The Questioner Result of Service Quality

Question_29 Question_30 Question_31 0.620 0.797 0.794 0.935 0.933 0.933 Valid Valid Valid Source: Primary Data Try Out According the try out result from the data from 31 of question that give to 10 respondents, there is no negative correlation of value, so when did spreading to 50 of respondents, the 31 of question could be used again as the standardization of research questioner.

C. The Questioner Result of Service Quality

The outcome of questioner will illustrate to see the response frequency from the respondent and customer of BNI that have capability to how the BNI could be fulfill the needs and willingness of customer about services, facility and so on. Table 4.2 BNI Sudirman has capability in fulfill the services Scale Score Total Customer percentage Total Strongly Disagree 1 disagree 2 Neutral 3 1 2 3 Agree 4 34 68 136 Strongly Agree 5 15 30 75 TOTAL 50 100 214 The table above shows the majority of respondent have stated that that BNI has the capability and capacity in fulfill the services. Around 30 of respondent strongly agree with the statement regarding BNI of the ability in accomplish the services that needs by customer and 68 respondent have statement agree of capability that had by BNI in fulfill to customer, while only 2 is neutral. This means Customer believe BNI have capability of BNI in giving the best services. Table 4.3 The employees have knowledge about the products of BNI Scale Score Total Customer percentage Total Strongly Disagree 1 disagree 2 Neutral 3 13 26 39 Agree 4 33 66 132 Strongly Agree 5 4 8 20 TOTAL 50 100 191 The some of respondent have stated that employees have the knowledge about the product of bank. This is proven by the 50 respondent, approximately 8 of respondent is agree with the statement that said the employee have knowledge about the banks products. Around 66 is strongly agreed, while about 26 of respondent is neutral. And there is no respondent disagree with the statement. Table 4.4 The employee of bank has knowledge and skill in handle the problem of customer Scale Score Total Customer percentage Total Strongly 1 Disagree disagree 2 Neutral 3 2 4 6 Agree 4 43 86 172 Strongly Agree 5 5 10 25 TOTAL 50 100 203 On table 4.4 explain that from 50 respondent that 10 said that strongly agree, 86 of respondent have statement agree with the statement and 4 of respondent is neutral. It is prove that the employee of bank has knowledge and skill in handle the problem of customer. Table 4.5 BNI has good reputation on customer perspective Scale Score Total Customer percentage Total Strongly Disagree 1 disagree 2 Neutral 3 5 10 15 Agree 4 22 44 88 Strongly Agree 5 23 46 115 TOTAL 50 100 208 The table above proves that the majority of respondent feel that BNI has good reputation on customer perspective, because it can be see from the table that show from 46 of respondent said strongly agree, 44 of respondent is agree with the statement, and only 10 of respondents choose the neutral one. With BNI that has already established for long time so that many customer believes with the BNI reputation. Table 4.6 BNI follow with the banking regulation Scale Score Total Customer percentage Total Strongly Disagree 1 disagree 2 Neutral 3 8 16 24 Agree 4 40 80 160 Strongly Agree 5 2 4 10 TOTAL 50 100 194 The table 4.6 above shows the majority of respondent have stated that BNI always following the regulation of banking. It is because the 50 of respondent statement with 4 of respondent have statement strongly agree, and 80 of respondent agree with the statement, and only 16 that choose to be neutral. Means customer is agreeing that BNI always follow and run in the right regulation of banking system. Table 4.7 BNI can guarantee the clandestine of customer Scale Score Total Customer percentage Total Strongly Disagree 1 disagree 2 Neutral 3 2 4 6 Agree 4 36 72 144 Strongly Agree 5 12 24 60 TOTAL 50 100 210 The table 4.7 above explains that the majority of respondent have stated that BNI can guarantee the clandestine of the customer so customers can feel secure and protected in doing financial activity in BNI, thus statement is supported by 24 of respondent is strongly agree and 72 of respondent is agree, while the 4 of respondent choose the neutral. Table 4.8 The bank could give the guarantee of security feels to customer Scale Score Total Customer percentage Total Strongly Disagree 1 disagree 2 Neutral 3 3 6 9 Agree 4 43 86 172 Strongly Agree 5 4 8 20 TOTAL 50 100 201 BNI