





The writer would like to express her deep devotion and thanks to the almighty Allah SWT, for everything that has given to the writer in completing her academic studies and this thesis. Shalawat and Salam to Prophet Muhammad Shallallahualaihiwasallam as the messenger that he has brought the humans from the darkness to the lightness.

In the process of completing this thesis, there are many people who have assisted her with advice and suggestions, it would be impossible to name all at some deserve the honor to be noted.

Firstly, the writer would like to express her gratitude to Professor. Dr. Sumarsih, M.Pd., as her first adviser for the guidance, assistant, encouragement and valuable suggestions and critics from these great heroes in education, in the process of writing this thesis.

Secondly, the writer would like to express her gratitude to Professor. Dr. Sri Minda Murni, MS, as her second adviser for his available spent time for consultation, great supervision and full support in shaping this thesis.

The writer would also like to express her gratitude to the head of English Applied Linguistics Program, Dr. Rahmad Husein, M.Ed., and his secretary Professor. Dr. Sri Minda Murni, MS and Farid Ma’ruf who has assisted her in the process of administration requirement during the process of her study in the postgraduate program.

She would like to take special occasion to express her gratitude to Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning,M.Pd., Dr. Rahmad Husein, M. Ed., and Dr. Siti Aisyah Ginting, M.Pd., being her reviewers and examiners for the valuable inputs to be include in this thesis. Furthermore, she would like to express her high appreciation to all lectures of English Applied Linguistics


Study Program UNIMED Medan, who have shared their knowledge and experience during her studies.

The writer’s special appreciate go to her beloved parents H. Damsyik Siregar and Hj. Arnita Maslen Nasution, her beloved sister Zulaika Siregar, Hermaiyah Siregar,Muthmainnah Siregar and my little sister Mawaddah Siregar for their great prayers, love and support. A special thank to her beloved boyfriend, Irfan Yusuf Dalimunthe, for his great attention, love,and support.

The writer also appreciate a thankfulness for all her colleagues especially in class A of English Applied Linguistics in take XXIII,and the other friends who gave thought, support in order to completing this thesis.

Medan, March 2016

Syarifah Siregar



Siregar. Syarifah. Code Mixing in Cross-Cultural Communication of Junior High School Students of Al Kautsar. Thesis. English Applied Linguistics Study Program. Postgraduate School. State University of Medan (UNIMED). 2016

This study investigated code mixing in cross-cultural communication of Junior High School students of Al Kautsar. The objectives of the study namely: 1) To identify types of mixing that used in cross-cultural communication. 2) To find out the function of code-mixing used in cross-cultural communication. 3) To identify types of socio-cultural meaning that used in cross-cultural communication.4) To elaborate the main reasons of code-mixing used in cross-cultural communication. This research was conducted by descriptive qualitative research. So, the transcripts were analyzed based on content (documentary data recorded). The participants were 10 students in different ethnic. The data were students’ utterances in different ethnic that have taken from school environment. The findings showed that several types of code mixing ,i.e word insertion, phrase inserion, clause insertion, and tag mixing occured in cross-cultural communication. Word insertion is dominantly mixed by the students in daily conversation. After that tag mixing, phrase insertion, and clause insertion. The function of code mixing in cross-cultural cmmunication namely as; 1) communication strategy, 2) expression personality or community, 3) style. And there were some types of socio-cultural meaning in cross-cultural communication, they are; 1) a unique group solidarity, 2) a special register, 3) self esteem. And the main reasons of using code mixing in cross-cultural communication were: 1) being emphatic something (express solidarity. 2) interjection. 3) expressing group identity 4) and to soften or strengthen request or command.



