Spring’s support for JUnit rules instead. The following code listing displays the minimal requirements for configuring a test class to run with the custom Spring Runner . TestExecutionListeners is configured with an empty list in order to disable the default listeners, which otherwise would require an ApplicationContext to be configured through ContextConfiguration . RunWithSpringRunner.class TestExecutionListeners{} public class SimpleTest { Test public void testMethod { execute test logic... } } Spring JUnit 4 Rules The org.springframework.test.context.junit4.rules package provides the following JUnit 4 rules supported on JUnit 4.12 or higher. • SpringClassRule • SpringMethodRule SpringClassRule is a JUnit TestRule that supports class-level features of the Spring TestContext Framework; whereas, SpringMethodRule is a JUnit MethodRule that supports instance-level and method-level features of the Spring TestContext Framework. In contrast to the SpringRunner , Spring’s rule-based JUnit support has the advantage that it is independent of any org.junit.runner.Runner implementation and can therefore be combined with existing alternative runners like JUnit 4’s Parameterized or third-party runners such as the MockitoJUnitRunner . In order to support the full functionality of the TestContext framework, a SpringClassRule must be combined with a SpringMethodRule . The following example demonstrates the proper way to declare these rules in an integration test. 4.3.9.RELEASE Spring Framework 345 Optionally specify a non-Spring Runner via RunWith... ContextConfiguration public class IntegrationTest { ClassRule public static final SpringClassRule SPRING_CLASS_RULE = new SpringClassRule; Rule public final SpringMethodRule springMethodRule = new SpringMethodRule; Test public void testMethod { execute test logic... } } JUnit 4 support classes The org.springframework.test.context.junit4 package provides the following support classes for JUnit 4 based test cases supported on JUnit 4.12 or higher. • AbstractJUnit4SpringContextTests • AbstractTransactionalJUnit4SpringContextTests AbstractJUnit4SpringContextTests is an abstract base test class that integrates the Spring TestContext Framework with explicit ApplicationContext testing support in a JUnit 4 environment. When you extend AbstractJUnit4SpringContextTests , you can access a protected applicationContext instance variable that can be used to perform explicit bean lookups or to test the state of the context as a whole. AbstractTransactionalJUnit4SpringContextTests is an abstract transactional extension of AbstractJUnit4SpringContextTests that adds some convenience functionality for JDBC access. This class expects a javax.sql.DataSource bean and a PlatformTransactionManager bean to be defined in the ApplicationContext . When you extend AbstractTransactionalJUnit4SpringContextTests you can access a protected jdbcTemplate instance variable that can be used to execute SQL statements to query the database. Such queries can be used to confirm database state both prior to and after execution of database-related application code, and Spring ensures that such queries run in the scope of the same transaction as the application code. When used in conjunction with an ORM tool, be sure to avoid false positives . As mentioned in Section 15.3, “JDBC Testing Support”, AbstractTransactionalJUnit4SpringContextTests also provides convenience methods which delegate to methods in JdbcTestUtils using the aforementioned jdbcTemplate . Furthermore, AbstractTransactionalJUnit4SpringContextTests provides an executeSqlScript.. method for executing SQL scripts against the configured DataSource . Tip These classes are a convenience for extension. If you do not want your test classes to be tied to a Spring-specific class hierarchy, you can configure your own custom test classes by using RunWithSpringRunner.class or Spring’s JUnit rules . TestNG support classes The org.springframework.test.context.testng package provides the following support classes for TestNG based test cases. 4.3.9.RELEASE Spring Framework 346 • AbstractTestNGSpringContextTests • AbstractTransactionalTestNGSpringContextTests AbstractTestNGSpringContextTests is an abstract base test class that integrates the Spring TestContext Framework with explicit ApplicationContext testing support in a TestNG environment. When you extend AbstractTestNGSpringContextTests , you can access a protected applicationContext instance variable that can be used to perform explicit bean lookups or to test the state of the context as a whole. AbstractTransactionalTestNGSpringContextTests is an abstract transactional extension of AbstractTestNGSpringContextTests that adds some convenience functionality for JDBC access. This class expects a javax.sql.DataSource bean and a PlatformTransactionManager bean to be defined in the ApplicationContext . When you extend AbstractTransactionalTestNGSpringContextTests you can access a protected jdbcTemplate instance variable that can be used to execute SQL statements to query the database. Such queries can be used to confirm database state both prior to and after execution of database-related application code, and Spring ensures that such queries run in the scope of the same transaction as the application code. When used in conjunction with an ORM tool, be sure to avoid false positives . As mentioned in Section 15.3, “JDBC Testing Support”, AbstractTransactionalTestNGSpringContextTests also provides convenience methods which delegate to methods in JdbcTestUtils using the aforementioned jdbcTemplate . Furthermore, AbstractTransactionalTestNGSpringContextTests provides an executeSqlScript.. method for executing SQL scripts against the configured DataSource . Tip These classes are a convenience for extension. If you do not want your test classes to be tied to a Spring-specific class hierarchy, you can configure your own custom test classes by using ContextConfiguration , TestExecutionListeners , and so on, and by manually instrumenting your test class with a TestContextManager . See the source code of AbstractTestNGSpringContextTests for an example of how to instrument your test class.

15.6 Spring MVC Test Framework