Purpose of the Study Significance of the Study Outline of the Study

2 How effective is the use of Lego as a learning medium in boosting students‟ mastery of preposition of place? 3 How do the students and the teacher perceive the use of Lego in teaching and learning process?

1.4 Purpose of the Study

The purposes of the study are to find out: 1 The use of Lego as a learning medium to boost students‟ mastery of preposition of place. 2 The effectiveness of using Lego as a learning medium in boosting students‟ mastery of preposition of place. 3 The perception of the students and the teacher about Lego as a medium to boost students‟ mastery of preposition of place.

1.5 Significance of the Study

The significances of the study are: 1 The elementary school students could learn English in an interesting way and improve their achievement in mastering preposition of place. 2 The result of the study can be useful for English teacher as additional information especially in developing various techniques in teaching English for children.

1.6 Outline of the Study

This report is divided into five chapters. The following is the overview of the report. Chapter I is the introduction. It consists of background of the study, reason for choosing the topic, research questions, objectives of the study, significance of the stud, and outline of the report. Chapter II is review of related literature which presents theories from some experts that support this research. Those are about preposition, media, Lego, young learne r‟s characteristics, action research, and about this study. Chapter III is method of investigation. In this chapter, the method of the study which was important as a guideline to attain the objectivity of the study is elaborated. It covers subject of the study, method of collecting data, research design, procedure of the study, data analysis, validity issue in qualitative research, and criterion assessment. Chapter IV deals with result of the study, that consists of the method of using Lego as medium in te aching preposition of place, students‟ mastery of preposition of place before and after using Lego as a medium in learning preposition of place, and students‟ and teacher‟s perception of Lego as a medium to boost students‟ mastery of preposition of place. Chapter V is conclusions and suggestions. It presents some conclusions about the research that have been reported on the previous chapters and give some suggestions as the contribution to support the teaching-learning process. 8 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE In this chapter, I present theories from some experts that support this research. Those are about preposition, media, Lego, young learner‟s characteristics, action research, and about this study.

2.1 General Concept of Preposition