Siregar. Syarifah. Code Mixing in Cross-Cultural Communication of Junior High School Students of Al Kautsar. Tesis. Program Studi Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris. Sekolah Pascasarjana. Universitas Negeri Medan (UNIMED). 2016

Penelitian ini menginvestigasi campur kode bahasa pada komunikasi antar budaya pada siswa MTs di Pesantren Al-Kautsar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: 1) untuk mengidentifikasi jenis campur kode bahasa yang digunakan pada komunikasi antar budaya. 2) untuk menemukan fungsi campur kode yang digunakan pada komunikasi antar budaya. 3) ) untuk mengidentifikasi jenis arti budaya sosial yang digunakan pada komunikasi antar budaya untuk menguraikan alasan-alasan campur kode yang digunakan pada komunikasi antar budaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Jadi, transkrip dianalisis berdasarkan isi data (dokumentasi rekaman). Partisipan penelitian ini terdiri dari 10 orang siswa dengan suku yang berbeda. Data merupakan ujaran-ujaran siswa dengan suku yang berbeda yang diambil dari lingkungan sekolah. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat beberapa jenis campur kode seperti; word insertion, phrase insertion, clause insertion, dan tag mixing digunakan oleh siswa dalam komunikasi antar budaya dengan suku yang berbeda. Word insertion adalah jenis campur kode yang dominan digunakan oleh siswa dalam percakapan sehari-hari. Dan setelah itu adalah tag mixing, phrase insertion dan clause insertion. Fungsi campur kode dalam komunikasi antar budaya adalah: 1) strategi komunikasi, 2) ungkapan perorangan atau komunitas, 3) gaya. Dan terdapat juga beberapa tipe makna budaya sosial yaitu: 1) sebuah kekompakan khusus kelompok, 2) keanekaragaman khusus,dan rasa harga diri. Dan alasan utama mereka mencampur kodekan bahasa daerah mereka adalah 1) untuk mengungkapkan solidaritas (keakraban), 2) interjeksi 3) menunjukkan identitas kelompok,dan 4) untuk memperlembut atau menegaskan sebuah permintaan atau perintah.










1.1Background of Study ... 1

1.2 Problems of Study ... 6

1.3 The objectives of the Study ... 7

1.4 The Scope of the Study ... 7

1.5 The Significance of the Study ... 8


2.1.1 Theoretical Framework ... 9

2.1.2 Bilingualism ... 9

2.1.3 Code Mixing ... 11

2.1.4 Types of Code Mixing ... 12

2.1.5 Functions of Code Mixing ... 14

2.1.6 The types of Socio-Cultural Meaning ... 16 Sign of Positive Self Esteem ... 17 Sign of Low self Esteem ... 18

2.1.7 The reasons of Using Code Mixing ... 19

2.1.8 Cross-cultural Communication ... 22

2.1.9 Junior high school students of Alkautsar ... 23


vi Aceh language ... 24 Batak language ... 24

2.2. Relevant studies ... 26

2.3 Conceptual framework ... 29


3.1 Research Design... 34

3.2 Subjectse of the study ... 35

3.3 Instrument of Collecting Data ... 35

3.4 Procedures of Collecting Data ... 35

3.4 Technique of Analyzing Data ... 36

3.5 Trustworthiness ... 38


4.1Data Analysis ... 40

4.1.1 The Types of Code Mixing in Cross-Cultural Communication... 42’ Utterances of Word Insertion ... 42’ Utterances of Phrase Insertion ... 43’ Utterances of Clause Insertion ... 43’ Utterances of tag mixing ... 43

4.1.2 The Function of Using Code-Mixing in Cross-Cultural Communication ... 45 Strategy ... 45 of personality or community ... 46 ... 47

4.1.3 The types of Socio-Cultural Meaning in cross-cultural communication ... 47 A unique Group solidarity ... 47 A Special Register... 48 Self-Esteem ... 48



4.2 Findings... 50

4.3 Discussion ... 51


5.1 Conclusion ... 55

5.2 Suggestion ... 56








Appendix 1 The Utterances of Junior High School Students of Al Kautsar ... 60

Appendix 2 Types of Code Mixing ... 66

Appendix 3 Types of Socio-cultural Meaning ... 73

Appendix 4 Questionnaire ... 81

Appendix 5 Interview ... 82

Appendix 5 List of Students’ Identities ... 83


1 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1The Background of Study

Language is human phenomena, because language is the basic thing to communicate one to other. Language also builds one culture in a specific areas, it means that one area has their own language to interact each other as one society. For instance, every area in Indonesia has its own language. Such as; Jakarta uses Betawi language, Yogyakarta uses Java language, Bandung uses Sunda language, Medan uses Batak language, and Banda Aceh uses Aceh language. According to Holmes (2002) every language represents the temple in which speaker’s soul is his/her devotee. It seems that everything related to human life in the society involves language because through the language the interaction among tribes, ethnic groups, and religions can happen.

