The Identification of Problem Formulation of Study Significance of Study Organization of Skripsi

6 Meanwhile Error Analysis is a study about type and causes language error. It tries to analyze by using systematic method in research. In language errors usually exist in language skills and language knowledge. As we know language skills are namely: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. While, language knowledge are: Pronunciation, Grammar and Vocabulary. Errors can be caused by interference and Interlingua. Based on the explanation above the writer would like to identify a problem in the title “An Error Analysis on Students English Pronunciation the writer will observe and identify the errors in Pronunciation test of the seventh grade SLTP Muhammadiyah 17 .

B. The Identification of Problem

There are many factors that can cause the problems of English Pronunciation. The problems can be identified as follow: 1. What errors do the students make in sounds of language ?, 2. What errors do the students make in stress ?, 3. What errors do the students make in rhythm ?, 4. What errors do the students make in intonation ? Etc. There are many problems that can be identified in relation to English Pronunciation . However the writer limits them only on the errors of students’ English Sounds.

C. Formulation of Study

The problem of this study can be formulated as follow: what errors do the students make in pronouncing the English words?

D. Significance of Study

In line with the statement of the problems, the use of the study is as follows: 1. The Teacher The result of this research is expected to be a useful input for the English teachers to improve students Pronunciation. 2. The Students 7 The result of this research is expected to be useful input for the students to encourage them to master and improve their English Pronunciation 3. The Headmaster The result of this research is expected to be a useful input for the headmaster to make a policy related to the English teaching and learning process in the classroom especially in increasing the students Pronunciation.

F. Organization of Skripsi

This Skripsi consists of Five Chapters. Chapter one is Introduction, which consists of Background of Study, Limitation and Formulation of Study, The Use of Study, the Method of Research, and Organization of Study. Chapter two is Theoretical Framework consists of three sub theme , namely : 1. Error which included : Definition of Error ,Causes of Error, Types of Error. 2. Pronunciation which included: Definition of Pronunciation, and aspects of Pronunciation Chapter three is Research Methodology and Finding, which is included the Place and time ,Population and Sample, Technique of Data Collecting, instrument of Research , Technique of Data Analysis, Data Description, Analysis of Data, Interpretation and Discussion Chapter four is conclusion and suggestion. 8