could make the customer fells secure in doing finance activity. This statement can be proved with the majority of respondent around 8 of respondent is strongly agree with the statement, also 86 of respondent is agree feels secure in doing transaction in BNI, and only 6 that pick the neutral answer. Table 4.9 The employee have concern attitude to customer. Scale Score Total Customer Percentage Total Strongly Disagree 1 disagree 2 Neutral 3 5 10 15 Agree 4 39 78 156 Strongly Agree 5 6 12 30 TOTAL 50 100 201 The table 4.9 on the above explains that 12 of respondent strongly agree with the statement about the employee that concern act with the customer, around 78 of respondent also agree with that statement, and 10 of respondent is neutral. It is means that employee of BNI have concern and caring attitude to customer. Table 4.10 The employee ready to help the customer Scale Score Total Customer percentage Total Strongly Disagree 1 disagree 2 Neutral 3 1 2 3 Agree 4 46 92 184 Strongly Agree 5 3 6 15 TOTAL 50 100 202 The table 4.10 above wants to show that from 50 of respondent there is 6 of respondent is strongly agree, around 92 of respondent is agree, and 2 of respondent is choose neutral. It is prove that employee of BNI always be ready in services and help customer. Table 4.11 The employee aware with customer problem Scale Score Total Customer percentage Total Strongly Disagree 1 disagree 2 Neutral 3 12 24 36 Agree 4 32 64 128 Strongly Agree 5 6 12 30 TOTAL 50 100 194 The table 4.11 above explain that the majority of respondent said that the employee of bank aware with the customer’s problems. There are 2 of respondents that strongly agree about the customer could make transaction every time, and 64 of respondent is agreeing, while only 9 choose neutral. Table 4.12 BNI make the easy for customer in do transaction all the time Scale Score Total Customer percentage Total Strongly Disagree 1 disagree 2 Neutral 3 10 20 30 Agree 4 34 68 136 Strongly Agree 5 6 12 72 TOTAL 50 100 238 The table 4.12 above show that the majority of respondent feels easy in do transaction all the time, it’s proved about 12 is strongly agree with the statement, around 68 of respondent is agree, and 20 of respondent have statement neutral. Table 4.13 BNI give the easy thing to electric and telephone payment Scale Score Total Customer percentage Total Strongly Disagree 1 Disagree 2 Neutral 3 6 12 8 Agree 4 36 72 144 Strongly Agree 5 8 16 40 TOTAL 50 100 192 The table 4.13 on the above explains that 16 of respondent that have statement strongly agree, there is 72 of respondent make a statement agree, 12 is neutral, and there is no respondent said disagree will reject use another bank services, means that the customer already feels easy when do electric and telephone payment with BNI services. Table 4.14 BNI could give quick and short transaction of services Scale Score Total Customer percentage Total Strongly Disagree 1 Disagree 2 2 4 4 Neutral 3 10 20 30 Agree 4 36 72 144 Strongly Agree 5 2 4 10 TOTAL 50 100 188 The table explain that 4 of respondent said that strongly agree, 72 of respondent said agree, 20 of respondent is neutral, and 4 of respondent said disagree, while there is no respondent strongly disagree. The majority of respondent is agreeing with statement that BNI could give fast and short time transaction in services. Table 4.15 BNI have good performance in machine ATM facilities, complete and Spread in much area Scale Score Total percentage Total Customer Strongly Disagree 1 Disagree 2 Neutral 3 1 2 3 Agree 4 41 82 164 Strongly Agree 5 8 16 40 TOTAL 50 100 207 The table 4.15 on the above explains that the majority of respondent have a statement that the BNI have good performance also good performance in ATM machine and spread in much area. 16 of respondent said strongly agree, 82 of respondent is agree, and 2 of respondent is neutral. The majority respondent is agree, it is based on much ATM machine own by BNI that spread in many places to get the customer whatever the place. Table 4.16 BNI provide the services suitable with the promise Scale Score Total Customer percentage Total Strongly Disagree 1 Disagree 2 Neutral 3 9 18 27 Agree 4 40 80 160 Strongly Agree 5 1 2 5 TOTAL 50 100 192 According the table 4.16 on the above, that explain 2 of respondent is strongly agree, 80 of respondent have statement agree, 18 of respondent choose neutral, it is prove and explain that BNI could provide the services according with the promises. Table 4. 