The term intercultural may also refer to communication between two people from different ethnic, social, gendered cultures within the boundaries of the same national language. Conversations involving culturally different speakers are more likely to go wrong than those involving people who share the same cultural. Hence, code mixing may occur in cross cultural communication.So, here The writer takes a preliminary data of Al Kautsar students in different ethnics in classroom interaction.



Acehnese : Balqiz minjam bukumu dulu yoh. (tag mixing) (Balqiz,may I borrow your book?)

Bataknese : Buku apa yang mau kau pinjam? ( What book do you want?)

Acehnese : Dah teh minjam buku Bahasa Indonesia. (tag mixing) ( Well, just give me the book of Bahasa Indonesia?) Bataknese: Itupun nadong. (Word insertion)

(I don’t have it)

Bataknese: Ambil boh. (tag mixing) (Just take it)

Acehnese: Mrs, apa ke artinya itu? (tag mixing) (Mrs,What does it’s meaning?)

The previuos data showed that each etnic is mixing their language based on their region. For example, Acehnese said that “Yoh” it words means “Lah” in Bahasa and its function as ‘identity marking’. And Bataknese said”

nadong” it word means “ tidak ada” and its also as ‘identity marking’. Here,

each etnics mixed their language in their daily conversation because their assume that the interlucator understand what the speaker means. Hence, one of the factor of they mix their language are the speaker partner and the situation.

In the example above, the words of yoh, teh, is an example of inner code mixing which is also usually used by the Acehnese in the daily conversation. And the word of boh is also an example of inner code mixing which is usually used by the Bataknese in the daily conversation.

In the sociolinguistics, the phenomenon of mixing language to another language is called as code-mixing. There are two kinds of code-mixing, namely; (a). Inner code-mixing that means as a mixing from the original language with all the variants (standard-nonstandard or formal-informal)or it can be a mixing of traditional language with bahasa Indoensia, and (b) outer code-mixing that means



as a mixing occurs from another language (foreign language). In Indonesia, the two kinds of mixing occcur, people sometimes insert the grammatical units in traditional language into bahasa Indonesia. Besides that, they also inserted grammatical unit of foreign language into bahasa Indonesia. In some cases, the mixing between standard and nonstandard or formal and informal also occurs.

Some linguists have given their definitions of code-mixing. According to Sridhar and Sridhar Code-mixing is the transition from using linguistics units (words,phrases,clauses,etc.) of one language to using those of another within a single sentence. Thus, words,phrases, or clauses of one language are inserted into another language. Then, Wardhaugh (1986:104) argues that code mixing occurs when conversant uses both languages together to the extent that they change from one language to the other in the course of a single utterance. A single utterance here can be a word or phrase. Kachru (1982:39) stated that there are some types that are involved in code-mixing. Namely; Unit insertion, Unit Hybridization, Sentence insertion, Idiom and Collocation insertion and Reduplication.

Alkhresheh (2015) studies about Code Switching and Mixing of English

and Arabic amongst Arab Students at Aligarh Muslim University in India. The

findings of the research show that the majority of Arab students at AMU do code switch/ mix to English in their daily conversations. The students at AMU are mostly bilingual and they tend to code switch/mix towards English and Urdu in their speech., and the reasons of Arab students at AMU do code switch and mix to English refer to the lack of knowledge in English.



Sumarsih, et al (2014) study the phenomenon of Code Switching and Code

Mixing in Indonesia: Study in Sociolinguistics. Her research shows that in the

province of North Sumatera are code switching and code mixing in the three levels of language and the most numerous is the “word level” which reached 57.3% of the overall data. Later in the second position is occupied by phrases levels is equal to 40.4% of the overall data. Then the least is at the level of the sentence with a frequency 17.3%.

Kia (2011) discussed about Code-Mixing of English in the Entertainment

News of Chinese Newspaper In Malaysia. And he found from 1000 sentences

applied in the entertainment news of the Chinese newspaper in Malaysia. Those data show that 281 various English Words were mixed into the sentences in Chinese. The most commonly used parts of speech in the sentences are 99 common nouns,72 proper nouns,47 adjactives,38 verbs,and 19 abbreviations.

