Theory of Motivation Theories

10 sensitivity, vigor vulnerability to disease and intelligence. Here, each person may have different physical features and constitutional factors; therefore it makes them react differently towards many conditions and actions. In how an individual reacts to such situation also helps them in their personality development. The second basic source is environment. It is said that a different physical environment foster somewhat different characteristics, even among people with similar inheritance. Social environment also shapes one’s personality through one’s contacts. If he learns the language in it, the costumes he follows the values he believes in and the competencies for dealing with the problems in the society.

2.1.3 Theory of Motivation

According to Atkinson 1981: 317, a human being is built with some motives. There are two big divisions of these motives. The first one is biological motive which is innately born with the human. This motive can be aroused by the need of food, drink, sanitation, sex, etc. The second motive is psychological motive, which is influenced primarily by the kind of society in which the individual is raised. This motive is aroused by the needs of security, acceptance and approval from those around us, feeling of self-worth and competency and the search for new experience. Based on the explanation above, we can conclude that motivation is one’s intention, which is set into a behavior to fulfill his needs. Abrams Maslow formulated five hierarchies of needs of human being Huffman, 1997: 383. There are self-actualization of need, esteem need, belonging need, safety need and physiological need. Self-actualization need deals with human need to find self- fulfillment and realize one’s potential. Esteem need deals with one’s need to achieve something, 11 to be competent, to gain approval and to excel. We can see the example of this from the youth, they often compete each other to be the best in the class, in any tournament or to show their capabilities to their friends. The third need is belonging and live need. These needs deal with one’s needs to affiliate with others, to be accepted and to receive attention. These needs appear because of the influence of family, friends and other beloved people. The fourth need is safety need. This need deals with one’s needs for feeling secure and safe, to seek pleasure and avoid pain. A human will need safety feeling in his life, it makes him enjoy his life and do his activity comfortably. The fifth need is physiological need. This need deals with one’s need of food, drink and maintenance of internal state of the body. We can also say that this need also means the fundamental biological needs of the living creature. From those need, a human being will be differently motivated in fulfilling their needs. There would be some people highly motivated in fulfilling their needs. There would be some people with high motivation and low motivation. Coleman and Brown 1988:70-78 say that motivation is often related to striving and individual maintenance. It is said that motivation is based on the individual’s fundamental tendencies towards maintenance and actualization of their potentialities. In other words, the biological, psychological and sociological levels of someone will influence one’s motivation. There would be a good motivation from good combination of those three parts: a good and healthy body, a healthy psychological of someone and also a high level of sociological. Social forces also take part in influencing human motivation because human beings live in society and there are a lot of people which of course can 12 affect them in terms of their motivation. For example, someone who smells a good flavor of food will be motivated to eat even though he is not hungry.

2.1.4 Critical Approach