Proses Bisnis DFD no 4 Proses Data Penyalur

4.2.4 Proses Bisnis DFD no 4 Proses Data Penyalur

Pada script ini menjelaskan tentang sebuah proses user penyalur yang mau menyeleksi peserta yang telah memilih event yang telah di upload oleh penyalur. Seperti tabel 4.4 berikut : Tabel 4.4 Script Proses Data Penyalur ?php require..koneksidbconfig.php; include ..includesession.php; include fungsi_indotgl.php; ? DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -W3CDTD XHTML 1.0 TransitionalEN http:www.w3.orgTRxhtml1DTDxhtml1-transitional.dtd html xmlns=http:www.w3.org1999xhtml head meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=texthtml; charset=iso- 8859-1 title ?php include ..title.php?title head style type=textcss -- A:link {text-decoration: none} A:visited {text-decoration: none} A:active {text-decoration: none} -- style style type=textcss A:link {color: 0033CC;} A:visited {color: 0066CC;} A:hover {color: 0099FF;} style link rel=stylesheet href=..csslayout.css type=textcss link rel=stylesheet href=..cssmain.css type=textcss script type=textjavascript src=..jsjquery- 1.4.jsscript script type=textjavascript src=..jsjquery.watermark.min.jsscript script type=textjavascript document.readyfunction { cari_event.watermarkCari Event ...; username.watermarkUsername ...; password.watermarkPassword ...; }; script script type=textjavascript src=jscriptstiny_mcetiny_mce.jsscript script type=textjavascript tinyMCE.init{ mode : textareas, theme : advanced, plugins : safari,pagebreak,style,layer,table,save,advhr,advimage,advlink,e motions,iespell,inlinepopups,insertdatetime,preview,media,searchr eplace,print,contextmenu,paste,directionality,fullscreen,nonedita ble,visualchars,nonbreaking,xhtmlxtras,template,wordcount, Theme options theme_advanced_buttons1 : bold,italic,underline,strikethrough,|,justifyleft,justifycenter, justifyright,justifyfull,styleselect,formatselect,fontselect,font sizeselect, }; script body-- awal bingkai-- br div id=bingkai_e -- awal atas -- div id=atas div id=atas2 ?php include header.php? div div id=atas3div div id=atas4 ?php include menu.php? div div--akhir atas -- --akhir kiri -- div id=kiri_e div id=kiri2_e br blockquote font face=celibri, Arial, Helvetica, sans- serif size=2 h1Peserta Eventh1 br br table width=821 border=0 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=1 tr bgcolor=6699FF th width=23 align=centerNoth th width=142Nama Lengkapth th width=87No Tlpth th width=87Emailth th width=114Alamatth th width=89Tanggalth th width=92Statusth thth tr ?php id_event = _GET[id_event]; tampil=mysql_queryselect from event a, apply b, user c where a.id_event = b.id_event and b.id_user = c.id_user and b.id_event = id_event; no = 1; whiler=mysql_fetch_arraytampil{ ? tr bgcolor=CCCCCC td align=center?php echo no ?td td?php echo r[nama_lengkap] ?td td align=center?php echo r[no_tlp] ?td td align=center?php echo r[email] ?td td?php echo r[alamat] ?td td align=center?php echo tgl_indor[tanggal] ?td td align=center?php echo r[12] ?td td width=98 align=centera href=proses_terima.php?id_apply=?php echo r[id_apply]?id_event=?php echo r[id_event]?Klik Terimaatd tr ?php no++; } ? table font br br font face=celibri, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif size=2 style=font-weight:bold a href=peserta.phpKembalia font blockquote div div--akhir kiri -- -- awal tengah -- -- akhir tengah -- -- awal kanan -- -- akhir kanan -- -- awal bawah -- div -- akhir bingkai -- br br body html

4.2.5 Proses Bisnis DFD no 5 Proses Data User