Claros & Isharyanti (2009) study about Code Switching and Code Mixing

in Internet Chatting: between ‘yes’, ‘ya’, and ‘si’ a Case Study. They found that

Indonesian participants shifted code more often than Spanish participants. While Spanish speakers switched code 116 times, Indonesians switched code 174 times. The function of the language that triggered the most code switching occurences is confirming (21%). The confirming, the top-three topics and functions of the language that triggered the most code switching and code mixing occurrences are: farewell (11%), computer related terms (10%), academics (9%), and sports (6%) regardless of language background. While Spanish-speaking participants tended to shift code when a discussion on academics (17%) and computer-related terms



(14%) took place as well as when saying goodbye (9%), Indonesians shifted code when functions of the language such as saying goodbye (23%) and topics such as sports (19%), feelings, and computer-related terms (13%) were triggered. And both Indonesian and Spanish participants used more insertion than alternation or congruent lexicalization.

Dongoran (2004) discussed about Face in Interethnic Communication and he found there are several problems in interethnic communication cannot be solved by the obvious but too simple solution that each group learns the other’s code. Since multiple groups and multiple codes are typical, solutions must be sought at a level higher than that of communication between two groups. 1). gatekeeping encounters 2). Communicative style as discourse. Here are Five aspects of discourse namely; 1)Distribution of talk, turn exchange. 2) Topic control. 3) Information structure. 4) Frames, schemata, scripts. 5)The presentation of self.

The previous study shows that there are some findings of different researcher,namely;1) Alkhresheh’s finding show that the reasons of Arab students at AMU do code switch and mix to English refer to the lack of knowledge in English. 2) Osoba& Osoba’s findings that code mixing is not an evidence of internal mental confusion, or the inability to separate two languages, but a kind of style brought about by modernization, westernization and globalization. The major reasons are ‘ to carry their targeted audience along’, to make their written plays relevant in this new millennium both thematically and stylistically and to create a kind of style that is already in vogue among the educated elite in society.



3) Sumarsih’s findings shows that in the province of North Sumatera are code switching and code mixing in the three levels of language and the most numerous is the “word level”. Later in the second position is occupied by phrases level Then the least is at the level of the sentence.4) Kia’s findings from 1000 sentences applied in the entertainment news of the Chinese newspaper in Malaysia. Those data show that 281 various English Words were mixed into the sentences in Chinese. The most commonly used parts of speech in the sentences are 99 common nouns,72 proper nouns,47 adjactives,38 verbs,and 19 abbreviations.

Based on the writer preliminary data shows that there are 4 tag mixing and 1 word. While, the function of code-mixing as identity marking and the factors are speaker partner and situation. Based on these five findings there is some difference.Hence, the researcher is interested to find out what types of code-mixing occur in cross-cultural communication. Besides, the researcher also investigated the function, types of socio-cultural meaning in cross-cultural communication and why they mix their region language in cross-cultural communication.

1.2The Problem of the Study

Based on the previous explanation,the problem of the study can be formulated in the following questions:

1) What types of code-mixing used in cross-cultural communication? 2) What function of code mixing used in cross-cultural communication? 3) What types of socio-cultural meaning occured in cross-cultural



4) Why do the students mix their vernacular language in cross-cultural communication?

1.3The Objective of the Study

Based on the formulation of the research problem above, the research objectives can stated as follows:

1. To identify types of code-mixing that used in cross-cultural communication.

2. To find out the function of code-mixing used in cross-cultural communication.

3. To identify types of socio-cultural menaing that occured in cross-cultural communication.

4. To explain the main reasons of code-mixing used in cross-cultural communication.

1.4The Scope of the Study

This study is limited on the utterances of Acehnese and Bataknese of Junior High School students of Al Kautsar. The communication of Acehnese and Bataknese can be observed and calculated by analyzing all that utterances by several students. The utterances are the data communication will find in transcriptions of the recording.



1.5The Significance of the Study

This research is expected to have both theoretical and practical significance for the readers.

