Theory of Characterization 1 Meaning of Characterization

their way of thinking. Dynamic characters, unlike static characters undergo changes in their personalities, outlook and the way of thinking. According to Barnet and Burto “a flat character is usually static at the end of story the character is pretty much what he or she was at the start, a round character is likely to be dynamic, changing considerably as the story progress.”

b. Theory of Characterization 1 Meaning of Characterization

Characterization is establishing the distinctive character of the persons in a narrative Abrams, 24. There are two methods that can be used in order to reveal the personality of the character. They are direct method and indirect method. 2 Ways of Characterization There are nine ways of character analysis as stated by Murphy 161-173 to make the characters understandable and come alive for the readers. First, character can be analyzed through personal description. Here readers can analyze a character by seeing the character’s appearance. Second, readers can analyze character through character as seen by another. Other characters play an important role to a character. They have their own judgment of a character. Their judgment will help the readers to know the character’s personality. The third way is through speech. Whatever the character says in any situation will show what kind of person the character is to the readers. By using this method, the readers will easily determine what kind of person is the character. Fourth, character can be analyzed through past life. A character’s past life let the readers to know what factors that shape a person’s character. Fifth, the readers can analyze a character by paying attention to the conversation of other characters. Here readers can analyze a character by seeing other characters’ conversation about a character. What other characters say about a character may become a clue of his or her personality. Sixth, readers can analyze a character by focusing on his or her reactions toward the various situations and events. How the person reaches various situations will give a clue to the readers to know a person’s character. How the character solves the problems shows his or her personality. Seventh, a character can be analyzed by direct comments. Direct comments make the readers have a better understanding about a character in a story. Eighth, readers can analyze a character by paying attention to a character’s thought. The reader will be able to know a person’s character through what the character is thinking about and what is going on in the person’s mind. And the last way to analyze a character can be done by seeing a character’s mannerism, habits or particular behavior. The habits or activity of the character can help the readers to see his characterization.

c. Theory of Critical Approach