Dishonest The Description of Obi Okonkwo

Besides Obi Okonkwo’s background before his going to England, there are some reasons why Obi Okonkwo is considered as a smart person. After his return from England, there is a reception to welcome Obi Okonkwo. On this occasion, the welcome address states that the Umofia Progressive Union state that Obi Okonkwo has great success in education. “Sir, we the officers and members of the above-named Union present with humility and gratitude this token of our appreciation of your unprecedented academic brilliant. . . .” 36. Obi Okonkwo’s smartness is proved by his speech on the occasion. On the occasion, Obi Okonkwo has a chance to give a speech to the audience. Obi Okonkwo uses this chance to give the audience the idea of the value of education. Obi Okonkwo speech about education shows that Obi Okonkwo is smart because he has a wide view of education. He told them about the value of education. “Education for service, not for white-collar jobs and comfortable salaries. With our great country on the threshold of independence, we need men who are prepared to serve her well and truly.” 37 From the author’s direct comments, character as seen by another, and the character’s speech, it can be seen that Obi Okonkwo is a smart person. He is smart so that he deserves the chance to study in England. In addition, his smartness enables him to be considered as an excellent and brilliant person. Obi Okonkwo is a smart and knowledgeable person.

2. Dishonest

Obi Okonkwo is considered as a dishonest person even though he did it not to hurt his father. One day Obi has a conversation with his father. His father is a very religious person so that he asks Obi Okonkwo to have worship in a church. Obi states that it is not necessary and finds any reason for it because he is no longer religious. However, Obi Okonkwo does not tell the truth to his father. Obi thought: “What happen if I stood up and said to him: “Father, I no longer believe in your God?’ He knew it was impossible to do it, but he just wondered what would happen if he did it 65. Obi is not only dishonest about being unreligious but also tells a lie to his father when his father asks him whether he read Bible or not while he was in England. “Did you have time to read your Bible while you were there?” There was nothing for it but to tell a lie. Sometimes a lie was kinder than the truth. Obi knew why the question had been asked. He had read his verses so badly at prayer that evening. “Sometimes,” he replied, but it was the Bible written in the English language.” 65 Obi Okonkwo thinks that sometimes being dishonest is good. He thinks so not to make another person knows that he is in a difficulty even he does not let his lover knows about it. Obi Okonkwo’s being dishonest makes him quarrel with his lover, Clara. That evening he had a serious disagreement with Clara. He had not wanted to tell her about the overdraft, but as soon as she saw him she asked what the matter was. He tried to fob her off with some excuse. Clara’s way of getting anything from him was not to argue but refuse to talk. And as she usually did three-quarters of the talking when they were together, the silence soon became too heavy to bear. Obi would then ask her what the matter was, which was usually the prelude to doing whatever she wanted. “Why didn’t you tell me?” she asked when he had told her about the overdraft. “Well, there was no need. I’ll pay it easily in five monthly installments.” “That’s not the point. You don’t think I should be told when you’re in difficulty.” “I wasn’t in difficulty. I wouldn’t have mentioned it if you hadn’t pressed me.” 116 Obi Okonkwo thoughts and his speech help the readers to find out that Obi Okonkwo is a dishonest person. Here, the reader can also understand the reasons why Obi Okonkwo is dishonest.

3. Idealistic