A. Theoretically:

1. The findings of this research are expected to provide new contribution to the theory of code-mixing in cross cultural communication.

2. An inspiration for the other researcher to conduct further research related to code-mixing in cross cultural communication.

3. Guiding information for the university students who are interested in studying code-mixing.

4. Provide the researcher and the reader with some knowledge about code-mixing of cross-cultural communication.

B. Practically:

1. Students of language and culture in communication field, the study can be used as a reference to enhance their cross-cultural communication.

2. English teacher in language and culture specifically in communication field, the study is as information to enhance in instructional process.






After analyzing and drawing all types of code mixing of students’ utterances in different ethnic. The researcher draws the conclusion as follow:

1. There are several types of code mixing ( word insertion 68 , tag mixing 9, phrase insertion 6, and clause insertion 2 ) found in students’ utterances in different ethnic and word insertion was used dominantly by the students from several different ethnic.

2. There are some functions of code mixing (communication strategy, expression personality or community, and style.) found in cross-cultural communication of junior high school students of A Kautsar.. 3. The reasons of using code mixing in cross-cultural communication

namely; 1) being emphatic something (express solidarity. 2) interjection. 3) expressing group identity 4) To soften or strengthen request or command and All of these reasons in line with the theory, but the researcher found new reasons that occured in cross-cultual comunication namely; habit of using their region language.

4. And there were some types of socio-cultural meaning in cross-cultural communication, they are; 1) a unique group solidarity, 2) a special register, 3) self esteem. It means the students done a cross-cultural



cohesion : integrating group members of ethnic group, and delienate social distance.


After see the result of the study, the researcher would like to offer some suggestions as follow:

1. It is advisable for the students to use their vernacular language in daily conversation although with different ethnic in order to make or share their languages each other.

2. It is also suggested to the school environment (teacher, parent) to support cross-cultural communication in order each ethnic can receive and understand each other that will make them closer.

3. It is suggested to the next researcher and the students of English Applied Linguistics to do further research about the code mixing in cross-cultural communication between genders and age groups or the phonology in cross-cultural communication under the code mixing theory or supported by the other linguistics theories. It is needed to better understand these phenomena in synchronous forms of communication.

4. And also to the next researcher and the students of English Apllied Linguistics to do further research about socio-cultural meaning especially about self esteem in different age or between gender.




Alkhresheh, A. M. M. (2015) Code Switching and Mixing of English and Arabic amongst Arab Studnets at Aligarh Muslim University in India.

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 5 Bogdan, C. R. & Biklen, S. K (1982). Qualitative Research for Education (2nd

ed.) Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Crystal. D. (1989).” Pragmatics” The Cambridge Encyclopedia of language (2nd

ed). Cambridge: CUP.

Denzin, N. K.& Lincoln, Y.S. (1994). Handbook of Qualitative Research. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publication.

Dongoran, H. T. (2004). Face in Interethnic Communication. Linguistik Terapan. Jurnal Linguistik Terapan Pascasarjana Unimed.

Ervin, T. (1972).“ On Sociolinguistics Rules: Alternation and Co-occurance” In Gumperz and Hymes (1972). Directions in Sociolinguistics: The Ethnographv of Communication New York: Holt. Rinchart and Winston. Erickson, F. (1976). Gatekeeping Encounters: a social selection process. In

Sanday, P.R

Fishman, J. A. (1968). Readings in Sociology of Language. The Haque: Mouton. Ginting. D. (2012). Code-mixing in Suara Anda Interactive Program on Metro

TV. Medan : Pascasarjana Unimed.

Gong, T. et al (2013) Construction of Cross-Cultural Identity by Language Choice and Linguistic Practice: A Case-Study of Mixed Hong Kong-Mainland Identity in University Contexts. Open Journal of Modern Linguistics.( journal/ojml)

Gumperz, J. J. (1982). Discourse Strategies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.



Hasna, Y. (2013) Code Switching in Short Message Service Through Mobile Phone. Medan: Pascasajana Unimed.

