Chapter reports Mini research based paper

5. Evaluation The evaluation will be based on the following components:

1. Chapter Reports : 1 point 2. Mini research based paper : 2 points 3. Final Test : 2 points 4. Table Manner Group Report : 1 point The points will become the basis for further proportioning the scores, which will result in a range of 1.00 to 4.00. Grading policy will then be based on the following criteria: A : 3.50 – 4.00 B : 2.80 – 3.49 C : 2.50 – 2.79 D : 2.00 – 2.49 E : 2.00 Note:  To be entitled to a grade, students have to attend at least 80 of the sessions.  Only 10-minute lateness will be tolerated.  MobileCellular phone should be turned off during the session.  The criteria above are still subject to change. Adjustment will be made when students’ score distribution is not normal.  Plagiarism will not be tolerated and will result in severe penalties. Each of the components for evaluation is further elaborated below.

a. Chapter reports

Students are required to write a chapter report on every chapter discussed prior to coming to the classroom. The chapter report has to cover the main points of the chapter discussed in every session.

b. Mini research based paper

Students are required to write a mini research based paper on a topic relevant to the issues discussed in the course, specifically on language and culture. The scoring for this paper will be based on the following rubric. ASPECTS CONTENTS SCORE Abstract Burning issues Objectives Methodology Findings Sub Total 2 2 2 2 8 Body Introduction Burning issues Objectives of the research A brief theoretical foundation Relevant previous research Thesis statement Sub Total 1 1 1 1 2 6 Literature Review Recent publication 10 years; journal and book Theories relevant to the objectives of the research Related previous research Synthesis Sub Total 1 2 1 1 5 Research Methodology Design Data collection Data analysis Sub Total 2 2 2 6 Findings and Discussion Data presentation to answer research questions Interpretation to the findings Conclusion Recommendation Sub Total 2 2 1 1 6 Citation Appropriateness 5 Language Grammar Coherence Sub Total 2 2 4 TOTAL SCORE 40 The total score will be further proportioned and converted to be accumulated for grading.

c. Final test.