Subject of the Study Method of Collecting Data

Figure 3.1 The „action research spiral‟ Kemmis and McTaggart 1988: 14 in Hopkins 2002:46

3.2 Subject of the Study

The study was conducted at SD Negeri Donorejo 1 Karangtengah Demak. The subject of this study was the fifth graders of SD Negeri Donorejo 1 Karangtengah Demak Academic Year 20102011. The class consisted of 49 students; 20 girls and 29 boys, but the subject of this study would only consist of 46 students since there was a student who was absent in the pre-test and 2 students who were not present in post test. I choose the fifth grade students of SD Negeri Donorejo 1 Karangtengah Demak as the subject of my study because of the consideration that fifth graders have studied English in their previous grade.

3.2 Method of Collecting Data

In conducting the research, a researcher needs instrument to collect the data. Instruments or tool for gathering data in research are of two categories or kinds Treece and Treece: 49 in Hartoyo 2010:141 1 Mechanical devices Mechanical devices include almost all tools used in the physical sciences. 2 Clerical tools Clerical tools are used when the researcher studies people and gathers data on the feelings, emotions, attitudes, and judgments of the subject. In this research, I used the following data collection methods: 1 Observation sheet Observation sheet was used to know the students‟ activities, attention, and responses during the teaching and learning process and to record events happen in the class. My observation sheet was used to know: 1 how the students‟ responses towards the lesson and the teacher, 2 how the students‟ responses towards the learning medium. 2 Teaching journal Teaching journal was used to record what I saw and felt during the teaching learning process. It covers: 1 which parts of the teaching ran well, 2 which parts of the teaching didn‟t work as expected, 3 what area I should improve, 4 how I should improve. 3 Test Test technique is used to measure the students‟ achievement as an indicator of progress toward educational objectives set for the students. The tests conducted in this study were pre test and post-test. The pre-test was given to know how far the students master English preposition of place. The post test was conducted to know the improvement of students‟ achievement in mastering English preposition of place after having learning process using Lego as learning medium. 4 Questionnaire Questionnaire is a written or printed list of questions to be answered by a number of people, esp. as part of a survey Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary: 1995. Meanwhile, Arikunto 2006:128 says that a questionnaire is a number of written questions which are used to gain information from the respondents about themselves or their knowledge, belief etc. In this research, the questionnaire is used to find out: a. The students‟ interest and problem faced in learning preposition of place using Lego. b. The sustainability of the program conducted during the action research. c. The advantages that the students gained after learning preposition of place using Lego as medium. The questionnaire was given to the students after they finished doing the post test. 5 Interview Interview is a dialogue which is done by the interviewer to get information from the interviewee Arikunto, 2006: 132. The interview is used to get the information about the students‟ interest, what they like and dislike about the teaching and learning process. The interview was given to the students after they have finished doing the post test and filling out the questionnaire. An interview was also given to the teacher to know her opinion towards the teaching and learning process.

3.4 Procedure of the Study