Ho, J. W. Y. (2007). Code Mixing: Linguistic Form and Sociocultural Meaning. The International Journal of Thao Le and Quynh Le (

Holmes, J. (2001). An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. Essex: Pearson Education Hoffman, C. (1991) . An Introduction to Bilingualism Chapter 2. London:


Kia, S. L. (2011). Code-mixing of English in the Entertainment News of Chinese Newspaper in Malaysia.Malaysia.

Kurniasy, D. (2011). Code Mixing Among Students of Bilingual Islamic School Ta’dib Al-Muallimin Al-Islami In Medan.Medan: Pascasarjana Unimed. Linconl, Y. S. And Egon G. G. (1985) . Naturalistic Inquiry. California: Sage. Miles, B. M, Huberman, A. M, & Saldafia, J. (2014). Qualitative Data Analysis:

a Methods Sourcebook. Edition 3. USA: SAGE Publication

Naipospos, B. R. (2015) Code Switching in Teaching English o Grade Nine Students of Junior High School at Perguruan Sisimangaraja Tanjung Balai. Medan: Pascasarjana Unimed.

Nababan, P. W. J. (1993). Sociolinguistics:’Sebuah Pengantar’.Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Osoba, K. B. & Osoba, A. G. (2014) Code Mixingin Selected Plays of the New Generation Yoruba Playwrights. International Journal of language and Literature (ed.

Ohoiwutun. P. (1997) Sosiolinguitik: Memahami bahasa dalam konteks masyarakat dan kebudayaan. Visipro Divisi Kesaint Blanch: Jakarta. Scollon, S. B. K. (1982) . Socialization to Non-intervention and its Relation to



Schermerborn. J. J. R. (1992). Management for Produvtivity (4thed) New York:

John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

Suwito. (1984). Sosiolinguistik Pengantar Awal. Surakarta: Universitas Sebelas Maret.

Sumarsih, et al (2014) Code Switching and Code Mixing in Indonesia: Study in Sociolinguistics.

Strauss in Ary. D. Introduction to Research in Education.(2nd ed). Holt. Rinehart

and Winston.

Tannen, “The Pragmatic of Cross-Cultural Communictaion.” Applied Linguistics (1984:3.189)

Trudgill, P. And Fishman, W. (1986). Sociolinguistics: An Introduction to language and Society. New York: Penguin Book.

Wardhaugh. R (1986). An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. Moution New York:Mouton Publisher.



1.5The Significance of the Study

This research is expected to have both theoretical and practical significance for the readers.

A. Theoretically:

1. The findings of this research are expected to provide new contribution to the theory of code-mixing in cross cultural communication.

2. An inspiration for the other researcher to conduct further research related to code-mixing in cross cultural communication.

3. Guiding information for the university students who are interested in studying code-mixing.

4. Provide the researcher and the reader with some knowledge about code-mixing of cross-cultural communication.

B. Practically:

1. Students of language and culture in communication field, the study can be used as a reference to enhance their cross-cultural communication.

2. English teacher in language and culture specifically in communication field, the study is as information to enhance in instructional process.



After analyzing and drawing all types of code mixing of students’ utterances in different ethnic. The researcher draws the conclusion as follow:

1. There are several types of code mixing ( word insertion 68 , tag mixing 9, phrase insertion 6, and clause insertion 2 ) found in students’ utterances in different ethnic and word insertion was used dominantly by the students from several different ethnic.

2. There are some functions of code mixing (communication strategy, expression personality or community, and style.) found in cross-cultural communication of junior high school students of A Kautsar.. 3. The reasons of using code mixing in cross-cultural communication

namely; 1) being emphatic something (express solidarity. 2) interjection. 3) expressing group identity 4) To soften or strengthen request or command and All of these reasons in line with the theory, but the researcher found new reasons that occured in cross-cultual comunication namely; habit of using their region language.

4. And there were some types of socio-cultural meaning in cross-cultural communication, they are; 1) a unique group solidarity, 2) a special



cohesion : integrating group members of ethnic group, and delienate social distance.


After see the result of the study, the researcher would like to offer some suggestions as follow:

1. It is advisable for the students to use their vernacular language in daily conversation although with different ethnic in order to make or share their languages each other.

2. It is also suggested to the school environment (teacher, parent) to support cross-cultural communication in order each ethnic can receive and understand each other that will make them closer.

