Background of Study Research Problem Purpose of Study


1.1 Background of Study

Indonesian is a language which also develops like any other language because it is also developing its vocabulary. Like any other language, the development of Indonesian vocabulary is intended to express an object that does not have a suitable word as the object reference. One of the ways of developing vocabulary is by borrowing a word from another language. Kompas daily newspaper is one of the biggest national printed media in Indonesia, read by more than 1.5 million people throughout Indonesia. In its Rubrik Ekonomi or Economy Rubric, we can find various Indonesian economic terms borrowed from English. There are many borrowings words we can find in mass media because there are many foreign words coming from international terms that have no suitable translation in Indonesian although themeaning of those borrowed words sometimes have changed from the real meaning from its language which is called a meaning shift phenomenon. Based on the description above, I am interested in doing research about the meaning shift on Indonesian economic terminologies borrowed from English obtained from the Economy Rubric of Kompas daily newspaper to explain the kind of meaning change occurs on those borrowing words.

1.2 Research Problem

The analysis of the meaning change of borrowing words on the previous sub chapter is done to answer the following research problems. 1. What are the kinds of the meaning shift occurred in Indonesian economic terms borrowed from English taken from the Economy Rubric of Kompas daily newspaper? 2. What are the factors influencing the meaning shift of Indonesian economic terms borrowed from English obtained from the Economy Rubric of Kompas daily newspaper?

1.3 Purpose of Study

The purposes of understanding the kinds of meaning shift and the factors influencing the meaning shift of the Indonesian economic terms borrowed fromEnglish found in Economy Rubric of Kompas dailynewspaper are: 1. to describe how many kinds of meaning shift are found in the Indonesian economic terms borrowed from English found in the Economy Rubric of Kompas dailynewspaper; and 2. to show why the meaning shift happens in Indonesian economic terms borrowed from English found in the Economy Rubric of Kompas dailynewspaper.

1.4 Previous Study