Idealistic The Description of Obi Okonkwo

“I wasn’t in difficulty. I wouldn’t have mentioned it if you hadn’t pressed me.” 116 Obi Okonkwo thoughts and his speech help the readers to find out that Obi Okonkwo is a dishonest person. Here, the reader can also understand the reasons why Obi Okonkwo is dishonest.

3. Idealistic

Obi Okonkwo is an idealistic person. He states that only old Africans corrupt but he believes that if the old Africans are replaced by the young who are educated, corruption will end. That is the reason why he stands against corruption and he says that he will not take any bribes. “The civil service is corrupt because of these so-called experienced men at the top,” said Obi. “You don’t believe in experience? You think that a chap straight from university should be made a permanent secretary?” “I didn’t say straight from the university, but even that would be better than filling our top posts with old men who have no intellectual foundations to support their experience.” 22-23 His idea about only old Africans taking bribes is opposed by his friend, Christopher but Obi Okonkwo has his own reason to convince that his opinion about it is correct. “What about the Land Officer jailed last year? He is straight from the university.” “He is an exception,” said Obi. “But take one of these old men. He probably left school thirty years ago in Standard Six. He has worked steadily to the top through bribery - an ordeal by bribery. To him bribe is natural. He gave it and he expects it. Our people say that if you pay homage to the man on top, others will pay homage to you when it is your turn to be on top. Well, that is what the old men say.” “What do the young men say, if I may ask?” “To most of them bribery is no problem. They come straight to the top without bribing anyone. It’s not that they’re necessarily better than others, it’s simply that they can afford to be virtuous. But even than kind of virtue can become a habit.” 23 Obi Okonkwo is pretty sure that he will not take any bribes. That is why he feels upset when in his job interview the chairman asks Obi Okonkwo’s reason why he wants a job in the civil service. “Why do you want a job in the civil service? So that you can take bribes?” he asked. Obi hesitated. His first impulse was to say it was an idiotic question. He said instead: “I don’t know how you expect me to answer that question. Even if my reason is to take bribes, you don’t expect me to admit it before this board. So I don’t think it’s a very useful question.” 46 Obi Okonkwo’s idea in not taking bribes is proved by refusing the offer of taking bribes from Mr. Mark who wants to apply for a Federal Scholarship for his sister to study in England. “You want application forms?” asked Obi. “No, no, no. I have got those. But it is like this. I was told that you are the secretary of the Scholarship Commission and I thought that I should see you. We are both Ibos and I cannot hide anything from you. It is all very well sending forms, but you know what our country is. Unless you see people . . .” “In this case it is not necessary to see anybody. The only . . .” “I was actually thinking of coming round to your house, but the man who told me about you did not know where you lived.” “I’m sorry, Mr. Mark, but I really don’t understand what you are driving at.” He said in English, much to Mr. Mark’s concentration. Miss. Tomlinson pricked up her ears like a dog that is not quite sure whether someone has mentioned bones. “I’m sorry – er – er- Mr. Okonkwo. But don’t get me wrong. I know this is wrong this is the wrong place to –er . . .” “I don’t think there is any point continuing this discussion,” Obi said again in English. If you don’t mind, I’m rather busy.” 98-99 Obi Okonkwo feels proud because he successfully refuses the bribes. It is so because he knows that it is hard to make that kind of decision. The decision in which can easily change his idea about corruption. After his encounter with Mr. Mark he did feel like a tiger. He had won his first battle hands-down. Everyone said it was impossible to win. They said a man expects you to accept ”kola” from him for services rendered, and until you do, his mind is never at rest. 100 Obi Okonkwo’s idea against corruption is again to be tested. Mr. Marks’s sister, Miss. Elsie Mark comes to Obi Okonkwo’s house. She approaches Obi and tries to offer a bribe. She offers her body to Obi Okonkwo in order to get the scholarship. Again, Obi refuses it firmly. “Please, Mr. Okonkwo, you must help me. I’ll do whatever you ask.” She avoided his eyes. Her voice was a little unsteady, and Obi thought he saw a hint of tears in her eyes. “I’m sorry, terribly sorry, but I don’t see that I can make any promises.” 105 Obi Okonkwo’s idea seems to be broken up when he starts to receive bribes. Obi Okonkwo does that because of the fact that he is in big problems and he is in financial difficulties. However, Obi Okonkwo’s idea about corruption makes him feel guilty. “This is terrible” he muttered. “Terrible” he said aloud. He woke up with a start in the middle of the night and he did not go to sleep again for a long time afterwards 192. Obi Okonkwo’s idea about corruption also becomes his standard in taking bribes. Obi Okonkwo firmly holds the standard and requirements in getting the scholarship. Therefore, Obi does not receive any kinds of bribes from anyone who wants to apply for the scholarship. But Obi stoutly refused to countenance anyone who did not possess the minimum educational and other requirements. On that he was unshakeable 193. Obi Okonkwo feels guilty and unhappy even though his financial difficulties have gone. In due course he paid off his bank overdraft and his debt to the Hon. Sam Okoli, M. H. R. The worst was now over, and Obi ought to have felt happier. But he didn’t 193. People say that taking bribes is not a big thing and they used to do it but Obi Okonkwo feels that he does not like taking bribes; he feels that he is uncomfortable doing that. People say that one gets used to these things, but he had not found it like that at all 193. The author’s direct comments, Obi Okonkwo’s reactions toward the various situations and events, and his thought give explanation that Obi Okonkwo is an idealistic person. Even though in the end of the story Obi Okonkwo is not as idealistic as in the beginning of the story because he decides to take bribes but his feeling guilty, unhappy and uncomfortable has shown that he is still an idealistic person.

4. Responsible