17 BNI could save the customer data very well and keep the secret Scale Score Total Customer percentage Total Strongly Disagree 1 Disagree 2 Neutral 3 5 10 5 Agree 4 44 88 176 Strongly Agree 5 1 2 5 TOTAL 50 100 196 The table 4. 17 explain that the majority of respondent is agree with statement that said BNI keep the customer data very well and save. 2 of respondent is strongly agree, 88 of respondent is agree with the statement, and 10 of respondent said neutral. While there is no respondent choose disagree. Table 4.18 The employees have good performance in handle the problem Scale Score Total Customer percentage Total Strongly 1 Disagree Disagree 2 1 2 2 Neutral 3 8 16 24 Agree 4 39 78 156 Strongly Agree 5 2 4 10 TOTAL 50 100 192 Table 4. 18 explain that the employee have good performance in handle the problem of customer. That statement could see from 4 of respondent said strongly agree, 78 of respondent said agree with the statement, 16 of respondent said neutral, and 2 of respondent said disagree. Table 4. 19 The employee could finish the fault happen Scale Score Total Customer percentage Total Strongly Disagree 1 Disagree 2 Neutral 3 11 22 33 Agree 4 37 74 148 Strongly Agree 5 2 4 10 TOTAL 50 100 191 Table 4. 19 explain that 4 of respondent said strongly agree, 74 of respondent said agree with the statement, and 22 of respondent is neutral. While there is no respondent choose disagree. That prove the employee could finish the problem of customer. Table 4. 20 The employee can give solution if there is a fault Scale Score Total percentage Total Customer Strongly Disagree 1 Disagree 2 Neutral 3 6 12 18 Agree 4 43 86 172 Strongly Agree 5 1 2 5 TOTAL 50 100 195 Table 4.20 show that 2 of respondent is strongly agree with the statement, 86 of respondent is agree, and 12 of respondent said neutral, while there is no respondent said disagree. That prove the employee can give the problem solution from the customer perspective. Table 4. 21 The employee can handle the situation if there is a fault Scale Score Total Customer percentage Total Strongly Disagree 1 Disagree 2 Neutral 3 4 8 12 Agree 4 23 46 92 Strongly Agree 5 23 46 115 TOTAL 50 100 219 The table 4. 21 shows that 46 of respondent said strongly agree, 46 of respondent said agree, and 8 of respondent said neutral for the statement. That prove the employee is expert in handle the situation. Table 4.22 The physically appearance and good interior Scale Score Total Customer percentage Total Strongly Disagree 1 Disagree 2 1 2 2 Neutral 3 2 4 6 Agree 4 32 64 128 Strongly Agree 5 15 30 75 TOTAL 50 100 211 Table 4. 22 explain that majority of respondent said agree with the good physically appearance and building interior. That prove by 30 of respondent said strongly agree, 64 of respondent said agree, 4 of respondent is neutral, and 2 of respondent is disagree. Table 4.23 The employee always fresh look and polite Scale Score Total Customer percentage Total Strongly Disagree 1 Disagree 2 Neutral 3 Agree 4 30 60 120 Strongly Agree 5 20 40 100 TOTAL 50 100 220 Table 4. 23 shows that majority of respondent said the employee always fresh look and polite. It is prove by 40 of respondent said strongly agree, and 60 have is agree with the statement. While there is no respondent choose neutral and disagree. That think it is the principle of BNI to give good performance for customers. Table 4.24 Enough Teller and Customer Services Scale Score Total Customer percentage Total Strongly Disagree 1 Disagree 2 1 2 2 Neutral 3 3 6 9 Agree 4 41 82 164 Strongly Agree 5 5 10 25 TOTAL 50 100 200 Table 4. 24 shows 10 of respondent said strongly agree, 82 of respondent is agree with the statement, 6 of respondent said neutral, and 2 of respondent is disagree, while there is no respondent said strongly disagree. From 50 respondents said that BNI have enough teller and customer services to service customer. Table 4.25 BNI give the services according with the customer needs Scale Score Total Customer percentage Total Strongly Disagree 1 Disagree 2 Neutral 3 2 4 6 Agree 4 34 68 136 Strongly Agree 5 14 28 70 TOTAL 50 100 212 Table 4. 25 shows the majority of respondent said that BNI give the services suitable with the customer needs. That could be prove by 28 of respondent said strongly agree, 68 of respondent said agree, and 4 of respondent is neutral. That shows the services of BNI are suitable with customer necessary.

D. The Questioner Result of Customer Satisfaction

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