3. It is suggested to the next researcher and the students of English Applied Linguistics to do further research about the code mixing in cross-cultural communication between genders and age groups or the phonology in cross-cultural communication under the code mixing theory or supported by the other linguistics theories. It is needed to better understand these phenomena in synchronous forms of communication.

4. And also to the next researcher and the students of English Apllied Linguistics to do further research about socio-cultural meaning especially about self esteem in different age or between gender.



Alkhresheh, A. M. M. (2015) Code Switching and Mixing of English and Arabic amongst Arab Studnets at Aligarh Muslim University in India.

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 5 Bogdan, C. R. & Biklen, S. K (1982). Qualitative Research for Education (2nd

ed.) Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Crystal. D. (1989).” Pragmatics” The Cambridge Encyclopedia of language (2nd

ed). Cambridge: CUP.

Denzin, N. K.& Lincoln, Y.S. (1994). Handbook of Qualitative Research. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publication.

Dongoran, H. T. (2004). Face in Interethnic Communication. Linguistik Terapan. Jurnal Linguistik Terapan Pascasarjana Unimed.

Ervin, T. (1972).“ On Sociolinguistics Rules: Alternation and Co-occurance” In

Gumperz and Hymes (1972). Directions in Sociolinguistics: The

Ethnographv of Communication New York: Holt. Rinchart and Winston. Erickson, F. (1976). Gatekeeping Encounters: a social selection process. In

Sanday, P.R

Fishman, J. A. (1968). Readings in Sociology of Language. The Haque: Mouton. Ginting. D. (2012). Code-mixing in Suara Anda Interactive Program on Metro

TV. Medan : Pascasarjana Unimed.

Gong, T. et al (2013) Construction of Cross-Cultural Identity by Language Choice and Linguistic Practice: A Case-Study of Mixed Hong Kong-Mainland Identity in University Contexts. Open Journal of Modern Linguistics.( journal/ojml)

Gumperz, J. J. (1982). Discourse Strategies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.



Hasna, Y. (2013) Code Switching in Short Message Service Through Mobile

Phone. Medan: Pascasajana Unimed.

Ho, J. W. Y. (2007). Code Mixing: Linguistic Form and Sociocultural Meaning. The International Journal of Thao Le and Quynh Le (

Holmes, J. (2001). An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. Essex: Pearson Education Hoffman, C. (1991) . An Introduction to Bilingualism Chapter 2. London:


Kia, S. L. (2011). Code-mixing of English in the Entertainment News of Chinese Newspaper in Malaysia.Malaysia.

Kurniasy, D. (2011). Code Mixing Among Students of Bilingual Islamic School Ta’dib Al-Muallimin Al-Islami In Medan.Medan: Pascasarjana Unimed. Linconl, Y. S. And Egon G. G. (1985) . Naturalistic Inquiry. California: Sage. Miles, B. M, Huberman, A. M, & Saldafia, J. (2014). Qualitative Data Analysis:

a Methods Sourcebook. Edition 3. USA: SAGE Publication

Naipospos, B. R. (2015) Code Switching in Teaching English o Grade Nine Students of Junior High School at Perguruan Sisimangaraja Tanjung Balai. Medan: Pascasarjana Unimed.

Nababan, P. W. J. (1993). Sociolinguistics:’Sebuah Pengantar’.Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Osoba, K. B. & Osoba, A. G. (2014) Code Mixingin Selected Plays of the New Generation Yoruba Playwrights. International Journal of language and Literature (ed.

Ohoiwutun. P. (1997) Sosiolinguitik: Memahami bahasa dalam konteks masyarakat dan kebudayaan. Visipro Divisi Kesaint Blanch: Jakarta. Scollon, S. B. K. (1982) . Socialization to Non-intervention and its Relation to


Schermerborn. J. J. R. (1992). Management for Produvtivity (4thed) New York:

John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

Suwito. (1984). Sosiolinguistik Pengantar Awal. Surakarta: Universitas Sebelas Maret.

Sumarsih, et al (2014) Code Switching and Code Mixing in Indonesia: Study in Sociolinguistics.

Strauss in Ary. D. Introduction to Research in Education.(2nd ed). Holt. Rinehart

and Winston.

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