The Problem of Analysis The Objectives of the Analysis The Significance of the Analysis The Scope of Analysis The Review of Related Literature

1.2. The Problem of Analysis

There are some problems in this novel, which need to find out. The problems that the writer find out as having relation to: 1. How the greediness, miserly, selfishness, kindness, charity, described in A Christmas Carol through the characters? 2. What are relations of greediness, miserly, selfishness, kindness, charity, with moral?

1.3. The Objectives of the Analysis

Concerning with the problem above, this analysis is intended to achieve some objectives: 1. To find out greediness, miserly, selfishness, kindness, and charity, in A Christmas carol. 2. To find out relations of greediness, miserly selfishness, kindness, and charity with moral.

1.4. The Significance of the Analysis

There is some significance in writing this thesis. The first significance of the analysis is to make me understand about literary works especially of Charles dickens’ works. Second, writer wants to convey some moral lessons from this novel through the character, so that we as readers can find some moral lessons as the way in correctly our life. Furthermore, through this thesis writer hope that the readers especially the students of faculty of letters can enlarge their knowledge of English literature and get some moral lesson to be done in their own daily life. Universitas Sumatera Utara

1.5. The Scope of Analysis

In writing this thesis, the writer limits the scope of my analysis. In Charles dickens’s A Christmas Carol, only discuss about moral lesson through the characters, which described in this story. Moral lesson can be found just from what they say and do as portrayed in the novel, whether that is bad or good according to moral value.

1.6. The Review of Related Literature

To support my analysis, I have used some books, which are related to this topic. The following books are the main sources in finding data and information to analyze this novel, such as: 1 Theory of Literature by Rene Welleck and Austeen Warren. This book describes how literature as a social institution using language as its medium in creating social relationship and the novelist becomes the member of the society. 2 The elements of moral philosophy by James Rachels. This book tells about what is moral. 3 Literature an Introduction to reading and writing by Edgar V. Roberts and Henry E. Jacob. This book tells about what is literary work, kinds of literary works and elements of literary works. 4 A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens Universitas Sumatera Utara


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